Eden Streak #156 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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[Music] starting it eating 156 hardmode second say file no mods on did this it's like tough work being me okay I checked so many things also also [ __ ] kind of light verge areum / I'm still welcome ground a sub crown a sub crown of light crown of subs holy [ __ ] Jacob porn on lay Jacob let's do this look at my health I ain't never done seen health like that also my active item is incredibly broken guys three months to menacing meow a lot of three month or eight and Kaito seven months hey Hans first time I'm making it to the start of the stream also I 10 I 10 not Aiden I 10 dude yes remind me I'll get it one of these days guitar 23 almost two years cinder Bry 22 of run out of things to say here how does that last person's whole name not last a while ago but not sure what goes here yes like friends talk about it but I don't know what goes there didn't know where to put it's hot lock oh [ __ ] it's Elsa let it snow diamonds of pain be one with the [ __ ] pain mister on the kit cactus pretty monster butts another triple butter you got stop in triple butts feel like I'm so special two months jet copter art halo how's it going I can't believe I've been here an entire two years already keep making the wonderful content thank you for supporting me hey guys it's crazy you guys are nuts we've we've kept over a thousand subs for a long time now and I haven't even been doing like weekend streams or late-night screams you guys just you know supporting the hell out of me and I appreciate that we're almost 100,000 followers that's pretty kind of a big deal so anybody like that's just watching here pre-recorded yes but I unders definitely if you're not follow if you're not following put that button it's like one button for you it's like my life for me magical piglet tear to sex secure two subs for 14 months in all welcome back love it absolutely love that yeah [ __ ] Master Sword more like Master gourd in my pants ladies where'd you get that crown of light from the closet I'm so cute look at me all good pills right that's what virgo is all good pills but we don't get you know get to know what they are they don't show themselves to us like PhD that's the difference then kool-aid 17-month welcome back hi char ro 29 months oof 29 getting old getting old man just like let it go sharo Bella potato what's up paper plane three months in a row another triple by what what in the butt got a Cuba meet Cuba meet in my but what five cents would be ideal here not sure there's anything I can do about it though and I mean I don't Bob to find that sacrum that I know where it is this Steve first of all Papa Ryan aren't allowed months in Iran welcome back paper plane three months so I think I said that one ready and fist hey Dad mightier two wasn't showing up but I just wanted to say I love the stream I can't get enough of your videos you've inspired a lot of change in my life and I can't thank you enough feisty feisty is how you pronounce the name thank you for putting that in there wall little pat sock five months welcome back gotta keep meeting your but I mean what I didn't say that stop putting words in my mouth stop putting meat cubes of meat in my mouth well but thanks the ten dollars 55 on kids meeting people's butts and then this fifty it's like come on all right you blame me can you blame me yes silver still does L didn't fill Zelda until you guys right now on game chops radio check it out a lot of people come to me and they're like hey what's that one song from like 13 minutes on this one video and I'm like yeah I don't have the time important and it must not I don't even know I've been playing a lot of random radio stations if we'd read the radio stations it's a it's a YouTube stream whatever name 25 oh look you shiny pokemon has appeared welcome back friend Oh Stephano glaze asks what are at the Penny's floor as that person uses the pennies asked and answered we had 8 damage 1 fire rate I'm feeling good free soul hearts to red arts 3 brown farts seven white charts 14 Kmart's one paul blart sandwich king prime sub welcome milord thank you for gracing us with your presence and your prime sub gwb Jesse you Zelda and chill is so good [Music] how's it gone chat taught me something you know I want to go for these chests but like worth is it worth it is it make more sense to put this behind my ears does that look right that looks weak way better I'm like sticking I'm like where does this go it's on my ear it hurts oh hey and I put it up here in him like you look like an idiot what if you I never won a [ __ ] tiara before you TRN nuba t nuba might have been the dumbest thing i've ever said you guys were here to witness it [Music] something we got a funny one we got a funny one call the funny police Spacey 18 months in a row quite the fan of princess butts over here fellas I prefer a hut set you all saw it first screen for Bella people welcomed it that follow button we're almost a hundred thousand just get nine hundred nine thousand to be close his friends and horde there I say ninety-nine thousand we're almost there it's only ten thousand more we need to go so not ninety nine thousand closest friends 9999 close friends way easier right last one was like cool I don't have to have any friends now it's like okay I can do that Sparky gang sex it's here to sub for 15 months it seems just like yesterday dab the flu arm Herman Shan prime sub what is up obsessed fan not my favorite my favorite I'm tired low about to go to the gym again though that rhymed a little bit [Music] I know where to wear my shirt shirts uh over there it's right there can't you see it it's simply right there just got to reach out and grab it I'm gonna go by so hard maybe might be a bad use of my one remaining key but gonna like it what if there was something on sale you don't know you don't [ __ ] know you don't know you know what by the bomb and going to the did the dead did y'all I don't know what that was don't ask I'm gonna go to the deal the devil first is to do sorry you can't [ __ ] hit me I use my thing my thing oh it's shields it's not it's not it's not pills the shields but whatever forego pain oh my god [ __ ] oh great what did i misspell confer 50 Hut set this romantic music you sent in signals kappa star joker 169 handsome fella for Topher give you some money with my brand new real job for adults that I now have been watching YouTube for a while now fellas only right to express my appreciation Thank You star Juke I appreciate that a lot and congratulations sparking it to get a sub to its Common Era look at that nice well done would it be a bro maybe a bro spark my clicking bro it up right I like dark bomb he's a friend of mine Jeremiah was a bullfrog was a good friend man no just me okay let's do this Sparky thermos up again - Benny - boy one month we play fallout 76 and 20 minutes yeah probably not not I'm against it I'm rose it's a good pill can see forever is also also acceptable give me a room with the two stone chests give me some extra bombs and be a little bit of cash feisty here I want that be spot to pogchamp pogchamp pogchamp pogchamp pogchamp fall not help also not helpful please and thank you [Music] AI dollars 13 months y'all hats how are ya HIDA birthday on Sunday after birthday went to an all-you-can-eat Korean barbecue tastes amazing until you feel like you're gonna explode from all the food and beer then there you know when you like go and you get like specifically salty planet by the way 35 welcome back that's just too many I'm telling you I told you last time to stop knock it off okay 35 is just give some to other people your month Hager squid man $1 hey BOTS how do you feel about smash ultimate probably won't play cuz I've never been in a smash in my life unless my friend really gets me hooked on it and he actually teaching me how to play back to what we were talking about when you go and you get Asian food or buffalo wings and you stuff yourself so full that you couldn't possibly think to even fit anything else in your mouth and then I'm gonna get that so hard and then you're so thirsty but you can't drink water because you're gonna explode oh that's misery dad hearts oh the red hearts yeah [Music] first world problems I don't care who you are no one likes that true but totally worth it captain damn it's here 100 bits hi hello yes come to my piss I love you streams Hut's the simple guy see screams results fans love [Music] music too loud or not loud enough Wow feels good I can see forever again maybe we do have good pills was it Virgo that we got is it Randall shields and good pills that's just a bunch right too much for one man from below bedrock freamon's another three month or welcome back musics fine oh I'd pump the music but that's just me what was I gonna check oh yeah that's symbol I'm gonna like just double-check what that is cuz I'm somebody probably and the chat said something and then I just didn't see it so I'm gonna go to this tab I don't want to go to this [Music] Virgo random chance when you would take damage again if it's bill to shoot for a few seconds the chance to get an invincibility Shields affected by luck stat converts all sat down pills into stat up tails we were right it's both Virgo okay you know you're fine then like you're like better than I thought you were and I feel way better about taking all those Randall pills they've been working out from like big time the reason I caught on to that is because we had to I could see forever pills I'm pretty sure that one of them should have been a bad pill so say no luck on pills luck off a riot up you shoot me you [ __ ] die take my diamond tears you dolla Jupiter's vote a trades Divus a priestess Ace of Hearts Ace of Hearts actually could be incredibly handy right now now as handy is both of these things so you know if I had all those uh those coins I possibly would have turned them all into health it would have been kind of a good idea PewDiePie or t-series I don't even know what t-series is oh that yep yeah yep yep yep yep yep yeah yep nope loop you know yeah that's a lot of money it we like it would be nice to go over there and get that just for the money it would take money maybe weren't the one heart damage I take possibly too but if I just turn into hearts this is free Oh yeah well now I can't I gotta go get it don't put them over there you dip he's like going across these spikes a fetch [ __ ] I mean we came out way ahead there so it's like I could sit here and cry about it but you know your mind created it PewDiePie has full rivalry with t-series over the number of YouTube subs they have t-series is like VEVO for India t-series has viewbots [ __ ] booboo deck of cards no it's nice but telekinesis is apparently not as good as I thought it was since it didn't block monster oh but [Music] people dark bum I mean he does have devil horns girl that's what I like to see if that would've been a second steam sale oh mama carnation 9-month spot baby hell yeah freedom it's up carnation welcome back [Music] [Music] dark bombed Eagle Fang one is a stream getting uploaded the last one did I not upload the last one let's just keep these going all day give me seriously keep these going all day I'm down or up or down up up and down what did myself not happens this best waster did you press the share button let's go the boss of this no Jay Reich three months in a row when it's up Jay right so you're pumped about nuclear throne a Lenny cam Lenny can please let me know if you guys seem in the back sometimes I'll walk back there corporate Doge asked the question you should do a hot sloppy Allen Jarvis crooked penny you can only pick up items if you duplicate them you can only pick up items once unless you double it again interesting idea [Music] sometimes the simplest ideas like that are gonna be the ones that get picked right because like it's easy to the high did you put that in the reddit page I can't touch that got shield no I'm gonna shove my meatman mouth why shut a soul heart well half a soul or a video let's just do it I can't actually block his laser with my telekinesis kind of a telekinesis is this second-rate telekinesis is what I'm thinking lazy eye Sauron sixteen welcome back already dead let's head out says it's common era but I'm going to come back for the screening Thursday hopefully if I'm not tired as carp from the night before dude I'm so [ __ ] tired I'm like a fish like a fish [Music] hello what this mean Zhora den $1 got you dollar that's is the prettiest boy pretty boy the ball [Music] potential potential even more potential if I do a thing or two like this [Music] [Music] I'm practically Justin Timberlake more or less [Music] what number one hots I think it was 150 to 155 154 150 cent he's taller I think Justin Timberlake is taller than me you think Justin Timberlake is taller than me you think Justin Timberlake has followed me so dance oh it's always Justin Timberlake 5 1 I'm tiny smell a tub Yelp I do you think Justin Timberlake is telling me and hey how are you Bella's dining give me the nickel love and that's super nice Justin Timberlake is 1.85 meters and that in feet is what is that in that super broken stupid system yeah me and my man Ron told me he's six one yes six one huh you think doesn't seem like it's taller than me you know I'll tall I am [Music] chat was right for once the v6 one I'm six tens of GWB ch-53 I'll have a lot side to check all right let's go down to the next floor Shelley we're just taking it easy but we're winning and winning is the name of the game here I looked it up of course I'm right six-six I'm six-two Don the 14 guessing hot 676 centimeters i fluctuate between six one and six feet [Music] start of the day or end of the day you know peak that take that into account Justin Timberlake doesn't seem like you'd be tall right am i right guys okay that with my face and my crown of light and my damage and my hopes and my dreams meet Belle the potato 25 months quad is bullying me into making me ask if you're going to plea playing Mario Party today yay for 25 months welcome back I by the way hi hello welcome back and to squat stop bullying it's not nice you look like that guy thing and also probably nuts since we just played all formats I got a we gotta wait for this like you know maps to come on it they're gonna like release more maps right I think they are I think it's gonna happen I've got hope anaemic see the secret rooms here squish squish that TNT barrel right out [Music] understand are we done with that side I'd like to maybe go to the curse room we got help to do that this music is music so elevator esque [Music] dude they played chill Zelda music in my elevator I'm not shortly what floor you'll insert just just leave just leave without me so you've been on here for an hour since my sub didn't display here's some bits as past to Western it's got to be some with the share button I bet I bet if you refresh the page or something it'll ask you like hey even like write something unless it's your first month in which case can't stop me you can't stop me you thought about stopping me and you're like ah I have my transcend our mama transcendence my active item which can actually block those shots so did I really need to do that no but do you want to come say hi come here I got to your brush come here [Music] blade Lord Omega 5 months in RL e I school welcome back [Music] brush your greasy neck you little [ __ ] monster [Music] [ __ ] monster I mean the only thing he actually makes is [ __ ] he takes pet uh pebbles [Music] he takes pellets he makes [ __ ] in its hair though that's true [ __ ] in hair all of my bits for Lenny 104 beds waiting [Music] super pretty boy super pretty boy super brushed look at how much he loves this see his face right now he's like oh yeah brush me so soft he's the Safa spittin did that cop a hair before it goes in my coffee [Music] get your break before dance class you need a dog I'm gonna get a dog soon I will be getting a dog soon so that be dog blogs blog dogs the blog box [Music] that was here in my nose it's like you want some more get married before you get dog D fees many chiefs those little baby T furs what a weirdo look at him he's so satisfied he's like dad I don't care if you make me dance B show off my t fees that's cool as long as we get brushes and snuggle ease alright buddy all right you goof you donggu no dog only perrito you know what you sent me a burrito costume for my dog and I'll put it on it make Ted dog a burrito so hard more more please how do you how do you maintain a video game remix channel just remake the good the good [ __ ] I'm gonna bite squat pop a zit bite squad in that place where you can order I'm not sure I lived through that you're a wizard arey pina colada penis coladas eight months in a row one more month one more why am I not using my telekinesis might época needs our Scrooge I don't know good question I bet her mini set out thanks for the play-by-play your God what did he say [Music] not the Pina Colada 5000 followers you guys let's go [Music] what the peanut malasadas I don't know us Masada is Melisandre Chris the young one 18 months in her all welcome back 18 I was just going to say how long until the other music gets Kingdom Hearts okay we're saying I that was undertale is like I knew that was coming no Tim arts if you get yourself a dog I think a Shiba Inu would be the best for you all to everyone watching Kobol odds master blazer prime sub welcome have you know I've been thinking about Sheba but it's people up like warning me and like they're they're [ __ ] crazy so I don't know I'm unsure about its jeantel once a Irish Wolfhounds look up those things golden retriever I honestly I have to admit you guys I have to admit I love dogs [ __ ] hate golden retrievers sorry if you have one in like one German Shepherds are cool yeah pugs are mistakes I don't support the breeding of pugs because they can't breathing they're dying that's a fact corgis are also God's mistake but like a little less than pugs it's just it's cruel to even make them Huskies are way more psycho Huskies are like the definition of like I have energy and I will run away because I [ __ ] hate you but I love you but I'm gonna go I gotta go I gotta leave Dulli call is seven months around whew I thought I lost my streak Terriers are cool will we see lending riding on one if it's a wolf found use telekinesis I don't think it would save me there in that in that situation nothing use my black ruin on what deck yeah Bulldogs pugs Boston Terriers severe respiratory problems severe because of the way that we bred them it's kind of sad honestly gray your keys I don't want anything that I can kick further than a football that's no I'm not going to try to do that it's just a point spaghetti pants what's a pants $15 hey yo what's happy to be able to catch a strum nice crown lookin spiffy match my character I'm all about that match matching life Alvin a pet rock that's a beautiful statement Great Danes are cute too yeah but they only live like six years they also have problems I can't even pump the blood to their bodies you know I want a dog but I want a dog it's like a dog that like is okay closer to like a wolf I guess would be the thing I don't like how we just kind of you know took control and breed these like mistakes of gods that I can't live long can't breathe right aren't just prone to a bunch of diseases because we inbred them I don't support that I think that's like long-term animal cruelty and if you're like sitting there like why don't think too hard about it and I like these dogs like that that's fine I'm not demanding anybody else do that that's just my personal opinion [Music] why not get a bear for a while I wanted a lab but you know everything every dog it's got its problems find out who's breeding them and when where or just rescue one doesn't matter at that point that dog needs a home I get that purebred all the way a lot of stuff that came out of that Thank You mom's heart perky mom's key Wow yeah it was a solo out there anyway shut up shut your mouth rescue avoid all breeder ethical issues unless the breeders are just dumping him up on a unlike rescue homes or something I mean you're supplying you're supplying the chain at some in some way shape or form probably stop families who are not ready to take care of animals that's what we need to do people buy a dog that's what you're supposed to do it's like buy a dog that's how you live life I'm they buy a dog and I'm like I don't want this dog [ __ ] it [ __ ] bad more like batch of blueberry what is up bat you blueberry let's go I know hundred thousand followers today bat yeah I'm counting on you bring all your friends and family and your friends friends and dogs you guys have to admit I really really enjoy real machines [Music] having a good time with free roll machines should we go for a black rooting stem stuff yeah why not ah well maybe not in that maybe not that maybe we do our deal with the devil first yeah yeah yeah what we can do it because the real machine might lead us to like guppy or something you know you know you never know until you know you know oh [ __ ] spider need not affect spider day by a spider bring the [ __ ] am i listening to you hear them talk there do you wanna catch all the okay Mon coz they are some nice some Pokemon [ __ ] I guess I'll take stem cells since we don't have anything what does it do I don't remember [Music] we can do better oh you know what say the reroll machine till after you get chaos boom but is a genius we knew three months sub gifts three sub gifts I see what you mean on our beds dude we'll do whatever you want man SimCity low five y'all I'm in get me up [Music] OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP piggy net prime sub welcome welcome ah knock it off BOM said put that cardigan [Music] [Music] [Music] picking at huts you're awesome well thanks mate Seth ten months is upset open back double digits that's nice hey I Doge gifted a sub to munch welcome lunch thank you AI Doge and Zay picks just some of the prime sub sub say pics appreciate the support I can use that ah you just know the top seekers hi hey Leah or is it hi Leah glad to catch a stream once again stay awesome Utz thought that you're supporting me thank you again what makes me super [ __ ] large ten things wrong [Music] we're going for the deal of the devil any way that we can increase our odds of getting a deal with the devil was there a dude in the shop I don't member did we blow him up I don't know probably because we probably should had a 66% chance and then you have a 72 right now I'll check anyways alexia 11 months almost forgot to click the button how lame did lame what are you lame you already bought the shop guy okay I to make sure we saw a beggar that'd be even better clear the map maybe it's a beggar there's no tag yeah yeah I'll check here no good enough for me we'll get it Browdy if he got so much meat inside of him instead of his backside brownie just sucks [ __ ] hate Freddy so much I did not know there was a [ __ ] hiding underneath the red hearts [ __ ] trap man nerd has puns on her bits well hello Chad how everyone how everyone is well and I hope everyone as well and hots can you remind me of who played Forrest Gump tee-hanks Tom Hanks Jimi Hendrix yeah whatever well that seemed like some setup for some lame joke you thought some what's happening in Brazil kisses from France I am NOT off of my global news when I film the ends a pics I like never watch the news ever AI dogs get it a sub to s SCC PP 0 for 9 it's up scoop thanks eh I dodge thanks AI bruh haha feels good to be me Nova Delphine e prime sub what's up look at how beautiful look and a goop and goopy ah-ah the machine broke though like way early fire it up grade with that I'm pleased and placed charmed seed OC 9 are a catch [Music] yeah technically difference technically good enough gosh we're just beautiful snake it are from the item room I didn't do it though just a bloody bloody mouth happy Elsa let it go eat some humans John's crap 34 months what is up welcome back 34 is a lot this one's called bow zetz Castle sounds hot the shot speed with the Godhead aura [ __ ] yes full oh girl baan the mirror for more pills what if I don't want what if I want it there so I can turn it into a cannibal whenever I want to [Music] you think I'd need pills [Music] some elections in Brazil and the new president is all right guy did he get there like using shady tactics was it a [ __ ] lie maybe play some nook here a throne on stream set it once I'll say it again we're not gonna do nuclear throne until I actually get a hang of things cuz like if I all of a sudden play it for my second time on YouTube and I'm super good at it everyone's gonna say what the [ __ ] cuts this is the dumbest series ever so dad that would be my plan well problems we get there but none tell them good star get it a sub de meme oh look at that well done spelunky is on sale and I'm broke total sad I've never even played a lick of spelunky wait maybe I did maybe I did play it for like two minutes I think I might've checked it out I remember we had sack head and mom's key and how the [ __ ] to that sack squeeze into that space you [ __ ] on me dude I think you're being funny do you [Music] well I got it right now give me a shot with the copy beast and we'll be fine Godhead and guppy together in one run is kind of special did this go out did you run out of batteries oh gosh it's low on battery it's having a really hard time all items I shan't say no to these gifts of plenty [Music] no technically I asked for coffee but sure I want a spot even though someone's probably gonna sniper it anyway I also want the badge take all my bets dad love your streams and do a YouTube I'm so glad I found your channel keep doing what you're doing and stay awesome thank you cure Oliver thousand bits the B spot is yours you shall have it uh if I had chaos does that chaos them what this guy spits out right not until I / throw it maybe thousand bits you guys be spot hey old mom's contact is God I should just either blow them up or I should get him to pay out I'll see if he pays out with a Kaos title [Music] usually gives health ups that's chaos for sure the more items the better because we just want to be Guffey let's go to that challenge room that we can get into now give it to me dumpling of do three months happy to be here welcome back stop bloody nerd has puns the first computer be belonged to Adam and Eve it was an apple and only had one bite so it crashed everything I get wasted Ernie want that nope nope no [ __ ] gross it doesn't matter if we get [ __ ] for the rest of the run you guys we got Godhead via chaos so we're good we're set meaning meaning me I need to somehow get into Polaroid invincibility if this guy gives me health upgrade that's actually a good thing that's not health but that's bookworm I think [ __ ] it how do we get oh the Virgo shields I don't need this no I don't want it baby dog buns got my back he's got my six six six use the Bible on it lives no one's laughing at my joke let's no just no oh [ __ ] you guys I'm funny starved a get to the sub the chaos lord congratulations chaos Lord am I missing these sub giveaways you look like that girl with the glitter all over her face from vine elsa the blood enough more like me i'm doing all the work for you to spot banks blonde just meters you sound a little bitter they're doing all the work for you let's dammit your lazy butt [Music] there was a joke dark bombs got my six six six I'm gonna write that down means that again someday it's so good Duke Duke Duke Duke Duke do do do do doop doop um give me that gun and when I got dream oh yeah that's it yeah let's see it can we get that kind of payout that the dark bum the dark beggar I don't think so demon beggar if I even know where I'm going help me I'm lost oh we get a payout Necronomicon it's [ __ ] lame [Music] mystery sack with the save hope we have done without mystery sack hurt some spots with some sake around there Salman [ __ ] though I don't know I'm just making it up stupid map modern Luigi five months what's up modern Luigi appreciate the five months of sport I miss uh Zelda and chill can we go back to Zelda and chill can I talk the tape might give a meat on my right side thanks if I did this we just had this on repeat it's only 40 minutes though we need more oh I didn't know that was in here mint fresh boy gifted a sub the corona heck yeah chat such a bro [Music] chat bros best bro [Music] kill cloud do you kill clowns are you a clown that kills six months in a row welcome back after six months ago to know this AI does get this up to mr. dark soon they welcome dark Thank You AI Doge again fire ah I got trapped [Music] [Music] [ __ ] did flying those monsters hate him hate him Nerdist puns hundred bits I got a new pair of gloves but they were both lefties on one hand it's great for the spare on the other it's just not right starred a gifted ass out the post she welcomed Toshi welcome to the land of godless puns forsaken land original WC water closet waffle crapper it's probably waffle clever I'll get that would you clap on clap waffle waffle clapper tones don't tell me you've never heard of a waffle clapper starved a hundred bits all right cool I'll do more next week so make sure y'all stop by junk attack 25 months a lot of months you sure you can handle that many months jung-min found all this month from the yard mom can I keep if God was real than puns wouldn't exist the greatest trick the devil pod ever the Dever the denver evil pulled the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you that puns were funny grandma taught me that one recipes dabs and disgust [Music] this is just like the perfect mood today keep it chill relaxed but still crush the [ __ ] out of the game I love finding the right way to the boss that never happens to me I think God God heads even better if you try to like get your tears or just float around them for a while on the side you don't wanna shoot directly at them chopped up do chop but do chop but to dip it to chop don't forget that we have our cue meter in a right side keep enemies on the right copy police Oh [Music] so are they $20 just want to steal the D spot before I go along see you later have fun everyone hugs happy thank you starved a fantastic yes appreciate that breath dude chat bros best bro you better get your flex tape when you reach on RK followers what are we at now 90,000 in 75 we've gained like 10 yeah I'm gonna refresh to make sure that's correct we lost one now it's 74 someone's like [ __ ] you I'm out here you know like golden retrievers like a dick unfollows dabs out of anger oh never refresh you guys cursed I questioned about a black handle maybe now yeah [ __ ] it who cares [ __ ] [ __ ] wait a second I'm still shooting normally oh I haven't picked up first I hit whatever I can't see the map you guys this may be too much work that play go find it [ __ ] that Oh getting me pre-recorded Benny I [Music] started dancing when big girls don't cry came on at work [Music] oh my god Hut seated or you earned me for best beatbox try to go for that like lawn mower and afterbirth Plus who's your favorite character lost uncensored content my house have been to extreme in a while but here's a question have you ever played crawl I have not played crawl all my flies are duct-taped that's strange been fresh boy 300 bits for your later luck in the stream thanks man fresh boy everyone's dropping like tons of red hell too much too much oh we want we went all the way backwards [Music] [Music] yuck oops my that was my bad 100% I apologize let me take that son of a [ __ ] I don't want to walk back just pull you keep me on your right side and you're all set Oh [Music] [Music] do the void
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 17,732
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: LTd9p1zLFkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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