Eboys Photoshop Challenge

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hello everyone and welcome back to another a boys video hahaha Alex pissed and a coca-cola behind it I found it in the hole the hole why Alan bangs got a grind for being dedicated to try to finish my work I care about you guys oh I think she left it in the hallway why didn't you pour it down the sink I was gonna drink it later yes sir if you're new here welcome this is what we're all like piss bottle if we get to a million so what you wearing today no this week I'm making all right hello you look so basically it was my week this week so what I've done is I've devised five secret tasks for the boys that we will all have ten minutes each to complete we shall all then submit them anonymously and vote for the winner and then at the end of this video we'll collect all the scores and decide the boys graphic artist of the year also hey go on God please all right boys so first up we have Randolph now boys what I want you to do to Randolph is I want you to turn them into your hometown drug dealer James you'll just have to use your own imagination no no no no you haven't you stop right this [ __ ] second why I've reached my device activation Photoshop I'm sorry the time in our three to go right now I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine [ __ ] what size is Randolph's [ __ ] a I'm pretty awful Photoshop drugs so I have no idea what I'm doing come on loads we've had an awful time absolutely smashing this is more tensors or being are you doing it as well organized it so we've had a head start on what if any no it's a really difficult and challenging task George do it I'm really excited to see just how far everyone's gone here I'm gonna get on a [ __ ] limb James [ __ ] this is under fridge of intense smell I'm going I'm finessing this [ __ ] boy's body no wise Randolph's body missing Randy we have 51 seconds now dad [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the crave the challenge I donate an extra minute to this challenge absolutely no I refuse I guess I'll do some color correction [ __ ] pom bow it up on the show 4 3 2 1 we're done it's over submission sent in will you show your video please well so we know that you're still not going and if the top comment on this video will release the best one on a show first one's me obviously who you think it was you said it you said in my local neighborhood so I use an image of the lovely Salisbury Cathedral so I added a little heart player in the background as you can see here something that I'm very used to in my childhood I gave I gave Randall's of comically big hands he's giving everybody his mixtape as you can see there which is Heskey time okay so I've decided to go with the classic you know a classic look we got the Emporio Armani t-shirt a staple of a drug dealer we got the fake plug chain which is another staple the pouch a fake Gucci belt and a cigarette I like how you've edited the cigarette into the mouth I think it's really interesting my vote I think goes to George I think the interest is little details work for norm thank you thank you my vote goes with James I just think it's a peace treaty that's definitely what the drug dealer would like in Buckinghamshire James as well because I really like the comically big house I would it would make sense for me not to vote for George but I'm going to vote for George I love the attention to detail thank you James I appreciate that Chris MD ali-a and James Charles have joined forces and released a drill album I would like you to create the album artwork and for a bonus point name the group go I don't know what a drill albums look like so I'm going to do a bit of research I'm so sorry Chris I never realize how hot Chris Mandi was a little bit kind of out there I'll get to squat oh if it's done basically I'm making an artistic statement it's not the time for shaft [ __ ] awful I feel like I've got a if I go out in the streets of London after making this people that attack me I have made literally the worst thing finished terrible it looks [ __ ] terrible so people can know you for reference I've kind of faced it up of like this I got on the screen I think I've done the e boys would like to formally apologize to the jurors out there all right now I'm going to change okay who's brave enough to put themselves on the line first in the drill I think so I don't think people are gonna go and kill us for this all the wiring thing is I think mines actually passed boys an actual drill do you want to start then if you're that confident let's see I kind of forgot it was gonna be like a joke right so you got professional if this is sure I'm going to love so much kick and make up that's my album art I usually I'll silhouette at the mouth it's not bad that's awful I quite like the name and I can x2 can I go next so this is Stanga life a new album difference between my one and yours is night and day I think mine's slightly weak and the Georges but hopefully better that Alex boy better blow Wow they look like they've all died well Alan Hayes dog is missing half of its [ __ ] face blown off by asking James okay so I've gone for the illustrious sisters and shaggers George as well round three Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby are really angry way fates and your task is to create a James Marriott style thumbnail detailing the reasons why they are angry okay all right I got it I hate you mine is literally going to be good because we can't you're good at making thumbnail oh no I'm good at making my thumbnails see I'm trying to do all the proper color correction in my sunglasses yes absolutely nailed the camera off I feel like my caption will be taken the wrong way and I don't mean it like yeah I think the same with mine I'm ready whatever boys all right and finished horrific I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble for okay who wants to go first I don't mind going first on James Cooper okay I'll set the example for he ate my kids like a lobster in the background so it's the Roses cuz I'm gonna go down the secret boyfriend route but okay my one is self-explanatory I'm sorry York will use cutting them out they for this ever remove background tool you should remove do you want to pick the winner on this because they awesome yeah I won't I won't be me I don't want it to be me because I feel like that'd be unfair so I'm gonna go with George on this one thank you thank you thank you thank you okay boys next row Philip DeFranco me look like an EDL member oh my god okay it's just how do you make a bull I'm struggling to make them bold spare the key here kind of get Philly dated well I'm sorry he's not watching I mean I think he will people probably said to him these pictures I'm almost on the three two one boys who wants to go first this time gone Alex you've been hyping this one out there Sarah I will I'll go first oh my god Alex go I'll go next so I've got Phil here at one of his rallies they've got a tattoo on his cheek of EDA a pretty basic job here well that's your life or there's a symbol of the EDL two symbols of the eto right at the top there he's got a point and he's bi Salisbury Cathedral is that slope it's such a big brain movement yeah well we'll still know that we'll take it weights cool it's George from three I'm on one Will's on one and Alex's on zero so anyone could win I want you to make him look like he's in the cast of Waterloo Road knows his incredibly unique and British do mine in very low quality as to kind of replicate what the [ __ ] is his show even about about a school George going for the [ __ ] huge point stop anything I've done this play I'm feeling average Wow that was pretty sick very good going on x2 your spell okay all right so I have no idea what this shows about it's not the Battle of Waterloo in case that's what you've done now why is there an Apache helicopter now I thought maybe one of the themes of the show yes it's impressive Mico all right okay I've done what I've been asked he's a young PewDiePie as a member of the war zero caste holding a bag of weeds while so brofist it actually yeah very good very good that's a strong bug nice bro fisting as well as handing them the weeds so I think that's wrong haha meal well so I've gone I went down which aviary so there's Felix of Marzia dogs holding holding up a doobie for you the person behind the camera in box says [ __ ] lasagna and graffiti font I just thought I'd turn this this is a really disappointing conclusion to this video strongest ending first video is gonna be a Waterloo Road Photoshop what is your final point go to my final point goes to James thanks George I also give it to Jay like face this video with no point if Alex if we give up points Alex that means he wins the whole video I vote on it yeah it's just been a poor show for the rest of the the entirety of the video but we're gonna give you a point Alex Alex wins the video thank you for watching the shambles hoodie voice video goodbye sorry for wasting your time again
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Views: 1,554,338
Rating: 4.9790702 out of 5
Keywords: eboys, eboys photoshop challenge, photoshop, eboys photoshop
Id: G4hclgojny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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