Creating A TShirt Design With Canva the FREE T-Shirt Design Website - Vintage Sunset Curve Tutorial

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In this video I'm going to show you how to do  another t-shirt design. I'm going to design   this one right here on Canva for free you can  follow along and see how I do it. Let's go!! Thanks for joining me on this video. My name  is Juna with Detour Shirts. I've been designing   and selling t-shirts online since 2005 and  my channel is all about helping you learn   how to design and sell t-shirts online. If  that's something you want to learn how to do,   don't forget to hit that subscribe button right  there. So in this video I'm doing it again,   I'm going to show you how to do a t-shirt design  and this time i'm going to be using Canva. I'm   going to use the free version of Canva. Of course  there's the paid or pro version of Canva but this   one is going to be using all the free stuff. I'm  going to show you step by step on how to do it   and you can learn how to do it on Canva. I'm  going to show you different tips and tricks   that I learned on canva. I've been using it  for a little bit now. I'm going to show you   how to do some arc text. I'm going to show  you how to do lots of different things. So   in this video you're going to want to stay  to the end to see how I do the whole thing   so that you can do something similar for  yourself and hopefully get some sales when   selling t-shirts like this online. So let's get on  the internet and go to Canva, right now. All right so here i am on canva and you  can see i'm using the free version totally free   you'll see there's some things i can't use  because i'm not on the pro version but that's   okay we're going to try and do everything for  free to show you that you don't need to buy   an app if you want to just get started and do  some t-shirts you can start doing it right now   so first create a design right here i'm going  to go down and do custom size and you can type   in the width and the height i've already  done that 4500 by 5400 that's the merch by   amazon size and that works great for other pod  sites like redbubble t public and all of those   so i'm just going to click that and you can see  here i already have the artboard so the next thing   we're going to do i'm going to find some elements  to put on here so i'm going to go to elements and   then i'm going to type in vintage sunset so let's  just do that let's start with a vintage sunset   they actually have a bunch of them on canva a  lot of them are pro you can see here pro pro pro   a lot of nice ones for pro actually so if you  have the pro account you got some really good   vintage sunsets right here but i'm going  to use the free one so this one right here   i don't like this color i'm going to see what  else they recommend magic recommendations   this is really cool so if you pick something  canva knows that there's some other things   you might like so i'm gonna check that out and see  all so that one was the free one this colorful one   i kind of want a black background so let me do  that first and click on the artboard click this   and then do black so you can see that kind of  looks good on black but i want it more vintage   style instead of more this is kind of like unicorn  color so let's go back here and see what i got um   very limited right you can see a lot of crowns  here let's see scrolling down scrolling down   this one's kind of cool or this one um let's  just do this one it's another one right here all right so let's make it big enough i want it  about that size right here okay so the next thing   i'm gonna do is find a silhouette to put on here  if you watch my recent videos about what to design   in the winter time there's lots of winter sports  right so i'm gonna do skiing because that's one   and just type in skiing here and graphics of  course and take a look at all these graphics   a bunch of them are free some of them are pro  i mean most of them are pro but i'm just gonna   do this first one right here and you can  see it's already black and i'm just gonna   put it right there pretty cool right the next  thing i'm going to do is i want to do some text   so let's do some rounded text so i'm going to  go to text right here on the left hand side   hit text and the root the fastest way to do it  is just hit add heading and then start typing so   um i'm gonna say i rather you can't see that so  let's put it up here one of the cool things that   canva just added is adding color from a photo  so you may not have noticed but this right here   this is a photo because when i hit edit image  you can see they give me some photo edit stuff so   a lot of times when you click photo you don't have  the colors on here if you click colors you only   have the black one i don't have the colors that  are in the photo but now you can have the color   dropper in canvas so click here color picker right  here so click on this and then click on any of   these colors right here and it's going to match it  check that out pretty cool right so if i did this   again for this darker color you see it matches it  so really easy to do i'm going to do one of these   lighter ones right here so i'm just going to type  in all caps hit down your caps lock i'd rather   b oh i forgot the r i'd rather be and then you  can stretch it out like that and then you may   not know this but you can have an effect on here  so click on here effects you can do shadow lift   hollow any of these cool ones i might have to  do a video of all of these showing you but curve   is the one we want to do curve right here and you  can change the curve right here so check this out   i want it to be bigger than the circle so one way  to do it is just to lift it above the circle like   that and then hit this until it's you can  see it's equal around the circle so something   like that you're gonna have to eyeball it maybe  center it like that so you see how that circle   is around the sunset vintage sunset circle that's  what we want right there so that's how you do   rounded text or arc text in canva real easy i'm  gonna pick a font that i really like one thing   you can do with fonts is to search different types  of fonts so if you want to do like a um rough font   you can type in rough and look they have all  these things that have some kind of rough   texture see that that's really cool so if  you want that vintage texture you can do that   if you want something wide just type in wide  and then now you have something wider right   if you want something inline you can type in  inline and then you got some of these with the   the lines in the middle this oh that one's not  free you have to pick one that's free not with   the crown so i jumped the gun there but you can  see this one has a line in the middle this one   has lines one thing that i really like is this  vintage font that i found the one i found that   i like is called monotone right here check this  out look at that it's so vintage looking right   and let's let it go here and you can see it may  need some space in between these two words so all   i have to do is add another space i'm gonna  hit one there and one there and there cool   i'd rather be and i'm going to do skiing down  here but before i do that i'm going to put some   trees in here just to add some extra texture  so let's do trees i'm going back to elements   and type in trees and let's see what kind  of i love these trees right here it's free   i'm going to put them right here and i'm going to  make this black so let's go here and make it black   right there and i'm gonna copy this hold  down option and drag and you can see i'm   just copying the same one and then i'm gonna  look for some other trees so go back to graphics   um type in trees again and then this tree oh  graphics of course and then this tree was free   so if i click these again it's going to do  magic recommendations so let's do that and   you can see this single tree i like that one so  i'm going to do that and get get these out of the   way and then just kind of do this i'm going  to hold down option again put it down here with the trees and just put trees all over  the place and i can make these smaller right   so make this smaller like that  and he's kind of jumping the trees   okay and let's just make these all  black so i'm gonna select these and   go here and do black i should have done  that before but let's just do each one here that's looking nice just kind of give each of   them like a silhouette right and we  can move things around here like this you know all right and the next  thing i'm going to do is add   rectangle so let's just go here and do rectangle and what i want to do is kind  of mask out the bottom here so   let's hit that rectangle make this black and kind of just have it across like this cool that's looking good and the last thing i'm  going to do is do skiing at the bottom so let's go   back to text add the heading have my  caps lock do skiing and then pick that   font that we did monotone right there and then  just scrunch this like this and then grab the   corner and just make it bigger like that  real easy right so let's just put this here   look at that i'd rather be skiing with some  trees here now if you want to just move it around   cool right and we got the same color from here  and this this is how it's going to look like   on black and we can download this and then we're  going to delete this black area so that it's a png   on a black t-shirt so let me show you how to  do that i'm just going to hit download right   here and you can see i can't do the transparent  background on free but i'm going to show you how   to do it for free on a mac um if you have a pc you  may have to do some other things but on a mac it's   really easy so let's do download so i opened  up my download this i'd png right you can see   it's in i opened it up and preview on my mac and  all i have to do is click on this and this right   here instant alpha and click down and drag until  you see it kind of turn red here and everything's   red except for if i hit delete you can see some  of these black ones right here now this isn't the   best font to use um to do this trick but we're  gonna do it let's zoom in here you can scroll   so you wanna do these in between as well just  do the same thing move move to the right here   and do the same thing for these like i said this  isn't the best font but i i love this vintage look   so we can still knock it out let's see if there's  anything else we need to knock out oh right here   it didn't quite capture these because they  weren't connected so let's do this as well delete   delete delete delete now you don't  have to be this picky but i want to be   let's see if there's anything else  yes these right here all right let's yeah that looks perfect so now i can just take  this png it's the right size for amazon and   for redbubble nt public and whatever you want i'm  going to show you what it looks like on redbubble   and we'll go from there so here i am on redbubble  i added new work you can go here and add new work   and all you have to do is drag that png into  here so i'm going to drag it right there   boom it's going to take a little while you want to  put your title tags and description i'm not going   to show you how to do that in this video i just  want to show you what it looks like on a t-shirt   so here it is on the regular t-shirt you can see  i knocked it out so it looks good on these darker   colors there's black blue you can see this one is  that navy i think that a dark blue because you got   charcoal so you can now put it on these darker  colors and it's perfect right here's the large   print right here oh look at that just so nice  right and make sure when you do this on redbubble   to do the darker ones on these as well if i were  to put a background i'd probably do a just a   black background it's real easy to do just like  that and you can see if i do that on redbubble   they have the dark background on some of these  other things now it doesn't make a nice sticker   you're gonna have to change the color for that or  do an outline or whatever but sticker doesn't work   but look at this on phone cases and on pillows  mouse pads posters look great looks great on a   giant shower curtain if someone wants to do that  bags clocks books just perfect right it doesn't   look great on the tote bag but there's so many  products that it works well for here and here so   have fun with This this is a real easy one to do  now of course i don't know if this is trademarked   or anything you're gonna have to check uspto to  see if i'd i'd rather be skiing is trademark i   just came up with that really quick don't copy  the phrase and don't even copy this design try   try it with a different silhouette maybe different  trees or something different vintage sunset i'm   just showing you how to put it all together and  it's so simple to do the rounded text find a good   font you saw how i did that with the different  searches and just put it all together and then   knock out all the black right so real easy  to do so have fun with this one uh hopefully   this taught you some different skills you can do  in canva i'm still learning canva so there's a   lot of other things on there that i still need  to learn but this is something that you saw it   just took a few minutes to do and you can start  adding designs to redbubble for free it's free   to sign up for redbubble free for the  free version and you can get started right away   and make some sales this month next month and in  months to come so have fun with this so that is   it for this video hopefully this video was super  helpful for you if it was make sure to give it a   thumbs up if you like these kinds of videos  if you like to see how easy it is to design   videos i can make do lots of these in canva lots  to learn on there and if you're not subscribed   to this channel already make sure to hit that  subscribe button right there before i finish   this video i wanted to leave with a question  of the day and the question of the day is this   what would you rather be doing instead of standing  in line or whatever put that in the comments i   put i'd rather be skiing i don't ski but i i could  probably make for me i'd rather be sleeping or i'd   rather be eating tacos or something like that let  me know what you rather be doing in the comments   i think it would make a great t-shirt whatever you  come up with so use that as your idea to make this   thanks again for watching this video and if you  want to see more tutorials in canva click on these   right here and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 5,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, passive income, selling tshirts, side hustle, t-shirt design, canva t shirt design, how to design t-shirts using canva, canva t shirt design tutorial, canva t shirt design redbubble, canva tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial 2021, create t shirt design on, create t shirt design on canva, create t shirt design online free, canva tutorial, print on demand t-shirt business, vintage sunset, arch text canva, t shirt design canva, canva print on demand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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