Easy Sausage Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe! | Now Cook It

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have you ever wanted to learn to cook but just didn't know where to start well we're the guys from closet food and we've seen that with coops great now cooking a free online course to show you how to up your food game so head over to now cook it to get started but for now check out this video from the course sausage carbonara it's a twist on a classic and the only reason the classics becomes a classic is because it's super simple yeah and that is exactly what it is perfect for midweek a handsome ingredient and literally 1012 minutes no more okay so the first thing you want to do is get the pasta on because the time it takes with the pasta is the time it takes to get everything else ready so a big pan of water when you're boiling pasta make sure you've got plenty of water and it has to be at a rolling boil rolling meaning lots of movement in the water that stops all the strands and systems together because of the movement if you prefer you can season the water with a little bit of salt and that seasons the pasta right the way through and saves you having to throw on seasoning at the end and then the spaghetti lower in make sure all the strands are completely submerged not stuck together to give it once will and then it will need about nine minutes of cooking which is the time it takes it's bigger and even now you want to stick a lid back on to make sure it comes back up to that rolling boil when it's rolling again you can take the lid off you don't to boil over successful just keep an eye on it so the sauce itself it starts with a couple of very very simple ingredients these might be kicking around in the fridge from another dish or a meal it's not literally two sausages to rush the bacon even while going over the sausages you're going to take two Rash's of smoked streaky bacon sizzling smoky flavor and just going sit up nice and fine while you're doing that I'm going to make sausage meatballs so basically sausages are fantastically seasoned meat inside of the skin all you want to do is just squeeze meat ball sized piece is out of the skin and they instantly for meatballs you want about four per sawfish now yes there's two of us making this one dicing the bacon and one making sausage balls but you do one after the other you've got plenty of time a good three or four minutes to get your meatballs and by shaking ready with both meats prepared they need to go into a frying pan over a pretty high heat but just about a tablespoon of oil what you want to do cook and fry them for about three or four minutes get good color on them in those three or four minutes you can take one clove of garlic crush it and find a job the real key here is to get good color on those substances and base in that for the flavor is the Browning we've got our garlic chops we can now get rid of all the raw meat so wipe down your board wipe down your knife nearly tomato soup next up we're talking about our source now this source couldn't be any simpler all it is is one egg yolk and some Parmesan cheese you're going to need about a heaped teaspoon of Parmesan G is for its graded and then whilst we've grated it it's going to look like a lot more it's always through separate our egg crack it on there and then just let the egg white pass between the two half of the shell and what that will leave you with is just the egg yolk because our parmesan quite silty we don't even seasoned it install but plenty of black pepper [Music] and then just mix this up at this point when the bacon is nice and crispy and the sausage you got love the color you can add in the garlic if you add it in any earlier it's going to burn this pans really hot so as long as you're happy these sausage sauce meatballs go Buell's little meatballs legal a cook just right so once you're bored and cut into it just to check right in the middle you're happy that it's cooked all the way through if you are and there's no pink bit then add in your garlic to take off the heat so there was visually filming my hand is going to cook the garlic can is seriously hot like it's perfect and now to test the pasta so the sauce I like this this is the something people don't get another way to do anything I know it's way you want to do it if you grab a strand and as soon as you're happy that's cool enough to taste just basically you should get a press it between two fingers so it will just break but you should feel some resistance that's one way of testing or I know the test you're going to want to try well this is success to everyone can do at home take one strand of spaghetti you have cooked enough and is enough start to come out of it then it should stick if you throw it against the fridge or a wall yeah topped it take it off more pretty quick or it sticks forever it's going to be hearing all the other videos we do it drain the pasta into a colander over a bowl because you want to save that pasta water the pasta water is key to getting an awesome carbonara sauce what you want to do is take the pastor and place it into your sausage bacon and garlic mixture and the pasta water what you're going to do is take about a tablespoon of this boiling starchy water and add it to the egg it does a couple of things it loosens up the egg and cheese mixture you can get it all in the pan but the start you also also helps position the sauce well it winds up the egg if you put the egg into a really hot pan it will scramble I've called this is called tempering you're just tempering the eggs so that when you do add it for pasta it doesn't scramble that's it in percentage of the whole thing together parrot song or if you're confident you can just toss that with a bit of a wrist action that doesn't look like much source it doesn't need much because the egg thickens it all takes on these fantastic flavors meat sausage meat in the bacon and if you don't want it too classy because once that cools ice let me get the bottom of the bollocks how many bits like it you may leave and this will depend on the heat of your pan maybe another tablespoon about starchy water or to what you're looking for I'm sure you've all had carbon are when you've eaten out is something that looks wonderfully creamy no cream involved and that's the traditional oil making isn't it no scream although it looks screaming look at that full of flavor creamy it's delicious and you're using up parmesan egg and any meat we might have in the fridge and we're going to finish it with a fresh bloom of basil that is optional but it makes all with it especially with a little bit over as well as you eat it so we go every need to know to make an incredible footage carbonara [Music] there's never going to eat spaghetti user there is a polite way at redeem and your fourth way make sure you have a tumble and sausage or sausages will suffice that it makes all the difference for those it or meatballs little cheese closes and that only serves the amount of time to look for the classical Sakura simple if you could build one this is the way to do it easy enough subwoofers because it's a two by four with four people just a really simple dish if you want to give it a go get the full recipe and details down below as soon as your pictures of used to Toronto sweet the customers out there making this you
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 261,562
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Keywords: sausage carbonara, sausage carbonara recipe, carbonara jamie oliver, italian carbonara, simple carbonara, how to make carbonara, creamy spaghetti carbonara, easy pasta recipe, speedy pasta, how to make easy pasta, classic carbonara, cooking carbonara, carbonara sauce recipe, carbonara recipe tasty, sausage pasta, sortedfood carbonara, sortedfood, nowcookit, how to cook pasta, co-op
Id: iftoE_QrxzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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