Easy CHEESY Baked Spaghetti Recipe

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what is good everybody welcome back to the channel today i'm gonna show you how to make a delicious and easy baked spaghetti guys and guys this is awesome right here and i cannot wait for you to try it on your own and you know i am gonna show you how it's done so let's get right on into it let's get started [Music] so you want to go ahead and get a pot of water to a rolling boil i'm just going to sprinkle in a little bit of salt and there and drop my pasta right on in and you want to cook this until they are about al dente usually the box has instructions about the timing and whatnot to get it to that perfect al dente in general it's about seven to eight minutes or so once that's done go ahead and drain them off and put them to the side moving on i have my pan with a little bit of oil drizzle in there and we're dropping in some ground italian sausage and some ground beef as well go ahead and cook that brown it up just like so [Music] [Music] and as you can see here we have a lot of fat from the meat i'm gonna go ahead and drain that off before we add the remainder of the ingredients which is one onion we have some minced garlic as well as our dry seasonings and everything will be displayed on the screen as well as down below in the description box for you guys to follow along once you have all those ingredients in there go ahead and give it a mix you want to let this kind of cook for about another three minutes or so again our heat is at medium let it do its thing [Music] all right so i did transfer this into a bigger pot because as you can see working with a lot of a lot of food here so we are dropping in our pasta sauce you can use your favorite pasta sauce whichever one you prefer go ahead and just drop it in mix it in and let it come to a little bit of a simmer before we add in our spaghetti that we have drained off and sitting to the side all right so here goes our spaghetti go ahead and drop it in get it mixed up with all of the goodness that we have going on go ahead and preheat your oven to 350 degrees at this point you got to get it hot already you know what i'm saying so here i have my pen that we are gonna bake our spaghetti in i'm just gonna put a little bit of sauce on the bottom kind of helps with you know your pasta stick it or whatnot and go ahead and drop in your first layer of spaghetti once we have that first layer in there you want to sprinkle along some of your favorite cheese i'm using a uh three cheese blend um but you can use whatever cheese you like if you like mozzarella you can use all mozzarella it's kind of up to you as far as what kind of cheese you want to throw on your baked spaghetti but like i said we are dropping in that first layer of cheese once that first layer is on there we are going to drop on some more of that spaghetti right on top of that and then we're gonna finish it off with more cheese and then we're also gonna sprinkle a little bit of parmesan cheese on top of that three cheese blend you'll see in a second here [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so like i was saying we have our second layer of cheese on top of our spaghetti and we are gonna finish it off with a little bit of shredded parmesan cheese this adds another layer of flavor i love me some parmesan cheese i don't know about you but i just i just love it all right so like i said our oven is preheated 350 degrees we're gonna toss it in there for 20 minutes or until golden brown and towards the end you can turn your oven on broil for about a minute or two just to get that extra little color on top like i got right here all right sprinkle a little bit of fresh parsley on top and you are ready to bust down yo this is so flavorful so amazing so easy to make you are gonna love it a perfect little dinner for your family or your friends you know what i'm saying hope you all enjoyed watching today's video i will see you on the next one if you haven't already hit your boy with a like comment let me know what you think and subscribe if you're new see you on the next one deuces
Channel: Whip It Up With Jay
Views: 29,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baked spaghetti, baked spaghetti recipe, baked spaghetti with pepperoni, baked spaghetti and meatballs, baked spaghetti with cream cheese, baked spaghetti with ricotta cheese, baked spaghetti and cheese, baked spaghetti and meat sauce, baked spaghetti and meatball casserole, baked spaghetti and frozen meatballs recipe, how to cook baked spaghetti and cheese, baked spaghetti cheese topping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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