Easy and Affordable Ground Beef Jerky for Carnivore Diet, Lion Diet

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all right everybody today I'm going to be showing you how I make my ground beef jerky for a carnivore diet and as most of you know for the month of January this year and potentially Beyond but we're sticking with 31 days up front I'm doing the lion diet and I've mentioned recently several times that I've been really enjoying my beef jerky and almost essentially living on this stuff you guys it's so good it's easy to make and it's clean it's super clean this is just beef and salt and that's all I'm putting into this I have not found another jerky that compares to it and you can customize this to the texture that you like the size that you like all kinds of things and so I highly recommend making your beef jerky at home today I'm going to show you everything you need um to do it the way I'm doing it here what kind of meat to buy and then I also did a little price comparison or essentially uh breakdown so that you could compare this price per per ounce to what you're currently buying or you know what it would cost to buy jerky in a store right because that's interesting to know in case you are on a budget and you're trying to figure out okay how much can I afford how much will this save me because it can be a little bit more upfront right to buy all the meat ahead of time and all that kind of stuff so I guess we'll just start out by talking about the dehydrator because you will need a dehydrator in order to make this at home now I have had this dehydrator in the past and so I just chose to buy the same model again I know there's a bunch of different dehydrators out there so you choose which dehydrator is best for you but I like this one for a few specific reasons for this this is a n the Nesco food and jery dehydrator and again it's linked below if you want to check it out it's round which probably has its pros and cons but I actually like it for this purpose and I'm going to tell you about that in a little bit but essentially you could use this to dehydrate at anything fruits nuts vegetables herbs spices fish and then it has a jerky and a meat setting which are both 160 so that's obviously what we're going to use it's very easy to use just turn the dial so all you do for this one the lid just comes off and to turn it on all you have to do is plug it in plug it unplug it to turn it off and then it comes with five trays I only have four here because this was the end of my batch and so I did didn't have it enough to fill up five trays but the other thing that it comes with that's important here here's [Music] my here's my fifth tray and it comes with two of these sort of net mates and this is what I use to create the jerky it also comes with some solid trays that fit into these dehydrator rings so essentially here's my finished jerky that I just made today and these are what the the trays look like they're plastic um pretty easy to wash with hot soapy water but anyway they come with these and this is what I use to make my jerky Now it only came with two of these so initially I was just putting two trays in here cuz I only had two of these little mats and if you try to smash ground beef on here it's just going to go through the holes we'll get to that we should back up and talk about how to make it purse anyway this comes with everything you need to make ground beef jerky you don't have to buy anything extra I guess is what I'm getting at so all I use is this and then there's the five trays you can do at a time you pop the lid on turn it to 160 plug it in and I'm going to tell you exactly how long I let mine sit when I rotate it all that stuff so let's start with talking about how like what kind of meat you should buy because I've tried everything from Super ground beef like 937 all the way to 8020 I think I did an an experiment with a 9010 blend and an 8515 ground beef and I would say by far it's best to go as lean as possible because if you get too much fat in here it's just going to number one make a huge mess you're going to have fat dripping all over the place and number two I find it was much more difficult to get the texture that I wanted and I'm actually not going for super crispy like tear your teeth out when you try to bite it jerky I really like that I can get this more on a chewy softer side but definitely the leaner ground beef is better for this particular configuration of beef prepping food for lion or carnivore diet so I've been lucky to have been able to find this super lean 937 ground beef at my local grocery store for like 3.99 a pound lately it's been on sale with a coupon for probably the last 6 weeks I've been making this since maybe Thanksgiving time and I feel like I've kind of perfected how I really like it and so I'm really thankful to have been able to find a good price on this because normally I'm buying that 8020 right to eat as normal and I still do that to cook for other ways but just for jerky I buy the lean meat and so really all you have to do is get your package of ground beef and I take this mat right here and you can see it's flexible it's got enough holes in it so that the air can circulate and then I just lay that on my clean countertop and I just start taking the the raw meat right out of the package and just start pressing it and kind of molding it around this little insert here and I try to get as even a thickness as possible and it it it's kind of like an art it takes a little bit to kind of get it you know really nice and even but it's kind of fun and then when I have my little insert thing all full of ground beef I will take one of the trays and I will flip this upside down so that the meat is now facing or touching the dehydrator tray and then I'm going to slowly peel this little matte insert thingy off and then I'm left with my jerky on these regular rings that have the biggest holes so this is going to be the most efficient drying time and it's going to offer the most even drying as [Music] well [Music] and once I have all five trays full of the raw meat then I will go through each one and sprinkle them with a little bit of salt you could add in a different seasoning mix here if you want you could also mix seasonings in with your ground beef before you even Pat it out onto the inserts and put it in your dehydrator so there's a lot of different customizable ways to make this suit your taste your family's taste what your diet and health goals are all that kind of stuff so for me right now I'm just doing plain salt and beef nothing [Music] else and then all you have to do is stack them up on top of each other and you put the lid on top set it to 160 and just plug it in and now for this specific dehydrator with these specific trays and everything I have found that the to get the texture that I like for this the best which is a little bit flexible foldable because I've been putting a bunch of buttery and make can I have a you want a jerky and butter sandwich oh yes please okay you can see one right now this butter is hard but spiler alert that's why I like the round ones because they make like little pizza slice and you can just it's like deep dish Chicago you just put the butter in here and then you just squish it and it's like a little this is really hard I would normally do it if it's a little more room temp but then you just you know and it's delicious it's like eating deep dish pizza about the 2hour Mark or so I will turn it unplug it open it up and rotate these so the top one I'll put on the B on the the bottom one I'll put on the top and flip them all around so they get a little bit more evenly done because the Heat's coming out from this top thing right here and blowing down and out the bottom and so um it's a good idea to rotate these so at about the you know one and 1 half 2 hour mark I will rotate all these and then again kind of right between that 2 and 1/2 to 3 hour time frame is when I feel like the texture is just perfect it's foldable it's got a firmness to it but it's like it tears really easy and so then when your jerky is done it will come out in these little Rings right and so then all I do is take a scissors and my jerky bag and then I just cut these with a scissors I'll cut them in half fold them over and then just cut little slices out and these again you can make them crispier if you really want that but I find the longer that they like the further they get towards crispy the more of a burnt flavor comes through I've noticed when I went over 3 hours in a couple batches back it was it really did kind of taste burnt so I really like to not have that crispyness of a flavor to my jerky I really like them chewy and just a little bit you know flexible so you could put some now I've been since I've been taking butter out for part of my experiment this month I've just been spreading room temperature toallow on this and then doing my deep dish Chicago Tallow and jerky sandwich and it's really good I almost you know butter is better but that I'm telling you that room temperature Tallow if you haven't tried it it's really really good and if you you know want all that extra fat like I'm trying to do this month see this one was just the remnant this was like the havy and some of them turn out weird but you just throw some of these in a Ziploc bag throw them in your purse it's a great alternative to purse bacon if you're just getting tired of purse bacon have your ground beef jerky bacon and again if you like garlic if you like you could put the little dehydrated onion flakes you could put paprika you could do spicy one you could add some hot sauce or worsh to sure whatever you want to this if you're keto or if you tolerate seasonings go for it you know the sky the limit and this is so easy with the steak jerky and the other couple things I've tried it's like I've got to freeze it just to the right time so that I can slice it than enough enough because I don't have a like a professional slicer and so this is more economical 3.99 a pound again is what I've been getting this for and if I go to Sam's it's in the 390s per pound anyway so I could buy the rolls they've been out though lately they've been out of their big Mega rolls of the lean ground beef I can get the fatty stuff there but anyway and then you know this is just in your fridge or on the counter for whenever you need some jerky okay let's talk about how uh much you get get out of this actually because I don't know about you but I was curious when I bought all this ground meat I thought well how much am I really getting out of this to compare let's say to what any other bag of beef jerky might cost again with this way even if it was more expensive you're getting a clean product right you're getting full control over what you are ingesting through this again I'm just using salt and meat and that's it and I think that's the most important part and the the number one reason to do it at home and what makes this dehydrator worth it this thing has paid for itself it's almost running 24/7 pumping out jerky mostly for me but for everyone else too they seem to like it and so anyway the last time I bought a batch of this I got it for £3.99 aound and I bought a total of 6.48 lb so right under 6 and2 lb and so that cost me a total of $25.85 to purchase the meat to make this amount jerky and then when I dried all of it it came out to a total of 46.2 Oz of finished beef jerky so I'm going to double check my math that works out to be 2.89 lbs of finished beef jerky so just under 3 lb of finished product from approximately 6 and2 lbs of raw ground beef and pricewise that works out to $8.95 per pound for the homemade finished beef jerky so you can see that is a really good deal right I don't remember the last time I found any beef jerky for a pound bag that was n bucks or less I'm running out of distraction free time and getting a lot of background noise in here so I think I will leave it there I hope this video helped you out I hope you try this again links for the dehydrator are below in case you want to look at that you could do this in any dehydrator that you have though and if you do let me know how it goes if you season it let me know how that works and let's go lion let's go carnivore um I'll see you soon for another video [Music] bye
Channel: Neah's Way
Views: 93,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K0if4Nf5zH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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