Eden Streak #172

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I'm ready are you ready let's double check mods first looks good to me Sweden 170 to go let's do it dad's love really good the bomb thing good to start with five bombs that might make a huge difference not an Excel floor thanks dad thanks dad could've got me that secret run but you know that's fine I'll take what I can get more two balls I want to drop this as soon as I possibly can cuz it's gonna get me in trouble I'm gonna forget that I have this thing I feel like a battery in a room should just like allow me to have like one free bomb or something would that be nice wouldn't that be swell dad you have a foot that can reach can you just kick that key to me please vote for YouTube this even streak this is even streak this be Adam strikes on strem interesting it's gonna get interesting hungry hungry eyes see the mood between you know something like that this is a very game breaking item game breakingly good no problems in my part there this looks like it's gonna be the secret room I got a mouth fries can't get that nickel place the same time the good turn of events I'm gonna go for the great chest I'm okay what I eat [Music] couldn't do it I got enough bombs I can make it happen and 23 cents get that thing oh my god it's so good ah said chat to no one cared oh we need a narrator you guys can I hire somebody to play Tim and a narrator props that you can do both yo [ __ ] girl damn um you know we could totally take that honestly and try to go for free shop items really good I enjoy that mucho I actually want the double items and items that on the first floor that would be amazing we're gonna get it though probably not in dream [Music] and dream getting by the pot first dad get him by the pot first dad use some bad you suck the big team ball-peen not a bad play gets rid of the detonator you're not wrong [Music] no you're not technically wrong oh I didn't get enough money I'm not sure why I turn back we're not gonna get enough money unless we get we could blow some pots up I guess but do you know what it's possible that we get the Bing this is not so good because the red tears that makes me feel like I need to dodge I'm not sure what I'm looking at the Dodge I'm sure last resorts I'm gonna use my active item first resort pageant boy get some free cash top secret room my sound seems a little bit off to me um cracked ice I actually I'm totally fine with my stats so let's not risk a da ting it's my seat by the way why for Vegeta foot job 44 PPE what if we get like a damage upgrader I'll help upgrade we want to double it in here instead well maybe sweet bro let me sick give me mom 44 PP this is really good actually I'm just gonna take it I'm not gonna risk it in five fire rate especially with this black roof aji what is it called and I remember I don't even know punk [ __ ] 44 millimeters [Music] you know we've got a lock penny there so like that feels pretty good I guess we're just gonna yellow it [Music] [ __ ] yeah that's the stuff baby boy give it to me now put from below bedrock hi Brendan Reed and ten boys oh my god hearts followed you Cho Claude hiring someone to voice me it's not like bedrock is amazing at the Tim boys okay I'll trust you there on own Tim I want that I want the grundle goodbye grundle [ __ ] me mr. me what I trade it you're damn Skippy I'm gonna trade it [ __ ] me I mean falala lalala lalala Cristian streams [Music] mr. mee has pledged so many runs it's a tough call right wait did the Machine break or could be mr. me again you technically go again can't Lee fornication under the consent that the king should I get a second mr. me there's my backpack get both why not both sweet dude I've got five keys though me and my five keys rock the [ __ ] of this game come on dad juh my own dad Chameli [Music] you had battery and the floors oops [Music] it's not read mind me so it's your fault [Music] [Music] flip the coin ask chat last chat over here all right you guys Chantal is making us both ravioli what sauce which one is that creamy basil alfredo or calm or lies onion in butter tomato sauce Alfredo for the winds is what you expect alfredo or tomato onion butter caramelized onion butter it's with ravioli tomato is a superior sauce red sauce ravioli pull butter both basil alfredo tomato butter I think you took the flip the coin night no I'd say probably it's squash ravioli you think that cream is gonna be better on squash ravioli all right all right it's been decided they're both delicious though thanks for nothing probably Alfredo on a squash pasta you want to put your red sauces on like a yeah I got like a sausage in there or something like that you know I mean the normal pasta got cheese that's just parm a song then once again cream but caramelized onion and butter have you ever heard of a more sexy tomato sauce answer's no rhetorical question chat ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli upset e spaghetti don't you forget E are you yelling at me now I would [ __ ] that sauce Christian channel please you had fornicate under the consent of the king with that sauce death look wish I get death this room death your face curse to the blind awesome I love it when you have multiple choices you have multiple choices in the item room and you're not gonna be able to see either one of them and so this is like awesome isn't it just a good feeling I just feel good this is lovely Oh even lovelier mr. meat don't suck in pain spider buddy I accept oh thank god we know the healthy spike blocks really Andy really good though just glad that you had that I feel like the spider mod should allow me to turn my own tears a different color and then be nice if they can turn them all like blue so that I could know which ones are mine did you watch Spongebob when you were a kid no this is poetry I need to answer that question okay mr. Meekin good well can mister me get that it's in the secret remote it might be missing No so probably best if we don't write best if you stick with shop shop beat [ __ ] left or right left left g/b bug and mod buddy egg they're kind of similar in a way their friends they went to school together I'm not sure they like we're really like that close but like they knew of each other you know I mean you guys know what that means miss Urmi cannot take items that don't cost things the Sham is what it is well we know what the tears down is so it's only up from here range oh and neuters there's no reroll machine in there or batteries for sale so we'll be fight put the Dukes up have my books hashtag charity makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside Thank You Marcel alarm and cozy is out of you drunk no so you're sick flag bus plague [Music] Sheldon shoe shade it's really bad you just wasted it now the thought did you do all along you gonna scream I don't know longer than this well slap my nuts did you guys hear the music all right that's something that's actually really loud on your side is that true or is that not true game volume too high yes it is really loud on your side not really no it's fine it's just it's lighting up my mixer like a lot you sure it's fine because the second it starts pumping up a beat on something else you guys gonna be wishing you spoke up okay sure real light that nickel Angelo ten months love your huts come back yeah but here's down so PhD would be nice we're doing really well I don't have longevity though [Music] get me to my shop where's my [ __ ] show my crach seven months in a row can you tell us a story dad this is the story of the ugly barnacle once it was a barnacle so ugly [ __ ] I don't know how that's gonna work [ __ ] uh-oh bad that's that's that's that's that's that's bad news got some bad news oh that's really bad just [ __ ] do what the [ __ ] doesn't split when I hit an enemy write that down how could you let my car go use the blame now what go for more charges both of those things give me extra charges pray for me donate the charity for luck [ __ ] gay grab it you piece of [ __ ] [Music] by the way greetings from Germany's is Marcel hundred beds I just looked like a lady just liked the way they looked like yeah it's a Paulson on a bit too charity there we go my Luck's going it [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you go further you need to go a little farther you're not doing it though so it just doesn't count then how do I do this oh yeah okay right what that's the spot get those coops you got those coops we go to the boss fight with the coops that's one free guaranteed kinda like the way you look I guarantee it yeah buddy genius charity look I'm telling you run drop it if you miss run wait for dad I could really use some flight probably so I can hide over top of the rocks that are gonna end up blowing up anyways yeah okay okay okay is that gonna split yeah [Music] [Music] dad major dad GP bug you're on - jesus take the wheel okay go get the a get the coops I don't know though because I would get a mr. me charge if I didn't take the coops I need one penny - I guess buy him both considered shooting more into it pass oh my fire rate - remember I did a good fire right Bighorn like Oh [Music] so much AK so much AK [Music] Oh got some foods there's my penny that's what I'm talking about so smart now me I'm a cow oh this is the plan by this use the coop first one red heart good bye this grab this go blank I will go blank are tight yeah haha yeah ah yeah can do so much more though if we want to there's so much more clean for battery drop for a battery drop hell yeah that's what I'm talking abut justice um double charge I could just use my justice get the double charge it I'd have a double double on my blank card with whatever I chose to use it on or I could just go get one penny that'll double double we could maybe check out the curse room first we just need something here double charged Tara cloth death on the right hearts are great it's a good thought Blackstone 13 months what's up PhD though remember we want that PhD pretty huge directory double-double with justice yeah but I'd have to use the justice to get the double-double I can shoot the red fires there's no one I mess with it I'm just gonna pass a pass on it I think meet a battery drop that is the first step here in this that's not far enough buddy that was definitely far enough I was wrong you were right I was less right um shrink its I can't roll with it can't even lean with it a rock with its own [Music] mom's keys hidden back there by one mister me one or mister me - I [Music] can't mister me - the lights want it by it eyes want to guarantee it I sighs want it I just want it call me a fool tell hum to some prime sub welcome I'm sorry I don't honor Prince pronounce your name you darn fool why I haven't played for too long jumper cables we got jumper cables we should be getting some hot charger this thing should be getting the hot charges just saying just on that out there all you single charges now you can use them to get a full charge right the jumper cables give me charges for like every 10 kills or something like that I don't know the exact number [Music] Oh balls why is mommy even keeping those kind of pills in there in her drawer calling you out mom that's the spot can't miss some of us get some tier splits missed manna captain or I could just miss a bunch ish look at that North by Northwest down you guys this is this could end so bad [Music] dark bum please with this justice [Music] Oh oh [ __ ] huh you know only a matter of time until we gonna tears up and help up [Music] [Music] I don't think that would be good I don't think that would be good for me I think that would ruin me don't think that would be good destruction I mean by the time that the tear actually explodes though it becomes so small that it wouldn't do anything but it would still hurt me fully all right [ __ ] it forty's just +3 damage will give you a little yeah here you go here's a smidgen a whole my god that's bad wait a second do they they do they're not spread they don't spread when it's tiny [Music] [Music] whoot I need me to pick that up but I'm so glad I did L I'm hurtin my excuse me excuse me coming through hardener [ __ ] that up big-time ground control to major [ __ ] I just blow myself up now Doh world card could be useful with my blank card but I think world justice is better [Music] all right curse rum no trap room can't get inside of it [Music] holy Henry cream of the north [Music] nothing thousand bits there's no words cream on the note cream with a note anyone reference thanks for the bad stuff I appreciate that just hurt myself hurt myself let's do it to myself not nice better fire right better pizza [Music] so we just go probably create with my dick [Music] that is head again Thrones reference [Music] it's actually my little pony in season 4 [Music] what's up 12 minute 17 joke's on you they're only 15 minutes dad howdy hi speaking of dad it's one letter him I want to let him just take care of it y'all gotta know that dad's dad knows some [ __ ] dad-dad game-breaking bugs just took that one out savage slightly scared of you now you can still be friends but I just don't wanna be alone with you moon card the Challenger Omega moon card out of it fight remember to go back [Music] [Music] what the coal would probably be pretty okay with this [Music] we need bombs not really [Music] alright we got it back you guys I thought the streak might have been over thought we were doomed but how do you like me now now that I'm on my way to think I'm crazy you think I loved you and always turn about oh that doesn't affect my ipecac does it affect my epic out cuz that would just be GG that would just be done that would be a game over [Music] no I don't say cloud no because I can just fire off in any direction I'll just do massive amounts of damage not doing the thing no not doing it it's not working I got golden bomb good trinket games like wait wait you forgot to take the teleport card at this point tell me I'm just gonna fight through it get more money got my mind on my money and my money I'm a mod thanks thanks oh yeah boss room first those are no cojones and you mean my pecan is to me well this is awkward would have been better with chaos faster speeds is better I can run away from my own bombs pull them in that the so chaotic [Music] health books think about easy anything would be if I just walked up to it and blew it up to its face better than blank card at this point in time sorry bud [Music] like I do kind of feel bad but like its invincibility I need it just just for like right now put the blank card break oh I know I know you're upset better range it means my tears don't fall down to nothing so quickly which is a good thing some more charges and some more money [Music] not sure why he was running away from me but he was sign-ons up [Music] can blow up all the rocks and try to find crawl space for you like we're really motivated I don't use it next to a gap yeah big dumb yikes wow that was close [Music] somebody so hard some just a justice guard right second hand longer status effects we could have longer poison I'm fine without it speed down where's my ops where's my ups [Music] oh you think this is funny [Music] [Music] yikes it's getting hot all right that's the most we can do 31 cents that's two more items with a weirdo machine in the shop that's good news for Kaos second-to-last shop we got so take advantage of it what we got it got it going on yeah we're catching pokémon yep sure got one Pokemon to bring to the reward and half as a pet which one do you pick I would say something like our canine but then like if it is it gonna burn down my house is it gonna kill me where am I gonna store it ditto so you're gonna have them all yeah but you know is you know it's dead on the inside you're gonna have a turn into your girlfriend but you know what you put your dick in girl boy lime learn let's see [Music] this song SimCity lo-fi aha I'm into it I am a girl now Mewtwo does it Mewtwo gonna be like so smart that it just kills you cook it kills you if I get a second book here I'm gonna be a little salty about it cuz I didn't take that one nope you got Oh bean you got a bean soup if that can be what a show what a show [Music] I did that anyone saying Gardevoir that because it's got a booty if you could date any Pokemon which one is it would it be range upgrades are good actually for me [Music] the most used in pron I thought Chauncey was was that old-school [Music] knock the egg right out of your tummy Zapdos and capitalize on its electric production so you okay that's you know probably some labor laws against that be sure y'all Sin City y'all yeah hey that's six months it's been a while since I've I know the catch a string keep up the great work thank you adjectives like an adjective but harder to say golem and then kick people I don't like into the sky you know like I think it'd be super cool to like be friends with like a Gyarados right what then and Garett us is maybe like let's fly to my homeland on it I'll let you met my parents and then it's gonna like take me to the middle of the ocean and you're like dial into the water and there's gonna be like some weird [ __ ] and I'm just gonna freak the [ __ ] out and I'm just gonna die I just would dislike just keel over I'll just be dead like no no the ocean just died Jenks is sexy I wouldn't want anything that would kill me not a bottle light like dying right right now at least we've had every single down pill in existence thought I'd throw that out there bring up that pull back like neato guys we're doing really well this is actually incredibly powerful um better trinkets Thank You this locario for sure the one diamond that controls time too fast to line this up geezers down night well then I could get for help here hey US control sonic the Pokemon I guess any pokemon that allows you to teleport would be pretty sick [ __ ] it I'll take it [Music] so save my black run say my black ass hi Vanilla Ice crawlspace what that blow across space somewhere they're saying just look for one Alakazam did being a teleport would just be like yeah be like ah yeah well yeah that and that's a teleported you like half way through a wall I don't even know where I am you guys [Music] thank you I'm sure you put meatballs on it too huh [Music] I want to see my ravioli with meatballs intel says it looks not so good not so good but it looks just fine I'm so waiting for one of the meatballs to roll onto my keyboard wait a second that's not Chantel that's a deado try it I'm gonna dive in hot it's really hot I won't work for it Oh send help rather y'all wait our best Oh pfft low applies thank you very much that was last shot by the way I was really hoping for a real machine ripped eight buds hate bugs guppy well they could add bookworm if I just forked out 15 cents for that last book we'll get another book you always do with uh what's it called the thing [Music] yeah done you're done mother call you real swell bud bah-bah-bah-bah-bah [ __ ] yeah parole I'm gonna need it I'm leaving behind IR fan cards I don't even need it breath take your help out of here I'd pick the ability to stop time gradually sneaks back into Stremme here to sub spark what's up 16 months who's got the buck car who's got the butt keys just don't smell the keys what would you guys legitimately do that you can stop time anybody have anything good that's not super naughty you got nothing but naughty things in your mind just type X I don't wanna read that do all my homework sleep in X what if you stopped time fell asleep and died in your sleep then what whole world's got to stop cuz you were being selfish megabot lower tier 1 sub if I could bring people into the stopped time that would be there right now we're talking it get a little lonely in there you know [Music] read every single book though is - person ever probably garden for a few hundred years spark get to the sub sweetie wolf feral hell yeah [Music] congratulations sweetie wolf girl welcome back thank you spark how good could you get it a video game and then just start a twitch channel be some unknown nobody that just comes in and just pawns as you put in 45 bajillion hours yeah but if time stopped then the computer won't work I didn't think about that did you and the plants won't grow if your gardening dude you've got bamboozled you just got bamboozled and you try to open up pages of books you open them so quickly but they disintegrate this is like some real leprechaun [ __ ] if thumbs up for everyone not everything so like everything else is moving and people just stop time and then like people go again and they're like wait a second why are my plants dead why is my car run out of gas who's gonna look after that nuclear reactor none of these stop time huge hole in your theory giant enormous hole the holes so big I'm gonna call it your mom yeah I didn't like that either I don't think that works I don't want it to work but good one of my bombs look like now [Music] oh yeah okay big mil for me on that one [Music] whoops-a-daisy I guess I could use my I could use my my book and then start dropping bombs start an instant delivery service take a few years to reach Japan to deliver a pair of socks thanks [ __ ] from the realm of lurkers talks [ __ ] from the realm of lurkers talking [ __ ] from Boy [Music] you just put that whole ravioli in your mouth mmm baby i didn't took man i didn't mean to drop that he's your active item save yourself run by you fools also it's up to you know thanks for the beds [Music] wila for tuning it's really good for the last floor probably black ruin better black runs probably better [Music] Oh jumped up into it is still Bell SIL bill kill bill hair bear rareware who here uh played spyro and enjoyed it I'm played it yet Christian 26 bad prom sup sup friend welcome it's great fantastic can't wait I can't even see the creep though that's that fair this is justice accidentally getting a secret room is pretty good though catapulting hamsters know trebuchet I wish I could burp a black rune [Music] brah that was like weird mr. boom go away nobody invited you one bomb should do it dad just drop one bomb please all right we're moving played spiral one and two in the olden days where wireless controllers were a myth and you could only enjoy the game sitting bridge swiping the screen chalo you might not be trying but if you're spamming maybe slapped I'm liking the blue fires with the infinite bombs more of those more golden chests as well please oh that's my bad Lord giveth them taketh away [Music] judgments um you know I'll play this guy 1/2 red heart night probably golden diamond judgment oh here's the book you're right you're right the Lord eateth and then Lord you you won't get away just bombs though at least I'm not troll bombs curse to the blind okay fair bear all right let's get more charges on Oh my bombs Oh try one yeah that's fair yeah totally man holy Bob you know what get the bomb upgrades out of the way now so we're not disappointed later call me a bad chest if I get bomb items watch me get nothing but books also watch me Naenae [Music] Wow so I need any of that but tea I guess I only need the heart the health how long he's screaming for at least another four minutes that's why Garrity [Music] the era or black rude it's not a year I'm just asking for reference which one's better in your opinion the era [Music] being serious [Music] we have a blank card so I kind of hope we don't get a yera they'll just feel foolish [Music] almost as foolish is bombing myself in the face [Music] stop watch though [Music] [Music] I'm really glad this run worked out you guys this could've been so bad okay it was gonna be really bad looks like it's gonna be a stress-free ender cut it this damn thing could we get some more items over here fast bombs would have been nice well the star [Music] have mercy Lord oh my goodness how am i alive Wow [Music] though the void ah [Music] what we got huh probably do that now probably do that now so we get different items instead of duplicating items [Music] that's what I would say [Music] pretty good stuff though I should not have taken caffeine pill caffeine pill would have been better black run though the health as well let's get a charge in this guy maybe then come back so much for black runs like we need him plus one damage now you have 54 boo this is chaos though it's just gonna give me garbage just feel it [Music] [Music] no guppy though it's up of that I'm that bud Oh Oh got me you got me [Music] sack me who chubs 98 to 99 bombs lucky me girl [ __ ] just drop a couple bombs it'll be over soon fireworks but Danny you're fine [Music] oh yeah oh yeah blocker in my block rune love it plus for damage like I said who gives a rip at this point [Music] let's relay man who throws a shoe [Music] yeah like impossible not to hurt myself with one bomb kind of still feels worth it though hurt myself anyways [Music] ah can hate this rum [Music] [Music] let her rip let her rip good avoid ah I just want to win just give me my win please I earned it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 15,146
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: yNHcGaeEZnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 5sec (4265 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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