Easy 60 Degree Table Runner

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[Music] hi everybody i thought i'd take this time to show you a quick and easy project using border print fabric the only special tools that you'll need is a 60 degree ruler mines by creative grids but any of the 60 degree rulers will work there's a couple different variations and we will go along with that as we're going i'll show you the couple of variations so let's study a border print all porter prints have different measurements and different sizes and it depends on how we want to do this how we want our finished border to look is where we're going to cut it you will need approximately one and a half or two inches for the more um the more um the border print that has more cuts to it you would actually want two meters of fabric or one and a half for this easy one and then just depends on what you're going to do with that one and a half meter meters you're going to get two table runners if you can cut absolutely four pieces exactly the same you will get four identical runners or on some you might want to cut two large ones and then you would have two little pieces left over to do something else with so this is the one that we've used i've already cut a little bit out of it so i'm just going to go to my sample and show you how to cut a strip just straighten this out i'm going to take my 60 degree ruler and i'm just going to do a little uh figuring out about where i wanted to cut what i have decided to do is cut my strips at nine and a quarter halfway between this uh green circle halfway between this is exactly nine and a quarter inches i will have four identical pieces that i can make two runners with with the that one and a half meters of fabric so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my regular ruler and i am going to align my quarter inch and because i started cutting on this side i'm just going to flip it around and continue cutting in the direction that i had before i am going to cut the nine and a half i'm sorry i'm going to cut a nine and a quarter inch strips i'm going to take my quarter inch mark and i am going to line it up right on the edge of my green my fabric is straight if i have to i can just scratch it and wiggle it so my quarter inch line is identically placed all the way along my strip and i am just going to cut this remembering i don't want it to shift so i'm just going to move my ruler my hand up place this down again i'm lining up my strip with the edge that i've already cut my dotted line my quarter inch line is right on that little gold line of my border print and i'm going to cut these up quarter inch now i want to cut this exactly nine and a quarter inches wide so i'm just going to grab a square i am lining my quarter line right on the edge of my strip my nine and a quarter inch and you can see [Music] on this side i just have a little bit of pencil trimming to do on this one little part and i'm just going to go up and i'm just going to trim so my border is exactly nine and a quarter you can see as i'm cutting along my strip if i have to adjust my ruler if i hold my rotary cutter like this i always know that this is butted up tight against my rotary cutter i'm always at the nine and a quarter so i can adjust the top of my ruler in and out whichever way i need to to be able to cut the rest of my strip now i'm going to repeat that process one more time with this other border [Music] and now we have two identical strips for our table runner alrighty so now i have my two borders and we are going to decide which layout that we would like so i can take my two borders and you are going to put them back to back so they're mirror images to each other so i could either set them up this way where i have the black strip going down the center of my runner or i can set them up this way so i'm going to have the black strip that goes all the way around i prefer this one for this for this fabric so um this is the way that i'm going to do it so i'm going to take my two strips and now i'm going to close them so they're right on top of each other the blacks on the black the whites on the white so i'm going to close it like a book i'm going to line these edges up so everything is lined up absolutely perfect i am going to put a couple pins in it and we're going to cut our edges so now we're going to use our 60 degree triangle ruler and we are going to cut the ends of our strip i am going to lay down my ruler with my nine and my quarter inch line right on the edge of my fabric and you can see that it butts exactly up at the nine and a quarter on that side i'm going to cut and these triangles are our only garbage that we're going to have from this i am going to cut this side these are the triangles that i want to keep so i'm just going to cut those our place those to the side i'm going to rotate my ruler so it's upside down i'm still going to use that nine and a quarter inch line i am going to align it on the edge of our fabric and i am going to cut those off we're going to put these to the side we can use that for something else later i'm going to do the identical thing on the other end so you can see this is the one that i said that i wanted to keep here is our border on the other side so i'm going to open this up i'm going to open these up and we're just going to align them on the edge of our border and this side as well a line and a line so you can already see how really neat it looks with the little pointed ends it looks like we've put borders that go all the way around and we're really not trying all that hard so what i'm going to do is i'm going to sew these two triangles to this side these two triangles to that side and then i'm going to sew down the center and then my top is done here's a little point on pinning the points that your eyes are going to see are where stripes come together if that was off that's going to be the place that's really going to look awful to your eye so we want to make sure when we're pinning these that we align those stripes up perfectly so you can see that they are totally lined up absolutely perfectly and that's where i'm going to pin this is all biased be careful it's not going to stretch oh and this is my brand new quilting tool it's one of the office supply wet things because we're not allowed to lick our fingers anymore and i can't move my fabric it's actually wonderful so i'm going to take the green stripe i'm going to line it up on this side there's also a green stripe here i'm going to line those up i'm going to put in a couple more pins and we're going to sew those when you sew this one on this side and this one on this side if you're off a teeny tiny in the middle just trim it ever so slightly and nobody's ever going to know that you trimmed it then we're going to take this one put it back here again lining up where those stripes are and sew it together and it's done and you will have a table runner that looks like this so let's go one step further though we're just going to place this one to the side and we're going to get our other couple border print our border stripes this time i'm going to cut them one at a time when i cut this size i like to have probably two meters as opposed to the meter and a half only because that gives me the opportunity to fussy cut what do i mean by fussy cut when i place my nine and a quarter inch line on the bottom you can see that it might not be exactly where what i want showing in my ruler so i could actually move this have the opportunity to waste a little bit of fabric and move it back and forth until it gets to where i want it to be that being said i'm okay here so i am going to cut both sides of my triangle one two and i'm going to make two piles and cut my whole strips up i gained nine and a quarter on the edge and this one you can see because we have a large spot there i might just want to move that over a little bit and you can see that the piece that i'm cutting is kind of pretty so we're going to cut this side and we're going to cut this side i'm wasting a bit but maybe we'll find something to do with that later so now you can see that i'll have that one and i'm going to continue on cutting back and forth until i have all my strip my pieces cut from this one strip because they're biased they like to shift i really do like to trim both sides [Music] so you can see out of the one strip i was able to cut four in this direction and four in this direction let me show you exactly what we're doing now this table runner is made all of just triangles so you can see i put one of the one direction of triangles in the center and some on the two ends there's one two three four five six in the center one two three four five six seven eight so we will need eight of one and eight of the other so right now we're going to make sure that that's why i stopped right now to see which way i want to do it so we can play with our squares to find out how we're going to cut the other strip so we can have this one in the center and then we can have the black on the outside edge so that's one layout or we could do the other one what i love to do right now is take a picture of it with my phone with my camera and then i can actually see what it looks like this way switch it around and then i can flick back and forth and see which layout that i like the best or this would be our center circle and this would be our outside edge i don't know which way i like better so this one you can see it has a beautiful circle in the center that will be all lined in black and then we will have the white on the outside in this border print we happen to get an even amount of pieces with border prints of different sizes this is a very important step because you may end up with three in one direction and four in the other and you would have to know which way to cut it so when i decide on which way i want it which i think this time i want it this way i want that dark center circle so now i know that i have to cut four more in two more so because i want to cut four more like this this is the way i'm going to start cutting my next strip because that's the one that i need the most of so we're just going to put these to the side and we're going to put these to the side so because i want the white to be first i am going to cut that one first so remember i need four and two of this way so i'm going to continue on cutting do you remember those triangles from the first runner remember we had a couple spares here they are which just so happen to be identical to those ones so we've got lots of triangles that we can play with i don't have to cut the rest of my strip right now so let's put them all together to see what we want to do here so we're going to start with our center circle all in the block where we needed six [Applause] and we can switch and rotate them whichever way we want i kind of like that the reindeer are opposite each other if i wanted to be a little bit more precise i still have all that other fabric i could cut a few more triangles here and put them so there would just be balls and maybe not half of a deer or whatever and now we're just going to put these ones and now i have a lot to play with so i can decide which ones i want where so see you can see that those ones are almost identical so i'm just going to put one of those on either end i like the little cardinal and i've got some more snowman i don't want to put a cardinal together snowman cardinal or i can just take this one and i can put some ornaments in instead of the cardinals again the same as the other one i'm going to sew this side together and then this side together and then flip them and sew across the center all you have to do is line up your triangles they will line up absolutely perfect because all the sides are the same again matching those stripes going to the sewing machine and sewing with that perfect quarter inch i've got another stripe here i want to make sure that that matches so i can sew that one together i can sew this one together make sure that we're going to pin the correct side this one doesn't even match up so i just want to align it perfectly again remember ladies that these are ladies and gentlemen that these are biased edges so we want to pin lots so they don't stretch and then i have the one left so i'm going to sew those together then i am going to sew these together and you can see that again this one doesn't it goes that way it doesn't line up i'm going to sew that one and i'm going to sew this one sew them all together sew that one all together your table runner is done six in the center four on each side the quilting is absolutely um easy to do on these runners as well all you have to do is layer it with your batting and backing using your walking foot use the stripes that are on your fabric and just quilt along them it'll make it look like it's pieced if you don't have a long table here's something to think about just make circles you can also make little circles so they could be for your end tables lots of different things to do with this it's really kind of fun to play with so thanks for joining me i hope you try it and uh if you have any questions um don't hesitate to find me and i will help you out with those and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and like the videos thanks all bye now
Channel: Cindy Bee
Views: 16,715
Rating: 4.909502 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, sewing, table topper
Id: eLw24I8a9N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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