Start An AI T-Shirt Business Side Hustle FULL STRATEGY

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can you create t-shirts using AI art that can  earn up to 10 413 dollars per week well thanks to   recent advancements and the AI art generating app  mid-journey you can now generate stunning t-shirt   designs that you can sell for a nice profit on  websites like Etsy but the key is that you need   to know the easiest types of pictures to generate  that you can then sell onto products like t-shirts   which I'm going to show you in this video but  quickly if you've never heard of Midjourney it's   the most popular AI art generating app currently  it connects with another free app Discord you open   up the mid Journey Discord server and then type in  what you want [ __ ] to create and it'll make that   image for you you can then take that image that  it creates and then upload it to a print-on-demand   app like Printify to turn it into a product to  sell such as t-shirts you can enlist them for sale   on websites in Etsy for a profit nice Midjourney  as you're going to see is incredibly powerful   however it is admittedly better at creating some  images than others so then with that in mind let's   choose the easiest pictures to generate and sell  okay so if we come to Etsy you'll see two types of   image-based t-shirts for sale that are earning  money here the first is complex pictures with   painted backgrounds such as this very cool t-shirt  themed around the Yellowstone National Park the   Etsy research at Alura estimates it's making  over 54 000 South African dollars a month which   is over 3 000 US Dollars now in theory we could  ask my journey to paint us a detailed painting   of say a national park and that'll actually do  a surprisingly good job but only if you don't   look at it too closely because if you do zoom in  on it you'll quickly spot that it has a lot of   weird glitches now of course if you're a graphic  designer you could just edit them out in which   case that's awesome and you can use Midjourney to  quickly generate some very cool paintings to sell   but if you aren't a graphic designer that would  be very hard so let's instead focus on making   easy pictures that don't have complex backgrounds  and these can sell really great when sold onto   products take this t-shirt Alura estimates that  it's making taking 400 pounds per month which   is roughly 500 US Dollars it also estimates that  this sweatshirt version of the t-shirt is making   over 700 pounds per month which is roughly 900  US Dollars and take this t-shirt that I recently   showcased in a YouTube shorts video well it's  estimated to be making nearly 1 900 per month and   take this t-shirt here featuring cute simple line  out pictures of flowers well it's estimated to be   making over five thousand dollars per month and if  you take a look at their top selling designs and   their Etsy store you'll see that most of their  pictures they use are simple line art pictures   Well combined Allura estimates that this store  made forty four thousand six hundred and thirty   dollars this past month which works out to be  about 10 413 dollars per week which is pretty   cool and by the way if you'd like to learn some  of my tips for researching top selling print on   demand products like t-shirts you should be  sure to check out my free ebook which I'll   have a link to and video description below but  anyway back to the video so yes it's these types   of pictures that we're going to focus on selling  simple pictures with no background so then let's   open up my journey and turn our t-shirt ideas into  t-shirt designs so yes start off by registering   for a Midjourney account if you don't have one and  you'll also need to get a Discord account if you   haven't got one already which is free then you  just open up your Discord app and then click on   the mid Journey channel from here click the Show  members list button and then right click on the   mid Journey bot member and click message from here  just message the bot slash imagine and then you'll   be able to prompt my journey to make you an image  about anything that you like within 60 seconds the   bot will generate you an image but before you do  that you might want to change some of my journey   settings so that you can generate better images to  sell onto products so to open up settings in the   message bar type slash settings and click enter  now the first setting is for picking which mode   of mid Journey that you'd like to use I recommend  using the latest most up-to-date version which is   I'll be filming this video is version 5. next  you'll want to choose how high of a quality   Midjourney generates the image is for you the  journey will spend longer designing the image   which in my experience has much better results  which actually saves you time from doing less   imagery roles and so of course I strongly strongly  recommend selecting the highest quality that you   can and then next up you can choose how stylized  you want your image to be now there is no right or   wrong selection here the more stylized usually the  more details you get take this prompt these were   my results for low style this was for medium style  this was for high style and this was for very high   style and take this prompt here these are my  results below style this was for medium style   this was for high style and this was for very  high style depending on what you're creating you   might want more or less details so you can play  around with it usually I find that high or very   high style works best when I'm creating images  for t-shirt designs next you can choose whether   you want your images to be public or stealth  which means that they're hidden from other users   stealth is a Pro Plan only option but honestly  it's not necessary there are so many pictures   being generated in mid-journey each minute their  chances are nobody will even notice yours and you   can choose from fast mode or relax mode fast mode  generates images quicker but you have to pay extra   for it so it's up to you want to save money select  relax mode want to save time choose fast mode   okay so now let's create a t-shirt design with  Midjourney okay so the first thing you want to do   is you want to take your T-shirt design idea and  if it has multiple images in it you want to split   them up into separate components for example if I  had an idea to make a t-shirt like this I wouldn't   try to generate all of these flowers as a single  image instead I will be prompting my journey to   create a single one of flower not only will this  meaning that the flower picture will be in higher   resolution for printing by having it be larger  as it's taking up the whole canvas but it will   also decrease the chances that Midjourney makes  mistakes which it's more likely to do the more   details I ask it to create and so you can see  here that it's finished making my pictures and   at this point you can ask yourself is this what  I imagined and if it's not you can play around   with your prompts so for me when I was prompting  my journey I had in my brain this idea that it   would be creating watercolor flowers with green  stems but that's not what the app created for   me at all so I prompted Midjourney again but this  time I modified the prompt to be more detailed and   by doing that I got exactly the type of picture  that I had imagined so once you have achieved that   click the reroll button this will get my journey  to create another set of images using that same   prompt just keep doing it as long as you had time  for to get as many pictures to choose from and   importantly unlike other AI art generators like  Dalle, Midjourney is a small flat monthly fee that   lets you generate unlimited images so there is no  downside to making as many as you can to find the   best ones possible and by the way if you'd like  to learn about some of the advanced prompts that   I use you should be sure to check out my latest  video that I added into my eCommerce course where   I show how to create print-on-demand stores that  run passively on autopilot if you'd like to see   if my course is right for you I'll have a link to  it in the video description first years back to   the video so I just keep generating images over  and over again but don't worry I won't bore You   by making you watch me do that in real time but  by doing that I did get a lot of great images to   choose from and so I found the images that I liked  best such as this one here so now I just had to   save it so here's how to do that do you see how  there are four Images one two three four Images   you just select the you button for whichever  image you like the most and now Midjourney will   generate an upscaled image of it for me and  then I can open it in my internet browser and   then download it onto my computer so then let's  now fix up any image glitches so because we have   been generating simple images you might not even  have to do this however sometimes you'll have an   image like this where if we zoom in you'll see it  has a bit of a funky bit on it well what we can   do is come to this free app Photopea and upload  the photo into it this is a free web-based app   that is very similar to photoshop so if you have  Photoshop you could choose to use it instead but   either way what you do is you use the healing  brush tool you can click on the spots that you   want to fix and the tool will use AI technology to  figure out what the pixel should be there instead   you can also click the Eraser tool and erase  any parts of it that you don't want and so once   you have fixed up your picture we'll then remove  the background around it and make it transparent   So currently I download this picture from  Midjourney you can see that my flower has   this white background box around it if I upload  this picture as is onto a T-shirt and printed   it that white background box would print onto it  as well so instead I want it to print like this   with no background just a flower well luckily AI  technology can help us with that too photo rooms   free AI background remover is the best free  app that I have tested for doing this so once   you've done that we can then use AI technology  again to upscale the image and make it bigger   so here's the thing when you're printing images  onto products image resolution is crucial low   resolution images look ugly and pixelated when  printed but high resolution images look beautiful   unfortunately though even though mid-journey  now produces images that are a lot bigger than   they used to they're still pretty low res luckily  though there are plenty of AI image upscalers this   is the one that I personally use and it has a free  plan with free monthly credits that you can use I   just upload my picture and the AI technology  within it increases the image quality using   its smart technology and it makes the picture  high res but you can use any AI upscaler that   you like gigapixel is probably the most popular  AI upscaler right now so you might want to try   this instead but either way upscale your images  and then we'll turn them into a t-shirt to sell   so I have a whole video dedicated to which print  on Demand app you should pick for selling T-shirts   if you want to check that video out but basically  for beginners I usually recommend printify   and their printing partner Monster Digital  printfy's app has an amazing integration with   Etsy you just select the product that you want  to customize such as a t-shirt you then upload   the picture that you want to print onto it so  I uploaded my favorite flowers that Midjourney   made for me and I moved them around the printing  space getting them in the way that I wanted and   now I had created a t-shirt that we could  connect to Etsy and then list for sale for   a market price and then each time a customer  buys say this t-shirt print device printing   partner Monster Digital will print my design  onto a t-shirt package it up and ship it out   for the customer all automatically while I get  to keep the difference as profit yay so then did   my video inspire you if it did Please Subscribe  and click that little notification Bell so you   don't miss out on any of my uploads about earning  money with online businesses hi Rivera everyone
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 203,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney, ai, ai business, ai side hustle, etsy, print on demand, sell t-shirts, t-shirt business
Id: W09_SjiPp_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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