Easy Crispy Battered Fried Fish Recipe

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welcome my sunshine hands down this is the best crispy battered fish please continue to watch this video don't go anywhere thank you today I'm going to be making this delicious fried fish um I got two nice pieces of cod fish beautiful and I am going to beautiful beautiful pieces of cod fish by the time I cut these pieces up these are a little thick here so I'm gonna cut in between there and go make enough pieces this will feed at at least good three to four people for this meal but now cut up and all ready to be seasoned so we make quite a few pieces enough to feed at least three to four people and then with the coating that we're going to use for this fish here um it makes it even you'll see you'll see how you're going to turn out they're going to be nice nice sizes okay season now uh I just used about a half a teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of complete seasoning um with the onion powder I'm a little you know more generous garlic powder a little more generous there's no salt in that and I just use a little sprinkle a hint of the obey um that try not to use too much salts and Seasonings and I let the all the different things that we're going to use in the recipes um I don't try not to let the seasons overpower uh the dishes the recipe so we're all season and now we'll go into the next step we'll get the batter ready and see you in a little bit okay we have our dry ingredients I have in this bowl here I have one and a half cups of flour a half a cup of cornstarch one teaspoon of baking powder one teaspoon of turmeric for color and um here I have a cup of um flour that we're going to keep on the side I'll tell you what we're going to do with that um so then we take all of these dry ingredients and then we just um whistle these dry ingredients um also add some salt in here too and with these dry ingredients together okay to this dry mixture we're going to add one can of sparkling water to this and this water is cold ice cold and we're going to use um not a whole package of this Sazon maybe about a fourth of this package very little because we already have the turmeric in there for color but I like to add just a little bit more color with this Sasson so not a whole package because you don't want it to come out red you know red so just a little bit more to add just a little bit more on color okay uh this is this is after you added the um sparkling water and a little bit of the Sasson um on this one today I added I had to open up another can of sparkling water just added just a little bit more till I got to this consistency sometimes when I make it only use one can sometimes I have to open up another can and today I had to open up another can because I like it at this consistency and um this is with the Sassoon with the tumor is already in here and I just added a little bit very little of the sets of the Sasson just to get a beautiful color like that now get ready to fry the fish we have um on the stove I have a pan with some canola oil in there uh already have it nice and hot um so when you put your fish in it'll you know cook right up and um you dip your fish into the flour shake off the excess flour and then dip it into here and shake off the excess and put it into that nice uh pan with the hot oil and stay by it because it Cooks up really fast okay the the dish is ready um it takes to fry this all up it took about 15 about 15 minutes and also um I did this on a low to medium heat uh because I have an electric stove and my stove I mean cooks really cooks up so fast you may be able to maybe you have to you know judge yours your uh your stove how your stove is maybe probably maybe a medium but I did mine on just about a a low to medium heat more on the medium side and it Cooks It Cooks right up and um here's the finished product also I use a rack I don't use don't use paper towel because you don't want it to get soggy and um get soggy this uh this has a beautiful um crust on it's nice and crispy so use a rack and let it drain let that drain and this is the this is the finished product [Music] dinner is now served of fish and chips and I hope you enjoy thank you video please like subscribe and comment below and please join me on my next video peace and love to everyone and have a blessed day thank you [Music]
Channel: Iam BlueWaterRose
Views: 13,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iam BlueWaterRose, how to make fried fish, crispy battered fried fish
Id: 2TfGN4lDk-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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