easyJet- Inside The Cockpit S1 E2 [FULL]

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guys have never been busier every day 8,000 claims are flying over three million passengers and in the UK's 52 billion pound airline business easyJet is the leader by flying more passengers than any of its competitors now for the first time my best side with unprecedented access to the pilots probably so much of what delicious and their cockpits we'll show you an airline like it's never been seen before and this year easyJet planned to fly to even more destinations with more passengers so they're taking to the skies with hundreds of new pilots and what's more the final stage of their training is on the jaw so it's bigger and easier and we're coming along for the sometimes bumpy ride so let's buckle up with the captains and the wannabe co-pilots some of whom could be flying you to your favorite holiday destination a lot sooner than you think [Music] Paris home to shall to go ever after london's heathrow this is Europe's second busiest airport with 1200 flights taking off and landing here every day and out of the 59 airlines that are based here the second most popular is easy this year they're on the biggest pilot recruitment drive ever comes every month sexy very easy one of the 300 rookies that's graduated from the class of 2017 is twenty year old Brian Clyde and it will give you a direction today he's at the controls of his first flight with gyro paying passengers brian is there any questions anything you'd like to talk about before we go no any threats you can think of may training captain burnt our house will be keeping Ryan out of harm's way can you see just over to calmly when you're in a position yeah okay just a week ago Ryan swapped his home in the green hills of Cumbria for the chic streets of Paris despite being in the gastronomic capital of Europe is already missing some home comforts an crumpets basket Ryan has been posted to parish alder goal one of easyJet's 28 European bases like all rookies he could be away from the UK for two years flying up to 16 flights every week it's very different and people are a lot of things are very French today is a big day for our body from Blighty and their sons go on to 10 probably 4 or 5 I think you just got a B+ ultimately enjoy it as well I mean I'm just chat box on the excitement like I'm fine passenger to the best time it's it's cool stepheson huh luckily for Ryan and easyJet he lives just 20 minutes from Sharlto Gaulle Airport on the right already well out of his comfort zone he now has the small matter of making his debut commercial flight today on the outbound flight captain Burt flew to Prague was Ryan was in charge of talking to air traffic control brian is now flying the plane back into Paris Charles de Gaulle which means he'll be landing for the first time completely unbeknown to his passengers a security of the garbage of the day and they were like oh my gosh it their birth was like yeah Spice Girls yeah don't worry give it a couple of years with all the flavor you know you'll be like yeah the good tip the crack while I look good and that door closes it's just kind of giving the cuts in and it's just g2 in the aircraft you do kind of forget that there's 186 paying people sat behind you it's just mad but you can't go up in less than 30 minutes Ryan will have to land this Airbus a320 at one of the most congested airports in the world start this happiness Larry so to make it even harder it'll be in the dark any questions don't hesitate to ask okay what is the meaning of life with lots of black coffee we got this girl [Music] 29:21 I narcotic nominator what make more demeaning finally over you although there's radar onboard to detect other planes the cockpit has to be as dark as possible so in an emergency Ryan's eyes are adjusted to the low light just two weeks ago on his first and only training flight and the captain was forced to take control and abort the landing all together at ogre ten in pilot speak an aborted landing with passengers could be frightening especially for one traveler he's at y3 8:06 has started its descent into shelter goal three speeches Club 3 which at this time of the evening has a plane landing every 30 seconds nothing to that my wages and keeping the other line going and and yeah the impacts of a a bit of a firm London on a nervous fire it might be they never choose to file this jaegun which is a big deal calico bass about a gallon for mine [Music] with reduced visibility at night pilots are almost entirely reliant on the instruments in front of them you see the touchdown point where we gonna aim to touch now yeah [Music] 23 thought yeah yeah yeah coming crew disarmed our arrival please after successfully landing it's Ryan's first hero moment saying goodbye to his grateful passengers luckily for them Ryan didn't have this chat when they boarded when you tell people it's funny it's kind of a mix between disbelief and kind of like oh wow you know you've achieved all this 2:20 and that makes me feel quite proud actually when when people kind of recognize that yeah yeah a half yeah I'm 20 and my five plants here at easyJet's training hub at Gatwick is where Ryan first stepped into the cockpit of an Airbus or beard without passengers and today a new bunch of nervous trainees are about to follow in Ryan's footsteps you can come in a little closer it's not a rifle range with the airline's drive to take on 300 new pilots this year it's another day of the sharp end of easyJet's training machine for ex-raf captain Chris Kingswood this is one of those milestone days for you okay this is a day you actually fly that big ol jet each trainee has to land and take off six times without stopping in a maneuver called touch-and-go landings we've got Christians sake pilot and James is a base trainer he's only these incredibly annoying young and talented people for any point during today you hear James or myself say I have control relinquish control say you have control so we know you've heard us it's up to training captain's Chris and James to decide whether the rookies are safe to fly passengers if they fail they'll send them back to the classroom they'll inevitably be things that don't go well for them as well as they'd hoped and a huge part of my job is to keep them calm keep them relaxed and just to keep them engaged it's great to have fun but the minute you had stress and pressure everything becomes a bit difficult there are 800 flights in and out of Gatwick every day so when you're about to fly a 70-ton jet for the first time it's better for the trainees and everyone else to practice out of gatlings airspace [Music] look at the Beast the Beast aka the Airbus is the most common passenger jet flown in the world with one taking off every two seconds so gathering captain Chris left the Air Force in 1996 however he still likes to run things with military precision there are very few things that aren't acceptable but a Lambo dratted the tech log is not acceptable to me would you do the honors darling this is going to a bad place James Captain Chris gets a chance to show off his decades of flying experience sitting beside first officer Christian they're taking the rookie pilots to a less congested Airport 700 miles away in the South of France I don't know why I keep saying that we don't know [Applause] we can retract the landing lights post-christian donuts and cheese for them at living it almost gone very much and at the end of Blighty yeah so we're gonna skirt just to the south of Paris I was base there for four years each to go one of today's goals is to get the trainees to land safely on the center of the French runway and then immediately make a smooth takeoff first in the hot seat under Chris's steely gaze is Tom he takes his seat but only has a few minutes to get the feel of the controls before he needs to land the plane when coming into land the angle of the plane and its speed make the difference between a good or a disastrous touchdown [ __ ] [ __ ] captain Chris is forced to take over the controls that was a little bit of a flurry wasn't it Marybeth looks like he's got his work cut out [Music] Claire sharing her taste for life with Bella Cole and documentaries welcome to e-class well we will be cruising at an altitude of six three months of Apple music just our way of showing you the love can I get free Apple music - of course Duncan and when you stream or download all those bangin Tunes the data's on us [Music] [Music] discover coca cola zera sugar great coke taste with zero sugar you know that treasure-hunting is not at the risk of us right I think we can use other luck we can bake and some guns ps4 for the players colors fragrance allergens chemical ingredients does your skin really need so many we don't think so choose fewer chemicals for your skin with Sonic 0% shower gels they respect your skin and respect the planet it doesn't matter where in Brittany minute things people places their own moving forward can't always be measured in monitors but one generation to the next we never stop heading [Music] introducing all new Ford Fiesta together we go further Michael sharing his taste for life with Benegal and documentaries Luton Airport is where it all began for easyJet back in 1995 with just one plane one route to Glasgow and ten pilots [Music] today easyJet operate over 270 planes to cross 886 routes with more than 3000 pilots X British Airways pilot captain Zoe Ebury is on her way to Luton from her home which like all easy jet pilots must be within a 90-minute commute only 3% of pilots are women it took 7 years for her to become a captain change it's a bit like when you first learn to drive a car you start off be focusing on the mechanical aspects to widen your view and the blinkers become wider and wider and your view of everything becomes much bigger the more you do and it's the same with flying an aeroplane Zoe is a member of a select Club one of only 450 female captains in the world they could all fit into a single jumbo jet today she will be flying with first officers Steph Harris he joined easyJet as a cadet four years ago Steph is two pay grades behind captain Zoey and it's her job to order their planes fuel for their flight bound for Rome that's great thanks very much [Music] so his first job of the day is briefing her crew including a new cabin member Shanice be fine be nice passengers don't mind that understand [Music] right are you ready for it very quickly three the chances of having two women pilots in the cockpit at the same time are three hundred to one win today on the rummies from the right so if you have an engine fire on the right hand side there's a more critical turn to put the burning engine down wind will turn to multiply as creators Gatiss go psycho Thank You Steph has 1865 flying hours under her belt and just needs to reach 2,000 to become a senior first officer increasing her pay packet from 50,000 to over 60,000 pounds a year five people five go psycho big thing but her progression as a pilot could require making some serious sacrifices how do you feel about having babies you must fight the idea because you've been talking about your big auntie yeah cuz I was there I've been fine 40 years qualified 40 years so it's like if I had to tell any time see all that money you're going fastest yeah and I thought take time out and then that kind of career on hold so what definitely does you know yes okay children as the first officer does delay your career somewhat yeah I think it's good luck you can't fly so you come here inexperienced so you can say this kind of no way my dad pushed me until until the men can have the babies and their dedication in the carpet is something Laura and Shanice are very aware they were always like they're really hard yeah you always see them when you're going to take their cups of teas with working talk to air traffic control rounds I forgive me and how did you meet Alex I have an Alex at the CIA the CIA what were you doing at CAA I've been a medical physical well the class well no initial class on in your robe and everything I'm sure I do remember I didn't then we had robes Bowie burger [Laughter] okay good we shop there because I'm a my reply Lutz they say free lady what don't even expect a pilot to look like old and Haggard so now that their work at Luton Airport and people just assume I'm a cleaner I see what I remembered sit outside of my jumper our lack of this passage it came with all they were pushing 200 make it I was like okay okay one people Scott Ravi over there Roger Dodger back in the cabin new girl Shanice realizes one of her passengers needs some special attention now it should get much worse it's going to be a little bit windy that coming into and it's nothing to worry about it is normal I've always been quite a nervous passenger too shaken start like crying really so it's just like nerves and this horrible feeling it's a common problem with 1 in 6 Brits having a fear of flying [Music] no are we distinct in now sure aren't you yeah but yeah it's nothing I'm acting like a tiny bit [Music] yeah you wanna way we cabin manager John joins captain Zoe in the cockpit as regulations dictate two crew members must be present at all times enabling staff to take a break I can just remember everything first officers have to stripes on their shoulder until they reach the rank of senior first officer and get three after that it's four and the rank of captain oh one of the pilots need at least five GCSEs and the mandatory 120,000 pounds means to maybe apply you know your free time having a few degrees 10 minutes to seatbelt signs shanise checks up on her nervy passenger [Music] as soon as we hit the floor I'll be fine he said why 2 2 1 1 is descending into Rome Fiumicino Airport at a hundred and 40 miles an hour [Music] Oh Steph Harris is now four hours closer to becoming a senior first officer with that extra 10 grand playlng turnaround time stood at an hour for nearly 50 years until the low-cost airlines slashed that to just 25 minutes the job this means even captain's need to occasionally roll up there for strikes leaves while their wannabe senior first officers check under the bonnet to make sure all is shipshape for the return flight back to Luton [Music] back in the trailing cockpit above southern France the cadets are getting behind the controls of a real Airbus aka the beast for the first time today they're being assessed on their touchdown landings and takeoffs failure will mean a trip back to the flight simulator [Music] next up for training captain's James and safety first officer Christian is the only woman on board 22 year old Charlotte she worked at a supermarket and took out a loan to pay for her training this is Charlotte's first ever landing in a 70-ton air bus and she spotted a potential problem bird strikes a most common at low altitude exactly where the cadets are spending most of their time today for the eight thousand flights that take off and land every day from the UK bird strikes at the biggest hazard first an attitude it can cause serious engine damage and on takeoff can force planes to make an emergency landing but surprisingly pilots are taught not to avoid them particularly when coming into land as sudden changes to the flight path can be even more dangerous go away Oh Charlotte correctly positions the plane for landing she now needs to remember her training and ignore the birds [Music] come back here hold that scent alone nothing too drastic or movements a little bit left but she can't fight her instinct to avoid them and banks sharply to the right Oh birdie pregnant [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] by the way is an instruction to pull the throttle back and slow down Charlotte lands way off the centerline she just manages to get back on course to take off successfully animals they all live with you okay flying off to the right of way the varicella I didn't even realize I felt bad the whole approach now apparently women cobalt II tasks so vertically you gotta keep hold of both the right yeah that was no the Kant's me thinking what am I missing what I'm missing is they're really well they never think it just go with what is doing travel to net just do what you've been taught she has one more chance to make up for her mistake label or it's back to the simulator she nails her last attempt and training Captain James is impressed Charlotte is now one step nearer to membership of this predominantly male Club bloody perfect Oh Charlotte did you do that last landing not perfect Charlotte you did very well a beast of a lover I hear more than a little flustered James needs to pull himself together before the next Eaton's up Clare sharing her taste for life with Benna cole and documentaries being diagnosed with a serious illness like cancer can bring financial worries that's why at Lloyds Bank we have staff trained by Macmillan Cancer Support to help manage your finances so you can get on with life Lloyds Bank by your side oh wait guys is it me no celebrities a person's no added sugar cap returned the taste of fun [Music] world's first super slow motion video in a smartphone Xperia exert premium [Music] the sun's UV rays affect your skin with a UV camera you can see it it also shows how Nivea Sun helps protect skin from UV that's why Nivea Sun has teamed up with Cancer Research UK to say cover up aim for shade and applying of your Sun Trust the UK's number one Sun care brand [Music] you never saw me that was working for the CIA and Louis [Music] business was approving bills blown around the backyard I rake it up in morning american-made in cinemas Friday pole sharing his taste for life with Bennett Cole and documentaries take us confirmed 0.36 falling back in the South of France the training captains and their rookie pilots are about to return home to blanket 100 there's just one student left in the hot seat next to Captain James Guerra very nice how do you feel because it's better right at the front only two weeks ago 24 year-old Jonathan was in the classroom facing the hardest exam of his life you will learn this from memory in 10 days the test is called type rating in pilot lingo because it's about learning everything about the type of plane they'll be flying the Airbus this is the electrical system of the Airbus I'm fine to do it for memory see how much I could still remember he passes the exam with flying colors thank you very much now Jonathan needs to put the theory into practice wait [ __ ] my truck and gear down happy with a raise yep good [Music] oh that's cheese about feel that quadratus perfect oh [ __ ] it right pasta pot yeah [Music] it's awesome you're awesome personally say how much I talk really good top of the class on paper and now top gun in the air Jonathan well done buddy did you enjoy that you were great even top training captain Chris is impressed chattered I'm bit my tongue off and my neck is going well [Music] with all the other cadets making the grade it's time to head home to get strapped inland they should be in for a smooth flight with Captain James goring and first officer christian de silva taking the controls seasoned pro James wants to show his rookies and chief captain Chris how it's done when was the last flight Oh about two weeks ago with the sunny settled weather of southern France far behind them they're descending into the cloudy gray of gatwick going Gallic with turbulent learning despite the conditions James knows he must land in a specific area of the runway called the touchdown zone or he'll risk running out of tarmac get out please instead of that porridge 40 30 20 [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] Captain James trains other captains but today he nearly missed the touchdown zone it seems things didn't go according to plan and mistakes never go unnoticed inside the cockpit I think before easyJet cadets are allowed anywhere near an Airbus they spend a few weeks at l3 airline academies Bournemouth Base morning flight instructors here teach cadets how to deal with the most life-threatening scenarios any pilot can face from flying blind in poor visibility complete engine failure and experiencing g-force if the plane loses total control it's going to just show you how we recover from extreme maneuvers something that you're not going to encounter again when you're doing your Airbus flying I hope at least the passengers hope maybe be their car suddenly finds itself on its back the trainee has got to be taught what to do in those circumstances how do you recover when you're upside down something you don't expect and hopefully you'll never expect and and hopefully be able to respond before you get to that situation 26 year-old Sophie Turin is now 12 months into her two-year training and has just returned from New Zealand having nailed flying on her own with only unmanned this is the final stomach-churning challenge before she starts her Airbus training incidents like the ones they're preparing for are extremely rare but if they do happen it's essential the pilot keeps a cool head today Sophie will have to endure dramatic turns and stalls in midair to recreate a disastrous loss of control are you gonna feel sick do you think I feel sick drove stalling a steep turn so I always make funny noises I'm about to feel ill I'm like squeaking to avoid air sickness sophie is keen to employ a trick she learned at flight school in New Zealand so did ed take ginger in New Zealand I think you did I've heard of other cadets into what and it helped with the air sickness people have different ways of managing air sickness and I've heard rumours that ginger helps with any emotion you might feel if you consume your ginger before so they have settled for some ginger biscuits [Music] Sophie will be flying in a plane they affectionately call the format comet itself yes you heard right the Vomit Comet what if I throw up I might take a sick bag did you want to sit back instructor cliff Rand who's been taking people upside down for three years has his own strategy to avoid air sickness but he's keeping it to himself [Music] up here cliff will put Sophie through her paces he'll be subjecting her to g-force pilots need to be able to cope with up to four G's that's the same force you experience on the nemesis ride at Alton Towers it's most expensive fairground ride in ever your body weighs four times its normal weight forcing the blood to pool in your feet and putting so much pressure on your neck that you will struggle to hold your head out this is okay on a roller coaster but if you're in control of an aircraft one wrong movement or decision can mean the difference between life and death and not just yours [Music] okay so just try demonstrate for you what is the state at two point five ye build likes okay here we go feels like next cliff confront Sophie with a pilot's worst nightmare a store he switches the engine off and the aircraft begins to plummet towards the ground passenger planes for most never stored but when they do it's crucial a pilot knows exactly how to manage this potentially fatal situation as she falls from 3,000 feet sophie has to battle to regain control of the egg by accelerating out of the dime so the airplane still gonna behave would you like to go that ginger has served her well but can it last a 360 degree roll just raise your tummy then we'll [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] it's been a pleasure thank you I was surprised but it was really good doing the maneuvers and some stalling but after that you know we ought to expect and it's really good I feel I feel a lot more confident now than I did before I before I left in that plane having survived the Vomit Comet next up for Sophie is the Beast the Airbus Michael sharing his taste for life with Benegal and documentaries Nivea man protecting care the shower gel gives you protection from dirt the Yeldon gives you protection from sweat the cream gives you protection from dry skin protection from everything well almost maybe a man protecting care ultimate protection from everything [Music] the new BMW 1-series feel connected eating at this venerable establishment used to mean plain crisps and pickled eggs now it's more like organic ham hock fritters with pickled beetroot dipping sauce when your local grub and your beard are this darn creative shouldn't you choice of drink B - you wouldn't even get reception outstanding indoor coverage on our most reliable network ever Vodafone power to you it's time to ditch the adult dinners tonight please stand and stop fill your boat shaped orthia with heart and soul make it easy make it faster make it favorite and stuff mega murray sharing their taste for life with Benna coal and documentaries II said why six seven nine four is about to return home to Belfast from Faro in Portugal's Algar at the helm is 24 year old Jonathan bruva c10 fresh from flight school it's the a-star students first time at the controls of a jet with passengers on board [Music] a final block is 996 that's a captain Barry Russell is sitting alongside oversee the trainee First Officer exactly suggests board this easy death services for them senior first officer Colleen Lavin is ready to step in if Jonathan gets into difficulties probably one of the most nervous things I've done it is one of the things I'm most looking for the important thing is to relax and enjoy yeah first take off [Music] roaches [Music] [Applause] [Music] very nice yeah but she brought it back Jonathan left his English mum and Dutch dad in Holland to be posted to Belfast where he's living on his own for the first time this is home yes it is now I put my suitcase and my jacket in here I mean I haven't got any more than that no what is it my family payments they're probably more worried about me cleaning and cooking and washing and that they are really flying he may have excelled in the classroom but there are some other on the job skills he has to master like the all-important passenger announcement so do you want to think about a PA perhaps okay I've told them a little bit about the rich you could turn around and say you know our cruise altitude so we're cruising 33,000 feet over the day of this game of what Bay of Biscay Bay come on Jonathan Bay of Biscay the stretch of water between northeastern Spain and France okay you're overly illogical snip the passenger enhancement could be nerve-racking for any novice especially if you don't know where you are but captain Barry has some helpful hints this is what you don't do your weather in Belfast is 3 1 0 with 12 knots temperature level 2.6 units 1 0 to 9 so it's a northwesterly breeze few clouds 11 degrees you could say high pressure if you want you still want to keep 1 the air on just and then you can just press the button I'm talking to right so you wanna have a chaplain I'll take control okay this button here yes speaking of islands since our 30,000 feet was it fibula no certainly started very good thank you for attention why would you get me which wasn't one burger with the announcement safely negotiated it's time for another cockpit lesson this time in Captain comfort food then pop up another sandwich that we're going sick man what saw a little bit on the side wait no no batting chip buddies I never had a chip buddy but they're like somebody's you know chips like fries yeah put them in sandwiches in some it is delicious [Laughter] 150 miles from Belfast it's time for Jonathan to start his first descent in the flight deck as the runway comes into view Jonathan struggles to keep a level approach hundred above the pressure is on but a quick correction and he's back on the runways centerline very nice first not even 324 passengers yep well hide that see ya good very good first day out telephone I enjoyed it good that's half the bottle I thought that was a great lounging soda very good you wouldn't know what's this first time shaven why you're extremely young chicken huh yeah you trust you it's not a good first day well it's good they're really good yeah yeah a lot of the guys are getting clean they're really really good at least we're strong really good really good cop wait till tomorrow to the next one [Music] it's great to finally get started they call that work this has been my focus ever since I was little and it always will read my focus it's just you're on top of the world [Music] ladies gentlemen thank you for children while they to disagree with you where's incompetent [Music]
Channel: Dingy
Views: 430,697
Rating: 4.810123 out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, easyjet, insidethecockpit, flight, sky, documentary, rookies, ITV, EP2, S1
Id: DgYp3R-T_ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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