Beach Waves - Blender Fluid Tutorial : 1 of 2

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hey guys it's Steve here from CG geek and I have something really exciting for you guys today that is how to create beach waves in blender completely blender now if you're like me you probably thought that maybe this wasn't even possible in blender without some third add-on extensions or something because it just seems so tricky to achieve those splashes those particles those got foam it didn't seem like it's possible until I saw this video posted on YouTube by Lucas Beiber he made an amazing simulation in blender completely in blender of a beach wave seen here where the waves are crashing along the shoreline and you have those particles and you have those splash in the foam and it all looked really freaking cool so I'm like how do you do that so I contacted Lucas and he gave me permission to show you guys how to do this and actually helped me along the way so really helpful thanks a lot to Lucas and check him out on YouTube at article blender he's got some really cool stuff there there's a link to his channel in the description but yes we're gonna creating some beach waves today and it's gonna be using some fluid simulations some particles some dynamic paint all kinds of really cool things you'll be learning a lot I learned a lot doing this so hope you enjoy [Music] so real quick before we get into the tutorial if you're interested in downloading the finished file you see here with everything included you can do that over on my patreon page for just three dollars a month along with any other video you've seen on the channel the finished blend file will be there on the patreon page where you can support me and also get access to these files so if you're interested in that check it out but now let's get cracking okay so there's a lot to cover in this tutorial or tutorials I guess there might be two or three parts depending on how long it takes but let's not waste any more time let's get right into it just make sure you're using the latest version of blender that's two point seven nine at the time and we'll go ahead and get started so I'm gonna go ahead and delete the cube here by hitting X and delete and then shift a and edit in a plane I'm gonna go ahead and skill this plane to be about the size of the grid floor here so I'm just gonna go s and eight and then I'm going to scale it a little bit more along the Y access to give ourselves a little bit of extra geometry on both sides the grid floor all right so now I'm going to lift it up off the floor about a blender unit or so which is as you can see in the grid there I'm just gonna hold ctrl and pop it up once by lifting it upwards and then I'm going to tab into edit mode and go control our and give ourselves some geometry to work with I'm gonna give it about 15 cuts by using the scroll wheel you can use page up and page down if you don't have a scroll wheel but you should have a scroll wheel and we go ahead and add about ten cuts go in the other direction okay with that done I'm gonna go ahead and enable proportional editing and I'm gonna change the fall-off to be sharp to get a better sort of curve to our shoreline here and then I'm going to alt and select that last line of vs. there and in side view I'm going to pull it downwards and increase my fall-off by using the mouse wheel right to about there so we have a nice sort of angled thing with a kind of meeting in the center there and then I'm going to pull it up again but decrease my proportional editing to be about half what it was and I'll pull it up to about there so it's about to blended units down as you can see there and we have a nice sort of beach curvature going there that'll work nicely and we can go ahead and enable smooth shading on it all right so this is gonna be our base basically our collision for the sand and now we kind of need to create some fluid but first off well actually forget there's no first off let's just jump in and create the fluid object so for this it is going to be I'm going to grab just about this first here but I'll try clicking that row of Versys and we want to travel up to about oh let's say this first here so we'll do that and then select all of the faces I was saying vertices I guess their faces my bad and in side view we will duplicate these by going to shifty and duplicating them then I'm going to hit P and separate by selection let me grab my smaller selection here now tab in edit mode select all the faces and extrude them upwards now you want to disable proportional editing by hitting o and I'm gonna pull it upwards but I'm gonna scale them along the Zed to zero to kind of level off that water and then I'm just gonna lift it up until this point here is about at a point so I'm gonna grab along with Zed access just to drop it all the way down to about there and there will be our fluid object so that will work that will work nicely and we don't need it to be quite as why does everything else but it doesn't really matter because we're just going to be baking it on the inside so you can go ahead and leave it at that scale that will be perfectly fine so let's do that and then let's kind of set up our well set up the domain object for our fluid so inside view here I'm gonna go shift a add in a cube this time as a donate domain always needs to be a cube for your fluid and I'll scale it along the shift Zed up just about well like I said this doesn't have to go to the edge as our simulation is just going to be taking place inside here so if I hit Z you can kind of see I'm a few blender units from the edge here and that's about right for what I want now I'm gonna go ahead and scale it along the X or Y axis making sure I have enough room in front for some splashes here so scale along the Y just a little bit more maybe making sure you have enough room for those those waves to kind of run up on the beach they're a bit as we create some waves so that looks about right and then you want to make sure that there's enough room on top for some waves to come across so not only grab that top face and I'm just going to lift it upwards to about there something big enough that you can have some waves without touching the top messing up a simulation I'll give it just a little bit more room on bottom as well and that should be a good amount of room for our fluid simulation all right so now we need to start doing some things to create waves so this works as a collision and this will be our fluid but we need something to mess up the fluid and create some some waves okay so we need to create a splash obstacle and this is just going to be a simple cube then I'm gonna place it in the back here so I'm gonna go to side view again place my cursor down on the back there and go shift a and add in a cube let's go ahead and pull this cube towards the center and scale it along the x-axis we want to be bigger than our fluid simulation on both sides something like that look it's about right and we can scale it along the y axis a little bit all right and we'll add a few cuts in here something that's important to note that collision objects are fluid the the simpler the geometry the fewer vertices the the faster the simulation is going to be by a long shot so actually I'm just gonna leave it as a cube and I'll just bevel this face here there go in control be pulling it back and beveling it a few times by scrolling my mouse wheel doesn't have to be anything too too big and our simulation time we were a lot faster if it's smaller okay so something like that looks pretty good now I'm going to put a few cuts in the top here just so I can kind of tweak if I go to the vs. here grab this so we can give it a little bit of a bend so we have a little bit more interest in our waveform so I'm going to turn it a little bit like that to give it sort of a bend then I'm going to select everything and kind of rotate it over here so we can kind of come at it on an angle and give it some some variation so it looks like the wind isn't coming straight at the shoreline but it's a little bit off I'll pull it back just a little bit now we don't have to bend it too much and that's looking pretty good maybe pulling a little bit more and scale it along the y-axis a little bit more and I might have rotated it just a little too much you don't want the end to be popping out here too much but that looks to be about right if you hit Z you can see through it and we can also go ahead and change a lot of these objects like our fluid in our viewport here let's make a little bit more room to just be a wire axes so the nuts if we draw this wire then it won't be in our way and we'll just do that for the fluid here as well so we can see through it alright cool so now with our splash obstacle here let's set up a little bit of an animation so it will create some my splashes so first off maybe I'll rotate upwards just a little bit but that should be pretty nice okay and let me just kind of check our fluid level is right there so our splash object might be a little big scale it down a little bit maybe alright just sort of positioning it in there like so that looks to be good I think this might take just a little bit of tweaking you might have to do your simulation a few times until you get the right amount of splash but hopefully my settings will all work for you right off the bat or I should say Lucas's settings because most of those I copied directly from him so I'm going to add in a few keyframes and it's just going to be location keyframes going up and down to create our wave pattern so at frame 1 just gonna go ahead and hit I and insert a location keyframe then I'll go ahead and split my window by dragging this up here and going to our graph editor here I'm going to drop down the location here I'm going to turn off the view on both the X and Y and just select the z-axis here and we're gonna go ahead and jump ahead Oh 30 frames or so but so is right and we're going to insert another location keyframe and you can see as i zoom a little bit we have our two handles here and this handle I'm going to raise up along the Y a bit you can see it over here we don't want to raise it too much if it comes out of the water it really creates some splashes that we don't need but I just raise it up a bit so it comes close to the top of the water but not all the way and then I'm going to move ahead about 50 or 20 frames this time as we're going about 30 20 30 20 with our animation to get kind of a nice sort of wave pattern I'm gonna insert another location keyframe then I'll grab that handle and drop it down by going G and Y so we'll drop this down oh pretty low something like that we'll scrub out again about 30 frames and our in our timeline here and we'll add a location keyframe grab along the y-axis make sure you just select that one pull it up scrub again about 20 frames right to about frame 100 insert a location keyframe and grab it along the y-axis again so just kind of create in this wave pattern you can pretty much see it right in your graph editor what the the activation patterns gonna look like and I'll just do this one more time so we'll go ahead and scrub to frame 130 ish it doesn't have to be exact in fact slightly off could give it a little bit more of a realistic look so I'm gonna go ahead and insert that location keyframe grab this tool on the Y make sure you're down here when you're doing it pull it up a bit and then one more actually we don't have to do well we should we should okay so go right around 150 and pull it down location grab it and gravel on the line excellent now what we're gonna do is we gonna have it repeat the pattern over and over again and we'll do this with a modifier so I'm just gonna go and click the modifiers tab there and a modifier cycles and you can see that this is off a little bit here that just means that we need to grab our handle here and kind of match it up so it lines up there so I'm just going to grab it along the y-axis until it lines up perfectly right there it looks like I have to come down just a little bit more along the y-axis and we have a nice animation there so you can see now with the cycle modifier it just keeps going on and on and if we play this - we have our waves being generated here by our wave generator object alright now I'm gonna go ahead and make it last for about 400 frames in our timeline here 400 seems to be about the good number because it's gonna take about 250 frames or so to get the waves generated nicely across to a whole fluid mesh so that should work out okay though I'm gonna grab our fluid up water here and I'm going to give its type fluid so just give it a fluid stimulation we're starting to add some simulations so it's getting exciting and make it fluid all right and then here I'm going to give our wave object a fluid obstacle and we're gonna go ahead and choose no-slip and we're gonna give it an impact of 1.4 as that just works a little better and then the volume in this utilization is going to be shell all right and with that setup we should be pretty good actually this is supposed to be free Slipknot no slit free slip okay so we can go ahead and close off our bottom window there oops to make a little bit more room here and let's add the collision object to our beach floor here I'm just gonna grab that go fluid and we'll choose obstacle again this time we want to leave it at partial slip though and I'm just going to give this about 0.75 as that seems to be the number that works pretty well to have some water kind of sticking but most of it not sticking on the shore because you don't really want too much and now we can well let's first add in a few rock obstacles now I'm not going to show you guys how to create rocks because I've done that in a previous tutorial that you can check out right now in the card up here I think my voice is screeched up here also you could buy the nature asset pack that comes with three different Rock models and that's what I'm going to use for just ten bucks if you wanted to support me and the channel either way you can get some rocks though real easy and you can use them for some obstacles to give us some more interest in your simulation so I'm going to go ahead and place my cursor right around there and I'm going to append these rocks for my other file like I said you can pick them up on the blender market for ten bucks or you can make them yourself with the tutorial linked alright awesome though I'm going to go ahead and quit grab this from here it's just going to be the object and it's going to be rocks one through three grab all three of those independent okay so they're already actually in the same sort of location that I used them in my other scene I'm just gonna move them around a little bit so we have a few rocks and the deeper water here that don't really create any sort of splash so you don't have to add any sort of simulation or anything to um but then you put some rocks along the shoreline here and you can get some really interesting sort of splashes as it comes around them so you can see that the wave level isn't me right here and that these rocks should be moved up a bit if we want them to be visible and have some ways to crashing around them I'm gonna lift them up right around here so it's still in the sand a bit here but poking out above the water and maybe give us some rotation to make it interesting but just some more obstacles to create some cool splashes so roach it a little bit drop it down a little bit more and cool now this already has some things applied to it I'm just gonna remove it and remove that so you don't have to worry about that's and we'll go ahead and add in the fluid obstacle so click fluid obstacle and this is just freeze what just like the obstacle back here same with this let me delete what was already there and add in the fluid and obstacle-free slit all right cool so with that we should have our our obstacle set up I believe we should be able to work on our fluid settings and start fine-tuning them until we have a nice sort of simulation going so grabbing our fluid domain object here I really should be naming these you could do that if you want mostly a fluid cube and caps lock was on oh well ah but uh yeah you should be a little bit more organized than naming them if you don't want to get kind of messed up I'm just kind of moving quick and not doing too much of that fluid though we might use fluid and want to choose domain so with this we can really set up how our fluid behaves I'll give ourselves little bit more room here and first off is going to be the time so the time is in frames of how long you want the simulation to last and so it's going to depend on how long your time line is because we set our time line to be 400 frames and we're gonna be rendering this at about 24 frames a second it comes out to about 12 or 13 frames so I'm gonna go ahead and just set it to 13 and that's how long the simulations gonna take between frames 0 and frame 400 all right we want to make sure that generate speed vectors is on and we want to choose a place for our cache fluid so go ahead and pick a spot on your desktop where you want your your cache to be this is gonna be a pretty large file usually a few gigabytes so make sure you can finish on your hard drive and let's move on to the fluid world settings the the real world size this is important because this is how big the simulation is in scale so depending on how big the splashes should be in such this is going to make a difference so I decided I started Lucas that 4 meters is a pretty good size for the simulation which comes out to about 4 meters would be about 16 feet so go ahead and choose 4 meters now for me to be about 12 so yeah about 12 feet and that will work well so we can leave fluid presets as it is and let's get on the fluid boundary we're just gonna leave that at free slip and remove air bubbles actually maybe we don't want to remove air bubbles at a quick check I'm pretty sure that the air bubbles cause to issue if you have that yes don't check that leave that unchecked and don't do any spooning this is gonna be done with a modifier later to give ourselves better results that we can control later the smoothing isn't very smart to do it here because you can't change it later and it will sometimes take away too much fluid so leave that at zero and then fluid particles this is going to control our our fluid particles basically later on and how much we have for like the foam that you see now this is something that can actually be pretty high I actually went a little higher than Lucas didn't hissing and I still could have used more particles so I'm going with a pretty high number here and I'm gonna go for three and a half so 3.5 you can experiment with this number two if you want more or less foam in your scene but pretty much the more the better I think so I'm gonna go 3.5 and that should do it for our main settings then it's just the resolution now for your final scene you don't want to crank this all the way up to something as high as you can pretty much like 700 I think is what I went to and that took about 7 or 16 hours to bake so it went overnight and a little more than that but it was worth it for the final quality but for these tests until we're getting our fluid really set up nicely I'm just going to set it to something really low like 120 just to kind of make sure we're getting the right waves coming across here and if we are then we can go ahead and crank it up higher and bake a final bake but for now I'm just gonna set it to something low bake it so we can kind of see how our fluids going so if you notice that I quickly save my project before baking just always a smart habit and if we start scrubbing through here we can kind of see how the fluid is going to behave and it's falling through our obstacle okay so the reason that the fluid is falling through our floor object here or Beach Shore is because we have it set to the volume which may we need to have some volume to our collision object so I'm gonna do what I did with the fluid here and I'm just gonna tap it the edit mode and as you can see I turn down the face thing here in there toolbar here you can turn on normals see which direction the point in which will be helpful here because I want to extrude it along the Z downwards you have to also turn off proportional editing so grab it along the Zed and pull it down after extruding it grab along the side pull it down and I'm gonna scale it on the Zed to zero you can see that this messes up our normals so to fix that I'm just going to select everything and recalculate now the normals all pointing out the way they should be and we can turn that off and you can see that we have a physical object here now so if I close that off and go ahead and start baking our simulation again here we will see as it starts working its way through here that it's not falling through our object but it's staying on that shoreline cool so you can see this is a very low quality and if I turn the preview to final we'll see a little better quality here but still very low quality and I'm gonna change this to texture now so we can see a little bit better of what it's looking like but this is just to kind of get an idea of how our waves are going to look and it's a little hard to tell okay so I'm getting a few more ripples in our simulation and I would like it's gonna splash you around a lot and there's a few things that I haven't done yet to kind of fix that and that is one of them is grabbing our object here and changing it to wire so because we have it set up to be a shell object in the fluid collisions here this can be wire and then our simulation can stimulate inside of it and it just disrupts the water a little less and it pretty much just uses the faces then to to move the fluid so to go ahead and do that and it will help and then what I have to do is just kind of smooth this object out a little bit so I'm at a man edit mode grab it hit W and smooth just to give ourselves a little bit more of a smooth round objects there that might not be as as much you know force you can say on the fluid sim and then let's give it a little bit more variational in the shore line here it's perfectly straight what we can do to make that a little nicer is if I grab my collision floor here take some of these verses here enable proportional editing let's change it to connected and and then I kind of just pull some of these upwards a bit like so we can kind of give the shoreline maybe if I make this smooth for this one we kind of make the shoreline a little bit more bowed which is gonna give a little bit more diff differential in the way of things a little bit as it might drop down a little bit more there and then I can also do just that and make it drop down a little bit there like so now we've got a fluid object here this will automatically kind of fill in that gap so you don't really have to have to change this motion we'll just leave the fluid object as it is but maybe make it a little bit deeper so to do that I'm just gonna grab all the faces on top so I'm going to go to side view and box select just the top faces there everything across the top not the bottom so it's like just the top there alright we have to change this so we can see the faces through and then go ahead and do just the top there boom perfect and I'm just gonna pull it up a little bit of course turnoff portion editing pull up a little bit to make the water a little bit deeper and then on the end here I want to select just those faces and pull them out a little further so it reaches to this shoreline a little better deselect these faces and I'm just going to pull those shoreline faces a little further to the edge of the water here alright pull them out that looks good and that should work just fine so with that set up we sure to have a little better simulation another thing you can do is if I split my window again and grab the graph editor you could take your curves and if you think the waves might be a little too harsh you just scale it all along the y-axis a little bit too to kind of level it out so not too much but it could take a little bit of it out just so it's not quite as crazy okay and as this bakes can see that we have a very nice sort of wave simulation coming along here now much better than it was before just some nice gently flowing waves and we can increase the height now a little bit more if we wanted just to make it a little bit more intense now and possibly pull everything down a little bit if you feel like it's coming up too much and causing splashes then you can grab everything along the y axis and move it down but I feel like that's going to be pretty good now that the waters a little bit deeper and we can also see that the shoreline here is looking a little bit better it's a little bit leveling out here is it hitting the edge of the domain you might have to check that if it is I'm gonna have to pull a little bit of our food away yes it is so we have a little bit too much fluid now coming out for our domain so let's just pull it back a little bit and we can always make our domain object a little bit bigger as well so whatever you want to do first just pull these faces back a little bit so we have a little less a little less fluid and then I will make the domain a bit bigger which also means you might want to grab your shoreline let's grab just that edge on the end here the vertices or faces I should say go top view select them all by hitting C on our keyboard and we can go ahead and extrude this out a little further for a little bit more shoreline all right I'll pull out just a little bit further grab that top ring of vertices and give it a little bit more angle here as well oops looks like I have some duplicates here just select them all and in our tool bar tools remove do doubles right there and then yeah with that top face of vertices they're not all of you just the top ones I'll lift it up a little bit higher to get ourselves a little bit more Beach store and that's looking looking very nice and should work it does that I have a few more doubles so to select everything and remove the Devils and that should work so if I bake my simulation now I think we'll be getting some pretty nice results and I think we might be ready to to make a higher resolution these are just little things you want to check though before you go ahead and bake a crazy high-resolution because if you notice that later after you let it go all night long or something you'd probably be a little bit upset with yourself alright so you can see that we're getting a little bit too intensive waves here now as it's splashing a little higher than I'd like so I'm going to scale this down a little bit more as I feel like I went too far there if you guys are having trouble realizing how much you want go into the object settings here and you can see that at the lowest point I'm at about minus 0.1 at the highest point I'm at about 0.4 so you're really only moving about 0.5 at the most I can make that a little less actually so not too much variation it goes from about 0.4 to 0.9 so maybe even a little bit less just see if you guys want to know what the numbers are exactly as you can see that that gets a little crazy with splashing all right I think I also might want to give my domain just a little bit more room on top that might be why the bigger waves aren't working too well once you get splashing okay but with that set and done we can test it one more time alright and that's looking pretty good if we kind of flow through our animation here you can see it's taking about 250 or so frames for the waves to really hit the surface though which is a little slow in my opinion so I'm not gonna change the amount of animation anymore but I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger by scaling along the y-axis here pulling it out maybe scaling along the side just a little bit to hopefully create just a little bigger waves that will reach the the edge a little sooner so we have a little bit more simulation time and maybe rotate it along was that just a little bit to give a little bit more of an angle to these waves if you look top down you can see we have some angle but a little bit more it might be nice so the simulation is getting a little longer than I wanted longer not in length but in in length of the size not length of tutorial all right now that that's all the way I'm just going to scale the water and the fluid and the object here back a little bit so I must scale it along the Y just shrink it in a little tighter so we don't have quite the the length going that we did I have to pull it all back a little bit then of course and I have to move my obstacles here the rocks back there I can move whenever is they're not collisions but these that want to get in place pretty good right now so right about so and now I'm gonna do another test real quick here I wasn't do my final render there but I want to quick change it back to a test so I can kind of see that the simulation is still gonna look good before we do our crazy Bakey okay guys so I like the look of the simulation after I scaled it down a little bit in length so we get a little bit more waves happening a little quicker here because this you can sit the ways to kind of hit in more if I change this to finally be a little higher quality hitting more around 200 frames and that's better in my opinion because we can we can get on with a simulation faster and have more information to work with the one thing is I do think I want to raise up these verses a little bit just to make the shore a little higher at this point so the waves don't sit up quite quite so high I feel like physically coming a little higher that I'd like and the tide needs to go down so I'm gonna select these sources here and lift it up a little bit this is where you can kind of experiment with the type of stimulation it going and this is exactly where you want to be tweaking it not after you've done an overnight a bake but just after a quick test bake you want to test it to make sure that you're getting the results you you desire but I think that will look I think they'll look pretty good and I might pull it in just a little bit so it matches the curve there a little better but that should do it a little higher in the midterms of course and let it hang on there a little bit higher on our shoreline just so we should be connected just we don't have those waves pouring up quite so high okay now one important thing to mention before we do our bake is that we have to also bake our particle fluid settings I wasn't talking about this earlier and I kind of forgot actually that we had to do this before we baked our fluid but it's important to do this first before we do our final bake so first off I want to move our fluid object which is this here you can see I started my high quality bake but I'm not gonna I'm not going to use it I'm gonna remake it but you can start with this and your objects actually seeing my high quality big here I might want to pull this rock down a little bit I'm just you never you never done tweaking so I'm gonna go ahead and do that but um now I'm gonna grab just our fluid or our domain fluid on our food obstacle and our objects yeah I can just box select it we can go ahead and select that to it guess it doesn't really matter and I'm going to move it holding shift to the bottom layer because on this layer we're going to have our particles render and it just keeps it kind of simpler to have it on both layers like that so now I need just a random object to to work as our fluid emulator basically so I'm just going to add in a plane here and we'll call it our plane dot fluid and this is going to be what we put our fluid and our particle fluid odd so this is gonna control basically the the fluid particles and it's going to be drops and floats we can leave the size and alpha at zero because we're not gonna be actually rendering this it's just going to create the particle study here that you can see and we go ahead and click that and we don't want it like I said to render we just want it to to be there for our particles to instance later on so I'm going to change it to none as far as render goes and display we can just leave it at a point and that point will be just a to size to our pixel so we're just going to see this in the viewport and it won't be rendered when it comes to rendering we're gonna use a particle instance modifier to add the particles to it it's just the the better way to do it gives you a little bit more control so with that said and done we we should be ready to bake you think I know I've said that a few times but I'm gonna go ahead and turn on both layers there if I holding shift and clicking both of them and one thing to note before we further I can go ahead do this now is we will be adding a smooth modifier so I'll do that right now just so you guys can see what it will look like so it's gonna be modifier smooth and this is instead of doing the smoothening in the baked fluid settings because this big later gives you a lot more control and also will not ruin the fluid like sometimes the other one well so we'll give this a factor of 1 and then we're gonna repeat it about six to eight times and you can see that just really smooths out of fluid makes it look quite a bit nicer in my opinion alright with that said and done though don't I think we are ready to bake famous last words I know but I think we are that's time so we should have our particles baked this time as well as we have our particle set up here and you can see that we'll be baking a lot of particles so let's go ahead and bake now this time for sure and I think I'm gonna have to reduce the quality for myself down to about 400 just so it's done in a slightly more timely manner but as I said before you guys can bake as high quality as you want maybe let it go overnight and uh we'll see what we get okay so our fluid simulation after about two hours is finished now and you can see that we have a nice high quality fluid I mean it could be even more high quality but this isn't bad for there was 400 resolution and our smooth modifier doing its thing made me a little too strong because we can also turn on the smoothing here so if I turn that on you can see that maybe it's taken out a little bit too much maybe we were down about 0.5 you get just a little bit more detail and maybe repeat it just four times you can play around with the setting depending on your fluid you may want more or less smoothing I might leave it at a little less maybe just a point five and if I do it on well because I wasn't seeing the changes there yeah point four yeah just a little less and it's looking pretty good so now let's go ahead and work on the particles so we're gonna use a particle instance to take all these little dots that are just floating a 3d space right now and make them an actual object we're gonna use say ecosphere okay so you're gonna want to go shift s and choose cursor to Center it's important that your cursor is in of your scene here and then into your shift a and add in an eco sphere make sure the subdivisions are turned to one because we want the lowest quality possible and I'm going to scale this way down so I'm gonna scale it to a point zero three all right and then go control a and we're going to apply that scale and now we can apply our particle instance modifier to this eco sphere to make it be the particles seen in the scene here so I'm going to choose particle instance modifier on our eco sphere and then choose the object plane dot fluid now this is going to take a little bit of time because there's so many particles in this scene that it is replacing as I cross spheres so you have to wait depending on your system a little bit but there you go you can see that all the particles are now micro spheres and those will be creating our foam effect so you can also choose size here and this will give you a nice kind of random looking particle as it will change the scale depending on where it's located and stuff so go ahead and choose that I found a cave a nice effect and it'll make a much smaller as well which is okay and that is looking it's looking pretty good I'm just kind of checking the scale around and about we might have to change the scale a little bit but I think it's looking looking very decent so we can go ahead and turn off the visibility of this just so it doesn't slow down our viewports but there is our particles all right so what's left to do is for this part I think we'll finish the simulations so let's do the dynamic paint so for the dynamic paint I want a separate object to paint on and so I'm going to take the surface of our of our floor here our ocean floor you can call it and we grab all the top vertices all the way down just like so make sure they're all selected hit shift D and then hit P and separate by selection so we have to tap out of edit mode and grab our new object which is if I just click here I can go here and hide those particles so it goes little faster too you can see right there we have our top plane and this is for our dynamic paint and texture so I'm going to lift this up just a tad and I also want to change this to textured so I can see how it looks like through the water and lifting it up just a tad we'll make sure that it's contacting the fluid right and it'll also kind of hide a little bit of the rigid body bottom that you see to the ocean there so in our renders here look just a little bit better so grab along with Zed access and lift it upwards totally shift to to really cut back how far you go and you can see that's just a little bit there but I think it's gonna be pretty good maybe just a tad more holding shift and lifting it upwards like so and that should give us a pretty good result I think that looks decent alright so this is going to be our dynamic paint surface and the ocean here is going to be our paint so grab the ocean and go to your physic settings here we can collapse our fluid for now because we don't need to worry about those settings and choose dynamic paint this is going to be the brush so choose add brush and it's going to be painting a white material so grab the color and make it completely white it's gonna be painting from the mesh volume that's fine and then we'll choose dynamic paints waves velocity that can all stay the same pretty much that's all we have to change just make this white by going 100% on all values here and that will work so let's go to our canvas here and I'm going to choose dynamic paints this is gonna be the canvas to choose add canvas we want to be an image sequence to choose image sequence and the frames we can really start from 150 because we only need about a hundred frames before our simulation starts to paint a little bit of the wetness on our sand I don't know if I explained that it but the dynamic paint is for the wetness just so you know it's to add the wet effect to the sand to give it more of a water look then we're gonna disable try but we'll choose dissolve and just turn it down to a smaller value like 30 or so and uncheck slow we don't need to worry about that this doesn't really matter because we're going to be taking our paint and blurring it and expanding it that way anyways so the dynamic paint output we're gonna want choose a location I'm just going to create a new folder in our in our file folder here and I'm going to call it paint go ahead and put the images in that folder and P and G's are fine no other effects really needed so we can leave it just at that we do have to unwrap our plane and I do think I could lift it up just a little bit more cut back a little bit of the fluid on the the beach here because it's a little bit more fluid that we need here anyways alright so with that with that done we can grab our plane here and I'm going to go tab select it all you and unwrap know if a quick open a window here we can see just I'll do it down here are you the image editor that we have a nice unwrap that's all we need so we can collapse that down now and when we bake our image sequence here it'll be baking all of our images to that folder I'm starting at frame 150 let's change the resolution to be about 512 so a little higher quality save our file and one last thing we need to change before we start baking is our initial color we want it to be black so we're gonna choose dynamic paint initial color change to color and then change it to be completely black so this is going to be painting basically white over black and of course I missed one last thing and that is we can take our rocks and also make these paint the surface just to make sure that the area around them is wet otherwise it's kind of blocking the water from touching it so what we can do for that is just another dynamic paint this is a brush of course and instead of mesh volume we're gonna do mesh volume plus proximity now the proximity can be smaller than one just look about 0.5 or so and that's all we have to do of course making it white just like before so what's painting white like everything else and we should be good to go same thing with this rock I think we can go ahead and add the dynamic paints brush add the brush in make the color white and um proxy proximity plus the mesh and then 0.5 and this will just give kind of a dynamic wet paint around the surface or base of the rock so that's good I may have pulled this up a little bit looking at the simulation around 250 it's cutting off a little bit too much of the water here so I need to grab it I wanna set access and hold shift down again pull it down just a tad there and that looks to be okay though all right so that will be our painting and we should be good to go so now I you can actually leave slow that doesn't make a difference so go ahead leave flow but now we can go ahead and bake it to our desktop so down here big image sequence okay and that simulation finished and my face is back so that means it's probably getting close to the end of the tutorial let me quick show you guys what these finished images look like though they're just a whole bunch of black and white images here as you can see and if I open one of them up real quick you can see the scrubbing through it we have our ocean just being painted on to that plain floor you don't have to worry about the back here that's just not going to be visible but you can see here where the the fluid will be painting the color of our our sand so that will be great and will look really good I think so and that's what you can see we wanted to paint the rocks there as well and that's working as well so that is the the dynamic paint everything is kind of set up now for the materials I think we're ready to start rendering and that's gonna all be in part 2 of this tutorial serious as that it does take a bit of time with all the different render layers and stuff I don't want to skip anything so I'm good show you guys the best way to do it but it will take a little bit of time so we have another video for that that you can check out it should be up within a few days of this video but thank you for watching and again thank you to Lucas Bieber he was a big help in making this possible and of course came up with the whole process himself so huge shout out to him and check him out at our total blender comm and again if you want I'm sorry our ttle blender on youtube and if you want this final scene once we're done with it it will be available on my page beyond page where you can download it like all the other files on this channel and support me in the process so thanks for watching and stay tuned for part two I'll see you guys in the next video so keep blending bye
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 222,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, Fluid, simulation, Ocean, foam, animated, animation, particles, dynamic paint, realistic
Id: OHg-CHcflPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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