Diamond Medley Table Runner!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a table runner we're gonna use a cozy coil design pattern and it's called Diamond medley the first thing we need to make the table runner is we need some two-and-a-half inch strips and we only need ten of them so we have some little poppies those are little packages of strips that are in a color-coordinated group and they all match now we need a light and a medium and a dark fabric to match so I think this will look really nice with that for the light and then I want a little more color I'm thinking this one for the medium and then let's get a really dark for the outer border now for the dark I'm gonna use this one it's colorful but it's dark enough for a really nice border so let's take all this get it cut and start sewing here's all the nice dark colorful strips that we have here now these are going to be up against the light and the medium so we're gonna make sure we pick ten it'll be no problem here that all have some contrast between these two so we could really pick any of these out now your strip set may have a variety of colors you just want to make sure they will all show up against these two colors the last print we're using over here is going to be going on the outside border and that will frame it very nicely now because this is not my pattern I can't give you all the exact sizes but I'm gonna go ahead and get everything cut up and then I'll show you how to sew it I have all of the pieces for the runner cut up we're gonna make two different blocks for this runner so here's the first block we're gonna start with a light and I've got these pieces paired up so we're gonna put that one's gonna go there that's gonna go there some white accents now you notice the pieces don't fit exact because I don't have my seam allowances stitched yet then we're gonna get a pair of these longer ones one here and one here let's take that over to the Machine and stitch it up we're gonna start at the center here stitch these two pieces together we're always going to use a quarter inch seam and Stitch very carefully I'm gonna be pressing everything away from the center and that happens to be towards the dark print right here it won't always but it is there now we're going to stitch this onto here and this piece will fit on there exactly if you use a quarter inch seam again let's press away from the center now we'll add this piece still gonna press away from the center that means I'm pressing towards the light but that's okay the block will lay flatter if we do everything away from the center now we'll put this piece on I'm just gonna turn it around so remember to turn it back around before we sew the next piece on so make sure you've got it oriented correctly now this piece is gonna go on next now let me show you something about the boutique's sometimes you can tell what's the right and what's the wrong side of the batik I can on this one cuz there's those little spots and those are on the backside now this particular print here the back and the front looked almost exactly the same so our rule is if you can't tell it doesn't make any difference but if you can tell like on this one that that's the back then make sure you put right sides together when you do your patchwork the first block is done to make the second block here is what we need all these little pieces that will be in the corner then we're going to use the medium pieces here and then a pair of these here and here of course it won't look so messy when we stitch it together remember when you're sewing really little patchwork pieces like this that you really need to be accurate it doesn't show so much if you've got bigger pieces if you're off a slight bit but on these little ones it really shows if you're off an eighth of an inch you're not even going to be able to get them together it's always important when the blocks are stitched to iron them nice and flat so even though I finger pressed as I stitched I want these completely flat because it'll make stitching the runner together much much easier the layout is pretty simple we're going to put these three blocks facing that lay in the middle of the runner then we're gonna take the same block turn it around put that one there I like to lay them out then fill in with these blocks and then I might switch things around so the runners balanced so now this other block just faces like that and it makes a nice little pattern right there so that's looking really good and all we have to do now is fill in with the corner triangles these just fill in the sides here look how nice that's looking so once I have everything laid out you'd have to put all the corners in but once I have all the blocks laid out then I'm gonna look and see if my colors will look balanced so this block here is kind of prominent so I'm probably going to put this right here I'm just gonna switch these and then I'm gonna stand back and look see if my colors look even in balanced you don't want too much of a prominent color all on one end because the runner won't look balanced now that all the blocks are laid out and I've done all of my switching and trading around so that I'm happy with where all the dark prints are I'm ready to sew the rows together so the row the first row looks like that so we're gonna sew this into a row and then we're gonna trim off that dog-ear I have finger pressed the rows the direction that the pattern told me to do and basically this row is going to be pressed that way this row is going to be pressed that way and that'll make it easy when we connect our rows so that everything will nest so if you follow the pattern carefully and when it tells you to press your seams a certain way and you do that it'll make each step go easier as you go here's the next row I'm going to stitch it together lay it back down and do that with all the rest of the rows each row is finished now and before I stitch these two rows together I'm going to want to trim off this extra large dog ear here so I'm just gonna use some scissors but you can take this over to your cutting board and use your rotary cutter now I can stitch these rows match up the intersections and finish the rest of the runner now that the rows are all stitched together you do want to iron it very carefully so when you put it on your ironing board remember you've got to flatten it out with the grain of your prints which is on the diagonal of the runner so you want to put smooth it out flat with your hands first then start ironing and remember iron in the direction of the grain that way the runner will stay flat you won't get anything stretched and wavery along the edges now that everything is ironed nice and flat I'm going to trim off some of the excess here so it's nice and straight then I'm just simply going to add a little blue on each end and a little bit of the dark all the way around and then we'll be ready to quilt it the runner turned out nice and big this would look really nice on a dining room table a coffee table even a bend runner really really fun to make you may have noticed when I was laying it out I had a block or two turned the wrong way now I caught it before I finished it and so that's a good tip always double check that your blocks are laid out then check it again before you quilt it really fun pattern I love how these extra big squares make almost what looks like a border there without having to add anything extra really really fun to make it's 29 by 63 inches and just a joy too so thanks for watching our tutorial today on how to make the diamond medley table runner if you'd like to see more of our videos be sure to subscribe to our Channel happy quilting
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 184,291
Rating: 4.9388237 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, cozy quilt designs, diamond, diamonds, medley, simple, easy, quick, pattern, how to, step by step
Id: j0DxUImzMBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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