This Recipe Will 100% Make You Fall In Love With French Cooking

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what's up dude my main objective and purpose for this YouTube channel is to turn you into an absolute machine in the kitchen I want you to have recipes in your cooking Arsenal that are so good that your grandma is asking you how you made them make this coke evolve one time and I guarantee you will be making it for many many happy years to come now let's [Music] go so coke OA literally means rooster with wine so first you're going to need a rooster which you're not going to be able to find so just use chicken and the cuts that you're typically going to see used in this dish are legs and thighs I got whole legs for mine and just cut that joint but if you want to just buy them separate that's absolutely fine as well and if you have the foresight it can be a really great idea to take the wine that you're going to use in this dish which in this case is Peno Noir and just pour that over the chicken with the pearl onions and some fresh thyme and now leave it in the fridge to marinate overnight the next day you want to pull pull out your chicken and we want to dry it off really well it's going to be a little bit stained now by the wine and while we're on the subject of wine just buy a cheap bottle you really don't need anything expensive when you're cooking like this love the way that looks so cool and we really really want to dry these up so just leave these towels on soak up that moisture and now with your wine here this is the wine we're going to be cooking with for this recipe so we're definitely not discarding it just run it through a strainer save the onions in the time obviously we'll be using those as well and with the wine here I'm going to set it on the stove cook it down by about 50% burn off alcohol I don't know why but this wine smells so good right now just reducing and I don't even drink so I'm going to turn that off it's reduced now I'm just going to set it aside chicken's nice and dry now we're going to season it up salt Sergeant Gilbert or should I say Sant Gil I don't know what his French name would be something like that is Gilbert a French name I once had a French friend named gasbar gasbar if you're out there man I miss you buddy I just flip those over I'm doing the same thing on the other side typically in Coke of Von you're going to see lardons being used but they are a little bit hard to find here in America America if you can find them use those the next best thing is just going to be thick cut bacon and what you want to do here is just slice it into these sort of lardon shapes little strips of pork belly something like this is just perfect now I'm going to get that into a pan on medium heat and we're going to begin rendering out this bacon getting it ready for the dish that's all rendered off now I'm just going to strain out this bacon and I'm actually leaving the fat in the pan for now I'm going to definitely be eating 5 to 7 to 9 to 13 to 27 pieces of this bacon good luck not doing that so good now we're going to drop that chicken into the Bacon Fat skinside down and you may have to do two batches I don't think it's going to quite all fit that's okay now I don't want to overcrowd it but also I've just decided I'm going to make it fit just keep that heat high it's going to be fine pushing the limits but that's okay once they're nice and Brown let's give them a flip smells so good and just do the same thing on the other side now we're just going to remove this chicken from the pan set it over here with the bacon at this point I'll discard about 80% of that fat next we're going to s slice up the mushrooms I'm just using these regular old crei or button mushrooms and all I did was remove that little stem and then clean the tops and what I'm going to do with these is very simple just quarter them like so you can do slices if you want I just like this shape for C if there's a real big one like this I might just do it in sixes like a little pizza for these carrots I'm going to cut them into this sort of oblique shape you see the angle we have there we're just going straight across like that and then you just turn and roll and make the same cut like that turn and roll same cut turn and roll same cut and and all the way down until you get to the bottom there you can make the angle a little heavier so they stay the same size and what you're left with is this cool little shape that I quite like into the same pan here I'm going to add a little bit of oil Heats on medium high and a touch of butter maybe a little more don't do that as the great Julia Child's once said and now here we go in with the mushrooms oh it's splashed be careful may be a little bit overcrowded but hey I'm going to make it work just keep that heat aggressive I'll tell you what I absolutely absolutely love mushrooms and check this out the largest living organism on Earth is a honey mushroom species in the Pacific Northwest which spans about 5.5 km or 2,334 Acres it's estimated to be over 2,000 years old what are you doing that was in my I no guys I'm checking my Tex I wasn't it's not the mushroom thing took about 10 minutes to Brown up those mushrooms I'm going to add in the carrots now and I'll just do the carrots in here for about 3 or 4 minutes all right let's get that stuff out try to leave most of the fat in the pan if you can little more oil going down more butter going in just a touch and now we're going in with the onion oh yeah that smells good it's like all the best smells in here bacon onion butter man now after about 8 minutes my onions are nice and brown they smell delicious I'm going to pop them out get them over here with the mushroom now listen my friends I'm not going to deglaze this pan on one of my recent chicken Tika saw the videos people were going off in the comments about how I didn't deglaze the pan if there's nice Brown fond on the pan that tastes delicious by all means de glaze it but if it looks like this don't de glaze it that is not going to be good right look at it it's burnt plus most of the Fawn came off already when I cooked the mushrooms after the chicken and bacon into this new pan I've got it Just a Touch under medium heat I'm adding in unsalted butter you may be wondering why I didn't just build it all in one pan like this I'll tell you why I never like searing stuff in these pots I only use these for brazing when you try to sear something in here it never gets a good here and then the sides of your pan just get totally black too black and then you wash that off into your sauce and it doesn't leave a nice flavor I love these pots they look beautiful it's lus it's great for brazing but not for searing meat Butter's melted I'm adding in the garlic right now just crushed garlic is all Garlic's been cooking for about 3 minutes it's nice and fragrant I'm just adding in now the tomato paste little toothpaste tube of it and now as you may see me do here on this channel I always toast off that tomato paste whenever you're working with it it's always a good idea it deepens the flavor it removes that sort of of tartness and acidity so that's what we're doing now just about 3 minutes with that tomato paste now I'm adding in the flour this is going to be the thickener for our Coke Al and sort of what we're building here more or less is like a tomato paste sort of garlic root and like with any good root you definitely want to cook that flour out a little bit for at least 5 minutes to get rid of any raw kind of taste flour is cooked off now I'm starting to add the chicken stock little by little I don't want to add too much at a time and I'm really want to work this in so I can get a nice smooth sauce and you'll see it seize up thicken up just like it is doing right now that looks so good M and then we add more coke coke coke this is such a great recipe whether you're new to cooking or you've been doing it for a long time real crowd pleas and add a little more o there's all our stock and now I'm coming in hot with the wine don't forget the wine kind of the name of the dish same deal just work it in oh yeah and I'm going to bring this back to a simmer here we go look at this I'm so excited let's start adding in all the chicken and the chicken is going to raise up the level of our brazing liquid in with all the vegetables baby spread those out oh man my like mouth is just salivating right now this looks so good fresh time going in we'll pull that out later and of course the bacon and whatever drippings were on this tray from the chicken God oh now I'm turning off the heat if you want you could probably do this on the stove although I'm going to put it in the oven just set it and forget it well not forget it I'm going to remember to pull it out after about 45 minutes at 350° F and if you know me you know I love doing that little cracked lid so it can reduce a little bit but still breathe I feel like if I have a lid on it the whole time it gets a little bit too hot don't want to stress this chicken out see you in a bit we wee was that good did that look good did it look good on camera and while that cooks I would like to make you aware of my ebook called master in the making with 55 of my personal favorite recipes over the last 5 years and if you like this kava the boof borgan that is in that book is truly spectacular it's one of my favorite recipes of all time the link for that will be down in the description okay my friends here we go 45 minutes later look at this my God I can't tell you how good this smells for me that sauce is just absolutely perfectly thick I don't like my sauce is too thick if you want it thicker for some reason add another tablespoon of flour but for me oh Lord oh M dude it's so good now look just as you would rest a steak after you cooked it make sure you rest your brazed Meats whether it be kavan or B Boran or what have you as it relaxes in there it's going to be so much more tender and juicy and if if you have the god-like patience to make this the day before you want to use it it is going to be so freaking good that is the absolute best for now I'm just going to let this rest for about 20 minutes or so if you're looking for ideas on what to serve the cavon with you could do mashed potatoes you could do Rice you could do palenta you could do egg noodles or pasta you could make doofen W potatoes with these that would be like the best one you could also do green bean Swiss chart or cauliflower if you're looking for something a little healthier today I just made some whipped Yukon Gold mashed potatoes I'll put a link at the end of this video if you want learn how to make [Music] those all right Marcus let's give this thing A Taste dude Marcus has never had caval you may do the honors sir o these are my favorite kind of meals mashed potatoes something Saucy and Meaty on top onion I'm so careful it's going to obliterate my mouth maybe maybe give it a blow or two man yeah wait I'll let a drip it's not that bad it's not that [Music] bad oh my God yeah I haven't even tried it yet dude I'm so hungry that's so good oh man I'm getting onion I'm sorry you guys have to watch us eat this oh yeah honestly this might be so good if you lick your your camera you can taste it a little mhm try it laptop or phone give it a lick oh my God all right so the meat is really really tender but without falling off of the bone just make it all right make it just make it man just make it thanks for hanging out with me today in my kitchen I really had a great time with you Kevin if your name was Kevin that would have been wild hope you had fun hanging out with me today in the kitchen learning about this new dish I always like to direct new people down to the description underneath this video if you want to look at all the tools and equipment that I use here on this channel there's a monster list down there and it is is a great resource for you for stocking your own kitchen and if you want to keep learning today here are two more comfort food recipes that are similar to Cava that I know you're going to love until next time you know I love you in a [Music] out
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 276,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french food, french cuisine, french cooking, coq au vin recipe, coq au vin, french recipes, how to make coq au vin, coq au vin (dish), easy recipes, chicken recipe, easy coq au vin recipe, french food (cuisine), how to, coq au vin recipe youtube, coq au vin recipes easy, how to make coq au vin youtube, french recipes cooking, french recipes for dinner, chicken recipes for dinner, chicken recipes easy, easy recipes for beginners, food, cooking
Id: Pa39m_w1gz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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