Easy Crispy Battered Fish Recipe | Lemon Herb Tartar Sauce Recipe

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[Music] okay so to get started with my crispy battered fish I'm going to be using two pounds of cod I've basically rinsed the fish in cold water and patted it dry with some towels now I am going to salt them now typically when you are making fish I know a general rule is to salt after you cook it so you don't make the fish tough but I kind of want that to happen because it'll make it easier when it's time to fry and handle so I've added salt and pepper now I'm just going to place this in the refrigerator until I need it okay so now I'm going to work on the batter here I'm going to sieve 1 and 3/4 cups of all-purpose flour now after you've saved the flour you can pretty much season to your preference and use whatever dry seasonings that you like I'm going to start with 1 teaspoon of lemon pepper right into the bowl I'm also going to add one teaspoon of onion powder again you can adjust the ratio of these dry ingredients or add the ingredients that you like I'm also going to add one teaspoon of paprika and you could also add some Cayenne for heat but I typically just go with paprika and I'm also going to be adding 2 teaspoons of baking powder not to be confused with baking soda I am using baking powder and I'll show you the one I'm using okay so now I'm going to add that right into the bowl and I'm also going to give this a good mix to combine everything now when I did this I totally forgot I need to add salt so at this point you'll want to add the salt to your preference I'm going to add 1/2 teaspoon of salt you can add less or you can add more it just depends on your preference but you'll want to add salt now and continue combining the dry ingredients so once you've added all of your seasoning and spices now it's time to add the liquid typically you'd probably want to add beer but I want to show you that I like to use the Pacheco this is basically a sparkling mineral water and I'm kind of eyeballing this typically want to make this I am kind of eyeballing ingredients but right now I'm going to measure it for you and I started with maybe less than a cup but ultimately I am going to add 450 milliliters of footage eco or again if you want to use beer you can make this a beer batter but I just like to use what I have on hand and I always have the Pacheco and it works great so I'm just going to give this a mix and obviously I'm going to add some more and I will have all of the ingredients and measurements that I used in this recipe below this video so you can check their for exact measurements so basically once you have this consistency it's not super thick and it's not thin it's enough to coat the fish properly and that's what you're looking for think of like a pancake mix kind of how you would do pancakes so once that's done I am going to dredge all of my fish in flour you can add more salt to the flour but I think everything is seasoned well again you can add little things here and there to your preference so I'm going to coat and dredge each piece of fish and this will in turn help the batter stick to the fish so you don't want to skip this step okay so once you're done dredging your fish by the way you'll want to knock off some of that excess flour you don't want it clumped on there but you do want it dredged so now it's ready to be fried so here I've been preheating my oil you want to preheat it somewhere between 350 degrees fahrenheit to 375 no hotter than 375 and here is my batter so now I'm just going to dip the fish in the batter and right into the oil I am going to deep fry this codfish for around two to three minutes or until everything is golden brown fish cooks very quickly and the cook time will also be determined by how thick or thin or what type of fish you are cooking so today I'm using a very chunky thick piece of cod so I think two to three minutes or until golden brown works [Music] once each piece of fish is done frying I'm going to place it on a baking sheet with a rack on it and that'll just allow a neat residual oil to just fall to the bottom so at this point my fish is golden brown crispy and tender on the inside I can't wait and I want to show you this homemade tartar sauce that I made and I kind of eyeballed and use what I had but I will put what I did in the description below basically it's a cup and a half of good mayo I've added two tablespoons or maybe a tablespoon and a half of sweet relish I'm also going to add the juice of half of a large lemon and as you can see I did zest some of the lemon but I didn't have a lot of zest to use so here I'm going to add around two tablespoons of fresh chives one tablespoon of fresh dill and a little bit of lemon zest because I used most of it in another recipe but a tablespoon of lemon zest works in this and I'm also going to add a half teaspoon of lemon pepper and a quarter teaspoon of onion powder and I'm also going to give this a good mix and allow it to set in the refrigerator for at least one hour I actually did this the night before by the way I'm adding some extra pepper and that is it this is a delicious lemon herb flavored tartar sauce and it's so delicious with this [Music] okay so now it's time to dig into this crispity crunchity fish and I definitely want you to hear how crispy and crunchy it is I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 846,670
Rating: 4.9138947 out of 5
Keywords: Recipes, Easy recipes, how to, Gochujang Mama, Homecooked, Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter, Christmas, Family meals, crispy batter, fish and chips, beer battered fish recipe, beer battered fish fry, easy beer battred fish, no alcohol beer batter, crunchy fish fry recipe, crunchy fish fry, how to fry fish, how to make tartar sauce, fried fish, fish recipe, fish sandwich, easy cooking, how to cook, cod fish recipe, summer recipes, recipes for dinner, recipes for lunch, tartar sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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