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hi i'm tamara and today i am going to teach you how to make these adorable table toppers they look great in halloween form but i promise you if you make these with thanksgiving fabric or christmas fabric they will look just as awesome i follow a gal named raelyn's creations she posted a really cool picture of her table toppers that she sells on etsy raelynn i'm so thankful that you will let me share your table topper idea and i hope that you guys will check out her links in the description down below because her etsy shop also has a custom ray quilt designs that you can choose from and these really cool table toppers so let's jump into that tutorial alright so the first thing that we need to do is cut our strips of fabric the width of the fabric if you ever see in any patterns the letters wof that's what it means width of fabric the width of your fabric is actually from selvage to selvage so what you'll do is you'll fold it in half so that your selvages meet up so once you have lined that fabric up on your cutting mat then take your ruler and measure out two and a half inches and take that rotary cutter push down quite hard in the center of your ruler because you do not want your fabric to move or shift you want to have nice straight sections of fabric do that five times you'll need five strips of fabric if you just want you could buy three different types of fabric and you just won't end up with as much of a pattern on your table topper so i'll show you how that works when we start piecing this together and i'm going to lay all of my strips of fabric i'm going to open them up and i'm going to lay them face up so that i can get a visual idea of what fabric is together if you want your fabrics to line up then this is how you'll do it you will want the same fabric on the outer edges and then you'll want the same fabric next to that piece and then you'll have your different fabric in the center so now that we have all of our fabric laid out and lined up the way that we want line up on the one side all of those selvage edges will cut them off once everything is sewn together but as long as your one side is lined up you're good to go the other side is not lined up and that's totally fine like i said line up those edges then flip your fabric right sides together and line it up as perfect as you can alright so i've pinned my strip and now i'm going to take it to the sewing machine and sew that quarter inch seam and once you've sewn that quarter inch seam then we'll move along and we'll do that with all of the strips oh and one thing when you're sewing the strips together you do not have to worry about back stitching at this point in the process i also wanted to mention that if you are making these as halloween toppers it could be fun to buy fabric that's glow-in-the-dark or glow-in-the-dark thread i will definitely link to some of that down in the description below if you're interested all right so i've sewn all five pieces of fabric together and now i'm just going to take it to the iron and i'm going to iron these flat i want to iron them open because i want my dark fabric to lay on the dark fabric side and my light to lay with the light so one thing to note when you iron you want to press these pieces of fabric open but you don't want to actually push an iron so the difference between ironing and pressing ironing you're often pushing and moving the iron back and forth on your fabric when you're pressing you're actually lifting your iron up and then pushing it on the next piece of fabric lifting it up pushing it so now that we have pressed our fabric it's time to get to cutting out those triangles we should be able to get six triangles cut at 60 degrees out of this piece of fabric and now i'm going to line up the one edge along my cutting mat now i'm going to start measuring 60 degrees so my ruler and yours should have these angles as well i've got 60 degrees on both sides and then it continues down the way we want to use this one here so we will line that along the edge of our fabric and then we're going to want to match this ruler point to the edge over here so i'll move it on over so it's as close to the edge as it possibly can be line up this 60 degree line to the edge of my fabric push down really hard on your ruler my my bottom mat is actually wonky so i have to push really hard because i do not want my fabric to end up being cut wonky push down cut and this is just scrap you actually don't need this piece here and now you're going to move on to create your first triangle so move your ruler don't move your fabric move your ruler so that that other 60 degree line is along the edge of your fabric and then you will cut this line here all right so we've got our first triangle so what you can see is we're making an upside down triangle then a right side up and we're going to go along back and forth all the way down our strip of fabric so that we will get six triangles in total [Music] all right so now we have our six triangle pieces and it's time to piece them together we're going to lay them out and as we lay them out we'll watch our pattern especially if you did five different pieces of fabric make sure that your triangles are every other that way you'll create that pattern that you can see in this table runner here and for this one because i did less strips they should all match up even though our fabric was originally like this because i did my two outers the same and then the two centers the same then when i turn them around to match them up all of these will match up so what you're going to do is you're going to split these two apart you are going to attach these three together and these three together do not attach these two then this one then this one then this one because it will be very hard to attach your last triangle so instead we're going to attach these three then these three we'll just lay it on top of each other we'll line it up and we will sew that quarter inch seam on this side we'll open it up and then we'll do the same on this side here all right so we have sewn all three triangle pieces together on both sides and now we are going to pin these two halves together that way we can sew our quarter inch seam all the way along this edge [Music] so we have sewn our entire piece together we've ironed the back i clipped those tiny little triangles off of the center there and now it's time to measure out our backing fabric as well as our batting so if you're planning on only doing one table topper i would suggest getting at least 27 inches worth of fabric that way you'll have enough fabric for that backing as well as the uh the batting itself so there are a few different ways that you can end up putting this table topper together the one way is just by adding pre-purchased binding if you do that then all you need to do is cut the exact same size out of the backing as well as the batting and then you'll add your binding on the way that you would any other binding if you're not going to do binding which i did not do then you are still going to need to take your topper and cut out the exact same size of the back as well as the batting but then once you have cut out all three pieces you actually need to make the batting a little bit smaller so we'll take our batting and we'll just line up our ruler so that we have a half inch from the outer edge and i just put a pin along the very first edge that i cut that way i wasn't continually making the batting smaller once you have trimmed down your batting then you can center it in between the two pieces of fabric make sure it's all wrong sides together right sides out take it to your ironing board and then this is where you will actually fold in the fabric along that batting cut that you made and you'll iron it and then you'll tuck in the corners and then i just use my magic clips along the outer edge and it will make it much easier to sew a quarter inch seam around the entire thing once you've done this i am going to bring this to the sewing machine and i am going to sew it at a quarter of an inch seam essentially a top stitch all the way around and it's going to secure that batting as well as all of these edges together and then from there we are not quite done we need to start sewing around the individual hexagons so the way that we're going to do that is we will put the side of our foot along one of these seams and then we will sew around don't forget to sew around all four seams and when you stop at each point then just make sure you keep your needle in and then lift the foot and then pivot the fabric and now we are going to take this to the sewing machine and we are going to stitch in the ditch that literally means you will just take your needle you'll center it right in the center of your seam and you're going to go very slowly so that you don't pull yourself out of the seam and you're just going to go down the center all the way across all the way to the bottom so i'm going to take this to the sewing machine one more time and do those three stitch in the ditch lines and that my friends is how you make an adorable table topper please check out raylan's creations i have her instagram link as well as her etsy shop link down in the description down below and as always please subscribe click that notification bell so you don't miss a thing and click that thumbs up button if you like this tutorial next week's tutorial is going to be adorable little petal gift bags so we can start getting prepared for christmas all right i hope you guys have a wonderful day and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Tamara's Joy
Views: 34,672
Rating: 4.947403 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilt, sewing patterns, sewing projects, table runner tutorial, quilting tutorial, table runner, how to quilt, sewing for beginners, how to sew, Table topper patterns, table topper quilt, table topper tutorial, table topper quilt patterns, table topper projects, table topper quilt patterns free, table topper - youtube, hexagon, learn to quilt, easy quilting, table topper, scrap sewing projects, christmas table topper, halloween table topper
Id: aNCiYdDXkss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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