I made EVERY JERKY in the World! | Guga Foods

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on today's video I'm going to be exploring the jerkies of the world you will be surprised of how many varieties there are as reference jerky is dry Meats sometimes cured others smoked and even air dried and here in the US these on thego snacks are super popular the most common ones are these you can literally find them everywhere but if you're a true lover of jerky you look for the premium ones and there is huge difference in flavor texture and moisture but since almost every country has a different variation of these awesome treats I'll be making the most common ones a few are going to be super cheap one is going to be extremely expensive which I can guarantee you've never seen before so let's begin this is called Buton it's from South Africa and quite different than the traditional way of making beef jerky but at the same time I'm hoping that it's absolutely delicious especially this version I'm about to make and everything starts off with this P now in order to make Buton the first thing I need to do is to go ahead and slice it I'm doing so in nice large stakes and Against the Grain and the reason being is that I have a feeling that this is going to be so tender in the end that I want a little bit of chew when I finish it as you can see once I was done I was Left about 1 in thick steaks now for the marinade is quite simple I just threw everything into a bow starting with cayenne pepper coriander salt red wine vinegar followed by Wester share sauce now I mixed everything well and that's my marinade you can use whatever it is that you like but just be aware of two important elements number one is the salt and the second one will be the vinegar go heavy on those two elements if not your bu ton will not have that much flavor once I was done the next thing to do is to go ahead and soak my meat in there making sure that every single edge is fully coated is a must if not the flavor won't be that pronounced as the next thing to do is to go ahead cover it up and let it marinate for at least 24 hours once the time was up I took it out and look you can clearly see that the color has changed and that is because of the salt and vinegar mix that is what we want because the next thing to do is quite simple I went ahead and transfer to a to a tray added some hooks on the edges and traditionally Bon is hang dry anywhere in your house I want my Buton to be as good as possible so I try to use a controlled environment and there's nothing better than my dry age cabinet but don't let this stop you from trying to make Bon because depending on where you live you might just be able to hang dry no problem as after about 7 days I took it out and look it is nice and dry completely changed color on me and it smells phenomenal that's one of the things whenever you're dealing with cured meat jerk or dry age if it smells good you're good if it's kind of funky watch out now the next thing to do is to go ahead and slice it and when I did I was reviewed with perfectly cured meat I mean take a look at this I could not have been any more pleased it smells great it feels nice and tender and I think it's going to taste amazing that we're going to be finding out real shortly because next up it's something you've never seen before I certainly haven't it's Chinese and called bakwa I hope I'm saying that right supposed supposely it is extremely flavorful and completely different than what jerky is supposed to be and here's how to make it everything starts off with ground pork this one I did not ground myself I just got it on my local supermarket and the very first step is to get the marinade going so into a bowl I threw in brown sugar followed by five spice oyster sauce white pepper honey mirium fish sauce and light soy sauce now mix everything well and my marinade is ready in the end this is what it looked like mix everything thoroughly as it is extremely important to get that combined with the Brown pork then I covered it up and let it marinade for at least 2 hours or better yet overnight the very next day I put some parchment paper on the tray removed my meat from the refrigerator and slowly started adding to the parchment paper and here's where it's very important we want to make a nice thin layer that it's even the flatter you get it the better it's going to taste it will shrink quite a bit so going all the way to the edges is a must as now that it's ready into the oven it goes at 225° f after about 1 hour take a look it has shrink quite a bit I went ahead and strained the juice made extra marinade and applied right on top this is where you're going to be developing flavor on top of flavor once it was fully covered back in it went I did this about five times cooking it low and slow is the way to go if not the sugars will burn and you will have an off flavor because in the end take a look this is my take on bakwa it is one of the most unique type of jerky I've ever made in my life and as you saw it it was extremely cheap to make unlike our very next one by far this is the most expensive piece of meat I've ever got a pleasure to experience it is a Japanese wagu A5 tenderloin however it has been dry aged and we all know that dry age makes everything better and I'm not quite sure if this is the best meat to make jerky but we're going to do it anyway the thing is that usually beef jerky experts always tell you to use lean Cuts I don't understand the reason why because even fat tastes fantastic as beef jerky however this is going to be an interesting option and after after removing all of the pelicos and slicing it nice and thin I was left with this beautiful piece of meat take a look at this marbling I can honestly say it is something you do not see every day for the marinade I made it quite simple into a bowl I threw in salt followed by black pepper my rub which is available for purchase now links will be on the description next up we got honey and to finish it up Worcester share sauce now the only thing you have to do is to mix it well and my marinate is ready as you can see this one is going to be very flavorful at the same time not compromising the wonderful taste of this beef next up is to get this thing marinated really good I made sure that every single edge of the beef was fully covered with the marinade the last thing we want is to mess up this expensive cut of beef once everything was nicely marinated I covered it up and into the refrigerator you went for 2 hours once the time was up take a look you can clearly see that the marinade penetrated deeply in there this is going to be a treat as now the next thing to do is to set it down on a cooling rack make sure to separate them evenly as we're going to throw in the first layer of flavor and for that I'm going to be using my grill after lighting up just the edge on my charcoal basket I went ahead and threw some pellets in there then I lay down my expensive beef jerky and covered it up to smoke for 2 hours once the time was up I took it out and look beef jerky Heaven this one is as easy as he gets if you're curious about the temperature you was at 225° F I really hope that this is going to be fantastic but at the same time jerky experts always say don't use fatty beef for it well we're about to find out really shortly if this was a good idea or a bad one as now I'm ready to make this one which is different than all others as you can clearly see it's from Korea and called yukpa and to say I'm extremely excited to make this is an understatement and here's how to do it first up was to choose the beef I went with this flat iron steak you can literally use anything you like then you want to go ahead and slice it don't do it too thin if not it's going to be too dry in the end take a look this is what I was left with for the marinade it's quite different than all others others into a bow I threw in some garlic followed by brown sugar sesame seeds black pepper chili flakes honey and soy sauce mix everything well and combine these ingredients together and my marinade is now ready as you saw it there it does not get any easier than that at the same time I'm hoping that this one is going to be the most tasty as now we want to cover it up and let her marinade for 24 hours the very next day I took it out and take a look you can clearly see the differences in color that is what you want next up is to go ahead and lay everything down on a cooling rack make sure sure to leave enough spaces between them and into my dehydrator it goes you want to put it at 160° F let it dry in there until you're happy with the texture for me this was good enough it took about 4 hours I didn't want mine extra dry just dry enough so that I could have some extra flavor because I'll tell you one thing we're going to be devouring these right now and I have a feeling that this one is going to be extra tasty however don't forget that we're about to taste all of them and to clean up our pellets I went ahead and made a little side dish you can can call these cute but trust me when I tell you they are absolutely delicious and the best part is that they're super simple and easy to make and here's how into a blender I threw in some roasted bell peppers followed by sundried Tomatoes oregano paprika garlic perano orano and a tiny bit of Parmer ham now blend everything on high and as soon as everything got chopped up I throw in some good quality olive oil blend everything well once again and in the end I was left with this a nice thick sauce that's what you want as next up we're going to be using this ingredient parano regano the real deal you want to throw everything into the blender and blend it on high you should be left with something like this now into a bowl everything went followed by two egg whites mix everything well until you have a moldable consistency then you want to make nice small balls just like this as now we want to fry them in high heat until we get a nice golden brown color and believe me when I tell you these are delicious to finish it up I went ahead and fried some prunto and when you do so and you let them rest they'll get nice and crackly like this the only thing I have to do now is to Plate it up I went ahead and added sauce on the bottom and top of my balls followed by that prunto to finish it up I added some chives for color now this is today's side dish and I have a feeling that they're going to be perfect to cleanse our palettes as I cannot wait to find out which jerky is going to be best so now I say it is enough talking and it is time to eat so let's do it all right everybody here we got our beautiful jerky today gentlemen we're used to like very juicy and tender steaks but now it looks like we got dry dry so these are beef jerkies from different countries oh I'm not going to tell you what country it is IID love for you to guess what country it is and at the same time brutally honest opinion I'm glad there's a lot of beef jerky on this table cuz normally beef jerky does not fil me up and I am very hungry right now good well you might still be hungry cuz you're going to all your jerky and a mini side dish I ain't got no steaks back there your job is to guess what country is from let's begin right here please dig in cheers everybody cheers oh I like this I'm chewing this one boy spicy tasty nicely dry it's definitely dry it's one that you can chew for quite a bit and that flavor just keeps coming out it produces an incredible amount of juices in my mouth with the saliva there had no juices coming out of this jerky I know that that that that that didn't sound good it makes your mouth water yes but it's not juicy no no no no it does have a really good flavor on it though this is just weird man I'm used to like juicy nice delicious tender steaks that take two bites and it's gone this is weird but I mean I can't lie this is very delicious I like it you like it it's 10 times better than Jack lyx where is it from it has to be Asian I don't know man I I didn't even know other countries made beef jerky thought that was some American thing so this one it's from Korea hey I highly recommend you giving it a try very very tasty I like it you guys like it I ate my whole very tough and delicious piece if I ate the whole thing I'd be sweating for the whole rest of the video man ready for the next yeah let's do it let's go oh this one is like slimy this one is very different to see how this tastes well let's give it a try cheers everybody Che cheers oh it's soft oh I like that a lot that's delicious everybody it's definitely sweet very very tasty sauce right here I'm a big fan of this one the texture is so different from the last one this one's definitely a lot softer to chew and it's very crumbly it breaks apart a lot easier so this one here was made with steak and this one is actually ground pork that's why it's so soft I like it it's good I like it too it kind of reminds me of like almost like a teriyaki sauce so where's it from if I had to I guess I don't know uh Japan Malaysia M good guess but no D this one is from China slightly sweet it's still moist and very delicious everybody I enjoyed it quite a bit this one's yummy that's the right word for it it's yummy yummy yummy yummy in my tummy yes so far we're in a row here because nothing has been bad but I would love for you guys to try this side dish let's cleanse our pets with this one cheers everybody cheers oh M that's delicious salty flavorful the crispiness from the bra to parmesan ball is so creamy it's so soft that is a fantastic side dish I love the sauce it gives a nice contrast from the savoriness of the cheese inside like Angel said that Pudo gives a nice little crispy bite it's perfect that's a really good side dish and most importantly everybody it is ridiculously easy to make are you sure googa I promise this one is ridiculously easy okay everybody they're all easy that one's ridiculously easy this one's ridiculously easy there others are just easy I know my comment section makes fun of me but it's easy okay I'm excited for this nextn one are you guys ready please dig in this one looks like a steak let's give it a try right now cheers everybody Cheers Cheers M very different from all others this has the consistency of a regular steak well a little bit drier but yeah drier and cheer it's the closest thing to steak so far of what we've tried I like this one a lot it might be one of my favorites I like it because it's not dry and it's not like the Sahara Desert you know it's more like Miami it's definitely closest okay you like that H you got to keep a straight face huh I do like it I think it has a little bit of a milder flavor it's not like these other jerkies that we've tried that are like boom right in your face this one's a lot more milder and just tastes more like beef it's very good can you guys guess where this is from Brazil Brazil Brazil good one though good one close was I close this is called Buon I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly and it's from Africa to be specific from South Africa oo it tastes marvelous okay phenomenal so far I'm not going to lie that's my favorite yeah me too now we got something special this one is called jerky alagoa let's give it a go please jerky will tell you the meat it is a Japanese wagu A5 tenderloin also known as the god of steaks dude you could see it we're in for a treat right now A5 jerky that is unheard of one thing I forgot it's also dry AED okay we are doing our thing today let's give it a go and see if this is worth it or not cheers everybody cheers m oh my God oh my God it's juicy how does that even make sense that's so amazing everybody that's fantastic that's what I like to say 10 out of 10 will highly recommend that is insane how good that is you can literally pull the fibers apart like it was jerky but it's juicy and you can feel that richness from the fat coat your mouth amazing flavor great texture googa this is amazing that is incredible because you bite it and you would expect it to be really dry really chewy but it's actually soft juicy and actually tender too not dry at all not dry at all now a lot of people say that fat and jerking don't go along fat and jerky goes very along everybody cuz that's delicious let me know in the comments down below if I Mr jerky from your country we might even do it on the next episode put it down and we're going to make it happen I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,013,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerky, beef, chicken, steak, steaks, wagyu, expensive, cheap, best, how to make jerky, beef jerky, bilton, chicken jerky, dry age, dry beef
Id: nadRYNxSd6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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