Swedish Meatballs From Your Favourite Flat Pack Furniture Store!

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well... I'm hungry now and also want to build a night stand as well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Whittz0r 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to a brand new week let's find out our theme [Music] welcome to this week's mystery box in this box is a clue to our theme that theme will inform our videos for the entire week once we know what the theme is we'll ask you guys what we should cook within that theme right yeah okay boys even get what this we got raspberries blackberries goji berries lingonberries jam now they've judged it very weak it's very because fairies are in season in the UK at the moment and they're all absolutely lovely and we're going to try and make loads you know to stuff with berries and we're going to finish the week in a big mountain with very very high call America's Bear Monday areas very very fat nothing wet berry no Barry no just read the tweet [Music] everyone's been to one of those blue and yellow stores to buy flat pack furniture but also by flat pack food flat pack so do you mean our Swedish meatballs yes they only ever get them in one shot these are very small dainty balls of course beef with a kind of meaty sauce rather than a tomato sauce or meaty creamy sauce really simple but one of the things that makes them so amazing is the lingonberry jam so pulled out of our mystery box that's what we're using for our meatball mix we want softened onions so peel and dice the onions and fry them in a shock of oil until they're soft sweet and slightly Brown it'll take about 15-20 minutes now for meatballs themselves and this is what keeps them super succulent and moist and tender and you guys saw this it's bread crumbs so we've got ourselves some brown bread crumbs and we're just going to soak them in cream oh wow so creamy bread almost like a bread sauce because this will take about ten minutes to soak in goes into our meatball mix and that's what keeps them super soft succulent and unsecured and is a combination of beef and pork you guys told us that too so equal quantity in is without soaked bread crumbs with our softened onion and some spice is there a reason for the combo of me like fat content if it's a texture that's a flavor so I think it's all those things so texture beef mint tends to be a bit firmer than pork mince because pork meat a little bit classier so you've got the fat you've got the flavor so the meatball combination is our beef itself pork it's our soap crumbs self softened onions and then the flavoring you guys think it's one of your grandmother said actually allspice is amazing or grandma so cook her grandma said allspice with the key flavor we're also going to add nut making a little bit of brown sugar now all stripes vary by perfect design you need to expand allspice has one of the most misleading names known to man because there isn't a spice it's a barrack and it doesn't have all the spices in it it's not all the spices in one thing it's a berry that gets ground up to give you allspice which is what we know we go [Music] [Music] now that's kind of what you're looking for so slightly smaller than your average sort of or what I would have so she ate with perhaps an Italian meatball the Swedish ones are a little bit smaller but we're going to fry them off in the same pan we used soften the onions so we're always just adding more and more flavor to this pan you can roll them if you like just gently between your hands why not bigger than yours have you ever had like a berry jam on its own no but some spoons there if you'd like to try it's delicious I've had it in a cocktail in that land so I'm sure we've got the whole of Scandinavia shouting make alternate England berries are just from Sweden right we've colored these but they're not cooked the way through you've got to be so gentle with them because they are really really soft because of those soaked bread crumbs and we're going to take them out put them onto a plate just for a moment so we can use the same pan we really have the onions yeah now it's got all the meat juices and that's what we're going to use to cook our brown sauce and that's what you guys take with so iconic it's like a tomato sauce this is a meaty brown sauce okay so same pan with all those flavours the onion and now the meat juices we've taken the meatballs out they're colored not cooked we make the sauce in the pan basically like a bechamel but take out the milk and put in beef stock mistakes so it still starts with the roof butter and flour cook it out and then slowly add in the beef stock a little bit of time until it all thickens in the past so to begin with it might look a little bit lumpy that's all the bits coming off the bottom the pan the oil in the Buster combining but as it comes together you can see it starts to smooth out glossy glossy you'd be a bit more generous with it as it starts to combine and come together at the start just a little bit of time ever if you ever considered fitting the lingonberries inside the new for me that works all you could do a glossy Jam outside so back in the pan they're jamming their accommodation add a tablespoon of jam into your sauce and they're going to put the meatballs back in to poach and C to finish the sort about a tablespoon of double cream a tablespoon of sour cream and some fresh herbs you guys there dill and parsley it's all going in still is the real thing honestly still is amazing I'd love to smell it and that I think is another common kind of Swedish flavor or Scandinavian flavor same with all the berries yep tablespoon of sour cream go for it and watch there for those who don't know what in still tastes like it's almost an acetic really bad so it has that kind of almost Enel fennel fronds are similar you guys think we have to serve this as mashed potato this isn't any old mashed potato this is leveled up mashed potato if you want to know what that is check it out yeah yes and then we'll pile off our meatballs with tongs I've never used stalks the balls always Tong the balls a drizzle of our sauce because that will just soak into that mashed potato and it's so good and then it's very weak so we are going all out with another dollop of lingonberry and when fresh fries means dot those around [Music] and there we go some incredible lingonberry flavored Swedish meatballs [Music] [Music] see now you're glad they're small because they're singles now for I've got a big mouth okay see you see so I think having the beef and pork mix make some lighter combinations that and the breadcrumbs boil off Jennifer scenarios more action use less yeah justification really great and it looks great too it looks fresh it looks summery it's kind of plating on elite what a way to start very weak very good very good hate yourself as much as I hate that I know it's only early in the week but I'm gonna go for any point for Ben echo I straight up a reckoning I've had well a fair few times in the past place by far the best people recipe I've ever had yeah you do know that to make it very much and you can make it to by getting the link down below or you can just come back tomorrow you also know to change the bell at the recipe he can get brownie points right it's delicious laughs thanks that all spices are very thank you yes it is click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 607,382
Rating: 4.9200826 out of 5
Keywords: Swedish Meatballs recipe, Swedish Meatballs Jamie Oliver, Swedish Meatballs IKEA, meatballs, meatball recipe, meat sauce, bechamel sauce, swedish food, creamy gravy recipe, beef & pork meatballs, grandma's meatball recipe, swedish meatball pasta, swedish meatballs Sortedfood
Id: ExCwrb72tfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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