Juicy BBQ Jerk Chicken! | Chuds BBQ

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what is going on everybody welcome back to chuds barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious Smoky spicy juicy amazing smoked jerk chicken coming up this is a chicken she's juicy butd and therefore Pat it dry and what I got here is a pretty standard chicken a little over 4 lbs picked this up at my local grocery store nothing too fancy here I took out the giblets and the neck and everything from the inside dried it off a little bit and now we're going to break it down and obviously you can break this down however you want you could keep this whole could split it in half could spatchcock it today I think we're going to just split it right down the middle so we're going to take these poultry shears and just go right through the spine as opposed to removing it completely like you would for a spatchcock really not much to it even the spine on there is kind of nice especially if you're selling chicken by the pound add some extra weight but also the breast and the thigh are really only held together by skin if you remove the thigh so keeping it together we'll make sure that this stays together on the grill down the road but I am going to in fact split it in half so right through the middle not much to it again you can break these down into quarters you can break them down into fried chicken pieces if you want to do that but I think cooking half chickens is going to be the way to go today so now what we need to do is go ahead make ourselves a marinade now when scouring the internet for authentic jerk chicken recipes there was a lot of information and it's kind of hard to tell what's authentic because I have not been to Jamaica so what I'm going to do right now is make a pretty classic jerk marinade based on all the recipes I've come across so far although I do think a trip to Jamaica is probably necessary but we'll revisit that another year so starting off going into our food processor we're going to go in with one mediumsized white onion followed by some green onions got to have some garlic and a hefty handful of some habanero peppers now Scotch bonnet are traditional pretty similar I hear that hob and arrows are a little bit more bitter but I went to like three different grocery stores and could not find Scotch bonnet so if I can't find it yall probably can't either and this is a pretty reasonable substitute next up going in with some brown sugar just a little bit some soy sauce the juice of one lime and some fresh thyme that I already took off the stems and kind of chopped up a little bit and for some spices I've got some all spice berries that I already toasted off as well as some black peppercorns same deal and we're going to get that nice and ground up ooh smells good and go in with that as well and that's it now all we need to do is bln this up into a lovely marinade if I remember to plug it in first and while that blends I'm going to go in with about a half a cup of some oil this is just some avocado oil but any neutral oil you got will work just fine oh beautiful on second thought I just gave this a taste and uh I think I'm going to add a little more spice oops now you may have noticed I did not put any salt into that Brine and that's because I'm going to go ahead and salt these ahead of time right now that way I get a really good eyeball for how much salt is actually going onto the chicken and you also May notice that there's more chicken and that's because I wanted to make more chicken so salt on going on with just a nice heavy dose of some kosher salt again it's going to be sitting in an unsalted brine so we really can't oversalt this and I suppose whatever rub you wanted to use you could throw on here in fact I may throw some of my spicy rub on here that sounds like it would pair pretty well on so now chsb barbeque.com oops sometimes I like throwing a little secret rub just on the underside people will never know what hit them go ahead and flip these over and salt the top side as well and don't forget the sides under the wings you know the drill folks and now into our intended vessel going with a nice layer of our marinade o yeah massage that all around make sure every side is covered oh it smells so good next Chicken in on top of that cover them up and and top them off oh this is going to be so good I can tell already smelling nice and spicy nice and fresh that all spice and black pepper and garlic is just all coming through now we're going to let this marinade overnight so I'm going to pop a lid on this stick it in the fridge and I'll see y'all tomorrow one overnight marination later ooh oh that smells so good it's a beautiful day folks birds are tpping PLS are sewing it's not incredibly hot outside and we're about to eat some jerk chicken which has got me pretty excited I did come through and flip these around once or twice over the last several hours to make sure we have even marination penetration and I got to say they're looking good feeling nice and tender feeling a little bit heavier so I think at this point all we need to do is fire up the pit I'll tell you right now the real jerk is that pesky no good little snake in my boat as you can see I've got this mini chud box fired up with some good old lump charcoal right now it's holding about 300° and I threw a couple chunks of post oak wood on there if we open that up you can see it's nice and Smoky because I want to get that classic direct heat chicken but I also want to have some wood smoke on there too cuz I think that just sounds really good and when it's closed down you can see there's no real dancing flames in there and it's pretty heavily Smoky so while I wait for those logs to break down into coals I'm going to throw these chickens on and leave this open kind of Santa Maria style get some good Clean Smoke on there and once the logs break down into coals we can probably shut it down and finish the cooking process so we go I'm just going to leave all that marinade on there unless it's super excessive on the sun side kind of filled up a little bit woo love that sound I think some of this marinade cooking on will just be wonderful starting out bonide down these are some big chickens should have spaced those better immediately that marinade hitting the fire smells so good love it and just like that even LD open we're still cooking around 300° we can see some nice Flames down there nice heat nice fire nice smoke so we're going to just let these Rock for a little bit I Tell You Folks this is one of my favorite ways to cook just a nice beautiful day chicken on the grill got some wood burning woo I'm very excited and if you really want you can kind of get underneath there and check the underside but it's too bright and while we wait for that chicken to cook let's go ahead and get our little butter sauce ready so what I got here in the this little pot is all the extra marinade from the chicken vessel and because it was surrounded by chicken juice we are going to bring this up to a simmer right now to make sure that it is fully cooked and safe to eat and after about 10 minutes of simmering on pretty low heat the oil kind of separated and cooked down all the veg that's in there starting to smell really nice starting to reduce a little bit of that water out and now I'm going to do a trick that I saw Sunny from that dude can cook do where he took his marinade cooked it down and then mounted with a bunch of butter to make a really nice kind of jerk butter basting sauce because what doesn't sound good about that so now that this is nicely reduced and fully cooked just going to start chipping in some cold butter this is in fact salted butter cuz that's usually what I have on hand but also if you recall there's not much salt in this marinade probably going to do maybe two sticks of butter total and just like that a nice thick buttery jerk sauce is done woo very excited about that back over at these chickens they are looking really nice that smoke has mellow out a little bit so I'm going to go ahead and flip these over if I can oh there we go lovely color on that that's looking good already and now the name of the game is pretty clearly crisp up this skin let this chicken cook through and because of all that marinade we're going to get a lot of color on these which is something that I'm pretty excited about cuz color is Flavor for the most part and these are looking real tasty so this morning I'm going to shut down that lid let that skin get nice and crispy we'll check back in when they're ready to pull off it's been another 10 minutes or so letting these undersides cook and I'm going to start painting on some of this beautiful butter we just made let that start kind of cooking in adding some more flavor and if some butter drips down and hits the coals and make some really good flavored smoke that's just fine with me I tell you what beautiful all right probably do this periodically until these guys come up the temp oo this is smelling unbelievable folks I wish you could be here but these things are cooking along very nicely no hiccups at all and now I'm going to flip these over so we can get a little more sauce on that top side and that is pretty much exactly the color I'm looking for for nice dark golden brown yeah I really like especially that Wing I like that Darkness on there cuz we're not just making regular old chicken we're making jerk chicken and I really want to see some nice color on there like that is looking perfect to me now we're going to paint some more of this lovely jerk butter on top of these let it kind of Cook in for a bit I temped these a minute ago they're in the 140s so they're getting pretty close so probably by the time that this is all melted on and looking delicious these would be ready to pull off and eat oh God it smells so good be F and at long last folks off the old chud box comes these beautiful chickens looking very fantastic loving the color smells incredible clearly very juicy should probably mop that up but I've let these rest down for just a wee bit so now I think it's time to dive on into these beautiful spicy juicy chickens loving the way that butter and all that spice cooked into these chickens nice and dark smelling super flavorful and a very pleasant cook you know making the marinade was super simple cook only took like an hour or so so smells good oh I missed there we go that's a nice juicy looking chicken thigh if I ever saw one come on yeah that looks fantastic breast was rocking right around 158 when I pulled these off so everything should be cooked to Perfection thighs and legs were around 175 pretty happy about that again that breast meat looking nice and juicy good looking chicken breast right there love adding a new chicken recipe to the the old Mini chud box playlist and there we go I think I'm going to have to start with this thigh cuz I'm a thigh guy and it's just looking so juicy been waiting for this one for a long time folks oh my God that is so unbelievably juicy the flavor on that is so good nice and spicy definitely not too hot but it's there that all spice is coming through but that marinade is just I mean just look how juicy that is oo yes please oh wow that is just truly a fantastic bite of chicken right there that skin is kind of nice and Pull Apart kind of like a rotisserie chicken wow don't know why I waited so long to do this one that is so good surprisingly not that spicy even though I think I put like seven or eight Hoban arrows into that marinade I snuck a few in off camera after I tasted it that is very pleasant anyone could eat this and be happy the combination of direct heat flavor and that wood smoke fantastic let's try a piece of this skin by itself oh wow that might be the best chicken of the Year folks it's just so moist can't go wrong with a direct heat jerk marinated chicken thigh off the chud box I tell you what if you're not trying to blow yourself out this is a good recipe for you a this is a keeper for sure so good get that little oyster out of there wow that is phenomenal I want this little one hiding underneath all the other ones do one of those the thighs are good I haven't tried the breast meat yet let's give it a go my God that is a good juicy chicken breast right there oh yeah man I feel delicious so there's cabaneros in there mhm there are bones don't eat the bones where's bones I'm going to go feed bones in a minute definitely has a little bit of a kick but it's really not bad tasty tasty chicken nice and tender and juicy too so tender that marinade definitely worked not dry like at all no there's more soft if you want to dip it in oh okay better with the sauce or as is if you want a little kick do the sauce a little more cick I guess do you know who I think would really enjoy this meal and without further Ado I think it's time for the official taste test that's kind of weak we'll have to do one more for good measure O Boys DR some chicken yeah I hope it's spicy for his sake it's actually not that bad wow that is so flavorful definitely chud boxy but yeah it's not that spicy really good flavors that is really good mhm and it's just flavored throughout this is done on the chub box yeah it is true what you say it does get a smoky flavor oh yeah it comes through mhm that delicious I advise you to eat more chances are I will eat more everyone this is Mr lanquist my Tax Advisor hello if you guys have a business and you need to save some money or a lot of money call this guy Weston Tax Associates call me thanks it got really dark because of all the marinade cooking on there and all the smoke but uh not burnt no no not at all it's delicious definitely no bitter nuts on that but you know someone's going to comment on that yeah it has a good spice level it's there on your lips and in the back of your throat but it's not overwhelming in any way and I do not handle spicy very well it's like an instant like you taste that there's going to be heat but it doesn't have that like growing heat that like makes it uncomfortable all right y'all and that is it that is how to make some absolutely incredible juicy very flavor Beau F Smoky jerk chicken I highly recommend giving this one a try like I mentioned earlier having a good arsenal of really easy chicken recipes is always a good thing to have around and this one is a crowd faser for sure but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe buttton let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a track for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I love to see what youall are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chud and allow me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 112,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerk, chicken, jerk chicken, chicken recipe, bbq chicken, barbecue, live fire, grilled chicken, smoke, smoker, bourbon, crispy skin, texas
Id: 9IuvR7qSsSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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