Grilled Cuban Sandwich Recipe | Mojo Pork and Cuban Sandwich Grilled on Big Green Egg

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today we're gonna show you how to make Cuban sandwiches I've got some pork tenderloins that we're gonna marinade get on the smoker and some good hickory smoke and then we're gonna cut it up and assemble these sandwiches on the grill you're gonna love it let's get to cooking today I'm starting with a couple pork tenderloins you can get these at your supermarket they usually come in a double pack just clean them up a little bit when you open them up take off that silver skin they've got a little bit of fat that's okay that's flavour and what we're gonna do is we're gonna get them in a marinade and this is a Cuban style marinade I'm starting with some orange juice some fresh lime juice a little bit of zest from those oranges we've got some cilantro going in a little bit of mint to really give it some flavor you got to have some garlic and then we're putting some seasonings in it got salt pepper a little oregano and a little bit of cumin it's gonna balance it all out right when we get it going in the food processor we're gonna drizzle in some olive oil it's gonna bring that marinade together drop the pork tenderloins down in a ziploc bag and just pour the marinade over it but save about half a cup is I'm going to show you how to make a glaze for the exported tenderloins that we're gonna use right at the end of the cooking process now they need to marinate for about two to three hours in the refrigerator hey if you want to go overnight with them they're just gonna soak up even more flavor so now I've got these pork tenderloins fresh out of the marinade they sit there for two three hours in the refrigerator and I brought them out I just want them to come up to room temperature while I fire up the grill I'm gonna be cooking on my big green egg today we're gonna set it up for indirect cooking got some good Royal Oak lump charcoal going and a couple wax cubes just to get the fire going once those coals get good and hot you want to go ahead and put some wood on I'm using Hickory today just about three chunks spread out over those hot coals it's gonna give us some nice smoke put the plate setter in for indirect heat get your grill grate on and then close the egg and let it stabilize you want to get that top vent adjusted and about an inch on the bottoms all the air flow you're gonna need we're wanting to keep it about 275 to 300 right in that range to cook these pork tenderloins and of course as always you can cook these pork tenderloins on any grill just set it up similar we're just wanting to get them cooked in a smoked environment so set your smoker on about 275 you follow right along so the eggs running right where I want it right about 275 degrees we're gonna put these pork tenderloins on make sure they're on there straight because that's how they're gonna cook you don't have to put any seasoning on that marinades doing all the flavor force you can still see we've got pieces of that garlic cilantro that mint orange zest that's gonna be all our flavors right there we're just gonna close the lid and we're gonna cook these until the internal temperature about a hundred and forty degrees so now we're just going to get the pork tenderloins cooked close the lid down this is a good time to go ahead and show you how I'm gonna make this glaze with that reserved marinade so I've got a small saucepan here over medium-high heat and I want to add a half a cup of that reserved marinade from our pork tenderloins to that we're adding a little bit of vinegar some sugar some honey a couple tablespoons of mustard we're gonna get it all whisked together and we're just gonna bring it up to a slight bowl and reduce it down until it has almost a surp light consistency take it off the heat and just store it in a jar until we're ready to use it here when these pork tenderloins are done right our pork tenderloins have been cooking about 25 minutes I want to get them colored up on both sides you can see they're starting to dry out a little bit on top that's what we want to see they're getting a little bit of color but I want to get them flipped because I want to get some of this on both sides you know cooking even looks good I'll just get the lid down keep letting them cook all right so we've been a total of about 40 minutes here on these pork tenderloins running about 300 degrees on the eggs right where we want it we should have some color on both sides and this is the point where I want to start glazing them oh yeah that looks beautiful a little bit of char going and let me just get my thermapen just to verify I want to be about 140 145 we're about 144 right there that looks great feels good going in I know they're ready to glaze won't be long we need probably about 5 or 10 minutes now we're gonna put this glaze on that we cooked down it's the same flavors we've had in our marinade and we just made a simple little glaze with it smelling good looking good the glaze is gonna sweeten it up a little bit and I just flipped the tenderloins over and we're gonna get a little glaze on that bottom side too we're just gonna keep the lid closed and let that glaze sit on those pork tenderloins for just a little bit 5 10 minutes they're gonna be ready to take off all right we've glazed on both sides with our pork just to make sure oh yeah 148 that one's done we're there both of them are where we want them it's time to get these dudes up check that out Cuban style pork tenderloins you know they're gonna make some good sandwiches got a run inside get all the stuff to assemble these Cuban sandwiches y'all stick around we'll show you how we put these together how we're gonna finish them off all right our pork tenderloins have rested so we're gonna go ahead and get them cut up for the sandwiches and you just want to cut them thin for this part won't try to jump off there I'm just using my knife kind of hold it a little bit of a biased you can cut them up however you like them this looks good to me man it's tender I'll move that one out of the way for a second we just want a little to the smoke ring on that you know it's good by itself juicy it's tender I'm cutting about a quarter inch just right for making a Cuban sandwich a little in peace mmm mmm that's flavor right there I love that really tastes the marinade in it glaze makes it a little sweet but the citrus comes through from the orange juice the lime the mint all that excellent on pork so the pork tenderloin is sliced now we're ready to build a Cuban sandwich and a Cuban sandwich has to have a few components it's got to have a good roasted pork ubin marinade you've got to have some yellow mustard some ham some dill pickle slices and some Swiss cheese all those go together to make that famous Cuban sandwich of course you got to have some bread I don't have the Cuban bread but you can use any soft bread like a French or Italian I've got a couple loaves of French bread here first thing we're gonna do on our bread you're just gonna split your French loaf in half then we're gonna start with that mustard both parts of the bread got to have the mustard that's what makes it a Cuban sandwich now the next part is the cheese and the cheese is gonna be the glue that's gonna hold it together we're using Swiss cheese top and bottom right on top of the mustard next layers this dill pickle slices use whatever kind of pickles you like I like these stacker versions then I'm going to layer on some ham this is a deli sliced ham it's kind of thin it's a honey smoked ham we've got that layer on top the pickles now it's time for the poor and you're just gonna lay that right on top of the ham and look how good that is already and we're still gonna put it back on the grill sandwich it down with a good cast-iron skillet so it kind of matches it flat so these sandwiches are just about ready for the grill I'm just cutting putting a few Pat's of butter right on top of them to really brown that bread up cuz what we're gonna do now is we're gonna raise our grill temperature up you want it about 375 I've added two set of grill grates on there to put some nice marks on it and we're gonna get these over to the grill right on the grate so we've got our sandwich here going right on top of our grill grates we grab the other one right beside it here on the grill and now right on top we need a little weight so I'm just using a flat iron skillet that's gonna be our press it's gonna help that sandwich flatten out a little bit melt those cheese's we need about three minutes on each side we'll come back in just a second show you what they look like all right we've been three minutes wanna check on these sandwiches to see how we're doing depending on your grill you know you may have to go a little bit longer oh yeah check it out beautiful beautiful I don't skill it right on top let's check this side see how that are looking oh man let's toast it up oh man these are perfect let's get them off here so we ended up going about four minutes on each side pressing them down into those grill grates browning the bread up getting the cheese melt and combine all those good flavors together now I want to cut into them so you can see what they look like on the inside I'm just gonna kind of cut it at a diagonal here let's open it up do this one as well check that out Cuban sandwich beautiful this one right here looks great I mean look at all those layers see the mustard the cheese the pork the ham let's get a bite mmm that is just awesome and you get all those flavors in one bite hey I want to try a little bit more with the cheese in that port just makes this sandwich it would be good with the pork added it's phenomenal hey next time you want to make a good sandwich on the grill give this Cuban sandwich recipe a try no you're gonna love it thanks for checking us out here today at how to barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to the channel you can send the questions and comments to our Facebook and Twitter we'd love those we try to answer all of them we'll see y'all next time
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 174,421
Rating: 4.9521289 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, grilled cuban sandwich, cuban sandwich, cuban recipes, grilled sandwich, cubano sandwich, mojo pork, cubano sandwich recipe, cuban pork, cuban roast pork, cuban pork tenderloin
Id: i1SMIgSdO-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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