DAD SAYS YES to EVERYTHING KIDS WANT for 24 HOURS! (If Kids Were in Charge Challenge)

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give me that piece of jewelry alright get it you're so annoying oh yeah I gotta save the chicken yeah you're good what I have to do hey wake up Hey oh my teacher need a tutor certainly something really nice I love paper fully can you I don't know but you need you to sign this for just where I can't see just on the line right here oh [Music] wait I found her glasses wait wait you say teacher yeah yes summertime read what this is anyone who signs this verb paper will be confirmed to obey the other person for 24 hours what you did it listen wait you said don't get ranked do that maybe you shouldn't be on the computer so - first breakfast breakfast McDonald's all right whoa what nice Mike gets to tell me what he wants me to do today and I have to listen to him give them permission to tell you Dunkin Donuts instead are you kidding me what boy you want two kids to it yeah ice cream first rub it all over your face and then over the top ice cream please okay this is all too short what toy did you get I'm pretty sure that's the symbol when he said all right you got your toy now we're leaving yeah what you going Dunkin Donuts playground strap in okay dude I'm now giving your Duncan okay what you doing let's Wow someone's growing up oh my goodness how about to find you hi what are you getting a prize cool prize this is Duncan Turner I'll probably get like a lot of stuff but what are you yes I'm gonna get like a doughnut how could you go order that doughnut they move that cone as I Michael what do it daddy gets a cold let's order with it you're so annoying you know I really don't like you guys I don't have to UM yeah yes finally yeah Employee of the Month you looks at doofy [Music] you just jump up and down no no example exactly well we just did that member of the floor is lava thing okay check out this jump back if you're ready take this phone wait we might actually you're not allowed to jump to they say in the corner and not jump with us you have to what if I do a backflip okay Oh get out go [Music] what's unfair dodgeball oh my goodness fine I dare you to go top those kids I have no idea where we're going next - that's an old throwback video - final fishing wasn't going to so Shawn wanted to go to a candy store so we might go [Music] behind Daddy I dare you to get one of these nasty sodas in tug which one come on you're kidding me oh are you kidding can I at least get some candy though Oh barf what are you getting don't get too much boom boot what's it called and energy no I don't know how a candy store trip turned into like me trying barf soda oh gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] this is made with real you're gonna eat it dude that's a real my inside [Laughter] not the whole thing whole thing walk you all right can we stop doing something that picks on daddy you can go do something else you want to go inside and get a watch I know you're gonna get one yeah I'm getting this one I like no no you can't get that daddy you have to say yes that's what I'm getting bro but you have to say yes this one a good amount of money you can't get that one to college I could listen to the rest of Shawn I give you permission to tell Mike that he can't give you permission no yeah there's not that bad let's baby powder I know that's gonna be you Shawn you keep eating all that candy I got the watch oh no now you shopping - yeah that's what you are well you want some oh goodness oh my goodness you look like master chef dude okay yes you can have them will you buy me these sunglasses okay yes I think this one have a boo okay both fine jeez wrong with you I'm just glad that Rolex wasn't around the corner get it and then what are you asking for now what a watch what do you need a watch where you just want you want this one oh geez we had Jacob the jeweler Joe what are you gonna do with this Mike you doing a music video now you gotta wear that Shawn you don't need a watch okay buddy yeah on this one this one's cool which one you want oh my goodness Shawn Shawn are you sure you need that yeah we can go to Target to get some toys you want to watch our toys you want toys no watch right yes so much my chain was love that right I gotta watch that I will never ever wear there you know what brob giving away this watch you want it I just bought it hi bro you got a watch you can have it thanks bro god bless I hopefully he likes that watch I wasn't gonna use it alright now that I gave back to some piece what are we doing now mister I spent all my daddy's money [Music] well you get a Cheeto sandwich from can see for lunch she knows sandwich shop what's that Tito sales you ever heard of a Cheeto sandwich like it's just bread and Cheetos okay no no I brought her chicken costume get inside that chicken I have to say that at the farm I like his idea why did you had a costume the whole time yep you playing chickens are allergic to be moving no they're not stop lying no that's a good one [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] hi moms I'm a daddy buy me a two hundred dollar necklace we saving the chicken [Music] [Music] pay the ticket and my gun Mike yeah you're good what do I have to do yeah you run naked have to run naked at Target challenge accepted what is this cheeto nuggets notes most horrible no I'm sure it's fine let me try do you like Cheetos you eating bad bean boozled again good right what's in here oh my gosh stop singing oh my gosh look at that golden crisp Enis oh my yeah right oh my gosh good yeah you disobeyed me you just disobeyed me did you just disobey me well I'm kicking here my mouth mm-hmm that's oh is that the reason you took the whole entire plate of the sandwich for my spit out yeah okay yep - did you break your glasses already yeah Oh Shawn you're getting a big bowl card for all your toys [Music] I've been asked to run naked around target so here I go come on naked you can't say no Mike you can't say no I promised Sean a toy so he wouldn't get a watch come on you want spider-man all right Sean wants fatty spider-man who's that guy what's up bro anyway I was hanging out with some fans here right guys who say what's up and look what happened as a result of not paying attention to Sean's car what is this dude I was just taking pictures and saying hi and then this is what I get this is not your second birthday blog you're getting two of the same exact one it's actually six now can we leave no can we no sir ma'am I've been giving my money might as well neither do 10,000 I'll eat a 13 today why can we go pay please come on you go pay let's just go please take it hey so on there's an intercom right there how about you go in there and say subscribe to FG TV oh you can't how'd you go say subscribe to have G TV on the intercom oh you can't smell guys we gotta go something's wrong with all my senses I'm not gonna lie this makes you like super spoiled because it just wasted all that money on toys imma give back now again we went to Toys for Tots calm I'm sorry Toys for Tots you helped bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children so even though it's not Christmastime we know it's gonna get some kids that might need some toys so put three hundred dollars in there three hundred bucks I have already typed in my credit card donate and thank you for supporting Marine Fattah program there you go three hundred bucks charged to my Amex am I done with this challenge now what going to bacon no we're making us a fancy dinner for me to make sense right I don't know Oreo can you cook thank you go relax King Michael oh yeah watch this oh I'm gonna take that look at that oh thank you sir thank you thank you max - nope daddy how about this you have to jump in the pool first what can I eat first just say yes no dad daddy come on let's go jump in the pool okay seriously you gotta push me in bro hey daddy you see the pool you ever can I see you I see the pool yeah and I see you Oh God and I see the pool oh gosh and then I see your dinner and then I see you and then I see you just staying here for the rest of the night good night cuz I good wait wait what did you say okay goodnight actually I get it just a dream it's a good idea though daddy daddy yeah mighty son use your son's funny hey daddy guess what you just signed the paper and now you've two old babies her 24 hours straight yeah once you don't you read it cuz to me it looks like it says anyone who signs this place is able to control the other person for 24 hours now you have to listen dun dun to be continued [Music] wait but if that was a dream how do I still have this necklace there's a new turkey on the farm but no one likes it what you might buy him at Target and Walmart stores now tell me what video games is chase always play - Josh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FV FAMILY
Views: 9,914,434
Rating: 4.672401 out of 5
Keywords: if kids were in charge 2, dad says yes challenge, dad says yes to everything for 24 hours, dad says yes for 24 hours part 2, parents say yes for 24 hours, fv family skits, funnel vision, family vlogs, funny videos, fgteev, chases corner, doh much fun, fv family, shawn oreo, shawn fgteev, shawn funnel, shawn doh much fun, funnel vlog, oreo fgteev, fv family gaming, fv family vlogs
Id: IDJlLIt0Pz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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