The TikTok E-Boy Invasion

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a few years have gone by since a handful of vine stars decided to bless YouTube with their content and some of you may think I'm being sarcastic here are not me it was recognition of the fact that there is no real difference in value whether you last 7 seconds or 10 minutes finally I have proof amongst the creators who cross the proverbial border into our platform we have the rib-tickling lolly pond a spine-tingling Lance Stewart and Jake Paul I don't even want to give him an ironic compliment it was only a matter of time until Viners were becoming so big on YouTube that they became the entire focus of YouTube rewind because imagine giving that place to actual youtubers Giada I would have been angry if they hadn't given rewind back to the creators last year Will Smith really earned his spot safe to say that original youtubers have taken somewhat of an L over recent years but luckily for us case I got some well-earned revenge on Logan poor last night didn't aim well done chief well I imagine he did anyway I'm recording this video the day before he did win right so yeah he won yes needless to say I was a little bit excited I guess you could say that today's video is somewhat pre-emptive for a long time I've been ashamed to say that I use tik-tok here and there I see it like taking a link while you're in the shower just get that urge every now and then it's easy to just do it in a short amount of time and without anyone noticing that doesn't mean that you're gonna tell anyone about it and you do have just sometimes clean up the evidence I'm absolutely astounded at the sheer amount of followers that some creators have on the app James Charles has made a total of 14 tic TOCs and almost has four and a half million followers that's before he's even done his fansler I have a feeling sister will really snap with that look thought it feels good to be back in 2018 but I don't want to talk about established creators using tech toy instead want to make a prediction about the next YouTube invasion because like the comments about how I admitted that I sometimes urinate in the shower it's inevitable jilma and jaidynn crew these are a couple of creators that i've seen on my timeline recently and the content they make is so incredibly vapid they will undeniably be the faces of youtube this time next year they have 22 million and 18.5 million followers on Tik Tok and their content consists of walking on the spot needless to say it's not very moving I'm not sure how anyone could even follow them in the first place they just stand 10 meters behind them and repeat their motion I isn't the only thing they don't take talk though they also do a bit of makeup to make them look like they've just been in a fight or that they're part of some kind of mafia they're even so intimidating but they have to hold each other back do you really need to hold him back he looks more fragile than a damp twig saying that he probably gives a lot of people but I feel as if I'm not giving their content enough credit okay because sometimes they do something absolutely incredible they walk on the spot with other tick tock stars who also dress like they're in the Mafia I cannot believe what I'm seeing is crazy part of a guy's name is clap daddy by the way and I'm 100% certain that the clap in his name is referring to the STD because there's no way in hell that any daddies are applauding that content realistically it's just a random bloke with a scar who thinks he's Al Capone he probably got that scar from something rudimentary like shooting onions fortunately the only ones crying here are the poor victims don't his content and their recommended feedback to the Cruz brothers they're not new to the world of influences they already have a YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers and I want to take a look at one of their existing videos to see what their content will end up looking like in the future of YouTube but before that I did a video for famous birthdays as personal experience famous birthdays try to do a video with absolutely anyone may have email access to it's like a genius interview but for people who aren't musician it usually consists of content creators who are a bit insecure about by popularity or merely have nothing better to do with their day they did a who's more likely video which is just the peak of YouTube content did you answer the questions but for the most part that commentary just consists of how special their connection is there are special nations it's almost as if you've known each other as brothers for over 20 years let's say that the closest connection I have to my family was the umbilical cord and that bad boy is long gone one of my favorite responses to the question who is more likely to cry from watching a movie [Music] I know you know for a fact that they both regularly cuddle in pajamas and cry whilst watching The Parent Trap for the fifth time that week you can tell that just from the sheer pace at which they responded to that question I won't cry don't know filly no [ __ ] bro there is absolutely nothing wrong with crying at film must cry more about films that I do about my own life I'm an emotionless shell of what I once was unto the question who is more likely to be a stand-up comedian that answers with fairly intriguing ya know some of you may be confused because I was - they're talking about being comedians when their content consists of walking on the spot and there's nothing really funny about that unless you were to do it in the middle of a motorway not them in particular by the way I'm not saying that I wish they were dead to be honest they're tic TOCs are enough of a car crash as it is it turns out that older content on tick tock was more comedic well that was their intention anyway they were in the process of revamping the silly face humor made popular on vine by Lily pons which is just so goddamn funny here's an example of one of their finest work now I know what you're thinking right that was very funny when he did the lip-sync and the funny face at the same time my god inject this content into my veins some reason they received a bit of backlash about this video because Jayden had comedian in his bio he doesn't anymore by the way and people were commenting saying that making funny faces isn't actually funny and I agree with them to be honest it isn't funny it's hysterical but the brothers decided to make an appearance on YouTube to address the hate and we are not funny anymore don't be so hard on yourself pros bros saying that you're not funny anymore is a lie we're never funny in the first place I can actually this stupid as you can see they're really not helping themselves oh god Jayden people don't think we're funny anymore how do we solve it hey my god you've done it that's a [ __ ] who's doing a towel on your head would you know God where who does that anymore in 2019 my god that is funny they're receiving criticism over the Internet in the form of an anonymous hate comment it's never a nice thing it's the reason why I sometimes say nice things about my subjects at the end of my video some may believe that I should try to be nice throughout my videos if you want to watch a man written to brothers then you're probably on their website for anyone out there that wants to become a youtuber for whatever psychotic reason you may have the one thing I'd say is expect hate but don't respond to it and especially don't respond to hate in the comments section if I had a dollar for every single damn time I've been caught a pig on this side I'd have enough money to retire and hopefully enough to what every single damn swine off the face of this earth but their response to the hate seems fairly light-hearted at first does the punchline or anything it's just it's just [ __ ] and then to add to that they linger on the non-existent joke for a frankly uncomfortable amount of time yeah it was so awkward here like Danny mom no never again never again it's like I'm watching preschoolers attempts member they've made a video titled we are not funny anymore in an attempt to prove that they are actually funny that's already their third unfunny stroke of the video like you're out there's no coming back from this they seem to go about the video in a fairly jovial way with a few bursts of laughter here and there I guess that's their way of claiming that they don't really care you know it's a Joey aid that hurt we swear man II haven't got fragile egos bro but as they start showing some of the responses to their posts it seems as if it's really starting to get under their skin [Music] but yours playing along with the meme here and I can appreciate that you know it's self-aware look at Jaden's face I've seen people look more lively on death row this random girl Astana's react to your video and not laugh I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who watch my videos and don't actually laugh does that mean that I not only watch their reactions but react to them myself of course not why should I care about what some random Tik Tok account with 17 followers thinks about me you have less followers than [ __ ] so I take in a day all these brothers are doing is giving people that don't like them direct attention on a huge platform they don't even stop this big thing it's like we dedicated a lot you know when it comes to Tik Tok but they see me King Fishlegs freshness not yet happy I don't get it right I'd like for everyone to go ahead and grab them a rockers because clearly they've been rattled everyone has a right to say that pulling stupid faces isn't funny because well it isn't there's this video I made back in 2012 on this channel where I just have no idea how to be entertaining in front of a camera to the point where I just did this is a video no I'd like to think I've changed a bit since then please reassure me that I have but I only did that when I finished his sentence and realized that it wasn't entertaining enough and I really didn't have anything else to say these brothers are on the next level because they don't even say anything in the first place cut the [ __ ] straight to the faces straight to the real companies real juicy [ __ ] it's just so easy and uninspiring sure you'll get a quick laugh of the few people who are 8 years old and probably struggle to spell the words sense of humor let alone actually have one but I can see why they left this element of their content behind and instead focused on their looks and putting one leg in front of the other it's quite amusing to see them getting defensive about their content though there when then we see facial expression yes comedy though we and we never stand out purpose doesn't have all the faces we're doing they're not meant to actually be funny if you're not attempting comedy despite labeling yourself a comedian but what are you even doing sorry that was a stupid question clearly they're dressing up as gangsters and waltzing on treadmill I doubt their inevitable return to youtuber we focused on responding to hate though one of the only videos they've posted this year is 90 day challenge a video in which they set out some new goals including posting weekly on YouTube and I know where you're thinking Oh God the invasion has already begun it hasn't they pushed it twice since then and it's been seven months we fed them though even in this video they seemed doubtful that they'll be able to achieve it thank you for your cooperation why is he talking like that and for the record I don't mean his accent you know I know what it's like speaking a language that isn't your primary one all right I am trilingual it's like that's saying that if you pull an ugly face boss the wind changes then you have that ugly face for the rest of your life clearly the witness changed well Jayden had a carrot up his arse it's the start of something big okay even if you don't find my content funny you've got to admit there's something inherently comedic and the fact that they didn't even last two weeks of uploading on YouTube I feel like we're in the eye of the storm it's only a matter of time until a horde of tick tock raters realize they're so popular and so talented and they need to vlog every single minute of their special lives and show it to the world these two on my prediction to make it big on YouTube in 2020 and if I'm right which you know I am I will be making a follow-up video on them sometime next year but until then crows Bros I wish you the best of luck maybe taking a quick stroll and receiving millions of views in the process was the break you needed to improve your comedy and beyond excited to see how this saga progresses and if you're still watching do go and watch this video I made on another one of my favorite creators from this year if you have enjoyed this video please leave a like down below let's aim for 23 likes subscribe if you're new or hundred runs already and I will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 809,129
Rating: 4.9715247 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, tik tok cringe, e boy, e boys, tik tok eboys, tiktok eboys must be stopped, eboy invasion, eboy cringe, tik tok memes, tik tok boys, cringey tik toks, tiktok eboys, the tiktok eboy invasion, james, marriott, james marriott, gilmher, jayden, croes, gilmher croes, gilmher croes tik tok, jayden croes, jayden croes tik tok, tik tok video, tik tok funny video, e boys tik tok, e boy cringe, reaction, entertainment, comedy, funny, amazing story, amazing stories
Id: SYbajnG52LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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