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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm gonna be making a delicious jalapeno popper quiche now if you love jalapeno poppers you're gonna love this quiche not only is it easy to make but it's absolutely delicious so let's get started now to make a quiche you need a pie crust so if you don't want to make one who made it home like I'm gonna do you can buy one already pre frozen and then you can make your quiche I'm gonna make mine from scratch only because I've got plenty of time and I'd love to do this stuff so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use my processor like a processor here if you don't have a food processor you can just go ahead and use a big bowl and you can use your pastry cutter you know and I have one right here to show you you've seen one of these before you can use this to make it but since I have a food processor I'm gonna go ahead and do it this way so I'm gonna add one and a half cups of all-purpose flour and I've got 1/2 teaspoon of salt just like that just a little bit just to mix them up together now in here I'm gonna add my butter now I've got one stick of butter here and two more tablespoons now if you don't know this you see all these little lines each line is a tablespoon so I'm gonna use a whole stick that's eight tablespoons and then two more which is ten total but in order to put them in there I'm gonna go ahead and cut them into small little cubes because it's easier to do that way okay just like that and then I'll do the tubes like this I'm gonna drop those in here do the same to this and you want to work as fast as you can because the butter is frozen cold and as it melts you start to get you know very soft dough and you don't want that you want it to be real nice and firm you want everything to be cold and keep it as cold as you can while you're making it okay put that in there and what you want to do is you want to make it into very fine crumbs if you look at this you'll see that it's real crumbly you see that's what we want so now I'm gonna put in one egg and I'll break my leg like this and I'm gonna beat it really good like this you want to make sure that you beat it real good just like that now I'm gonna add 2 tablespoons of very very cold water as you can see I've got ice cubes in here because I want it to be very cold so you're gonna get one tablespoon you're gonna get two and I hacked just like that I'll mix it up really good like that and then I'm gonna add it into this mixture here and I'm just gonna pulse it you don't want to make a fool dough just have it come together just like that as you can see it's very crumbly because that's what I wanted it to do just like that it's just to bring it in together so I'm going to powder my counter area like this just lightly I'm gonna dump it on my counter like this then I'm just gonna bring it in together you want to bring it in together into a little ball so now once that I've once I've got a little ball like this so I'm gonna go ahead and roll out my dough and I like to keep it lightly floured as I roll it out just a little bit you don't want to put a lot of flour because you don't have to and it doesn't have to be perfect because you're gonna have leftover on the edges anyway and that's good just like that so I'm gonna go ahead and cut it just to get some of this extra that I don't need you want to pick it up and you want to roll it halfway like this and then roll this one this other half like that then pick it up and this point you want to put it right in the center like that and then you unroll it and then you unroll it like that just like that did you see how easy this door was to make super easy and it's a beautiful dough and it tastes so good and fresh is always better so now that you've got this leftover you want to tuck it in right there at the rim right there just like that you want to tuck it in like that and take it all around just like that now if you want to you can go around and look at it and make sure that you've got it just as nice as you can get it like that you want to try not to get any air pockets in there you want to get those air pockets out if you see anything now after you have rolled it in like this so I'm going to see that see how I did that and then come over here next to it and go like that see might be a little harder when you've got nails but you just take it like that and you take it all around and I'm done with it you see now that I'm done making my crust I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the freezer and freeze it for about 30 minutes and then we're gonna bake it so I just took my pie crust out of the freezer I had it in there for about 35 minutes if you leave it longer than 35 minutes that's perfectly fine as you can see it's real frozen so if you don't do this the blind-bake then the dough can bubble on you and then you'll have bubbles in there so that's why you want to do this so now once I have my aluminum portal in here and I have molded it real good like that I'm gonna pour sugar in there now you can use pie weights which are little beads that you would put in here or you can use beans or you can use rice you can use sugar because sugar just molds in on every little cranny and and it just works perfectly and besides you can use your sugar again and again even after you do this whereas the beans and the rice account so I'm gonna pour my sugar in here just like this just like that and then I'll just push it in make sure that it goes in and there's no empty pockets like that and at the same time this aluminum foil that goes over will protect your crust from burning so now that I've done that I'm gonna go ahead and bake it I've got my oven preheated at 350 and I'm gonna bake it for about 40 to 45 minutes while my pie crust is baking in the oven I'm preparing some bacon because this is the bacon that I'm gonna put into my quiche I'll be chopping it up and it's gonna be so good I'm chopping up some jalapenos because this is also going to go into my quiche and these I think were pretty hot so I'm just going to cut them into little cubes like this see I went ahead and remove the seeds it's kind of like when you make jalapeno poppers you know you remove the seeds and then you put your filling and then you wrap them with your bacon it's the same thing with this I'd remove the seeds now you like it really really hot you can leave the seeds in there but that's up to you my timer just went off so my crust should be ready so I'm gonna remove the sugar from in here I'll just put it in this bowl there's a sugar very hot so you want to be careful about but as you can see see it's partially baked and it's got a nice pretty little golden color and so I'm gonna lay it aside right here while I prepare my other ingredients so I've got my bacon then I fried up it's nice and cool so I'm gonna chop it up and that's good just like this I'll set this aside I'm gonna go ahead and prepare my cream so I'm gonna be using evaporated milk if you don't have evaporated milk you can use half and half because it's the same thing okay and I'm gonna pour 2/3 into my cup here just like that and I'm gonna put it in here because we're gonna heat them up and then I'm going to pour 2/3 of heavy cream same amount 2/3 of each just like that and I'm gonna stir these until they're very nice and hot but I don't want it to boil I'm just going to get them really nice and hot you don't want it to boil just right before the boiling point so I'm going to turn off my milk because it just started to bubble went right at the edges and it's very hot as you can see like this but it didn't boil it just got scalded like that so I'm going to lay it aside right here and I'm gonna prepare my filling so I've got five eggs right here and they're large eggs so I've got five large eggs I'm gonna whisk these really good like this okay that's good ladies aside for a little bit my my pie crust is still nice and warm so that's the way we want it to be I'm gonna put in half of my cream cheese this is eight ounces so I'm gonna put four ounces just right there inside like that and I'm going to spread it around just do the best you can they're got the cream cheese no here at the bottom like that now I've got my jalapenos that I had chopped up earlier these are two jalapenos so I'm gonna pour these in here like this around and then I'm gonna add my bacon select that you wanna rage up to where you know that when you cut a slice every slice will get a good amount of bacon just like that see now over here to my edit mixture before I mix it in with my milk I'm gonna add just a little bit of onion powder and garlic powder now these are optional and I'm going to put in 1/4 of a teaspoon of garlic powder and I'm gonna put in 1/4 of a teaspoon of onion powder just like that I'm gonna add some pepper and that's good and some salt now the salt and the pepper are all up to you you put in the amount that you want you know I've got my milk mixture over here I'm gonna pour it it to my beaten egg and I'm gonna mix them up real good together like this and then I'm gonna pour this in here just like that I've got my oven at 400 degrees and I'm gonna go ahead and bake it for 30 minutes my timer just went off oh isn't this nice so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slice my my jalapeno slices and I'm gonna put on top it's just to decorate it a little bit and it'll also be delicious just like that and we don't need that many so I'm gonna go ahead and put them on like this sometimes I put them just as little slivers and sometimes I put the rings so now that I have my jalapenos like that I'm gonna go ahead and put it back into my oven for about 10 minutes my 10 minutes are up I'm gonna go ahead and top it with my cheese now I went ahead and graded some fresh Monterey Jack and some cheddar because we like that but you can use any cheese that you want so I'm gonna go ahead and just cover it up with cheese like this you know you can have this quiche any time of the day you can have it for breakfast especially because it's got eggs in it but you can have it any time it's a meal in itself because it's got the crust it's got the bacon and cheese and all the ingredients see there's nothing wrong with being very careful how you set your cheese so that you can have a really pretty pretty quiche just like that so I'm gonna put it back in I'm gonna put it in the oven for about five to eight to ten minutes just so that the cheese will melt my timer just went off turn off my oven and my quiche is ready look at is that beautiful or is that beautiful whoo this baby is beautiful so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and let it sit here for about 25 to 30 minutes before I cut into it so I let my quiche cool for about 30 to 40 minutes so now I'm going to cut myself a slice oh look at this I don't think I'm gonna fight into that so I'm going to move it all the eggs with a cream cheese the bacon oh my gosh and the jalapenos is like like eating out now jalapeno popper [Music] mmm if you're wondering whether you should go ahead and make a homemade crust I would highly recommend it but it's delicious with a frozen one too and it's worth every minute you put into it so this is my jalapeno popper quiche if you liked it give me a thumbs up send me a comment tell me what you think subscribe if you haven't and please share with your friends thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 82,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9om97tR5AfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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