EASY Glitch Slimes, Water Tap and MORE ! Slime Rancher Viktors Experimental Update | Z1 Gaming

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and then what you are you feeling alright [Music] what's going on everybody here and welcome back to some slab rancher so we're playing the new victors experimental update we're continuing it we checked out first in the last zone and yeah we're gonna be starting off with a couple of tips and tricks I think and yeah so if you guys enjoyed definitely leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more so I want to unlock in this area but in order to do that we have to get some things I did some things while we were gone as you can see I only need 50 more to unlock that area that is right boys and girls we've done it now in the process of doing this I'm going to show you how I'm collecting these well rather quickly rather quickly neat so yes if you guys are curious let's go ahead let's get started I'm going to show you the ways that I do this and how I pretty much maxed out my my glitch slimes every time now it's not maximum out every single time but uh it does a pretty good job of of maximum so basically what I look for is I look for structures I actually don't even look at the slimes I don't really care about slums the structures and like the rocks and stone stuff like that like this guy boom that's one right there you're looking for things that are kind of out of place if you see trees with fruit that one right there guaranteed that's one right there and it was a little due to this guy and now it's moving these are the way it to get a lot I don't even I don't even bother with the the largos and stuff they're just they're just not efficient in collecting them that one's probably one yep it is so you're kind of looking for rocks that are by themselves trees with full-grown fruit already those are like an immediate dead giveaway and then there's there's a couple other little giveaways I'll show you like as we go so like these right here that's one guaranteed no problemo and you have a lot of time actually I've actually had a lot of time where I'm maxed out and I'm the game this it's not even over yet like I have plenty of time limit other times I come up short but that's fine I get over usually over a hundred the entire time now you could say we're like oh you're just getting lucky you're just getting lucky right now it it's really it's really not that hard the first time I did I think we got like 60 or something like that but it's also because I was worried about the the slimes but that's that that's not the way it is not the way and yeah so you're gonna be looking for rocks by themselves just things that don't belong where they are supposed to be this area out here is a fantastic area it usually has a lot so you have that tree right there is already guaranteed one oh that's actually the only one out here unfortunate but I mean as you can see we're already at 67 and you can have a max of 150 now there are hey oh my god there are lucky slimes and there are golden slimes you can get while you're in here the golden sums obviously drop absolute ton of little dudes and then the lucky songs give you a few extra nothing too crazy but um another tip I have is to have a path have like a pattern that you go through depending on where you spawn and then you'll really know what to look for and you'll start seeing the same things kind of over and over that rock it looks like it's a rock that's there it's it's it's actually a rock I always I always try to get that one and it's not even a thing little buddies oh look if you happy the sounds but you don't need to rush around this that crystal right there that's not that's not a real crystal nope it doesn't look you see how it looks different you see I'm saying it just looks a little bit different but then again I have done this a few times I you kind of know what to look for as you go along these all look good this all looks good that crystals real these are all real that one's not real easy peasy not even hard we're at what eighty ninety down like it has been no time at all here a little dude a couple rocks right here usually uh is this one nope okay grab more these dudes so if you use your if you use your debug spray sparingly and you don't use that's one right there you don't use it all the time you're not gonna run out of it and if you don't go around just shooting absolutely everything you'll be fine there's one right there there's one right there so let's go ahead and get this guy and I try to stand back a little bit when I get them that way I can try to collect them from afar and tries to suck up as many as I can like these little dudes oh that pink ones actually want to kind of funny and if you get a large oh that is one you actually know you have to shoot it you can just suck it up you can just like suck it to the end of your tool and it'll just pop for you into a big dude so pretty handy pretty nifty okay that guy just left pieced out anymore around here now see that's not one don't fall for that trick don't fall for the trickery let's see what else we got over here I bet she does crystals one sure is absolutely is these guys do not die if they go on the water either right here it's fantastic that one's fun okay so you see like you're just looking for things that just are kind of like at a place you know it's it's not bad it's not bad that Krista's not one and we'll see if we get 150 this time like I said sometimes you get 150 sometimes you get them super fast and there's just like a ton in one area and you just get really lucky that one's right there that that's one I was like I was like what do you leave that does about what that is absolutely what uh let's see what else we got alright see so time is about out um and what I like to just I like to head back towards where the the portal is and I don't know if it's actually like a thing or not but it seems like once the time is about running out you actually get more from the ones that you do find additionally this looks like one it is indeed so like look how many I got from that one I'm going to try to max out let's see if we can't max out before we eat before we head back these guys are jerks you could shoot them if you want to I have seven left that's one boom done we maxed out completely maxed out our glitch slimes easy peasy it's not hard but like I said do not look for the slimes the slimes will do you no good that's one that's one that's not one but I can to me I can't get these guys have to it II I have to ready it's great it's a great problem to have now let's go ahead and unlock this uh this little area right here shall we I have oh I'm so excited there's like little pools and like little things how up so dude okay now I did actually unlock the advanced drone in between the episode and this this last episode in this episode so that is the thing and I haven't stopped following these cubes like crazy perfect I'll take those let's go ahead and talk to this guy hello Beatrix good to see you again the bug reports you have been collecting have been a most illuminating with your help I'm isolated the source of the glitch times that have fixed in place for removing them in order to continue my work on the simulations but first I'm gonna sell you something I've determined that this elimination I've been running on your performance with this project isn't wrong at all the true it purred it projected seemingly incorrect results it was missing a crucial data point that the universe can surprise you until I observed your willingness to help me a stranger really and then you your tenacity within this lamb relation I thought people and their abilities were much more predictable you've shown me that in all that okay anyways I want the area where is this area I don't know okay uh-huh okay it seemed to be in this very honest picture Brazil's worth keeping worth studying fantastic that way I can get more stuff and do more things absolutely so please continue to collect reports uh-huh okay fantastic um chat occasionally perfect alright we've done it we've unlocked the area he didn't say anything about the area he's like oh here it is here's our first little area Oh it's a magical bridge oh it's a magical bridge whoo-hoo that's cool little Tanny plan D it's one of these nothing can I put stuff on oh I can oh that's neat is that a phase lemon a phase lemon tree it is a phase lemon tree Wyatt this area is so cool oh there's a little pond right here and everything why is there a phase lemon tree here that is most most peculiar um have we found a new place for our face limes oh you're gonna be so cool if we could have like a door wait okay I should be able to bring slimes here now I think I should be able to okay so what else we got oh look at where under the ocean oh we're under what is fantastic okay so we have one two three plots here but what is what T's what two Z's oh this is so cool this is too neat oh I like it I like it okay so is there anything special here Corral no nothing really um but I should be able to bring in slimes now you know it's actually wait oh can we oh we got to go with the is the volcanic is that the one we're rockin Ruby what is that select whoo I like it I like it okay cool so we have a little area over here I feel like this is made for quantum slimes I'm just saying like I feel like it's a thing can I go in here oh this is too neat oh okay cool cool uh so let's head back and let's head out of here cuz it's really not a whole lot I can do in here I mean I could throw some Corral's or something in here but I don't exactly know what I want in here yet I do have 40 something of these cubes now fantastic it's always handy now you could say oh you've already unlocked the things there's no reason go back in there however we need these cubes in order to build some of the advanced research items and there are some treasure pods in there I have yet to actually unlock actually does its show on the map wait oh that's just saying where I'm at okay okay I was like wait what's going on what's going on here all right woof good and okay so I was curious if there's like a little map of man there's not there's not gonna be a map of that okay uh anyhoo CIL's let's go ahead and let's drop in these all I should have dropped off the bug reports oh well oh well so we have I do believe make sure I go through all of these we have advanced drums a more advanced version of a drum that has capacity to perform two tasks at once that is right oh hey any meaningful cube is a six manifold cubes wow that is a thing chicken cloner a lot of people are telling me to there tell me that should try them slowly so we might try to do that uh did we get any other kind of teleporting things not really decorations we did get a glitch tree at some point oh we also got a Supply Drop sometimes you need science stuff and fast so uh yeah there's that and then kurios uh nothing else really here so there are more things to unlock though I do believe within the glitched universe okay so I want to try holy moly that is a very full area I do want to try and throw the face limes in that room I want to see if it'll let me take him on their car oh but I forgot I had all the lava lamps in here oh this looks so cool starts with a little phase dudes man this is pretty cool wait what can I have any of you oh there you go you know actually the the crystal slimes are here we'll probably pretty pretty good because there's like crystals on the ceiling a Christmas I think that'd be kind of cool I want take a few of these guys with me though I think I can oh geez whoops that's that's really what that's not really what I wanted let's take some quantum science we're gonna get back in there I shoot up in that room and I mean there's already a phase limit tree in there so I feel like it's kind of metaphor it but I'm curious if they'll try to run out or not because these guys don't run out of here by any means they kind of just stay where they're supposed to be so what do we have if I throw these like that right you know what that's not an actual phase lemon tree that's not an actual phase limit tree it's a like a hologram representation interesting I could put a drone here weird that's not actually what that's super cool though okay well I guess that's out I guess that's nothing so what is purposive what's the purpose of all these I understand I don't I don't really get it um they're everywhere they look really cool whole bunch of like there's a ton of tech spots in here you know what teleporters that would be sweet to put in here this would be a perfect place to put a whole bunch of teleporters Oh Oh actually hold on a second how many how many what this room back here three things you have one two three four hmm how many teleports do we have do we have four teleports this could be our teleporter room Oh oh that would be neat Oh it'd all be one area oh wait wait there's a fourth one right there okay so we have four four plots here mmm interesting I'm actually kind of curious veining changed within the within the the area within the slab ulation all right we're gonna hop back in here however we are not gonna look for we're not gonna look for the glitch slime we're gonna go look for treasure pods because there is a I believe a portable water spot or something is what it's called what's up dudes I know you're in there I will grab this though because it's handy to have as a like a defense mechanism and we need to look for treasure pods you know what I feel like if there's gonna be a treasure pod there'd be one up here somewhere most likely what do you guys think let's see if I was right anything curse your pod uh no oh I had zero stamina oh that was a sketchy but there's one right there boom found one bad one there's also one if you follow this ledge right here are round there's like there's one back in there too I haven't tried jumping out to that area there might be one in there but there's one back there there's a there's a rare one a rarity one um how do I get over there I think I just have to go I have to go up here right and then oh yeah I just have to go up that way yeah up there right there I think that's I think that's ready to go okay and then yeah all right what are we gonna get out of here what oh God we got a ditch tree I've already got a digit REE I must have got I think I got a did you Bush ha ha ha that is pretty funny okay so let's see how do I get how do I get out of here it may be back up the way I came from oh jeez there we go okay cool made it out um let's go take a peek over here what do we got over here are they hiding any any little little tiny things hiding hmm oh behind here nothing oh darn it so yeah I'm gonna spend my time and I'm gonna look for these treasure pods so we can try to get some more things unlocked I don't think I have anything I don't think I have all the treasure pods even found yet but I'm going to look nonetheless oh this looks like an area that we could go up oh yeah okay we've been up here and we already found one up here before - can I go up here oh oh what if we go up top of those things Oh something's happening yeah ah I knew it I knew it where we got this time chairs are brought oh we got a dash pad allows you to briefly sprint with zero energy costs oh that would be so handy to have like absolutely everywhere Oh that'd be super handy okay hold on let's see if we can so we continue on this path and find anymore uh not seeing any over here I do want to go check that area at some point though as well oh hello there we got another one so do keep in mind that you would have to have the treasure cracker is there mark three a portable scare slime usually keep slimes away from things on your ranch or just to scare them because you're that person haha that's pretty funny I'm not that person but it could be cool to have it and nonetheless all right let's see any more treasure pods yes that's all I'm looking for we're looking for treasure pods I feel like there's probably one over there somewhere anything hiding back here newb now let's go over here take a peek maybe up on that bridge is there one in here so one in this tree deal no that would mean oh okay don't go that way not meant to go that way okay we made it oh it's time to go okay now where do I need to go oh geez you know one thing I didn't notice about this is that if you look up it's like a grid in a list all oh it looks so cool I love this area this is such a cool little area to play around in it explore and see what there is I just like all the little digital things oh they're so cute okay uh still looking for more treasure pods I have found any additional ones yet oh I Spy one I Spy one right up there all right what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got we got a digit panel yeah did your panel or did you no all right so there's another one I'm still looking for that portable the little portable water or hydrant or whatever it's called because I want to play with it I want to see that if maybe you could have the drones pick up water and water other drones that would be amazing not gonna lie that would be that'd be pretty great uh why does this go down here I feel like this is almost like an invitation to find a new area hmm Oh oh wait you here to get that one yeah we did already get that one what about over there I don't recall watch me nine be able to go on this oh no way kid way good there's got to be one around here somewhere well nothing over here that's unfortunate that is unfortunate hey there's a I don't know there's a thing they're super handy uh there used to be one back here but that's like on the overworld so I would imagine the pride I can put a plate put it in the same places as the overworld but I had to check nonetheless oh hello what we got here meat slime bait oh it's like a chicken on a spring ah that is funny I like it I like it okay let's see what else we got um I've been over here white a bit whoo I haven't been up there I bet you there's one up there okay I bet you I bet you almost anything there's one up there there's gotta be one over there there's no way that there's not one back here oh there's even a pathway I hope there's a pathway okay there's a pathway where are you taking me pathway I knew it how do I get out of here though Oh veggie slime bait Oh neato uh are these or any of these nope okay yeah it's time to go um okay right here whoa Oh how's a little worried all right let's uh let's head back and I want to do this again I want to find more we did more I know there's other things that we haven't unlocked yet well there's another twenty more so they'll give us another cube I do try to grab some along the way once it's time once like times up I'll go through and I'll grab whatever I find the obvious ones but I'm not worried about him a whole heck of a lot I really just want to find I want to find a couple more and then I want to play with the drones a little bit all right there's got to be something back here we're going for it we're absolutely going for it I knew it oh it was like an easy one too it's like of course there's one back here what why would you not think there's one back here a field kit ooh neato and then I got that one already there's one right there too let's see I guess my best way is probably gonna be a good Vista right here uh yep it is you know I don't think I've gotten an E in this area that means there has to be some there's one right there I already saw it you can see it from here easy peasy all right what do you have in this one huh let's see portable water tap that's the that's the one I wanted uh of all those that was the one that I wanted okay cool so we got that guy sweeping it up here is there any more and I feel like there would be like something up there or maybe in the pool of water down there I I know I see you shaking rock I know you're not right I know what you're not right let's see what's over here anything back over here hmm anything up here Wow really seen a whole lot I wanna try going through here and see if I get up on the other side over there that's not gonna happen I want to try to get up here oh never mind I did get up here and there's nothing up here that's like oh maybe there'd be one up here oh of course not of course not I guess you know what let's grab some let's grab some deals and we'll head Oh wrong button wrong button there all right we got the portable water tap I also grabbed I also grabbed 78 little loose so you can see it's not that hard to get them once you uh once you kind of know what you're looking for like spending your time on the right things and not the slimes you'll you'll definitely get a lot more so let's head back I want to check out the water taps and the advanced drones let's grab these as well and away we go alright so there's six more perfect all right so utilities advanced drone how many of these can I make one one okay I need more honey and more quantum hahaha go figure alright and then where is portable water tap make one of those guys a dash pad I need more quantum ports I didn't throw a lot of ports in here I guess we could set up remote links and have little drones doing it that could be a thing so let's see here alright these this area it's a pretty good area let's go in here because I think actually ice patrols in here too um oh these are all pretty much full of lava lamps these are all lava lamps oh geez what does one person need with so many lava lamps hey don't judge what is that oh it's a little rubber duckie okay let's see here let's go ahead and put in a utilities portable water to have installed okay so that gives us water okay and then let's go ahead and remove this one pick up this guy utilities advanced drone install activate this little dude target can I can i target water ports veggies fruit meat elder chickens I don't think I can target water oh if you could target water as one of them and have it water other things all that'll be amazing that'd be amazing but you know what I bet you that's also why they put this here well that's why they incorporated a portable water tap into the game because then you can fill these guys up with ease like you can have one of these set next to actually you know I think about it the fact that this guy does two basically doubles your drones that you can get here hmm let's see ports a source is Corral's and destination is going to be refinery link target - hmm what ports I mean why why would I do a target to a drug can only operate in one ranch expansion okay hold on if I if I put that as double ports what it actually work though because I don't know if it moves any fast or if it just gives it an option to do more things we could do veggies to Corral's we could do veggies to Corral's actually we could have it select I mean you could have it specifically pick up that how these two how many drones can you have in one area I think you can only have two if I'm not mistaken let's see here utilities strum yeah you can only you can only have two Pereira however if you did upgrade to them both that would essentially give you four what are you doing you're just collecting floors right and you're taking her into silos do we have a refinery link over here I don't even know if we have a refinery link over here where maybe over here ish uh nope okay I was wrong I don't have a refinery link over I thought I did hmm I guess not this is actually super handy though have one of these per deal you go through water he needs every day Oh that'd be amazing so I need to make some refinery links it looks like alright let's throw a refinery link down refinery link right here well throw right here perfect warp tech refinery install fantastic and it let's go to configure this guy so I think if we could figure it ports from corrals to or finery link and then mmm veggies or fruits let's do veggies too I'll veggies from gardens uh to Corral's activate okay so that can do both and then this guy over here is doing something what are you doing here speaking of ports are you putting them no no I want you put a refinery like perfect okay oh wait I didn't put port selector did I put Corral's I want you to go from floor collectors to refinery link and then veggies from gardens to auto feeders activate perfect okay so there's those little dudes they're doing nothing and then what you are you feeling alright what what why didn't you just do that what are you doing why didn't you just drop your load right here man back I'm not sure exactly what we just witnessed but this guy did grab a whole bunch of these why don't you put these in the refinery link oh there you go oh geez of course I would hit the button so wait oh okay perfect okay cool so there's that now uh that's actually gonna end this episode guys hopefully enjoyed if you did offer you leave like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for them for some more next episode of what I want to do is I want to go through upgrade all of the drones to drone advanced drones and then I want to go through it put a water a sieve in each area and a refinery like because I ultimately want these guys pretty much just putting everything in a refinery link because I don't have any need for any more money I don't think there's any more sums your reward stuff there's not we're already maxed little I'm that guy so I definitely want to uh I definitely want to maximize our our you know capabilities that the science will stuff sciency stuff and then we could go through a decorate stuff because we have all these like plants and shrubbery just up stuff like that and I think I was actually gonna do that last time but we kind of we kind of fade it out so yeah so next episode more advanced drones automating everything water tap in each area that way we can just go through water hang up I mean one tap is probably good because I can just go through here these guys don't require that much it would be really nice if you could have a drill that would water these maybe there's gonna be like a super advanced drone or something I don't know but a cool nonetheless thank you guys for watching hopefully you have a wonderful week and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 87,010
Rating: 4.8519735 out of 5
Keywords: glitch slime, easy glitch slimes, max glitch slimes, slime rancher, slime rancher gameplay, slime rancher update, slime rancher viktor, viktor's experimental update, viktor's experimental update slime rancher, slime rancher z1 gaming, z1 gaming
Id: u4gyeoJFeE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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