Heathrow Britain's Busiest Airport S04E05 - TVUK

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this is Britain's busiest airport with nearly half a million planes taking off and landing every year it's currently euros number one Airport but competition from abroad is hotting up major and with nearly 80 million passengers expected through Heathrow this year it's down to the army of nearly seventy seven thousand staff to keep their airport at the top of the table my vision there'll be some familiar faces and some new ones she'll buy garden you're in charge of this you're the landlord on the airfield in the terminal we see tonight and for the first time passports out of your pockets please we'll go to the front line of Britain's biggest border everyone is working harder than ever to keep Heathrow at number one it's 449 a.m. and the first flight of the day is about to land into Heathrow the final 50 miles of 9,000 miles [Music] Qantas 9 wind is 360 degrees six months zero nine Wright's players land the plane arriving is about to make aviation history departing from Perth Australia it's the longest non-stop flight ever to land at Heathrow Cantus nine congratulations on your inaugural nonstop service and welcome to it's the end of a record 17 hours in the air for this Boeing Dreamliner 787 pleasure to be here for Heathrow it's the dawn of ultra long-haul or ulh as it's known in the aviation business and they're rolling out the red carpet for this historic moment good morning good how are you today they do excellent all the way on this one is going for Joe it may be just another flight to add to Heathrow schedule but for Qantas and its chief engineer James it's a giant leap for a VA ssin back in the early days it got the name of the kangaroo root because it was multiple hops from Australia up to the UK today we've done it in one go it's flown 14,500 kilometres we've left Perth with around 98 tonnes of fuel and we've landed today with plenty for another hour it's kind of a milestone in aviation so they're very very pleased to be a Bolton [Applause] ultra long-haul will bring more people to britain from further away in shorter travel times but however long your journey you will need some form of passport to enter the UK six years ago the Home Office created border force merging responsibility for immigration customs and intelligence matters across all UK ports and airports anybody is coming into the UK is subject to scrutiny including returning British citizens as well I know you've been away for a certain one week one week and where are you traveling back to in the UK now in the old days when were just immigration officers that was our primary and how many wrong now of course we're also Texan officers were actually customs officer trained but we're also looking at counterterrorism as well all those things every section has its part to play a major part is customs extra vigilance is required when checking baggage entering the country for anything that may be linked to criminal activity despite Britain being one of the safest places to do business it's been estimated up to 90 billion pounds in crime proceeds was laundered in the UK last year can I see your passport please arriving from Ghana this passenger has declared he's bringing a hundred and fourteen thousand pounds cash into the country where do you normally live I live in Garland okay and how long will you be in the UK for 30 days 30 days okay if you're carrying more than 10 grand from outside the EU you have to prove where the money's come from and what it's for border force remya has to establish that it's not for a need to use where has it gone yeah through directory that I'm do the business I'm doing but do you have any evidence to show that it's company on business the newly arrived passenger claims the 114 thousand pounds is for buying second hand car parts from England and although he does have some documents Rania's colleague Alan has discovered an irregularity said these documents and my colleagues are saying from 2010 yeah I have the kind of document but I forgot to bring it it just escaped me I always bring it your this I don't want to play here yeah this is good so you haven't declared many previously yeah your system will not be thank you so the amounts that you have declared are they similar to this amount TVs it's more than that more than that's enough yeah you got chuckle racist okay can you show me the money that okay I'm sort of peace okay so this is 114 no one's it it's 14800 hey over 14000 hello a rich my body you had Britain hundred and fourteen dollars Rhiannon a thousand you have one hundred and fourteen thousand 300 maybe the mystique I don't know jeez I don't know because everything mystique well one mistake might be cleared up he's not out of the woods yet regardless if you have ten thousand euros or a couple yeah you need to declare it which you have done you still need to provide evidence where the money has come from and at the moment you are not able to provide any evidence of where the money has come from it was the paperwork that you've provided us with with eight years are today it was come through my business well the evidence to show that it has come from your business without proof border force can confiscate this business man's money potentially forcing him into an early retirement out on the airfield chief airside operation trainer seinem is also heading to retirement of sorts I reached a point a night you know after 27 years I'm still only 32 I really do need to just try and push on and do something a little bit different use my knowledge yeah I'll start working here when I was 18 so it's a case of this has been my life treyvion is out for his last session with his mentor Simon before I go you really need to try and squeeze what you can have you know and to be like at their mentor I'm just so yeah suck it all out like Harry Potter I won't be giving you my phone number though no things I want to draw a line and today's lesson is all about preparing for air traffic controls runway change this daily ritually redirects arriving and departing planes from one runway to the other orchestrated by controllers like Jules so at three o'clock every afternoon we swap from being to seven rightfully pointed to to some left about your all vice versa so we'll do an what we call an alternation Heathrow is located in the sought-after residential area of West London as the number of arrivals and departures has increased so has the noise if you live underneath the flight path we alternate at 3 o clock to ease the noise so that you're not under the final approach 24 hours a day you're only under it for half the day so we try and spread the noise around as much as possible ahead of the change the runways need to be inspected check the holding short of a half a barber 1/3 for a routine service function of m87 night 7 right I will call you Ian that was good and she's actually starting to sound a little bit normal man not so robotic hi I'm just checking my inspection gap is it asked after the Singapore laughing thanks very much Sinnott makes me amazed how those things fly good trying to really be bolder and loud with the air Simon and Ian have only minutes to carry out their inspection so remind me what we're looking for fart any massive cracks there's something afeared thing for the birds to bird or any more life activity upstairs in the tower they're notifying the incoming planes of which runway they're landing on there is a routine runway inspection in progress and the departing planes how long they have to wait until they can take off maybe 9006 developer bun is four minutes if you go we have both runways checks because any foreign object on the runway can be dangerous to aircraft because sometimes it can be a piece of metal which could burst a tire or something like that looks like plastic bags we are not sure though but obviously if an airplanes taking off and something that could be ingested it could damage the engine and cause the airplane a problem so that piece of plastic if it was to blow onto the surface a pilot might assume it to be something else like a piece of metal or something even though that we know that it's not inspection over both runways are now foreign object free zones ready for the three o'clock switch so check a vacatur - oh my - 7/11 checkers thank you very much we have at nine nine four golf go take off t7 right surface winds one eight zero eight knots go go very good perhaps uh might get you through this training course after all yeah as the first plane departs on a nice clean runway back at arrivals border force remya is speaking with the National Crime Agency hi he didn't give me a name she's investigating a Ghanaian businessman because he turned up with 14 grand cash in a brown envelope without any proof of where it's come from if the worst happens and the investigation team want to detain that money for investigation the money has to go in front of the magistrate within 48 hours he will listen to the circumstances and he will make a decision he will either decide to give the money back to you immediately or he will give the investigation team a month six weeks eight weeks to look further into the origins of the money the businessman claims the last time he came to the UK he brought 12,000 pounds cash to buy car parts and declared it okay when you bring that money in last time you entered the UK did you declare that money yeah when I was coming I didn't it I'm not good you up to that 10,000 oh honey good in what I can tell you 10,000 I used to be great yeah 12,000 is more than 10,000 so tell me again how much money did you bring into the UK last time okay then you didn't declare that okay did you not say to me earlier that you have declared money previously many times and that we should check our record to verify that you had declared the money it appears there's a change in this businessman story and border force Rania is not convinced yeah he said he bring in now nine thousand pounds approximately and he didn't declare that money before he said twelve thousand there's there is an discrepancies in the store anything her trainer Mark is impressed with our confidence in questioning I've been in the job 34 years and see Romina actually do this you know she's only been there job eight months fantastic the way that she way she's questioning is brilliant it really really impressed now I'm very nervous maybe you can't see it but it's it's their money and it's not natural to stop someone and you know to question them about it and to be Authority is difficult but then if it's linked to criminality then that has a dire effect on our society so it's really important what we do there's also the element of you don't want to detain or see someone's genuine money you don't want to do that either border force remya will now check out the companies the man does business with to see if he's telling the truth if you get seized it we just wanna tell you something which is food transports us [Music] there are 4,000 flights in and out of the UK every day with a third of those arriving departing from Heathrow this makes the airport a prime place for plane spotting and today there are flight tracking apps allowing anyone to identify any commercial airplane in the sky from their smartphone oh my calling just to check where my boyfriend is where his plane is just turn into one there oh my god I bet he is soared saying he'll be on that plane so Oprah I can just imagine him arriving from Tokyo Japan Kasim Massa is about to land into terminal 5 to meet his 22 year old girlfriend Valery whom he met online language learning that we've been dating for six months we feel like we've been dating for years we know each other so well and we talked so much we've probably talked more than people that live together that says do we say anyway I think it was our common love for planes that grows together and tomorrow for Valentine's Day were friends come back and clean if there's some plane spotting and near the airport so you can see them coming in really low so excited to add to valerie's excitement tomorrow's Valentine's Day won't be the only first for her and Kasim a sir so when is this the first time you hey yes is the first time of meeting in person it's overwhelming actually it's a thing lady's gonna be here anymore but I guess when I see him my Gordo just take over and right now it's been a week just partly covered uh-huh Casa masa is arriving on a Boeing 777 which is currently the best-selling wide-body aircraft in Boeing's history although this plane spotting factoid may not currently be on Valerie's mind I have no idea I can't be happier laughs Ari [Music] and sometimes my red teeth let's it's normal barri a lover out on the airfield another love story is reaching its fairytale ending chief trainer simon is on his final shift at Heathrow since the age attained orbit so I clap on my bike and watch the airplanes take pictures of the airplanes it's actually quite nice I'm after 27 years I'm leaving I'm leaving and passing over to someone with equal passion and desire for these bits of 10:19 contract under control one one eight decimal eight to five before Simon can say his last goodbyes a situation has arisen and one of his beloved pieces of tin needs his help there is a a380 inbound to stay and three for two and I believe that there is a problem with the computer that parks the airplane so this is a reason they're still getting those table tennis backs out Simon's training technique is about to be put to the fire Ian will be parking the largest commercial plane on the planet with over 500 people on board and here we ask them three four to three control towers not far away they'll be looking out keeping an eye on you so puts on a good performance the a380 weighs a whopping 650 tons and has a wingspan nearly the size of a football pitch meaning the airport's it lands they have to be equipped to cope with its incredible size yes because you've gotta make sure those in the right place but the door so they can get on otherwise you'd have to get the top to push it back you see the size of it it's a massive aircraft to put on eight inches no precedent hi hello Julian that's how one it's a big error play make yourself really bold and visible going really good all the way out and all the way in what all we'll ear have hit his 8 inch mark people on there you would be a little hands safely God is that to arrive at Heathrow Airport right under the nose of the air traffic controllers I'm sure they were looking down and giving you a round of applause at the same time that's not easy I think I'm ready to say that you're ready to start marshalling properly these were handed down to me by the person that trained me I'm pleased to pass over these to you as a recognition of what you deserve it's a pleasure thank you and I should treasure than always I take cocaine all the best other look after them by way of the car how many aircraft things actually parked understand to know probably they Couture can tell us the stories they could tell fascinating many people believe money does talk border force wishes it could then they could decide whether this man's fourteen thousand pounds is from his business or not let's go under money I'm dgeni business I'm not by cheap you hadn't thought you'd been with the increase in electronic payments only forty percent of transactions in the UK are made with cash in Ghana seventy five percent of businesses still rely on notes and coins how'd you feel that's a good idea Dean Diego border force remya has heard back from her contact to the National Crime Agency and lets her supervising officer know she's had a word with the suppliers and they are expecting them than they've verified that he does meet them in three four times a year and he pays them in cash [Music] let's go and give him the good news in general so you'd like to come over we're happy to let Mungo but just so you know next time you come into the UK if you are carrying money that's equivalent to ten thousand euros or more carry evidence of where the money has come from you can put your money away alone in this instance and I was happy to let him go but still not completely satisfied with what he told us well I hope next time I'm coming at all a ball mine just me this is a lesson for me and I'll learn more from it naturally I'm not a very I'm a very in shy quiet person but then each time I deal with the case it gives me more confidence so next time I know how to deal with it better [Music] yes aim for a robot treat coming over to the Royal Suite which is dignified locks
Channel: TV UK
Views: 113,908
Rating: 4.8858771 out of 5
Keywords: Heathrow, Britain's Busiest Airport, Heathrow Britain's Busiest Airport S04E05, S04E05, TVUK
Id: mJxov-QCPBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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