How To Make The Best Quiche With Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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today i'm making a recipe that i feel is kind of a sleeper hit in the book it is my all alien quiche and i was actually inspired to make it because i recently ate quiche for the first time in a long time and was reminded how incredible of a food it is so i'm going to show you how to make it [Music] what's a quiche okay quiche a quiche is a form of savory tart with a pastry crust and then the filling is like a very creamy gently set egg mixture and then often there's like things mixed in so the one of the classic quiches is quiche lorraine which is cheese and ham and today i'm making what i'm calling my all allium quiche because it's just quiche with like a ton of different oniony things mixed in with it plus a little pancetta it's really really good i have a 9 inch springform pan you could do it in a 10 inch it just would be a slightly less tall so springform pan i have a bunch of dried beans this is what i use for pie weights we bake it weighted down we take the weights out and bake it without any filling to really set and dry out the crust because i don't want to have like pasty floury soft dough at the bottom of my quiche i'm using a hand blender which i find to be like the most convenient tool when it comes to pastry you could use a regular blender you could also just do it by hand for the filling i have four large eggs two cups half and half four ounces pancetta this is optional you could leave that out black pepper kosher salt some oil you could use vegetable i just have olive oil around two tablespoons butter two teaspoons white wine vinegar then all of my alliums specifically leek scallion garlic shallot yellow onion and then of course the crust i have one recipe of my flaky all butter pie dough some alfred flour for rolling it out so check out how i make my flaky all butter pie dough this i put together last night and i'm going to put it into a springform pan i'm going to roll this out you want to roll it out cold but you can let it sit at room temp for a minute or two just so it can soften slightly [Music] and i want to get this into somewhat of a round it does not have to be perfectly round at all we're not going for like a you know really clean finished like fluted edge or anything [Music] what if somebody used your rough puff recipe i don't think ruff puff is ideal because it's gonna puff up too much i just think that that opens the door for like cracking and some holes in your dough where the filling can see can seep through so the the filling for quiche is quite liquid these eggs and dairy so you want something with a slightly finer consistency and texture so i wouldn't use puff but pie dough is fine all right so i'm going to get this out to about like a 13 inch round or so i'm using a lot of flour because this is getting pretty soft so i have a little trick for very evenly setting this crust into your springform pan so i'm going to slide my base underneath my dough and try to center it as best you can you're going to fold in all of the edges like so just to get it so that everything's sitting inside the middle base then you're going to pop the ring onto it close it and now all you do is unfold and press those pieces up against the sides it's almost like making a galette but with straight sides so i'm pressing the dough around the sides it's not perfectly even you just want to try to make sure you don't have one area where it's like much shorter than the others because that's going to affect how much filling you can get into your crust so my i have a rack in the center of the oven and i'm preheating to 425 but before i can parbake this i want to chill it down so i'm going to pop it in the freezer i just want the dough to get firm and to relax a bit so like 10 or 15 minutes [Music] i'm gonna do this optional step in the recipe which is making these decorative kind of petals out of onion so i have one yellow onion here that i peeled i'm going to cut it in half through the stem end that's important i just want to oil the surface of the onion a little bit because it has a tendency to stick the recipe calls for neutral oil but i just have olive here and it's such a small amount so that's fine okay i'm just going to let this sit here don't touch them it's going to sit undisturbed so here's my crust it's very firm this is very cold and i'm going to criss-cross these two pieces of foil and press them down into the pan so i'm doing two layers you know perpendicular getting it really into the very bottom and especially like into that right angle between the bottom and the side and then i like to bring it down and over the crust a little bit over the top but i'm just going to fill it up for the most part maybe just as high as the crust goes i do kind of like to like really make sure they're settled in there this is going into my 425 oven and i want this to bake until the very top of the crust has started to set dry out even take on a little golden color and then i'll remove them and then i'll be like at this stage 20 to 25 minutes okay so i just turned off the heat so that stem end that's at the very top of the onion that is what's keeping all of these layers of the onion together i'm going to actually slice that out because i want to separate everything so it's these sort of inner pieces that i'm really after because they're the prettiest and then the oven the onion is not really cooked the onion is just charred on one side so i'm gonna chop the rest of it anything that i don't set aside for decoration i'm gonna chop the rest of it and just include that in the filling i'll set these petals off to the side and then i'm gonna start chopping i don't care at all about the chop on this because it's all just going to get cooked down and added to the filling this recipe is for onion lovers because that's predominantly the flavor of the filling i didn't include any cheese often you see cheese and quiche but i feel like there's plenty of richness from the dairy and the filling plus you know the pancetta so i didn't think that it needed it while i'm waiting on the crust i'm just going to go ahead and chop all the other alliums so my shallot i need to see this part it's not that interesting it is to me is it so then here's the leak i'm only using the white and light green parts how you guys grow leeks yeah i love leeks i loved i love like a braised leek dish what's the secret uh they just take forever like they're the first seedling you start they're in the field the longer some things in the field the more risk you have of careful so the secret is plant way more than you think now you said that you never chop garlic yeah i can't i i don't have the patience for garlic i just do not also if you were to chop you know when you f if i were to have one finely chopped thing like the garlic being much smaller could burn so i don't really want it to be too fine anyway i want all this stuff to kind of cook at the same rate [Music] i have two tablespoons butter i like to crisp the pancetta and a little butter because then it's like i like the mixture of butter fat and pork fat so i'm gonna add the pancetta this is four ounces chopped clear what's the difference between a little pancetta and big home for the folks at home so pancetta's not smoked it is a cured you know pork belly product i have to fact check everything i just said it's not enough that's right is that right i don't know it's been a minute since i've used pancetta on anything mostly vegetarians days sort of i want the pancetta to crisp and render some of its fat that'll take you know five minutes or so and in the meantime i think that my crust is about ready that's bubbling away i'll keep an eye on it but let me pull out the crust i can smell it oh i got some butter dripping which is say normal now have i'm going to transfer the pie weights to this bowl have something where you can they're hot so just remember that the very top edge of the crust is golden brown it looks dry and set i'm going to lift the pie weights out so i like to gather the foil together into like a little little bundle now the good thing about foil is it cools down like that so i can touch the foil just don't touch the pan the crust or the bean okay in there now it's going to go back in at 3 25 just until it's really dry i want some golden browning on the bottom cracks are normal i'll show you how to deal with that okay so back into the oven i also like i'll even let a little of the heat out of the oven because i don't want it to shock the crust i don't want all the fat to come out i don't want the pancetta to be hard and crunchy i want a little bit of chew still but i want like crispy edges so i'm on medium heat to render some not all the fat and to crisp it up if i for whatever reason wanted to like really render all the fat i would go very low i'm gonna actually remove the pancetta now leaving the fat in the pan the recipe says use a slotted spoon i have no idea how this happened but i lost my slotted spoon i don't know where it is so i'm using a regular spoon and i'm just kind of tipping letting the fat like tip out of the spoon i spilled the vinegar hold on i'm just letting the fat kind of like drain out i only want the pancetta i don't want to leave it in here because i don't want the pancetta to like dry out too much i want to leave it with a little bit of softness to it but i do want the fat so i'm just setting that aside in a little bowl and then i'm going to add all of my alliums it's smoking a little bit so i turned down the heat because it's pretty hot so this obviously looks like a lot this will cook down quite a bit i want everything to become tender translucent even somewhat caramelized and brown and you know it'll lose all of its volume and kind of collapse into this really delicious jammy mixture [Music] alien mixture is cooked so it's very soft translucent and some of the pieces are starting to brown around the edges so this looks great i haven't seasoned it yet i'm going to season it very lightly with some salt and that's because the pancetta is salty plus i'm going to salt the egg and half and half mixture so just a little bit but i'm going to add let me kill the heat i'm going to add a lot of black pepper and i'm gonna remove this from the heat and when when i say remove from the heat often i mean usually what i mean is not just you don't just take you don't just kill the heat from underneath you actually slide it to a cool burner or off the stove completely i'm going to bring it over here leave the pinch out of there and then lastly to season it i'm adding two teaspoons of white wine vinegar you could do it you know hit it with a little bit of lemon um and that's just because this dish is really rich it has like all the oniony bits and the pancetta and the buttery pastry and the half and half and the eggs and this just brightens it up a little bit cuts through some of that so put it right in the hot skillet stir that together set it off to the side now let's check on the crust there's a couple of little extra measures that i take when it comes to the crust for quiche at least for this particular quiche to ensure that i don't spring a leak so i have four large eggs total i'm going to take one of them and beat it in a small bowl until there's no streaks and for any pie quiche any tart any kind of preparation where i have a crust and then a really liquid filling i will give the crust as i'm par baking it a little bit of egg wash so i'll brush some egg across the surface and that helps to just seal everything now anticipating that i might have some cracks i'm also going to make a little bit of kind of like a very soft dough out of just flour and water and use it as a paste and all you need is like the tiniest amount to patch any cracks but it's an important step so there's my egg let me grab my brush okay here i have a little bit of flour i'm gonna add a tiny bit of water this is by by feel i didn't measure this so this was a couple tablespoons of flour i just put in a dash of water you can always add more flour or water as needed so here i just want to make a really soft dough that i can use to smear into any big cracks because if you have cracks in your dough that's the place where that filling can seep into yeah this looks good so miraculously i like don't really have much cracking which is weird you can see that the top of the dough it has like shrunk a little bit and pulled away and even started to curve inward that's normal it's kind of hard to prevent that from happening so i don't even need that paste it's kind of a waste but i am going to brush this egg wash so i'm particularly concentrating on the bottom as well as the area where the bottom meets the sides that's the problem area so save the rest of your egg i probably only use like a tablespoon of egg save the rest because that's going to go in your filling and then let's say i have a crack i'm gonna take i mean just like the tiniest bit of this little dough okay so what you do is you just smear this mixture into that crack like that does that make sense so the crust goes back in until the egg is set sold 325 about five minutes or so so i have my half and half this is room temp that's important for even consistent cooking you want your eggs and happen to have a room temp that's two cups i think with quiche what you want or what i want in quiche is like a really custardy smooth silky filling that's not too set and you get that by having a lot of dairy in it so it's two whole cups of half and half i have the rest of that egg that i had used for egg wash so go ahead and dump that in the three remaining eggs it's not a lot of eggs it's not that many eggs it's really fewer eggs than you would think it's not a frittata you know it's not like a frittata set in a crust it really has much more dairy than any other kind of egg dish like that it's more like estrada it's i never made a straw so who could say so i'm gonna add one and a half teaspoons of salt now i'm using diamond if you are using morton use three quarter teaspoons instead of one and a half otherwise you'll have a pretty salty quiche you could whisk this and strain it but i'm going to use my immersion blender again you could do this in a jar of a regular blender so i don't want to work a lot of air into it i want to keep the blender submerged i just wanted to be smooth these yolks are not wanting to break up [Applause] why not just whisk it you could just whisk it but whisking generally isn't going to like blend the two together as effectively as a blender it's just easier like in a restaurant setting like eggs always go through a blender and then you don't really have to strain because like a whisk won't break up some of those really stringy bits of the egg and then you and then you know then you kind of want to strain it so now i don't have to strain this even you could use a whisk that's fine and now we have custard petals pancetta alliums [Music] i'm not going to mix this stuff into the custard i'm just going to scatter it in the bottom oh it smells so good all those alliums really cooked down quite a bit and now that pancetta can go in same thing kind of scatter it around now the custard and pour it around slowly you want to pour into the very top you might have to hold a little bit back because if your crust has like a little short area or if it's slumped a lot but i might be able to get all of it in there okay so i have like a tablespoon or two left i can really almost go all the way in and now i have of course my petals that i reserved which are going to be so pretty so when you put them in don't just place them on top allow a little bit of the custard to get in the petal that's how i think they look best just like that you can also pour in if you have a little bit of filling reserved you can pour it in so you want them kind of sticking out of the surface you could add okay if you were like how could you make quiche without cheese i kind of understand what you're saying um i would in that case do a little parm i think parm would be a good cheese i mean i guess you could do sort of a more melty cheese if you wanted to but so before this sits too long i'm gonna get it into the oven it's still at 325 and it's going to cook all the way at 325. be really careful with it you don't want to slash around and it will take i would say [Music] close to an hour 50 to 60 minutes and i will show you how to know when you're filling a set okay oh slide it in carefully okay i feel like when you write it it seems like a lot but when you do it it's not that big of a deal dough party blend bake filling throw it in filling mix together bake it so i want to show you how i know it's done it there's a little bit of a jiggle on the surface that will continue to set as it cools so this is a good time to pull it out it went about 55 minutes when i press around it it's set there's also a little bit of puffing that i see around the edge so that's done and i'm going to set it aside to cool i wouldn't remove the ring when hot if you're even slightly concerned that the crust is stuck to the side somewhere so just keep that in mind oh she's beautiful [Music] so the quiche is cool we did give it several hours because i want to get a nice clean slice and it's just not i think quiche is like a best enjoyed as a room temperature food to me this is a perfect dinner with like a little green salad lunch you can eat it for any meal it's good like that okay so i'm gonna cut a slice so once i get to the edge i'm just going to kind of saw through it's a little soft a little tiny tiny bit in the center but other than that it looks good can i just point out that i can do this i can pick up the whole thing and the bottom is golden brown so that is like a not soggy i'm very very proud of that that is sometimes a little bit of a technical feat to have golden pastry underneath your quiche actually should i eat it like a pizza i could call i know you think it's weird that it doesn't have cheese in it but i don't think it needs it it really gets has such good flavor i feel like eggs eggs and oniony things are really a match made in heaven it almost has a cheesy quality because you have everything is so savory and there's a nice richness from all that half and half on the pancetta it's really good quiche is great because it's one of those things that like you can just leave it at a room temp you can cut off a little piece it's perfect for breakfast lunch or dinner i'm definitely going to have a slice tonight for dinner maybe with a little green salad on the side you could use anything to add to the filling that you want i love this very savory allium e version but you could do you know add a little cheese you could take out the pancetta whatever you want just follow all those steps for baking the crust beforehand brushing with that egg patching any holes that means that any quiche that you make will have a nice crispy crust on the very bottom not soggy just so important so thank you for watching um this is kind of a dessert person dinner although really it's just a sleeper hit from dessert person which has been fun to explore haven't made it in a while so thank you for watching and like and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 590,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiche, how to make quiche, quiche recipe, easy quiche recipe, homemade quiche, quiche recipes, how to make a quiche, easy quiche, bacon quiche, cheese quiche, breakfast quiche, quiche recipe easy, breakfast, food, retro quiche, cooking, recipe, how to make, how to cook, recipes, how to make quiche crust, claire saffitz, claire saffitz dessert person, claire saffitz makes, bon appetit, dessert person, gourmet makes, baking, dessert, claire makes, claire bon appetit, how to bake
Id: B1kVIM8fOSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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