100 Business & Side Hustle Ideas To Earn FREE Money

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- Hey everyone. So today I have a huge video for you because I am gonna be revealing a hundred, yes, a hundred different businesses and side hustles that you can get started with and make money work for free. That's right, for free. No hidden fees, no hidden startup costs. All you will need to start these is yourself and what you already have on hand, such as a computer or a phone. And yes, for many of these businesses and hustles, they work worldwide, not just in the USA. And if you've watched side hustle and business idea videos before, I think that some of the ones on my list will surprise you because I'm gonna be showing you some that I've seen no other YouTuber discuss before. But that's not all, nope, because in addition to showing you a hundred different businesses and side hustles that can be started for free, I'm also gonna be showing you how you can get something else for free and that is my eternal gratitude by taking a moment out of your very busy day to give my video a like to subscribe because seriously, every time you do it it genuinely supports me, so thank you so much for those of you out there that take a moment to do so. So, yes, once you've gone ahead and gotten my eternal gratitude, we can move on to the real reason why you are here, which is of course to find new money-making business ideas or side hustle ideas that you can start for free. So here is the deal, right? I know a lot of people are probably thinking, well gee, Sarah, why do you have a hundred different ideas on your list? Isn't that a little bit excessive? Well, the reason why I've got so many is because I know that everyone watching this is gonna be different. People are gonna have their own different skills, they're gonna have their own different hobbies, they're gonna have their own different goals, which is why I've made such a comprehensive list. So for example, I know that for some people watching this, their goal isn't to get rich, it's to earn extra cash on the side each month, by completing simple tasks on their phone and so for them, my first side hustle might be perfect for them, which is this, being a mystery shopper for hire. As a mystery shopper, you audit a store to ensure it is running smoothly. Different countries have their own mystery shopping gig apps, such as Field Agent in the USA, which pays between three to 20 US dollars per gig. So for example, one gig on Field Agent might be to go into a supermarket and to check that specific vegetables are in stock and if they are, to take photos of the shelves and the food prices. Your audit helps the supermarket check if they are ordering the right amount of vegetables and if they have enough staff in the store to keep their vegetable section stocked. As you can see, lots of people have started their own mystery shopping hustle and now earn extra money each month, completing gigs like this, while they shop for their own items, which is pretty cool. Or maybe you might prefer this next simple hustle. There's this free website here, Task Rabbit, which is available in multiple countries, where you can pick up clients for physical labor and practical skills projects. And one of the projects that you can hire yourself out for is this, being a line stander. Yes, it's really that simple. You just stand in line on behalf of clients. Line standers charge between 15 to 35 US dollars an hour, and it can add up. For example, one line stander made 1,500 US dollars for standing in line for a few days to pick up an iPhone 5 on launch for a client. But of course, on the flip side, I know that for many of you watching, you don't want side money, you want serious full-time money that will let you quit your job. And so if that is you, then I'll have businesses and hustles on here to suit you as well, such as this, starting a YouTube channel. If you already have a phone with a nice camera on it and you have a microphone and you have a computer, then you can download free video editing software like this and get started. As you can see, in the past 28 days, I've made over 20,000 US dollars from Ad Sense playing on top of my videos, so if you have a YouTube channel idea, nothing is stopping you from starting it today, for free. Of course, I also understand, that some people don't want to do things like create videos and would instead prefer to do practical tasks in exchange for full-time cash. And so if that is you, I will have full-time practical skill businesses too, such as a dog walking business. There are free apps like this one here, Rover, that let you pick up clients that need tasks completed for their pets, such as walking their dogs. If you head on over to Reddit, you'll see that using this free app, lots of people have quit the jobs to do their dog walking businesses full time, which is super cool. But of course, I also know for some people watching this, that this is the opposite of what they want. They don't want to have to complete tasks for cash, they want to be able to earn passive income from their new business or hustle. And so if this is you, I will have businesses on this list too, such as, starting a free merch by Amazon store and earning commissions from T-shirt pictures that you upload. And this is a business that my longtime subscribers will recognize, so do you see this T-shirt here? Using the Jungle Scout estimator tool, we can estimate that in the past year, this T-shirt has sold over 6,900 T-shirts, with more, of course, during peak holiday sales periods like Christmas. Well, as you will see shortly, at its current price of $17 and 95 cents, the creator of this T-shirt is earning $3 and 69 cent commission per T-shirt sold, which means that they've earned roughly 25,000 US dollars passively this year, just from this one T-shirt. So here's how this hustle works quickly. First, you do need to register for Amazon's merch program and luckily, there are lots of free videos on YouTube showing tips and tricks for submitting a great application. But yes, once you do register for Amazon's merch program and are accepted, like I have been, you then just come in here and select which of their products you would like to customize and then upload a picture or a slogan that you've created that you'd like to customize it with. And you can also set your product price and so, if I set my T-shirt to be priced at $17 and 95 cents, you of course can see that the commission rate per sale is $3 and 69 cents. And of course you can choose your favorite product colors, such as your favorite T-shirt colors to print your design onto and after that, you then come and fill out some product page details for your T-shirt, so you give it a title, some descriptive bullet points and a product description and then you save it. Once reviewed and accepted onto Amazon, your T-shirt will now have its own product listing on Amazon that customers can find when they're searching for gifts for friends or family members. And the cool thing is that when a customer does come and says buys a T-shirt from you, it's Amazon's print shop that will print your picture onto a T-shirt, not you. They'll then package it up and then they'll ship it out to the customer. They'll collect the money the customer's paid and remove their production fees and pay you the rest of the money as a commission. As you can see, it's a super passive business. And if you have access to a design app like Canva to create T-shirt pictures like this already, starting this business can be completely free. In the E-commerce industry, we call this a print on demand business. And if you'd like to learn about how I and others are earning passive income every day from print on demand, you should be sure to download my free ebook, "The 6 Steps That Six Figure Online Stores Follow to Make Over $10,000 a Month", and you'll find a link to download my free ebook in the video description below. But anyway, back to the video. And as you can see, we are gonna be covering a huge range of businesses and side hustles. And so, even if some on this list don't interest you, I highly recommend me that you keep watching anyway, because chances are, at least one on this list will inspire you. So then, let's carry on. And take a look at some free businesses that you can start on Etsy, that can earn you passive income every month. So this here is Etsy, it's an online marketplace. On Etsy, you can list vintage craft or handmade items that you make. And every month Etsy gets hundreds of millions of visits from customers. And so most Etsy sellers don't have to advertise or market the items they list here, because they just get to take advantage of the traffic that's already coming here to buy products. And the cool thing for us is that Etsy lets you sell digital pictures that you create. It doesn't need to be a physical object and so one free business that you can start on here that many people have successfully done, is creating and selling downloadable posters. So, you see this popular downloadable poster here? Well, when you buy this, you aren't buying an actual poster. You're buying a picture that you can then print yourself onto poster paper and yes, while text and quote posters like this are admittedly very popular, if you're watching and you are talented artist, then this is great for you because art posters sell fantastically too. So, take this gorgeous poster set, we can estimate how much money that this has made. So as you can see, the store has had 2,624 reviews. And out of those, this poster image set has had 273 reviews, so that's roughly 10% of the stores total reviews, which likely means then that it also accounts for about 10% of the stores total sales. Well, as you can see, this store has had 68,727 sales and so 10% of that is 6,872 sales. And so if we times it by the sales price of $13 and 56 cents in total, we can roughly estimate that this gorgeous downloadable poster image set has made over $90,000 US, in sales, which is incredible. And this $90,000 would have been very, very passive too, because each time a customer purchases a digital item, Etsy will automatically send the customer a download link, and then they will send you the money automatically that the customer paid, minus their processing fees. And so your Etsy business effectively runs itself on autopilot passively. And so if you have access to an image editing app, such as my favorite one, Canva, then you can create quote posters and list them for sale on Etsy yourself. Now, normally Etsy charges 20 cents per item listing, but if you check the link that I'll have in the video description, you'll be able to click it and get a special coupon that will give you 40 free item listings, if you open a new store on Etsy. Yay. And the cool thing, is that this is just one example of a digital product business that you can open on Etsy. Yep. There are lots of stores that focus on creating and selling different types of digital products, such as clip art stores, like this one here, for example, which specializes in one-off picture clip art downloads and this store has been very successful. Other stores like to create inspiring cards that people can print off, such as affirmation cards. And some stores like to focus on lunchbox notes. Parents print these onto cardboard and then they cut them out and drop these fun little lunchbox notes into their kids' lunch boxes, as a fun way to brighten up their day at school. You could also open up a downloadable sticker business. People print these directly onto sticker sheets and then make their own stickers at home. Or you could create downloadable quiz sheet packs that people download and print off for parties or downloadable game packs, such as scavenger hunt card kits that people print onto cards and then hide around the house to have a fun game for their children or a downloadable greeting card picture. People love to buy these, to print them off onto their own homemade crafty cards. And of course you can also scale any of these different businesses, by not just selling one of these products, but by combining multiple products together into a store to earn even more money. If you want to see different examples of stores doing this and you also wanna see how anyone can create downloadable products like these to sell on Etsy, even if you aren't an artist, by using my favorite graphics at Canva, I highly recommend that you watch this video here. But yes, I understand that an Etsy business isn't for everyone, not everyone enjoys being arty. Some people instead have awesome practical skills. So then, why not earn $63 an hour by selling your skills to others? So, as an example of this, take laundry and ironing. If you are good at these, you can easily find clients to sell this service to, using apps like this one here, Sudshare. Lots of people on Reddit are doing this on the side and are earning 15 to 20 US dollars an hour. People love how flexible it is and how you can take client work when you choose. And if you're good at fixing things, remember that site Task Rabbit? Here you can find clients who need help with practical skills around their home and in most cities, it is free to register and pick up work on here. Task Rabbit removes its fees from the money the customer paid, so there's no upfront costs. So if you're good at fixing things around the house, then you can sell your services as a handyman. You can also use apps like these to open up a range of different businesses, such as a painting business or a furniture assembly business, or a sewing and clothing repair business, or a gardening and lawn mowing business, or a cleaning business. And of course, if you're good at multiple of these, you can combine them together to scale your income. As you can see from user experiences and reviews on Reddit, people have now quit their day jobs to run their businesses full-time that they built on Task Rabbit, which is super cool. But maybe you're watching this and thinking, well, gee, Sarah, I don't need to quit my job, I just like a hustle that can make me some extra money on the side, in which case, why not get paid a thousand dollars plus a week, to shop? So, if you wanna paid to shop, there are a few hustles you can consider. One is that you can do barcode scanning with apps like Shopkick. Retail stores like supermarkets have deals with these apps, so while you're shopping for groceries, you can scan barcode prices in store and when you do, you earn in-app points, which you can then exchange for PayPal cash or gift cards. It's an easy way to an extra money while you're doing your usual shopping. And you can even scan barcodes while you're doing grocery shopping for clients. Because thanks to apps like Instacart, you can now get paid to be a professional grocery shopper for hire. Lots of people on Reddit have quit their part-time jobs and some, even their full-time jobs to do this hustle. They love how flexible it is and how it can work around their schedule. Several Redditers are earning $1000 plus a week with this app. And if you are fit and good at lifting heavy things, then you could instead choose to be a general shopper using an app like Task Rabbit, in which you can offer your shopping services for lots of things and not just groceries. So there is a very cool video on YouTube where somebody filmed themselves with a GoPro as they went and did a Task Rabbit shopping gig if you are interested to see what's involved and see if this is right for you. But yes, I know for many people watching, these wouldn't be the right hustles for them because they're looking for ways to make money without having to leave their house. And so if that is you, then perhaps you'd rather earn extra passive money at home by renting out your stuff. Yep, there are lots of different ways to earn free money just by renting out the stuff that you already own. So, if you have a house with driveway space, you can list it on free parking apps, like JustPark and rent it out as a car park space. Or if you have a spare guest bedroom, you can rent it out on Airbnb, for some extra cash. Or if you have a pool, you can rent it out on this free app, Swimply. Or if you have a boat, you can earn extra cash by renting it out on this free app, Boatsetter. But yes, understandably, most people don't own a boat and you know what? Neither do I, but what I do own, that many people also own, is this, a car, which you can also rent out on free apps like Tourer for extra money each month. And something else I have, that lots of people also have is free space around your house. So maybe you have space in a wardrobe or in your garage or in your backyard and if you do, you can list it as long-term storage space on free apps like Neighbor. Lots of people are using it to earn extra passive money every month, as this one Reddit user said, "It's the easiest $1,000 a month income I've ever made". But as I said at the start of this video, I know many people watching this, they don't just want to earn side money. They want to earn full-time money. And so if that is you and you also love animals like I do, then maybe you should start a business that pays you to play with them. Yep. Remember Rover? This is the app that lets you pick up clients for pet related jobs. Most countries have their own versions of this app, so for example, here in New Zealand, ours is called, Pawshake, and I've used this a lot. But yes, if you want to start an animal pet business, find your local version of this app and then create a free account and then choose which services you would like to offer. For example, on Rover, if you have experience grooming animals, you can become a professional pet groomer. Or if you have a yard, you can turn it into an in-home doggy daycare for social dogs. People drop off their dogs to you and let them play in your yard while they're at work, rather than sit at home by themselves. I've used this for my dog, Starbuck, and he loves them. Although actually, some dogs are like cats and quite like being at home by themselves napping, which is why you could instead open up a drop-in business where you pop into clients' homes throughout the day, to check in on their pets, fill up their water bowl, give them breakfast or dinner, and you can earn additional money by watching them overnight as a pet sitter. Or if you would rather that pets come to you, you can let cute doggo sleep on your bed while their owners go out of town and open up an in-home boarding service. And of course, you could also choose to offer multiple services, not just one, it's up to you. On Reddit, lots of people have quit their jobs to now run their new pet businesses. Woo hoo. But perhaps you prefer digital based businesses. And if so, fair enough. So why not start a free E-commerce business? Yep, in the business starting an E-commerce business was the opposite of starting a business for free, you had to purchase a website and you had to purchase marketing and advertising for it. But now thanks to advancements in technology, these costs are now optional and you can start an E-commerce business for free. Yup. And one way to do that is to start a Redbubble business. Now, while my longtime subscribers will know what Redbubble is, most of my viewers are new and so I'll have to quickly explain it to them. Thank you so much for your patience, I really appreciate it. So yes, Redbubble is a big online marketplace. Every month it gets tens of millions of visits from customers and it sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of merchandise on behalf of people like my viewers and it pays them commissions for doing so. So, you see all these stickers that Redbubble is selling and all these phone cases that they have for sale and all these T-shirts? Well, Redbubble themselves designed none of the pictures that they're selling on them. Instead, what Redbubble lets you do is it lets anyone with a PayPal account worldwide register and then upload their own pictures or their own slogans to the website. You then give your picture or slogan a title, some relevant keywords and a short description, and then you select which of Redbubbles products that they can make and sell for you that you think your picture or slogan looks best on and select to sell those products. And then you save it. Redbubble will now create a digital version of the products that you created and store them in their database and then automatically create product listings for those items on its website that it's 5 million plus customers can now find and purchase. And then, every time that someone does come and says, buys a T-shirt, one of Redbubbles print shops will print your design onto a blank T-shirt, package the T-shirt up and ship it out to the customer. They'll remove their production and shipping fees and then pay you a commission for the picture that you uploaded. It's very similar to opening up a merch by Amazon store, they're both passive print on demand businesses. Many of my viewers watch my videos and then opened their own Redbubble stores. Congratulations everybody, on taking action. And don't forget, if you're watching this video and you'd like to learn even more about how I and others are making passive income every day with print on demand, you should be sure to download my free ebook, "The 6 Steps That Six Figure Online Stores Follow to Make Over $10,000 a Month", you'll find link download my free ebook in the video description below. But anyway, back to the video. And the really cool thing about this business is that you can scale your income by duplicating it. Yep, there are other similar print on demand websites such as Zazzle and Teepublic. And so what you can do is, once you've opened up a Redbubble business, you can then do what my viewers have done and scale your income by duplicating it onto these other websites and create stores on them for additional money. And you can also go and open up a free print on demand business on Etsy. Now this is definitely a bit more complicated, but I do have a free step-by-step tutorial on this channel that shows how to set up a free T-shirt store on Etsy with no startup costs or fess, if you're interested in trying this for yourself. It's been amazing seeing people follow my video tutorials on Etsy and then open up their own successful Etsy print on demand stores. Congratulations everyone on taking action. Your results are inspiring. And you can also open up a E-commerce flipping business for free because on eBay you get 250 free listings each month, so you can come here and list some extra items you have around your house and then you can take the money that you earn and then visit thrift stores and garage sales and find cheap items that you can flip for higher prices on eBay. There are lots of YouTube channels dedicated to teaching this business. And you can also do this on this free app here, Poshmark. This is specifically for those of you out there that love thrifting and reselling clothing. If you'd like some tips on starting this business, there is a YouTube video on here interviewing a seller who makes over a hundred thousand dollars a year selling secondhand clothing on Poshmark, which is pretty cool. But if you're sitting at home and you're thinking to yourself, well, gee, Sarah, I prefer cars to clothes, then maybe you should take a look at the next businesses and hustle ideas on this list. Yep. If you like to get paid to drive, there is of course the classic options like being an Uber driver or being an Uber Eats driver. And if you head on over to Reddit, you'll see that people are earning serious full-time incomes being an Uber driver and an Uber Eats driver. But while these are the options that most people think about, if you're creative, you have lots of other options. For example, if you have a van or a wagon, you could start your own moving business and pick up clients using the free Dolly delivery app. Or if your day job has you driving around a lot, then you can be paid to have your car wrapped in advertising and passively earn hundreds of dollars each month. Or if you don't even have a car, but you still want to be paid to drive, you can by becoming a private driver that drives people around in their own cars instead. But yes, onto the next list of businesses. And unfortunately, as I, myself, am not a finance YouTuber turned self-proclaimed NFT expert myself, I sadly can't make video tutorials on how you can become the next NFT internet millionaire. I wish I could though, because there's probably a lot of Ad Sense money to be made. But what I can say, is that if you decide to try to be the next NFT millionaire, it is free to sell NFTs that you create on OpenSea. They only remove their fees from the sale. There are no upfront costs to sell them. But luckily, if you just wanna make money off of NFTs, but you don't need to be the next internet millionaire, there are lots of ways that you can capitalize on this trend to start a successful business. For example, if you're a marketer, programmer or artist, you can start a freelance business around them on Fiverr. Freelancers on here are in high demand right now for NFT related projects. People are snapping up NFT advertisement gigs, or Discord server gigs that create NFT discord servers for people to advertise and sell their NFTs on, or gigs created by artists that draw or paint NFTs for people to resell and gigs also created by artists that will create animated gift NFTs that their clients can resell. So if you're an artist wanting to break into Fiverr, this could be an amazing opportunity to do so. Or you could instead start one of the next set of businesses on this list, to earn passive money online instead. And it's all thanks to this website here, Creative Market. On here, artists can sell digital products that they create. It's free to list them for sale. Any fees get removed from the sale, so there are no upfront costs. Some popular items that you can create and sell on here are brushes for popular art apps like Procreate and Instagram templates that people can edit themselves in Canva and custom fonts that you draw up and patterns that people with print on demand businesses purchase from you to print onto their products. And if you don't mind whether the money you make is passive or not, they've actually recently opened up applications so that you can apply to be an artist for hire on their job board, Dribbly, where high paying, high quality art, freelance jobs get posted. But of course, drawing, painting and designing is just one creative pursuit. For some creative people, they use another way to express themselves, writing. And so if that is you, perhaps you'll be more interested in the next free businesses and hustles on my list. First up is this, article writing. You can register to be an article writer on this popular website, Textbroker, which is available in North America and Europe. When you register, you take a writing test and depending on the score, you're paid a set amount per word. So if you score five stars, you earn five cents a word, for example, which means that you're paid $50 to write a thousand words. And I don't know about you, but I'm a fast writer. I could easily do that in an hour, which means that you would be earning $50 an hour, which is pretty cool. I also have friends that earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by selling the novels that they write on Kindle, so it's free to list anything on here for sale, so why not give it a go, if you've already written a book or a novel. And of course, I can't not mention another writing business that you can start for free, essay writing. Now, understandably, this is quite controversial in the writing community. An article on it on HuffPost discussed how it's an easy and lucrative business for decent writers to break into due to high demand yet low supply of writers who do it, but as the article also said, while there are innocent reasons some people buy essays, there are some not so innocent reasons why people buy them too. So whether you feel comfortable starting up your own essay writing business, is up to you. But if you are indeed, quite interested in education, then you might instead be interested in the next free businesses and hustles on my list. The first is to become an online tutor. Cambly is one of the easiest ways to do this. Students come here and post that they need a tutor now and you can then select to tutor them and you'll be immediately connected. So there's no advertising or marketing required, you pick clients when it suits you on demand. Or you can answer homework questions on School Solver. It's the same deal, students post questions and you get paid when you submit your answer. And if you enjoy teaching English, then VIPKID is one of the top paying, most reliable websites for tutors to teach English to Chinese students. Taking a look at Reddit, you got lots of options. There's a mixture of some people who are teaching English full-time and then others who are treating it as a part-time, flexible gig. But if you're still in school and getting your degree, then you might instead prefer to be a contract note taker for the classes that you're already taking instead. You could earn 470 US dollars per class that you take notes for. These notes are sold by this company to other students. Or you yourself can instead to choose list the notes that you take for sale on Nexus Notes and earn 50% commission per sale. So, let's now move on to other businesses, which I know through personal experience are in huge demand by customers. And that, is by making money through selling and creating and editing photos and videos. Yup, you've probably noticed that this video has a bunch of lovely stock videos. Corporations and YouTubers like me need these and buy them every day. So if you're already a photographer and you have some suitable photos, why not list them for sale on stock image sites like Shutterstock. It's free to list them on here, you earn a commission each time it's downloaded. It's a super passive way to make money. And if you're a videographer, you can list and sell stock videos. And if you fly drones, then you can create a drone stock video business, which can be extremely lucrative, by the way, as drone footage easily sells for the highest prices. But if you are interested instead in the editing side of videos and photos, then why not open up a freelance business on Fiverr? I am constantly hiring people on Fiverr to do freelance tasks. I'm always hiring Photoshop editors and I'm always hiring video editors and I'm always hiring Adobe Premier template creators and audio engineers and visual effect engineers. It's free to list your services for sale on Fiverr, they remove the fees from the money that the customer paid, so there are no upfront cost to getting started. The key is presenting yourself well, so people will choose you. There is a really interesting video from a top Fiverr seller giving her tips and tricks for optimizing your gigs for sales that I highly recommend you watch if you'd like to start one of these businesses for yourself. And something else that I'm also constantly buying for my videos, is transcriptions. Yes, because I have a funny New Zealand accent and pronounce some words strangely, I always purchase video transcriptions for my videos. And to buy them, I come to the site, Rev.com. They are constantly looking for new people to join as freelance video transcribers, to transcribe videos like mine. And while this isn't a hustle that will make you an overnight millionaire, for many people, it's a hustle they appreciate. It's free, it's flexible and they choose their own hours and they can do it anywhere in the world. It's not for everyone, but for the right person, it's exactly what they want and what they need. And actually, Rev can be a great way to make money if you know a second language. Yep, some of you eagle-eye viewers out there may have noticed that I've started translating my videos into multiple languages. And the way that I do that, is with Rev. They pay much higher rates for translators who can transcribe from one language into another, if you're interested. Opening up a translation service on Fiverr is also a free way that you can start a translation business and these services are very popular on the website. You can also register for Text Master and translate software in apps or register for Gengo and translate website content into other languages. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my hard of hearing community on this channel. ASL is a language too. In fact, it's one of the three national languages we have here in New Zealand. And if you know it, then you can turn your skill into a full-time business by registering as an interpreter for hire with booking agencies like Linguabee. But of course, as I said at the start of this video, not everyone wants to quit their job to do a business full-time. They're instead just looking for some extra side cash. And so if that is you, then you'll probably want to check out the next hustles on my list. So first up, is participating in surveys for businesses that are doing market research. You get matched with surveys based on your demographic and you get paid cash for completing them on websites like Prolific. You can also get paid to participate in academic research surveys as well, on websites such as Respondent. I've checked it out on Reddit. And some people were earning hundreds of dollars in extra money for completing Respondent surveys. Because surveys are matched based on your demographic, some months you'll have more surveys than others. The general advice was to just check back each day, to see if the survey pops up, that you're eligible for. And if you're in the USA, you can also register to be an E-juror. As an E-juror, you will read over a lawsuit and see the evidence, both for and against the defendant. Afterwards, you'll be asked to fill in a survey, answering questions, such as whether you think the defendant is guilty and what evidence swayed your opinion either way. Now, lawyers hire E-jurors to read pieces like these, so that they can see if they have a good chance at winning their court case, before they go to trial. But if you aren't based in USA, that's totally fine because you still have plenty of options to get paid, to give your opinion with apps that are available for people living worldwide, such as earning cash gift cards for completing quick survey questions on Google Opinion and also for this website, Neevo. So, you know how Facebook has, for example, face recognition technology? Well, companies like that, use Neevo to hire contractors like you or I to review the results and give our opinion on how well that AI did. Some Reddit uses like this one here made quite a bit of extra money with Neevo. He was paid 180 US dollars to review how well an app translated German words, which he reviewed while he was watching YouTube videos in the background. And another popular way to earn money for giving your opinions, is to be a user tester. Yep, companies like Microsoft, test their websites and apps with real users like you or I on websites like this to give our opinions on whether we think the websites and apps are easy to use. And if you head on over to Reddit, you'll see that people have been earning hundreds, to even thousands of dollars in side income each year, just with this user testing hustle. But if instead of side income, you're looking instead for more serious cash as in really, really serious cash, then you'll definitely want to check out the next free business ideas on this list. And yes, people have really been making over $150,000 a month doing this. And it's thanks to Airbnb. Now, usually people think of Airbnb as a place to list your house or a guest room for people to rent out when they're on vacation. But you can list more than that. You can list and sell experiences. Now, pre pandemic, people would list their offline experiences like tours on here that you could book, but due to COVID-19, they opened up a section on the website for digital experiences and so people started hosting fun, webcam based experiences. And really, this seems to have been the best kept secret for free business ideas ever. People have been hosting digital events and they've been absolutely crushing it with the top experience bringing in up to $150,000 a month during the height of the pandemic. And so obviously earning $150,000 a month is the exception and not the rule, but I still think it's an inspiring case study to read because it's a remarkable example of people taking advantage of a unique opportunity and then creating amazing things just by taking action and giving it a go, because these are not high tech, slick events that are being run by corporations, but people being creative with what they have on hand. So to help you come up with some ideas for events that you could create and run, I thought I'd showcase some popular examples of digital experiences, that have done well. So first up is cooking classes. Virtual cooking classes from people who live in a country, teaching how to cook their local cuisine, has been very popular. Next up is craft classes. Similar to cooking, people love learning about how to create local crafts from people who live in the country that they originate from. And then next up is beer and wine tasting. So for example, beer is pretty popular in the UK. So one of the more popular group experiences for this, is this fun UK themed beer tasting event. People taste beers while the host gives commentary on the beer, like explaining its history and how it's made. Next up, is digital scavenger hunts, which make for fun group activities. People also love to sign up and register for virtual tours. In these, the host literally takes a webcam out and visits the local area and guests watching live can join in and it can be an interactive experience. And so, I think my favorite of these, is this panda virtual tour where the host goes and films pandas in wildlife parks. And he lets the viewers ask questions, which the panda staff answer. And of course, now that travel is becoming a thing again, travel agents are popular on here, too. People can book calls or get advice on what they should do in your local city or country. And now that people are out and about and traveling again, it also means that there are some amazing opportunities to make money, with a travel business. Thanks to the classic Airbnb travel experiences that tourists can of course, book. I've booked experiences through this before and it's been fantastic. For example, I've booked multiple photography tours on here. Like this one I did in Austin, Texas. The photographers I've asked who were running these tours, usually told me that they had tons of bookings and they didn't have trouble getting customers, which is pretty cool. But even if you aren't a photographer, you can still run a successful business here. For example, you could run and host a cultural tour business, or a shopping tour where you take guests to the best shops around where you live, thrifting tours are especially popular, or a hiking and walking tour in a local nature spot, or a food and drink tour where you take guests around to the best local spots to eat and drink, or for the more adventurous, a pub crawl. And of course, if you yourself are a chef and are amazing cook of your local cuisine, then offering your services as a personal chef is another great way to start a business on Airbnb Experiences. And if you aren't a chef, but have another awesome talent, don't worry, you are in luck, because classes and lessons on popular local activities, such as yoga or surfing, if you live in a beach city, are also very popular and get tons of bookings. So if you've ever wanted to be paid to surf, well, now you know how people actually live out that dream every day. And of course, another great way to make money from your hobbies and passions, is to do what I do, which is to create a YouTube channel. As I've already shown, one style of YouTube business that you can start, is a YouTube channel where you focus on getting as many views as you can, so that you can earn as much money as you can from ads played on top of your videos, but there are others too. So for example, you could start a tutorial YouTube channel, where you create tutorial videos for your favorite apps that you use and earn money with affiliate links for the apps that you teach. Now, Wholesale Ted isn't a dedicated tutorial channel specifically, but I have created several tutorial videos. So for example, this is the tutorial video I uploaded over a year ago, showing how to use my favorite designing app, Canva, to make T-shirt designs. Well, in the video description, I have an affiliate link to Canva. This link has a little tracking code attached to it that tracks whether people purchase a paid Canva subscription or not. And if they do, Canva rewards me with a commission. As you can see, in the past 30 days, I've made over 1,700 US dollars in affiliate commissions, from people who've been using my affiliate links on my YouTube video tutorials. And another different type of YouTube channel business that you could create, is reviewing products you have, like this YouTuber has done. In their video description, they have an affiliate link that you can click to buy this product on Amazon. And if you do buy this after clicking the link, they will earn commissions through the Amazon Associates affiliate program. And another type of channel that you should consider starting, is in my opinion, one of the most overlooked opportunities right now and that, is to create a channel focusing on YouTube Shorts videos, which is YouTube's version of TikTok. They currently have a $100 million incentive fund and are giving out up to 10,000 US dollars a month to creators as a reward for making and posting Shorts videos, if they go viral. And there are two reasons why, in my opinion, YouTube Shorts is such a great opportunity. The first is that these videos are easy to make. It's much easier to film, say, your dog on your phone for 60 seconds, versus filming and editing a fancy vlog video together. And the second reason, is that it's way easier for your videos to succeed on the platform. Consider this, if someone's watching YouTube and they're watching standard YouTube videos for an hour, that are on average 10 minutes long, YouTube can only show them 60 videos per hour. So they have to be very selective over which videos they show the person. Whereas, if someone's watching YouTube Shorts videos for an hour, since they're just 60 seconds long, YouTube now needs to show them 60 videos, so that is why a lot more creators have room to succeed on YouTube Shorts compared to traditional YouTube channels. Basic videos without fancy editing are crushing it on YouTube Shorts and earning their share of the 100 million US dollars in cash that YouTube is paying out to Shorts creators right now, which is pretty cool. So then, did any of my business ideas or side hustle ideas inspire you? If they did, please hit subscribe and click that little notification bell so that you don't miss out on any of my videos about making money online. And if you'd like to learn more about how I make money online, you should be sure to watch my video, "How I Make Money Passively While I Sleep". So go ahead and watch my next video and I'll see you over there.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 228,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business ideas, side hustle ideas, side hustles, make money, make free money, free business ideas, free side hustle ideas
Id: D3XyAT_aV_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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