0464 Song of Moses P1

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they tell you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're going to redo a soundtrack the soundtrack on the song of Moses this is a very important topic you know I will use the old cliche going to have it on our way to heaven well these are the words as we'll find that those that overcame in the final generation the false messiah the his ways his trickery his deceit these are the words they were actually saying needless to say they are very important because it's information that you must have in your mind or you're not going to overcome it's that simple makes it very important now we find the information concerning what you should know about it in chapter 15 of the great book of Revelation remember the deception as spoken of in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation and then chapter 14 gives you the events that are happening on earth but 15 gives you the events that are happening in heaven so to speak if you would and I find it rewarding strengthening and certainly comforting to know that you are in tune with our father's word when you actually know the information with understanding of course that you're supposed to have to defeat the deception of the end times so with that having been said I can think of no other message that's more important and our fathers word are comforting enough said on that subject chapter 15 and verse one of the great book of Revelation song of Moses let's go with it and I saw another sign in heaven great I mean what in a little thing great and marvellous seven angels having the seven line plagues for in them is filled up the wrath of God in other words the our Father is very upset with the conditions in this world today in as much as we're in that generation of the fig tree the final generation and you I don't have to tell you what people say about God you know alright or how they feel about him and I speak in Mass in general but and and always bear in mind in the book of Revelation the the seven vials the seven trumps and the seven plagues are all the same they run and address the same subject it just gives you a little different profile a look at what's transpiring at that time okay so we see that verse two and I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire that means absolute purity alright no contaminants absolute purity and then that had gotten the victory I repeat the victory over the Beast that's to say the one-world political system and the false prophet the Antichrist so to speak and over his image and over his mark and over his number and over the number rather of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God what do they have they have the harps of God meaning singing praises to our Father no it's important that you know all these things how do you get victory over a mark by understanding it in other words if you were to go back to the thirteenth chapter in the eighteenth verse you would know how to count that number first off first of all you would have to take the word count and translate it back to the Greek in which it was spoken and you would know that it wasn't count like 1 2 3 but count by looking at the lots the stones worn smooth by handling over a long period of time and of course the stone being the rock the true rock been in the fake rock by knowing who the Kenites are quite frankly that's what that's what it comes down to that's how you know the number that's how you know the name is by observing as God instructed from the very beginning that's part of the information ok verse 3 and they sing the song of Moses there you got it these people I want you to see this picture these people that have overcome that are on their way they've overcome Satan the Antichrist the mark of the beast that everyone so fears and what are they singing well they have these harps of God the solemn Moses the servant of God what was Moses the lawgiver God gave the law through him in the song of the lamb saying great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy ways thou king of saints are the king of Ages our nation's be elect the upright here they are the foremost subject that that is being mouthed on this day the day of victory is the song of Moses and quite frankly if you don't know that song friend you got trouble how are you going to sing something you don't know well the Holy Spirit will reveal it to me it will either be in this generation or you won't be singing it with them on this day because it's those that overcame the deception that takes place now not on the way to heaven these people overcame simply by knowing the words of the song it isn't that you have to memorize the song necessarily word-for-word many have many of our students have but it is desperately important I could not stress it strong enough to know the words of the song what was happening what's he talking about what took place how could this possibly this song give us the victory over all those things because quite frankly by the time you take the beast then this is drawing from the thirteenth chapter his image is mark and the number of his name I mean you've got the victory that gives you victory then the question would come well I've never heard of the song of Moses before then it's well that you now hear so that you can learn many ministers might say well all you've got to do is be saved save to what the false messiah if you're not taught from God's Word this letter that he is sent to use whereby you're not biblically illiterate then you should know the song so today is the day to learn the song of Moses where is it located we're going to go to Deuteronomy chapter 31 well that's why back in the Old Testament you got it you listen to somebody that says to you the Old Testament has already passed then you're you're listening to the wrong person you're at least listening to someone that's biblically illiterate themselves as far as being past history that is not a type for things that are yet future the Old Testament has more about the Millennium than the New Testament does we find the song of Moses in this great book of Deuteronomy all right that's why Moses the lawgiver naturally you find it in the law let's pick it up if we may in chapter 31 verse 28 we're going to identify that indeed this is the song of Moses verse 28 and it reads gather unto me all the elders of your tribes and your officers that I may speak these words in their ears and call heaven and earth to record against them these are very important words 29 for I know that after my death you will literally corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you and evil will befall you in the latter days now that's today because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger through the works of your hands verse 30 and Moses spake in the ears of all how many all the congregation of Israel the words of this song until they were ended in other words enter on the scene song of Moses let's analyze this song it is I could not again I know I'm repeating myself but I could not emphasize enough at how important this information is to you because this tells you how to have that victory verse one of the great song give ear o ye heavens and I will speak and hear o earth the words of my mouth in other words this is our Father speaking through this song of Moses and it not only as we were in Revelation as I pointed out that chapter 14 pertains to the earth and 15 to heaven the subject is and pertains to and is about both heaven and earth verse 2 my doctrine the word is Lakai in the hebrew and it means good my good teaching shall drop as the rain my speech shall distill as the dew the purest water that man can may attain in a clean atmosphere the very do from heaven as the small rain upon the tender herb and as the showers upon the grass what does that do my good teaching is what gives life to those tender plants well you yourself may be a tender very sensitive person but the good teaching of this word will give you life both in the early rain and the latter rain the early rain of course is that that starts you on your path to growth and of course the latter rain is the rain that matures your fruit that is to say makes you a mature person whereby God can use you verse 3 because I will publish the name of the Lord ascribe you greatness unto our God the great promises of God the great acts of God the father of all people the life Giver the creator of all things verse 4 he is the rock I want you to note the uppercase on the are he is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are judgment a God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he now the word Rock is utilized five times in this song which means grace all right and there is grace within it why is it that when we say he is perfect for all his ways or judgment do some some Christians just cringe you mentioned the word judgment and they just cringe you see do you truly understand the word judgment if you are given a judgement let's let's say in a in man's court if you're given a judgment if you're the offender the offended party it's payday for you it's rewards for you it is the wicked that are penalized at judgment the word judgment means reward for those that are worthy and God is absolutely completely totally fair in his judgments that's men man on earth says why is it the wicked people always win they don't by the time all is said and done God's perfect judgment will give the wicked everything they've got coming to them all at one time some of them that will be a quick ride in a slippery slide all right to you nowhere but that's he is perfect as he should be I don't know what have you got coming to you would you like to get everything that God owes you all in one chunk think about it a Christian or a child that loves the father unless he no should not cringe at judgment but should smile and be anxious for that day but the play on the word rock your foundation is to stipulate that there is another rock if it were to be utilized here it would have a lower case because it's Satan that's why the word Tyrus which in the Hebrew means stone or rock and that's why you use the stones to enumerate or count his number if you're not aware of that I'm sorry you're hurting just a little bit not hurting a little bit a lot when it comes to knowledge and information so make a mental note he is our rock and there is no other we love him and we won't follow anyone else we are the Sheep and he is our Shepherd and sheep know their Shepherds voice and they run from the voice of a stranger alright verse 5 they have corrupted themselves their spot is not the spot of his children they are a prover s' and crooked generation he's talking here about the Kenites all right and it goes all the way to Matthew chapter 13 the parable of the sore Jesus said you've got to know this parable or you're not really going to understand any of them you've got to know this song that gives you the victory or you're really not going to overcome all that much and I can hear some pastor right now it's like I've never heard the like it's all it is is salvation salvation to who there's two rocks and if you teach people to jump on the bandwagon to the first Messiah that appears soon I'm sorry he's the fake and you've led your children straight into Satan's arms because you haven't taught God's Word there spot is not the spot of God's children why they're not his children the souls he created that dwell therein but key nights meaning the sons of Cain their spot is not our spot as it is written many times you want to know who planted the seed then go to the 35th verse of chapter 13 in the great book of Matthew from the words of Jesus Christ as he explains the parable and you'll learn who the father father is and why their spot is not our spot I will repeat Matthew chapter 13 begin reading with verse 35 and go to the father of the tares which is to say Kenites verse 6 do you thus we quite the Lord o foolish people and unwise is not he thy father that hath brought thee Jim had he not made the and established thee in other words are you looking at some other father are you being pulled off by deception or do you have your eye on the rock well how do I know right here his word not man's dribble not man's traditions this word verse 7 remember the days of old this is why he said go get you the elders think back look at the types consider the years of many generations ask thy father and he will show thee thy elders and they will tell thee verse 8 when when what when the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance when he separated I repeat divided separated the sons of Adam 8 day man Adam in the Hebrew tongue is ruddy complexity that's what it means no more no less to show blood in the face I don't apologize for that fact and many of you with newer translations this word will have been changed to read em en or ma n in English to show you how the little kin i'ts Jockey your works for you anyway and some would never know the difference separated divided Adam he set the bounds boundaries of the people according to the number of the children of Israel God loves all his children God has a plan of salvation for all his children but you had better know those that are spotted now that does not have to do with anyone's appearance unless you know the Mark of Cain has nothing whatsoever to do with men's appearance but the spot of Mathew chapter 13 as again as you begin reading at verse 35 understand who fathered who sired the kin ight Jesus himself would repeat the same thing again in John chapter 8 verse 44 who was the first murder it was Cain of course you'll find out there who Cain's father was verse 9 for the Lord's portion is his people Jacob which is always used as the natural seed is the lot of his inheritance this word lot means a chord a chord of measuring when they in camp they measured each man his section or space and this is why today in English we have a city lot it means that it is lauded out measured verse 10 he found him in a desert land and in the waste howling wilderness he led him about he instructed him he kept him that's to say he guarded him as the apple of his eye now I don't do you know what the apple of the eye is it's the pupil what Lynx do you go to to protect the pupil of your eye well naturally that's probably the most sensitive part of our body and we have this automatic eyelash that blinker that protects that eye and certainly that's what we protect more than anything even in modern day be sure and wear your goggles if you're going to grind on metal you know protect that eye protect your eye well God protects his own even as a man would protect the pupil of his eye that means being very careful and here we have it this is the song I'm going to repeat this occasionally as I teach it because I don't want your minds to drift from the emphasis that you must know these things to defeat our to overcome the false shepherd that shall appear and his children which are perverse and crooked the word generation in the Hebrew is offspring his children his offspring of him referring to verse five of this very chapter God protects his own all children are gods and he has a perfect plan of Correction and to win over if a person listens to his word go the way of the world and you know where you go verse 11 as an eagle stirreth up her nest flutter ahthe over her young spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them bury them Bharath them on her wings 12 so the Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him there was no Antichrist there there was no other little idol as he led him what this is saying is God is as a great Eagle that protects her young that means if they were to fall out of the nest and the evil as their Eagle is there she will even go under and carry them bear them up on her wing so God when you're in a precarious situation he's there he protects you as the very pupil of his eye he protects you those that have eyes to see and as you are in a dangerous paquius place that you're about to fall off the edge he will support you if you love him and if you call yourself of him but if you want to go the way of the world hey have a good trip friend enjoy while you can it's going to be over with soon verse 13 he made him ride on the high places of the earth that he might eat the increase of the fields and he made him to suck honey out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock all the great olive trees that can grow from Craig's and rock and bring that beautiful all of our people an oil and a fat from the very tree that will not harm you or hurt you and that God set aside as the oil of our people and excellent for everything from anointing to cooking not to confuse the two of course duties or reasons therefore the fruit of the land he gave it to us Adam had the ingenuity to know how to farm he didn't have to just hunt and eat raw meat God taught us how to farm for he on the eighth day after he rested one day he noted he did not have a man to till the ground I know there would be some that would say to you hey hey that's not true it's just a repeat there would be suddenly would say that till you let them show their ignorance for indeed they are and quite frankly I'll go ahead and insert this in as much as we've gone this far there are scholars in the Americas today that know that is a true teaching and I have even been warned by some of them don't teach it as it actually is because they will call they will say it is a subject of racism it isn't and it's just that they're not bold enough to step forward with truth for fear that the American people or the in the people of the world are not intelligent enough to see truth when they hear it to see and hear it that means to hear with understanding whereby you see the whole picture and you understand why God has more than one child that he has many children many races and there's no racist about it but he had this man to till the soil for a purpose it would be through him that Christ would come and made it plentiful verse 14 butter of kind that means from the cow and milk of sheep with that of lambs a fat that will not hurt you as nearly as bad as some other fats and Rams of the breed of a sham that means the word bation means few fruitful and goats with the fat of kidneys of wheat the very embryo of the seed itself the wheat germ and thou didst drink the pure and this word pure means unmixed blood of the grape that really needs no explanation and that's what you should take in a Holy Communion he really takes good care of us when we take prob when we take our love and place it before him if you want to sacrifice something to the Father especially I'm speaking on a very personal level here sacrifice your love to him make it sacrificial love him enough that and you'd better love him more than any other entity and then those blessings flow in other words our Father owns everything he created it it's his to give to you but you've got to earn it that's what judgment is again he's a very good judge he knows exactly what you can take care of and that's why you have exactly what you do today you'll be to say that again God knows you and he knows what you deserve and what you can take care of and that's how much he gives you is what you can take care of alright verse 15 but gee sure run waxed fat gesture run let me pronounce it Joshua run waxed fat and kicked thou art waxen fat thou art grown thick thou art covered with fatness then he forsook God which made him in lightly esteemed the rock our foundation of his salvation the word jeshu run is a word that means supremely happy the prime root in the Hebrew per supreme li happy goodtime charlie and our people have been that way since the beginning of time it would seem a great many of them are you let the good times roll and they forget about the rock they could care less about God well as go lay one on again tonight Charlie right you know we don't have anything to worry about let's go have a good time well we should study God's Word perhaps a little bit ah we can do that in the next generation let's go have a good time live it up hoop it up and they turn their backs on God and and a few good time Charlie's from generation to generation they totally forget about our Father they forget from whom those blessings flow they forget from whom that our piece of vine our sanity our understanding comes from for without the knowledge of the word of God there is no understanding of this world there is there is no way that anyone could understand the direction that this world is going today except one understood the Word of God many people think it's a big deal that we hear these words the new world order for about the last three or four years hey it was written we've been teaching that for forty years that it would come in approxima in this generation and it has it's not unusual to hear it even on television now the new world order it's coming good times and people forget but with God's knowledge and his information the truth reigns supreme it's right where he said it would be it's happening exactly as he stated again I must remind you this is the song if you want to know what's on the lips of those that overcome and are on their way to heaven this is what they're saying this is what they're singing about when the good time Charlie's come along if you're not careful you lose everything verse 16 they provoked him to jealousy with strange gods with abominations provoked they him to anger you want to know what angers our God just just start doing contrary to his word whether it be your help your your beliefs like rolling chasing quick like a bunny and sexual orgies that work themselves into the Sunday School classes for little children and the name of God is it any wonder that he is angered at people verse 17 they sacrifice unto devils not to God to gods whom they knew not to new gods that come newly up that's to say yeah a new religion from far whom your father is feared not I mean they start if they start anything to draw a crowd alright and they could call it up the hoop popcorn I mean I could go on and on of the religions I've known down my lifetime in such a short few years really it would seem like that the new fads that have come along oh you just gotta get into this and I'm sorry I will remain with my father's word but we hear these new fads and new religions and unfortunately traditions of men's sweep in until actually many questions that we are asked are are rooted in traditions of men and have no biblical basis imp what men talk about and those people are biblically illiterate and think that it's Bible doesn't Bible at all it's not of our Father many times verse 18 of the rock that begat thee thou art unmindful and has forgotten God that formed thee you've forgotten who the true rock is and many of you right now that would say well what does he mean a perverted people I never heard such a thing how just will not hear that well hey go ahead but you'll either know it or you be deceived in the end generation hey we can still love you but you need to get into your father's word and listen to him and not traditions not some new religion and it is comical as some of the new religions that begin and I won't dare I won't talk about it any more of it but it really you question someone's sanity and how insulting some things are to our Father that people do in a holier-than-thou attitude it's really amazing we'll finish this in the next lecture we're just now getting to the part that you have to know I mean you have to know these things that lay the foundation but he's going to tell you how it is that you overcome naturally you overcome by what you learned today by knowing who those are that have spots that don't match with our fathers that should really pick the ears up well we'll check it out in the next lecture as we finish this great song of Moses that you must know to have the victory it goes hand in glove with salvation it becomes a part of the New Testament when Christ made it a part of the New Testament in Revelation chapter 15 how are you doing friend did you know it will stick around you'll learn when we pick it up in the next lecture listen a moment once you
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 51,527
Rating: 4.8886757 out of 5
Id: iTR3j0pSVPs
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Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2015
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