EASY Chargrilled Chicken turned into a DELICIOUS Jerk Chicken Sandwich

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed now y'all know I love me some jerk chicken well today I'm going to show youall how I use some boneless skinless chicken thighs and make a jerk chicken sandwich we're going to make us up a jerk marinade burn and turn those chicken thighs over some hot coals and then build this big old Caribbean sandwich with it it's going to be good let's get to cooking y'all for this recipe I went to Walmart picked me up a pack of boneless skinless chicken thighs now normally they use whole chickens to make jerk chicken or cut up pieces skin on bone in but for a sandwich I like to use these thighs they got more flavor they get nice and crispy cuz we're going to get them burning and turning over those hot coals here in a little bit but first we got to mix up a jerk marinade so what we're starting with is some green onion I took about three green onions and chopped them up pretty fine just the green part then I'm going to add a little bit of Scotch bonnet pepper now if you can't find Scotch bonnet you can use habanero it'll work the same and the heat level is up to you I did about four or five in this little bowl but I'm just going to rake out about half that's going to give us all the heat we need but if you like it super hot dump it all then we're going to add some dark brown sugar little soy sauce fresh squeeze lime juice that's about four limes I got right there then I want to season it a little we got some salt going down give it a bunch of cranks a good cracked black pepper and then we got jerk seasoning you can use whatever jerk seasoning you like y'all know I got that jamming jerk and I'm just going to take the lid off this dude and Eyeball me out about a heaping tablespoon that ought to be good oh that smells good drizzle in a little olive oil kind of smooth it out and that's a easy jerk marinade right there y'all now we're going to take a Ziploc bag you could use tupperware bowl with the lid we're going to start putting our chicken thighs in it so let's just bust them out I'm not trimming them doing anything to it these things come pretty well clean if there's a little fat on there that's going to give us some flavor we're going to chop this stuff up at the end anyway to make our sandwich and we're going to take this marinade and pour it right over that chicken squeeze all the air out toss it around make sure all that chicken is getting covered with this marinade now this chicken only needs about an hour to soak up all those flavors in the marinade it's thin boneless skinless chicken so it's going to absorb it pretty quick while it's hanging out in the refrigerator it's going to give me time to knock out a few other things I got a SLO I'm fixing to put together going to make a up a glaze and I got to get the grill going we got to have kind of a vegetable element to go with this jerk chicken sandwich a SLO is the perfect thing so I'm going to make an island SLA it's going to start with some good old Blue Plate Mayonnaise I don't know if they have that in Jamaica in the South we sure do you need a couple tablespoons of Blue Plate then we're going to give it some Dijon mustard there's one tablespoon there's two tablespoons we're going to season that with some salt couple cranks little black pepper and then we're going to add some red wine vinegar that ought to be good right there then we're just going to mix this up into a SLO dressing you just want to whip it up to it's kind of smooth get all those lumps out of the mayonnaise I want it to taste good y'all oh yeah that tastes like Co slaw dressing now I'm cheating today I just went and bought a bag of Co slaw it's got some carrots some of that red cabbage in it bust that open and get it in a bowl you could do this in a Ziploc bag too but you're going to take it somewhere you just want make it easy to transport to that I've got some green onion you got to have some hot peppers y'all know in Jamaica they got those Scotch bonnets you use habanero whatever kind of hot pepper you like you can leave that out if you a little scared of the heat then we need some red onion about 1/4 cup of red onion just give us a little more Crunch and for the sweet element in this island SLO I chopped up some fresh pineapple don't use the canned stuff it's going to give us all the sweetness we need we don't have to add any extra sugar just going to take some tongs and gently toss it all together the enzymes in that pineapple is going to start breaking down going to start wilting that cabbage getting the onion soft that's what we want but we want to add this creamy dressing to it I'm just going to pour all of it right over the top get all that goodness out of there we're just going to toss it together and let it sit it needs you know 30 minutes to an hour just sitting in the fridge you can cover it with some plastic wrap throw a lid on the bowl if you got one or zip it up in a bag it all works today I'm be cooking on my Weber grill I'm going to set it it up for a twozone fire starting out with a charcoal chimney full of Royal Oak briquettes I got one Royal Oak tumble weed getting hot then I'm going to set that chimney right over it give it about 17 minutes and those coals will be ready dump them out on half the grill that leaves me a void on the other side of that fire grate that's two zones Hot Side cool side put your cooking grate in place lid on open the vents 100% and let that Grill get hot I need it to breathe I want to be able to sear over those hot coals now real quick let's make the jerk glaze first I'm starting with some ketchup some dark brown sugar and some honey then we're going to squeeze some fresh lime juice into it red wine vinegar little bit of soy sauce going to hit it with some jerk seasoning to give us those Caribbean flavors some white pepper some cayenne pepper salt and black pepper and then just stir it all up all right now we're ready for the fun part y'all grilling this chicken up burning Turn Style and I'm just going to grab some tongs woo and that smells good but I'm just going to grab these pieces of this boness skinless thigh leave those onions leave all that pepper that marinade on it and we're going to put it right on this hot grate over these coals y'all listen at it Sizzle it really ain't no right or wrong way we're going to throw this chicken right on this great and we'll work in batches you don't have to do it all you don't have to crowd the grill leave plenty of room for it throw one more on here I think I got room there that's a big now I'm going to hit this chicken with a little bit of extra jerk seasoning right here on the cooking grate just sprinkle it over each one as we flip it we'll add some on the back side but that's just going to give us a little more jerk flavor and I like the way it smells hitting that fire put the lid back on give it a minute or so and then we'll check it see how it's cooking y'all this is a lot like that barass chicken video I did except that was barbecue style still BND the skinless thighs cooking them over hot coals put them in a sauce putting them back over hot coals we're doing that we're just doing it with jerk flavor once that's fire go goes out you add air to it it Flames back up this one's been on here the longest how's it looking oh and I just like to start flipping it we're going to get several flips out of it starting to get a little Char action hit this side with the seasoning smelling good that Aroma is hard to beat lid back on every minute or so flip it and just keep doing that until the chicken gets done thighs go to 175 internal I'm not temping these boneless skinless thighs it's a eyesight thing just watch them if they start getting too dark move them over to that safe Zone they'll keep cooking man this what second flip look at that start to get that caramelized look going oh yeah now you can see this piece right here that's starting to look like it's done I don't need it to get too dark on me so what I'm going to do is move it over to the safe Zone it's still going to get some heat over here I'm just going to let it hang out we'll just start stacking these dudes up we're ready for another round y'all and we're going to turn it so much I don't really care how it fits on there right now we just want going get it on one last one am I going to snack it right in there yeah let's hit it with a little bit more of that jerk seasoning whatever jerk seasoning you using give it a little sprinkle down little added Caribbean Flavor now I got my second round on I'm going to take a little metal pan set it to the side here that glaze I whipped up the brown sugar the ketchup the honey the soy sauce all that goodness the heat let that start getting happy now we're going to flip these thighs over they started cooking us get him a couple minutes oo it's hot over there now we're going to hit them with a little more jerk seasoning right here on the grill because it smells so dang good back on let them rot this is live cooking right here y'all we've got fire going underneath the chicken it's smoking you're over it but it's really easy you just got to learn to eat some smoke I don't mind it I want to see that Char action I want to see those little crunchy bits that these boneless skinless thighs get that's the little tasty morsels that makes this jerk chicken so good if you did it with breast it's going to dry out that's why I like the thighs thighs stay juicy they're not going to dry out and I'm keeping that first batch warm over to the side over here they're really not over any kind of direct heat they're just staying happy see the sauce is starting to heat up a little bit that's what I want to see we're almost ready to start glazing all of it this second batch is just about all completely done all right so I got the first batch ready second batch ready one little taster there I'm going to start back with this first B we put it back on the hot side you could dunk it you could drizzle it you can do whatever you wanted really well we got plenty of room now that they cook they shrunk up some bring our little sauce close enough grab you a little brush this is the easy way just take that brush and start brushing kind of dabbing that sauce on that's that jerk glaze and that's going to finish it off and really drive home that jerk flavor I'm trying to accomplish here today and you could use this glaze on wings on pork I I even put it on fish little jerk salmon what last one here dab it on put that over to the side a little bit now we're going to start flipping this chicken over now we're going to get the caramelizing going and you got to watch it here cuz it'll start burning on you pretty quick and we don't want that we going to hit this back side with the glaze many fools would have stayed in that smoke but I'm going to get downwind let y'all get in it with the camera so y'all can feel like y'all here with me if you in the Smoke by time you get them all glazed they're going to be ready to flip cuz that fire is still hot y'all that's where we get that charred flavor that sauce dripping down that glaze dripping down in those hot coals once we get that backside glazed we're going to start flipping them we're just going to keep staying with them y'all flipping them by every 30 45 seconds they can't stay on the hot coals too long but the sugars the honey the brown sugar in that glaze will start burning too much on you we want the Char flavor but we don't want it to be bitter burnt you just can't duplicate that smell that flavor hot coals the Char it's a thing of beauty y'all after a couple minutes of burning and turning on here y'all see we start to caramelize that sauce these smaller pieces are getting done just move them over to the safe Zone they're going to be fine over here we got to get these big pieces caramelized up a little bit and we're going to be ready to make a sandwich y'all look at that that's beautiful jerk chicken I like that piece I was got my name all on it got that Char action sauce baked on get over those hot coals chicken oh we are getting there folks that might be the best looking piece all day Char action even got a little hatch marks to it I really don't care what it looks like we're going to cut it up for the sandwich but man it's just glistening all them little nooks and crannies get crispy we got sauce all the way around it those jerk flavors I'm excited I'm really excited that fast maybe 20 minutes tops grilling all that chicken it's time to platterz it that's a platter a jerk chicken all right y'all we're back in at The Cutting Board now and all I'm going to do is cut this chicken up into kind of bite-sized pieces but they're really perfect for just cutting into strips you can just take a knife and run right through them you could lay them on the sandwich ho but I think you get better bites and we pile up more of it if they're cut up plus they go a lot further and I get to try it all the time man there's just something about chicken over hot coals especially the thighs don't slip on these boneless skinless thighs they are delicious a lot of people say they don't like dark meat chicken looking at that would you think that's dark meat nobody's going to tell me that's chicken thigh dark meat no good I promise you cuz it melts in your mouth all these little crunchy bits I try to angle my knife and keep them on the piece so when somebody bites down on that they going to get a surprise it's going to have some crunch to it it's going to have some caramelization it's going to have all that jerk flavor that piece right there is as juicy as it can be now y'all know I ain't going to squeeze it too much man that's juicy chicken we are ready to make the sandwich so we've got these Brios buns been buttered toasted just a little bit first thing going on that buns is Calypso sauce it's some Blue Plate mayo and some ketchup and some Scotch bonnet hot sauce now I bought it at my local Kroger you probably find it on wine season with a little salt and pepper a little bump of white pepper it's good to go but I'm just going to take and put a nice little layer on that bottom bun while we're at it let's go ahead and add some to the top cuz y'all know we like it salsy then we're going to take a couple of theseand sandwich stacker pickles cuz I like dill pickle take some green leaf lettuce we are getting our vegetables in today folks now we're ready for that chicken just pile it up strips if it falls off hey that's okay just pick it up and eat it and put it right back on how does that look that's a lot of Jerk Chicken on one sandwich then we're going to grab some of our Island SLA that we had sitting in the refrigerator with those pineapples The Red Onion the hot peppers put that right over the top practically vegetarian folks close as I like to get to to it we're ready for the top bun now that's a jerk chicken sandwich ooo y'all think I can pick this up and try it oh man that fell out that's all right well let's see how this sandwich tastes if I can get my big old head around it man at least a $20 Sandwich House keep it up go back in for whatever fell off that's how you make a jck chicken sandwich thanks for hang out with us today here at how to barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to that channel y'all know we're on all the social channels Tik Tok Twitter X whatever you want to call it Facebook s and I are going to be talking about this chicken sandwich on our weekly podcast y'all tune in to that and give it a listen to we'll see you next time I'm faing to work on this sandwich
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 78,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, jerk, jerk chicken, grilled chicken, Jerk Chicken Sandwich, chicken sandwich, charcoal grill, chargrilled, weber grill, grill
Id: p5NYek5JWdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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