Barry’s MAX SECURITY Prison Run Obby in Roblox

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goats Barry's just got a massive new update in fact it's like a completely new game there's brand new levels enemies and even top secret missions to fulfill stick around with us through this awesome adventure to see the brand new berries 2.0 Mel and I got really bad news look at our jumpsuits we're back in Barry's prison oh no sunny and it looks like Barry's got a huge update this is bad news for us but great news for the viewer if you guys have never seen this one prepare for an epic adventure and support our Channel by giving this video a like rating now melon what's new I see we have hearts in the bottom left corner wait does that mean we only have three lives or we have to restart this entire thing oh no I hope not but good news bro all of our items that we used to have on berries is still here bye no wait did that kill you that even kill me bro you just sent me flying what's up with this death ray this is crazy chill chill chill also Sunny check this out bro there's golden coins that we can collect oh give me these I'm rich cop coins are scattered around the prison use them to purchase unique items from the cop shop that is awesome bro what is the Cop Shop I guess we're going to find out if we beat the game so Sunny let's do this let's get out of here uh melon sorry but I just found a television and I want to play with it no Sunny just leave just dip please no look you could pick it up and then you could put it in your jail cell we don't have to leave this place is kind of awesome wait you're right I could rotate it uh there's a lot of stuff you can do in berries now sunny but I'm trying to get out of here I don't want to live here forever Oh I thought you wanted to decorate your jail cell and then we would just live here so we don't have to listen to our parents anymore we can watch TV all day let's just dip bro let's just dip all right fine I'm in the ventilation let's see what's on the other side of this ooh it looks kind of familiar melon but also totally different you're right I'm going to collect some more coins some trash can and I'll use this to do some Parkour well actually melan I'm just trying to put you in the trash where you belong whoa we have to disable this valve now now we can get through let's go now also realize this melon we are only on the first game mode of this new berries if we defeat this we'll unlock new challenges in the future that is awesome so press this button and let's go let's go speed run and don't forget this wrench you use this to destroy objects let's go press R to use a special attack yo that was insane I'll give you a special attack ow Sunny stop I think we can use this against Barry stop it sunny I was boosting you you got me killed I wanted to use my special attack I'm sorry about that can you forgive me no I'm using special attack now yo I actually knocked him over let's go nice one Barry's coming for me too special attack ooh get flopped fatty now melon we got to escape get up here yeah and bro do you see that it says hard mode cells over there dude I can't wait to do this on hard mode next time that's going to be crazy it's going to be full of all new challenges but first to the bathroom W I wonder if this is same as the old bathroom well there's still a trash can here for you if you want bro shut up let me just collect my gold it says No Escape yeah right melon it looks different the giant hole in the ground is no longer in the second stall and I don't see a shovel I think I just jump let's go use weapons to take out the enemies what the heck Sonny take that zombie out take that zombie out I got him I got him you got him I got him G rizzler parkour special attack oh I see what the hearts are for if you get hit up to six times from these zombies you'll die well I don't want to have that happen bro I don't want to catch their infection rizzler got him ow ow M don't step on the fire it hurts sunny I just found a secret level secret level found you found a secret level these levels can sometimes be quite challenging destroy these boxes in secret levels to receive upgrades oh no way Sunny Follow Me Hold on I need this money money money oh that's a lot of cash bro berries is absolutely freaking insane now dude there's money everywhere and do you see these enemies across the bridge yeah I do sunny I say we take him out with rocks let's go pick it up how do you throw them no I don't think you can throw those melon there's got to be another way I think f is to throw f is to throw I'm just going to hit this lever right here bang oh it didn't work that was a pretty good idea though shy I don't understand this secret level I say we come back another time and figure this out goats comment down below if you want to see us unlock every single secret level yeah that's a great idea let us know down below how we summon in this bridge and defeat these zombies but for now Mel Let's Escape prison follow me sunny and don't burn in the lava hippity hop across ow I thought that campfire would be a checkpoint but it just hurt me no dude it'll kill you the zombie get off of me yeah I'm Wrecking the zombies though bang ow ow ow my health my health let's flick this lever and open the skull of Doom ow what's in the skull of Doom You'll See Ew bats I hate those they're like spiders but fly dude this is absolutely crazy sunny we've got arrows you've got to be careful ow ow I'm almost dead oh I need healing I need healing there's no healing actually there is right here you can grab that yeah I got it and I got a whip I can even grab this torch to light the way or I could just open it up oh it's the meatball look out syy not afraid of no shmeet balls be careful in the next checkpoint There's a Zombie I'll handle the zom got him I got him no Sunny what did I do what did I do you killed me how I don't control the shmeet balls you hit me out into the meatball and I died you did it on purpose no it was actually an accident but I did find another secret remember the old hidden Diamond now there's a cool hat in here that's awesome now let's see what's in here uh melon it's giving me the creeps goats I need your help I'm stuck I'm stuck quickly press the Subscribe button to get me out of here no way that actually worked thanks for saving me sunny we should do that secret in the next video so go stick around for the ultimate Berry secret hideouts yeah and stop smacking me and I'll stop smacking you be careful Sunny I've got a bad feeling about this dude Barry's a medieval night he's absolutely jacked and we got to take him out this time Sunny he's got a bunch of Health but I'll hit him with my special ow he does damage oh I was just going to go crank this thingy no I got to take out the Barry Knight die how are you going to do that bro he's so strong you dodge him yo I'm actually taking him out no way I'm a goat like that okay I'm going to Spin Attack oh dude there's no way you're actually crazy if you get him he's almost dead he's at one heart he's no he got me last second melon get good he's only got half a heart he's dead yes sunny I completed a challenge I'm happy for you I got killed oh I'm slapping him in the butt now I think completing that challenge gave me a jetpack that's awesome no way hold on to access the challenge open your backpack and grab their reward I thought he blocked me from beating the game that was close no way I got a jetpack too oh that is so cool now Sunny let's get on out of here look out skeleton no way fight him he's got a sword and he's tanky he almost killed me I need a medkit and I need it now Sams he here Sunny more Skeletor stop doing that what I got knocked into a pit of Doom thanks to you no you deserve that Sunny you killed me how did I kill you I can't even hit you yes you are hitting me you idiot it's not possible it's not possible die die die you scum who's the scum you're the scum you Waterhead that's it bro I'm going on without you I don't even care I don't need you anymore just take on these skeletors myself hey don't forget to grab all the cash money I don't even care about the cash money you should bro I'm going to be more richer than you and then I'm going to buy the coolest upgrades bro I just want to escape berries it's that simple well you won't not with your life stop fine I'll chill I'll chill I'll chill hey yo yo yo you need to chill and jump on this thing melon don't hit me off you stop it o riy wrecked them but now I need a medkit yeah dude these skeletons do damage but I'm going up big old D hey melon hey melon hey melon stop I'm like a groundhog that's enough of that sunny it's time we get super fast are you sure look at the chef bro he's playing his frying pan like a guitar he's just farting around that's it I'm going to destroy this Chef let's go super fast I'm right behind you Broski let's go ooh there's a time limit now we can't take forever Sunny this is so cool best Obby best Obby yeah this is insanity bang I made it I've completed the challenge what did that unlock me beat easy mode I don't know what it did oh I can claim something defeat nightberry that gave me 1,000 gold melon look in this locker I just looted it I'm rich no way how much stop there is so much gold in there that's crazy and now melon we're entering a safe Zone apparently but I don't know if I believe it Barry just went back here there's a storage room wait I just broke the storage room let's go he's after us we got to grab this ladder sunny I don't know what Barry's doing he's running into a barrel right now Barry you are a weird dude careful place the ladder sunny and jump in the vence barry never even knew yeah he never even knew nice try no nice ni do it again you won't do it again you won't I'm doing it I'm doing it right now ah you just pushed me to the next level okay my ladder I need to pick it up quick Barry's coming for me yes I'm in and now Sony we're in the toxic Zone ooh what's toxic about this it seems kind of nice and friendly there's a big air conditioning unit it's giving me a nice breeze we shall use these to progress and I will be the most Progressive because I see big loot in the corner and I want it oh so many coins yeah I'm a CR cross hey Melon No now we should run and go same easy peasy lemon squeezy looks like we got three valves to deal with the first valve is right over here not too bad melon no you just oh you have to schack it you're right where's the next one ooh going up sunny I didn't hit I actually didn't do anything you're so annoying bro all I did was exist I didn't even hit you no I don't remember what you did there Mel melon it's fine it's fine now where's this last valve oh it's right over here I see it yes I seiz it I seiz it yeah who's hitting who now who's hitting who now that was you I was trying to just crank that valve nice try bro you were clearly trying to smack me now give me this money stop it I just want the money got it see you all right whatever I can't get it I give up use the boxes huh yeah I did like a real gamer oh need these coins and now I'm going quick again I've just got to dodge all of these laser beams same here how many coins do you have by the way 3,200 hey and I'm going up there's no way you have 3,200 that's cap bro you didn't get a jetpack earlier what you did is you go to challenges and you go to claim them and you get a ton of coins are you kidding me plus 500 holy smokes you're right you're absolutely insane and now I'm rich 4,000 there you go Sunny appreciate you now what is this what if I break this dang it it doesn't work hey melon great news looks like they got bags of fertilizer with fresh poo that's not great news thought you likeed that now what does this button do I have no idea what that activated but it did something maybe we get the Bazooka up here you should go in the cafeteria Sunny yeah and get killed by Chef Gary I don't think so what the heck was that there's an invisible oh there's a timer you've got to do it fast yo there's a tiny baby Barry in there I got to find out what that does all right so I got to press this button and then you got to parkour quickly parkour I me you could just use the jetpack that you unlocked no you didn't unlock a jetp pack you idiot that's just because we paid to win oh my bad and I've done it I've unlocked the secret one no syy stop it's one out of 10 miniature Beres bro there's 10 of those that we didn't even see there's so many secrets for us to uncover dude let's do a video where we unlock all 10 of them exactly but for now we got to take out Gary the chef and I think we got to do it with our ranch with our ranches no there's a food zuka I'm a Capper let's go just like the original blast him oh he's toast oh he's actually getting wrecked now that I got the food zook yo dead bro the food zuka in this game mode is so strong I don't know if you noticed on the chef it actually said wrench proof so you can't hit him with your wrench that's pretty funny but you can grab a medical kit if you need it and then we can progress through the waste disposal wait melon I don't think you're supposed to go beyond this point oh I get it I get it shny if anything that would mean I'm not waste just so you know cuz waste disposal is supposed to go there so you pretty much said I'm not trash no no I'm saying you're not allowed to leave this area because this is the disposal Zone I brought you here for a reason no that's cap oh we got Robo Bots wait where's my re my wrench is glitched and I just have a fuka now I got a fuka and a wrench I got to use it to take out these rooc cops the f zuka is crazy though yeah this is actually so awesome bro this might be the new best Obby in all of Roblox I think it is dude the fact that I get to keep my food zook it's crazy I even get to take out these berries these robo BL berries are dead bro dead meat dead meat exploded same here and then I'll shoot this button yep same SE rotate around and jump keep on moving oh no I messed up we got more rooc cops take them out dude there's so many this is so crazy dude they actually do heck of damage how are you supposed to not die how die you need to die just back up melon it's not hard you got to keep circling around them I took them all out with half a heart let's y then watch out for the lasers Oh no I got to use my Edge Strat stay in a corner and you'll survive are you sure that always works alwayss works it's never once failed me okay check it out Sunny we've got to somehow find a way to open up this vent this security door is locked yeah and I see what to do there's a giant button over there but I don't know how to aim my food zuk at it you're right dude it's actually super high up I think if you angle it just right boom I did it what how'd you do that I got to move a crate I think no I I had to just walk backwards it doesn't let me I can't get the right angle I'm going to place this jump here I got to do a jump shot bro this is hard Sunny are you stupid bro just angle your laser at it you what I'm doing right here I'm I'm aiming at it dude you don't understand it's not possible for me I'm looking at the ceiling oh but I got it now check it out you move your box over here and you can jump up into the vent let's go don't get hit with any spes but now we got more buttons to shoot button one done I got a feeling it's a time trial go quick D this next butt is dude you jumped right in front of my shot sorry I'm just trying to Speed Run don't got time for that is this all a secret room no it says top secret over here you're right another mini Berry and bust open this crate I got another heart let's go that's crazy hold on I need that and it sticks around with you permanently it's like a permanent Health buff bro I can't break the crates cuz I don't have a wrench anymore what the heck happened oh Sunny you could have just went up to the secret door and it unlocks for you oh so we did the secret secret yes but now it's time to take take out Barry Robo Barry he's absolutely insane you're right his new Mech outfit is crazy it's still the same as the old one though Sunny you got to take out his arms yeah if anything this is more accurate he doesn't have a ghost clone anymore we can actually defeat him exactly arm one is about to be destroyed big damage on Barry he's got more unique attacks now oh no he trapped me he trapped me in a corner oh no Sunny he's raining down missile but it's okay because I've taken him out he's dead that's crazy I've almost got him few more hits just a few more ah got him now sunny it's time we get out of here in style press this button and let's dip don't forget that sh money I actually get to drive myself this time no way put the sirens on and let's roll let's go skirt melon where you at bro I'm heading over to the mountain cuz it's time we helicopter out of here you right bro you right dude Barry's 2.0 is nuts it is absolutely insane did I get you killed by crashing my truck into the landmines no I just didn't realize there was anything there and then I died oh that's hilarious look it's a little Viper he's so ow die I'll save you Viper no he's already dead it's okay thanks a lot no problem it's because you destroyed an innocent snake whoops so I'm going the wrong way I'm going all the way up ow there's another snake food zooking that snake Sunny there's so many snakes good idea let me get rid of them oh no the money and sunny I see it the new helicopter it looks insane it's like a tank and a helicopter in one hold up I'm almost there melon I got to see this for myself I got to it's too late Sunny I'm zooming off let's go see you Sunny nice one bro I'm right behind you let's get out of this place and never look back actually Sunny now that we've escaped we got a job here I'm Barry melon gross why would you want to be Barry he sniffs his own farts bro shut up he doesn't sniff his own farts anyways this new place is absolutely insane there's even an arcade machine okay that's pretty cool and I bet this means we've unlocked the ability to play hard mode and I bet you we can be Barry in the future so goats if you want to see more of barries 2.0 make sure you slam that like button and subscribe
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 301,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3wSwfnveA9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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