How Do I Handle the Fear That I'm Feeling?

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but when I get really afraid of losing all my money in the stock market of getting sick or losing a loved one how do I handle that fear again the question is about fear how to handle the fear of catching an ill disease of losing every many things many people are experiencing not only the fear now of the virus they're also experiencing the fear of the repercussions of what's happening businesses are closing down or everything is closing down it's a very strange thing that this is happening it's like an enforced closing down down of the base of the busyness that not just not just a business but the busyness of the world and enforced sudden ending of all that many planes are not flying anymore this it's some cities are empty of people or suddenly as if in because until this happened the world was absurdly busy one think after noisy busy everything with movement everything was lost in the world lost in their minds and suddenly as if somebody said let's let's turn it off for a while Oh enforced stillness almost exactly what millions of humans actually need to experience it doesn't mean that they will automatically also experience the inner stillness but there is an author is a possibility of of an awakening for many if they can go beyond the fear the fearful thoughts but how do you go beyond the fearful thoughts well it requires a little bit of awareness the but if you are here with us you probably have that that awareness that what I mean by that is the awareness what's going on in your mind to recognize rather than total identification with what's going on in your mind you have in the background an awareness of what's going on in your mind very different because it's a different consciousness dimension of consciousness the awareness it's not the same as a thought the awareness can recognize what thoughts are on your mind and you realize I'm thinking all these useful useless thoughts but that realization I'm verbalizing it now but because we are communicating through language but that realization that I'm you I'm this all these useless and destructive thoughts are going through my head that is a realization that is not verbal it's pre or post viable because it comes through the awareness and there's a simple recognition that what's going on in your mind is not helpful it's making you fearful and unhappy so it is to be tackled there all these the problem that he mentions he mentions or he or she mentions three fear of losing my money or my savings my investments would have been saving of getting sake or something bad could happen to a laughed one so you have fear for yourself your fear for others and of course all these things are not happening now the things that you fear but they could happen says the mind so I better think about it now because it is in case it does of course if they did happen you would face the situation you have with the power of your conscious awareness you would face the sickness you would face the loss of money and you would even face the loss of a loved one or the suffering of a loved one Wow of your presence you can face that but what you cannot do you cannot overcome these problems or face them because they only exist in your imagination they haven't even happened yet there's therefore there's absolutely nothing you can do about them in fact they will simply MP amplify the more you think about them the more they become amplified it's a totally illusory round that is making you suffer it's and so if there's a minimum awareness you can suddenly become aware of what it is that you are doing to yourself well it's not that you're voluntarily doing it to yourself but one could say it's it is happening to you so you become aware of what is happening to you because the thoughts in your mind virtually all the thoughts in the absence of awareness happen to you they are not voluntary so people to say I'm saying I think this I think you don't think the thinking happens to you in explain do when you're not aware you're at the mercy of thought you are the mercy of the energy field that's that that is that what we call thought it lives in you you are possessed you don't know it the moment you realize it that this is not the fearful thinking isn't something that you do because if you some that you do say yeah I'm doing it but I can't stop it no you are not doing it it happens to you so some people say well you perceive it is well I am I doing this to myself well that's already it's it's a good first step why am I making myself suffer by thinking all that and then the next step is you realize well it's not really me doing it it's the it it's the self-serving sort forms that are swirling around in my mind continuously that are making me unhappy that have no useful purpose I'm not helping myself or anybody by thinking these things by projecting bad things that could or will that could happen and so with the awareness of what's going on in your mind comes the first time a moment of freedom because before you had no free will without awareness you have no free well you're completely at the mercy of a conditioned mind so what do you do so you have recognized that what's been happening to you fulfills no useful purpose that's important realization because before you you there is a an assumption in the unconscious mind that unless you worry a lot you know then you're not controlling your life there is the delusion that the more you think about useless you don't you don't know it's useless the more you think about the your the problems of your life then you need to continue thinking in order to hold it all together you need to really borrow or the problem of the world if you don't worry the alive and fall to pieces is the underlying assumption of course it's a delusion so the worried the boring the fearful thinking does not want to end you need to know that that it has a momentum and you cannot fight it if you fight it you make it stronger you give it added energy so it's not it's not by willpower that you can stop it all oh as I just said you can stop it briefly but not along through exercising well so you stop it simply by first recognizing the not only the futility but also the destructive nature of that type of thinking and then you you can you begin to see that a lot of the unhappiness is produced by the narratives in your mind and at that moment you have a choice you can continue being dragged along in the stream of fearful thinking or you can say my choice is now to take my attention away from fearful thinking I'm verbalizing it and but where does it go if the fearful thinking once all your and it wants all their consciousness continuously it says no I'm letting go I want it and then you say no I don't want to go that way anymore it's very simple you bring your attention somewhere else you need something at first these should my recommendation is feel the failure in our body direct your attention let's say you wake up in the night or in the morning direct your attention instead of thinking direct your attention into the inner energy field of your hands and then you hold it there it's not doesn't require willpower it's just a simple decision and you hold it you feel the inner aliveness in your hands becomes an anchor for stepping out of mind being present can you feel the energy in your hands I can and it's always wonderful I've been feeling the energy mines for many years it's always fresh and new and I don't tire speaking of it because always fresh and new and of course it's not just the hands if you can't feel the energy in your hands close your eyes and ask yourself if you are let's say your right hand or your left hand at your left hand ask yourself if the if your left or right hand is still there not is it still there how do I know it's there how could I know it's there right now now you can't know it because you remember it was there when you saw it a few seconds ago that's not knowing that it's there because it might have disappeared you close your eyes you're not moving your hand how can you know it's there you can know it's there but how does that happen what is it how do you know it you can feel it but what is it that you feel you feel the energy within the hand it's very subtle at first so you need to be alert to feel it but that alertness that then goes in your body is taken away from thinking and it's it's and you suddenly there your hand feels more alive than it was before but in that's only the beginning you can feel both hands simultaneously and then you realize you can also feel other parts of the body look at your feet at the same time and legs and then you become aware of a all-pervasive sense of aliveness in the entire body energy field yep entered and the amazing thing is oh by the way you were you may also become aware that your breathing because that's connected with the body you're breathing into the body the breath flows in and it flows out and they more become aware of your body the more become aware of your breathing the more you become aware of your breathing they more become aware of the body this isn't the inter wonderful aliveness there and what happened to your mind activity its subsided almost completely or completely because you cannot be aware of inner body and at the same time think a few fragments maybe their thoughts but not not a sustained stream of thinking it's not possible because your attention your consciousness has gone away from the conceptualizing mind into the inner body
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 1,118,845
Rating: 4.921001 out of 5
Keywords: dealing with fear in a crisis, how to overcome fear, how to deal with fear, how to I manage my fear, eckhart tolle dealing with challenges, how to deal with stress, staying conscious in a crisis, lost a loved one, lost my job, eckhart tolle awareness, dealing with fear, eckhart tolle fear, eckhart tolle presence, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle youtube, managing fear, fear, eckhart tolle
Id: LiEU84nHEcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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