EDC | SWAT & Green Beret's Essentials

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this is really kind of like the first line of defense you know i think the biggest thing you need to carry with you when it comes to edc is situational awareness yeah knowing what's around you at all times you want to know who's around you because you know it's it's crazy world we live in unfortunately that's the best way to stay safe is just being alert yeah guys you're gonna be a victim if not damn [Music] what is going on guys welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is alex from ironinfidel.com and today we are long overdue for an edc video and i have our newest member of the team out here with us matt the operational athlete the guy that ed sees the most epic mustache on all of the internet yeah it's got its own social security number so well welcome to the team matt glad to have you thank you for joining us today we're talking all things edc basically the theme of this and we were talking yesterday was i don't just want to show you guys what we carry every single day because it depends on where we're going what the situation is so we kind of change our edc depending on our environment and we're really just going to be showing you some of the options that we consider when we're determining our edc for that particular situation first things first let's knock out some of the clothing i wear obviously iron infidel shirts we sell those on our website matt you got your shirt going on yep operationally shirt got my hat on howitzer hat how it's your jeans i wear these all the time let's move to belts first let's talk about belts you rock core essentials i also use core essentials uh you want to talk about that a little bit yeah so the thing i like about core central is they have so many different options so you can wear dressed up black leather brown leather um you have your tactical options some of these are a little thicker and they have the ratchet system which is great interchangeable belt buckles and it just gets that perfect fit yeah if you're wearing a regular belt with holes and all that you can't really find the right fit for your body and your gun sometimes so you're either too tight or too loose but with these ratchet systems that you can see here it's perfect every time and that's my preferred pick over the aries but that's another option here what you're thinking is just stiffness you don't want something that's so loose that it's making your making you print because the gun's actually sagging especially if you have like a full-size gun now let's talk about situations you're actually in because going to the store is going to be different than going to the gym you have different attire and you're doing different things for me if i'm going to be going into hill runs i'm not going to have a gun on me in my shorts doing that so i'll carry something like this this is a ebberly stock h7 dagger it's basically a hydration bladder but i really just use it for the purpose of having a pack on me that's small on my back that i carry firearm i can carry things that i actually need and it's not cumbersome while i'm running you've got a couple options here that you carry like the the pack you have there yeah so this is like a runner's fanny pack um this mounts to your chest comes around and then uh yeah you can carry a gun in here you know any of these guns will fit in here carry a knife in here um whatever you want your id all that you know edc is yeah when people think about that they think about weapons you know for the most part but you definitely got to make sure you have all your on your old times like for me i gotta have my badge and have my gun yeah i have my id if i have my gun um make sure you have a phone because that's gonna be your your lifeline if you need it yeah and so i like wearing this when i run unless i lift it and uh yeah i actually like that option better than what i have because when i'm running it's on my back it'd be much more effective to have it on the chest easier to access yeah so i prefer that actually let's run through some of these knives and stuff you got when i am wearing jeans or something like that i have these knives and poor you know a couple different ones you know this is more of a slim profile and uh you can clip on the belt inside the waistband however you want and this is you know a little bit more thicker a little more heavy duty put the ulti clip on this um these things are amazing they ratchet to anything pretty much i have a carbon fiber spike kind of like your knife well uh i can put this in my sock whatever i can carry this in places that have metal detectors stuff like that if i need to um just because i like to be protected at all times uh you know protect your by nature my boy byron says and these are my carbon fiber knives so i i developed these with my buddy shalom who is an ex-israeli sniper and um i told him i was like i want something that'll clip to my running shorts that i can run with that's lightweight and like you can feel this thing like it doesn't weigh anything holy cow yeah so like i've had a bunch of people hit me up and they tell me uh i'm out running and i completely forget i have it on me sometimes like i've had guys like throw their self in dirty clothes like oh my knife's on there and um where do you keep that on your body so i'll put this over uh more towards this side right here um it's all rounded the entire knife is rounded on all sides so you get no chafing nothing like that and the ulti clip will hold on to whatever you have running shorts anything yeah um so i like that i like to be protected when i'm running either if i have my fanny pack on or if i just have my knife something yeah i've got a bench made here this is something i throw on my ankle if i want to it's just a little pick goes on the ankle not during running but you know just everyday carry if i want to do that i've got an emerson just cheap knives i'm not a huge knife knife guy so i don't buy the most expensive knives out there i'm just looking for something i can carry that's 50 or less and if i lose it whatever i'll just buy another one now let's talk about our edc firearms obviously we live in a warm weather climate do you carry the same firearm every single day all throughout the year no so you have different different levels yeah absolutely i mean we live here in southern california like i'm at the beach you know i'm working out um wearing workout shorts stuff like that and yeah so i carry a glock 43 when i'm in like uh board shorts or something like that and then when i'm not bored shorts and jeans whatever comfortable button-up shirt vinyl whatever it is i carry my glock 19. yeah so basically my thought processes it is you want to have a balance between comfort and capability uh you don't want to get a full-size gun thinking that you're going to be extremely capable with it but after two weeks you just never carry the thing again and that happens i feel like all the time yeah so i've got a couple options i use worst case scenario i'm not confident uh with this firearm i don't train with enough this is smith and wesson bodyguard but board short situation if it's your only option it's better than not having an option at all so this is something i do periodically carry during the super hot months and then typically i'm going appendix with a glock 19 in a contact victory gear holster appendix is my favorite position to carry an appendix is a little finicky not everybody can carry appendix and we'll talk about that it really depends on your body type uh we were talking earlier if you have stiff hip flexors and you have anterior pelvic tilt where it pushes your stomach and pushes your tel your pelvis forward it's probably not a good option for you because you're going to be printing outside of your shirt why don't you talk about what you use in you know orientation of your firearm yeah so i i carry glock 19 um the surefire light on it x300 i have a g-code holster but when it comes to like all my weapons carrying concealed or on duty or in any tactical realm i always carry at the 3 4 o'clock and for me it's based on muscle memory i've been carrying my gun right here for over 15 years now and i just want to make sure when you know she hits the fan and my you know i'm go go go my adrenaline's pumping it's the same movement for me every time i'm coming down to the same location and for me like carrying appendix i don't know if it's because it's like my shirts my physical appearance whatever i just print too much yeah and it's also uncomfortable for me i don't like to sit down you know so right here it's fine and uh i've been doing it for 15 years so it's it's it's programmed yeah either one of them is a good option it's really a personal preference absolutely and it depends on your body type whatever you like wherever you train but just make sure wherever you're going to carry that you're training that way yeah i do want to talk about people who have to edc and states that aren't free like california there are options for you like this this is a taser pulse plus this is not a lethal force option it's less than lethal it can be lethal if it's used in certain circumstances but this is an option for you to consider basically what it is it's a drop and go device so i would recommend this for like females who work late at night and they have to walk to their car after work by themselves throw this in their purse have your hand in your purse as you're walking if something was to happen you can pull this out it shoots these um probes which you've probably seen in a video already before this video published it gives a 30 second ride most cop tasers like the x2 and the x26 and x26p they give five second rise the reason for that is because cops when you taste somebody the intent is to detain them afterwards it gives you buys you time to place handcuffs on them civilians if you're going to taste somebody it's to buy you time to get out of there so this is a 30 second ride basically what you do is you tase the person drop the device it gives you 30 seconds if you actually get that good nmi neuromuscular incapacitation and they're down and then you can take off and get to a safe location so i do recommend tasers but the one thing to know about tasers are you have to be within close proximity and make sure you land that one good shot because if you don't you'd find yourself in a bad situation yeah yeah watching you get tased the other day was uh i'm glad i wasn't there i wish you were there we'll get you in on that one okay lights let's talk about lights i have the surefire stiletto here the reason i like the surefire stiletto is first of all it's rechargeable and it has uh this thin profile so i can wear it my front pocket i don't like uh some of the bulkier round ones that you put in your pocket and they kind of just are uncomfortable so i really like the stiletto for that reason and lights in general you always want to carry a handheld light with you even if you have a firearm light and i've seen a lot of a lot of cops who don't carry a handheld light on their edc because they have their light on their gun but realistically when you're thinking of edc at least i'm not always thinking about being in a gunfight i'm thinking about any situation so i don't want to conduct a search with my firearm when it's not a lethal force encounter i don't want to have my firearm out you never know if the power is going to be cut out it could be in a mall you could be in a basement somewhere else and you want to multiple lights is great because you can you know look one place while having another place and it's just more technically efficient bottom line yeah exactly and that the mall light going out you don't need a gun out in that situation but you do need a light but what do you got there this is a streamlight uh protac tool i've had this thing forever and uh it's great i mean i've beat it up i've carried it overseas i've carried it you know yeah 10 8 all that and you know one of the main reasons i like carrying a light is we were talking about you know certain places still don't allow law enforcement to carry you know whether it's a staple center disneyland stuff like that i can't bring a knife and i can't bring a gun in but i can bring a light in and i can blind somebody i can hammer fist with this this can become a lethal weapon if i need to next wallet i've got um the cane pro gear wallet this has rfid blocking capabilities so nobody can go like watch dogs on you and steal your identity um also i just like can april gear because they're great guys they have the best memes on the internet so if you're looking for wallet i definitely recommend can a pro gear do you have any wallet preference or just something random no i mean i carry just a normal wallet you know but i have my badge in there and stuff like that yes i'm still active le so i gotta carry that on me at all times whenever i'm carrying my firearm yeah guys edc like i said it's a balance between comfort and capability if you get a full-size gun and you buy all this stuff after a month in my opinion you're probably not gonna use it or carry it all the time you want to buy something and use stuff that you know you're going to carry with you every single day that's the whole point of edc and i really like that you brought out all this stuff and we talked about the fact that it really there's no one good setup it depends on what you're wearing that day where you're going that day you got any parting shots for these guys yeah i mean it's great to have all this stuff and we talked about this but you know i think the biggest thing you need to carry with you when it comes to edc is situational awareness yeah knowing what's around you at all times so if you're sitting in your car on your phone looking down in this bad neighborhood and some guys walking up on you having the best knife the best gun the best belt is going to do anything for you so just staying alert you know knowing your environment all the times you're in a restaurant you know no one who's walking in take a look back it's not being paranoid it's being ready yeah because you never know especially as you know a father a mother whoever a protector you want to know who's around you because you know it's it's crazy world we live in and unfortunately that's the best way to stay safe is just being alert yeah and and care just because you carry something like this doesn't mean you're invincible this is not the answer to every situation in fact 99 of the time this is the wrong answer to whatever situation you're in so being you know it's driven into cops heads to maintain officer presence and part of officer presence is your appearance your physique your physical capability to defend yourself in a fight all of that stuff is just as important as carrying the coolest or latest and greatest firearms yeah this is my last resort i don't want to have to stab somebody shoot somebody i'd rather just let them look at me and say this guy's not a victim i'm going to go on to the next person you know i make eye contact be a hard target yeah everybody that walks by me i make eye contact with like hey how are you doing you know even if they don't stay back i'm like okay i understand who this guy is now yeah you know but he knows that i saw him he's not going to walk up behind me now because you're there i know you're there he knows you're paying attention yep absolutely your face is not buried in the phone situational awareness at all times you know and i see a lot of you know the younger generation they're just walking around like this constantly just boom boom boom on the streets i mean just take take that five minutes get to where you gotta go find a safe spot and then you know play on your phone do whatever i do because you're gonna be a victim if not yeah well matt thank you again i can't tell you how much i'm how happy i am to have you on the team i appreciate you coming out here to join us absolutely guys we'll put links of all this stuff or as much as we can we've got a ton of stuff here on the table in the description below and hopefully i'll link it in some of the uh video but like he said the most important thing and that you can edc with you every day is common sense and situational awareness guys thank you for tuning in don't forget to hit the subscribe button and the like button and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Iron Infidel
Views: 786,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: military, green beret, swat, gear, police, Preparedness, tactical, fitness, outdoors, survivalism, tactics, tactical fitness, law enforcement, shooting, self defense, prepper, army, marines, navy seal, defensive tactics, concealed carry, knives, training
Id: v_h0NcsYiCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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