Be Aware Now | A Special Meditation with Eckhart Tolle (Binaural Audio)

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at this moment you are aware of where you are you're aware of the room you're aware that you're breathing in addition to that sense perceptions perhaps some feelings a few thoughts floating through your head or maybe no sword maybe just a clear sky inside you with just little puffy clouds here and there little thoughts and then disappear again so perhaps you are the clear sky and the clear sky is the awareness so the the essence of our meditation is to be aware right now whether or not your eyes are closed they're open doesn't matter whether you are aware that you are aware whether you are conscious that you are conscious can you sense your own consciousness it's kind of subject and object merging within you because usually when you're aware of something the subject is aware of the object but when you're aware of awareness the subject is no longer aware of an object because it's just awareness you're aware that you are aware object and subject merge into one self-awareness presence that's the sky the clear sky occasional thoughts may come not a problem and you can be aware with every cell of the body an alertness that pervades the entire body it's not the body anymore it's just the space [Music] you are that presence there's nothing to know about it beyond that you can't know it you can only be it and as you no longer identify with the mind the thoughts the presence can shine through the mind can even use your mind and inspire your mind another word we can use is stillness let's see stillness within you vibrantly alive stillness [Music] and of course you don't necessarily need to sit still to be in stillness you can move as you know and be in stillness that's the beauty of it you can do things and be in stillness and interact with another human being can even speak to them and be in stillness as i'm speaking to you now but i'm in stillness the words are just floating around the stillness and you can bring stillness to nature and nature will love you for it and you can share stillness with the tree see if you can be as still as the tree that's something or if the sky is clear at night you look at the sky there are stars but there's the vastness of space which is also stillness it's not a single sound in space only in science fiction movies but there is no sound in outer space the deepest stillness [Music] and even a flower is it surrounded by stillness to the flower exists in that still field so if you need a little bit of help to find the inner stillness go to [Music] a tree look at the sky the night sky or the sky at sunset as it gradually darkens very still and spacious or you can touch the earth it's also very still so many things can teach you stillness and help you [Music] and the quickest way to stillness in any situation no matter where you are whether on top of a mountain or times square or piccadilly circus in the midst of traffic is to welcome the present moment just that little thing no matter what form it takes whatever arises in the present moment you welcome it or at least you allow it to be non-resistance immediately you can sense in the background of your being that field of stillness or peace so that simple thing allowing this moment to be as it is connects you with a transcendent in you couldn't be any easier than that all you have to do is remember that this is possible and then do it so you
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 209,172
Rating: 4.9195242 out of 5
Keywords: eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle meditation, guided meditation, eckhart tolle presence, the power of now, be aware, eckhart tolle anxiety, eckhart tolle guided meditation, spiritual awakening
Id: qI90LzdGU-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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