Eckhart Tolle Guided Meditation: The Arising of Your Natural State

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In IFS therapy this is called the 'authentic self' when you are unblended with your different parts.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blue_eyed_fox7 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
so there's something that is much more important than anything in your life situation and that's the ability to be still that's one way of putting it and in that you realize that the depth is adapts to who you are [Music] a presence that shows to you without any doubt that whatever happens in your life situation out there is of secondary importance and when things are not satisfying in your life situation whether it's to do with money work relationships living situation health it is often precisely at those moments when things don't work in one of one or several of these areas that there's an opportunity for you to go deeper within yourself and find that realm of stillness or spaciousness or presence whatever you want to call it so you become to some extent free from external conditions because the conditions of your life including the physical body even that's still external no longer have the ability to make you really unhappy really upset and frustrated and fearful and anxious on the other side this may sound like bad news but it's not all these external things also lose the ability to make you really happy wow yeah god you can still feel enthusiastic and enjoy life tremendously whatever life gives you in the world of form but there's always something there's something transcendent in you from where you observe and enjoy the beautiful things that come into your life there is an enjoyment there but you don't give them an importance that they don't have you don't attach yourself to them you allow them to be may be a possession that comes to you and it's lovely you look after it whatever it is a house an object you appreciate it it's lovely you look after it without that strong sense of attachment of mine and when things come into your life that are not pleasant perhaps physically not pleasant you get stranded out of the cold or whatever it is again we can't say that you particularly like that that you enjoy that but you're in touch with the transcendent dimension so your aversion to whatever arises does not consume you it just is there on the surface you know you have some action you need to take some action to get out of the situation and then you do it so if you just take a very simple example the weather of course you enjoy a beautiful sunny day and then the next day is gray and rainy as it is here today and yet there's a transcendent dimension in you where that makes absolutely no difference so when it's raining say oh it's raining and perhaps the might it would have been nice if it had been sunny today we could have gone out for a long walk gone to the beach walk in the forest they had a picnic whatever and yet at a deeper level does it really matter whether you have a picnic or not today or go to the beach or stay in the source of real enjoyment is never really in out there what happens out there it's it arises out of the stillness within you conditions do not need to be any particular in a way for you to be connected with the stillness to be the stillness did you hear that it was a news flash on an ipad what's happening i have to look so we are speaking of and hopefully realize experientially what we could call the transcendent dimension to who you are where they may still be on the surface of your life some happiness and unhappiness if you even want to call it that and yet those things no longer touch the deeper dimension of who you are there's a transcendent dimension that's not you can't really call it i know some spiritual teachers talk of happiness but like ramana maharshi but what he really means is is the transcendent state so i don't use those words because the way i use happiness and unhappiness they refer to surface reality and surface experiences the experience of being unhappy or happy there is a transcendent state of presence on inner peace that is beyond happiness or unhappiness and but it's very alive you don't become dead inside in the absence of this ability to become still to be connected with the stillness to be the stillness if you don't have that then it's better to experience happiness and unhappiness rather than dead in yourself completely and say i don't want to feel anything anymore but who wants to be trapped in that continuous ups and downs of your life all those and the downs for many people are more frequent than the abs and react to everything that every little thing that doesn't go as it's supposed to go this reactive me dreadful way to live so stillness your best friend always there for you don't get attached to those words of course it's much deeper than your friend because stillness essentially is one with who you are but as we approach it i might occasionally use words just as temporary pointers and as you begin to have glimpses of stillness for a little while it may be helpful to regard it as your best friend and then you let go of that and please don't believe that stillness needs to be outside of you and so that you can become still inside in the midst of noise you can be still external noise and as you probably know the quickest way to become still in the midst of things noisy things surrounding you is to accept the present moment completely as it is just this moment it already is people are screaming around you whatever they do this is what is traffic building up whatever whatever situation this moment already is as it is so by completely accepting that this is what is right now which doesn't prevent you from taking action action needs to be taken but what is is and by completely accepting what is even if it's noisy or whatever opens you up to the stillness so when you if you if you do meditate and you sit down and you close your eyes and maybe you have a technique or you don't have a technique anymore and you just sit and be still and if then a disturbing noise happens somewhere around you sometimes you say oh i can't meditate with noise like that of course that's a thought that arises you don't need to believe that thought don't believe every thought that comes into your head i can't meditate now what's true it's precisely at that moment if you can completely accept whatever arises at this moment it sometimes can be a great opportunity to go deep enough where the stillness is when something outside does not seem to be conducive to stillness and yet you completely accept this present moment and oh there it is despite the noise there it is so spiritual awakening more often comes in spite of something seemingly that did not look conducive to spiritual awakening it more often comes that way than because of something because of would be a beautiful experience and you would think oh and these i have nothing to worry about i have security lovely surroundings now i have time for spiritual awakening do you maybe could be but more likely not so here you are let's say one day you are in a beautiful spa in a warm climate it's sunny you're getting massage with lovely oils exquisite food gentle music or sound of water in the background everything is absolutely perfect a few weeks later you get home somebody falsely accuses you of something you get put in prison and there you are extremely unpleasant noisy surroundings bad food bad company which situation is more likely to bring about spiritual awakening which means takes you to a deeper level within yourself to the students i'm not going to answer that i'll leave you with those two situations be still be at peace be at one with the present moment you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 330,259
Rating: 4.8940363 out of 5
Keywords: meditation with eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle guided meditation, presence meditation, meditation, how to be present, eckhart tolle, guided meditation, eckhart tolle youtube, presence, mindfulness, eckhart tolle presence, consciousness, awakening, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle meditation, your natural state meditation, natural state of being, our natural state, natural state meditation
Id: 3eQ6MKxrIjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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