World's best fish frying technique ( SO EASY)

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I'm D cropping you host with the most bread no toast bread no toes what does that even mean ah these up in a frozen fish meow today we're not on the lake when the kitchen because shake and bake that crap it I mean more less shaking fry that sound better that's what we don't do today I'm gonna teach y'all how to fry fish like a pro I mean Golden Delicious brown fillets look like a restaurant so I'm getting all stirred up thinking about it so y'all get ready cuz I'm gonna take it there alright today I'll be using Louisiana fish fried for this demonstration I believe they have a great fry far as a coating very good it get in here's to the fish very good I mean all I use is the water that I rinse them off with and the water by itself will have enough moisture to draw that fry up into the fish and keep it in there keep it on there pretty good so I'll just take a piece of fish and shake it out real good make sure you got them rinsed off a real good you don't want any cooking gunk on it but I'll take a foot fillet and try to shake that off as much water off of it as you can and all I'll do is just give it a gentle shake right like this little nice shake evenly coat the fish and I like to do it in a deep Bowl because the deeper it is the less mess you can wind up with because it can be messy flopping this fry around but all I'll do is shake that around like that a little bit and as you see the fillet put that down right there the fillet is beautifully coated beautifully coated and that's all with water because the batter itself will do the job for you with the water that's all that's all it takes and then we'll just take that bad boy to the fryer and make it happen all right I'm using a presto Pro fryer today and so we'll go ahead and put these beautiful fillets put these beautiful Flay's in grease and I like to have the basket out of the grease start out with just drop those bad boys on in there 375 is what I got to fire on with the temperature on I'm sorry and you know you only need to cook the crappie for two to three minutes let me start at Alexa start a 3-minute timer so three minutes two to three minutes depending on how thick the fillet is it will get it done for you because anymore you can dry the fish out you wanna if you want your fish juicy and moist two to three minutes to get it done some people like to cook it harder and cook it longer you know five minutes your choice but two to three minutes for me is what I like to do in a date with the Louisiana fish fry they come out crispy and hard anyway and yeah baby those things doing the right thing they do it right thing yes presto Pro fryer is a very good fryer you end up the I forgot to point this out this is one of the key ingredients to making it look like a restaurant you have to have some of the equipment that they use the deep fryer evenly cooks the fish all over with it submerged in the grease like that and sitting in the basket it doesn't contact the heat element down low and it just cooks very evenly and give you that nice professional presentation and also the the deep fry has the thermostat in there to regulate the temperature you know when you cook it on a stove you you can put a thermometer in there but it doesn't regulate the temperature like a deep fryer does so that's another great benefit of cooking with a deep fryer as well you don't have to worry about the the temperature fluctuating on you and possibly burning your fish up or you know overcooking it it's going to be consistently even okay Alexa has told us is three minutes Alexa stop timer so we'll take these bad boys out and that's another great thing about this deep fryer I can risk these fillets on the side to get some of that grease off of there and just let it drain real good because you don't want your fish just soaked and saturated with grease okay after that's done I used I like to use a strainer with a bowl because that way if you use napkins you can have your fish just sitting in grease and then they also sweat the heat from the fish will allow us to sweat with the grease mixture in so you'll wind up with some soggy fish out over time so I'll just drop it in that strainer put the bad boys in there and then with three minutes you have a beautiful golden crispy fillet I mean it looked like that's part of a two piece basket at some fish fish fish house so I mean that is beautiful this is hot all right another thing I want to show y'all let me make a little crappie chip out of that but I like to make little crappie nuggets for my kids so I take one of fan fillet chop it up sliced up like this getting a little nuggets right there give them a fry still got that moisture on there you can see the wet off the fish the toss a nice toss bring them on over shake it all extra fry off of them drop them on in there alone down let it fizzle around you do that for two minutes because what you cutting into the fish so definitely cook it down faster so two minutes to get that done and you have you some wonderful delicious crappie nuggets for the kids offer yourself how you love a palpable pieces of fish all right pull those delicious little babies out of there shake them to the side if that h degree salt buffer then get your strength pop those bad boys on in there oh and you got some delicious will golden nuggets oh man Texas tea go Nuggets recap okay hold on before I get into that another thing is when you're frying everybody who fries fish know about this when it starts to get you know the clumps in your fry you can take a sifter to get those clumps out of there and put your fry back to this original state and you can keep on shaking and baking with it okay so let's do a quick recap three things want to think about the bowl deep this is a stainless steel bowl Depot less mince possibly i talked some about her even with the depot but if it hadn't been so deep it'll be an even more mess but it allows you to toss it around with your fish and coat it evenly which in turns makes for a good frame when you throw it in the deep fryer okay that's the ball thanks the deep fryer with a thermostat helps to regulate the temperature cook even distributes the temperature evenly you don't have to do the guesswork the machining does it for you and I'll be putting a link in the description for that presto Pro fryer and anything else that I'm using in this video third thing your timing two to three minutes for the crappie is perfect you don't have to cook it forever crop is lean meat white no fat so two to three minutes unless you like crappie jerky it's cooking out of a tin okay cook it out of it but that's about it right there okay and so I want to thank y'all for watching this video if you haven't subscribed please subscribe touch that notification button so you can give them a notification of every video I put out and leave a comment let me know what you think give me a thumbs up putting this video out showing y'all hot Friday's fish you know some people would be helpful for and just keep watching I mean I really appreciate y'all I love making videos I love fishing anything related to fish so allow me to keep doing this by watching and subscribing and help grow this channel if you see me out on the lake come up and say hi to me I'm cool guy I love meeting people since I started this channel I've met so many cool dudes on the lake and so you see me I come in and do self to me you know never know one day we might be fishing together alright so thank y'all I see you later you
Channel: Crappie Head Tv
Views: 683,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crappie, fish, white, black, slab, fishing, bass, catfishing, fishi, cooking fish, food, cook like a pro, chef, cooking food, frying fish, restaurants, gordon ramsay, good food, good eats
Id: qYQS62drfjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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