EASY $270 Gaming PC Build Guide - Step by Step

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today we're doing our cheapest build guide yet and we're going to show you how to put it together step by step and our friends at AliExpress are nice enough to sponsor this video and showcase some of their awesome products that you can get from AliExpress at great prices to build gaming PCs for as little as $270 AliExpress has a ton of great deals on gaming PC Hardware especially now during their anniversary sale where you can save big we love their CPU motherboard and RAM Combos and we'll be featuring one in today's video we also love their budget GPU selection especially during an era where budget gpus are not so budget anymore Al Express for Budget PC Hardware is the better choice at a better price not only can you get PC hardware for your build you can also get setup upgrades like a wide selection of mechanical keyboards gaming mice and more check the links down below to see some of our favorites along with the PC parts we're using in today's video one thing we have to mention and we give a big prop to AliExpress for doing this they sponsored this video but allowed us to pick out everything we wanted for this PC build and some of the stuff in this PC build is it from AliExpress will chose the stuff that we really recommend you buy from there and the are available on other retailers so check those links down below for up-to-dated availability and pricing of everything in this video but once again shout out to AliExpress for sponsoring this video let's go ahead and talk about each part of this build guide and show you how to put together so this right here ladies and gentlemen is the AliExpress special a CPU motherboard Ram combo this one is awanai which we've actually used quite a few times and this one specifically the E5 2650 V4 which is a 12 core 24 thread which is pretty crazy and as you can see it comes a little bit taken apart we got our Ram in one spot our IO Shield s cable and the motherboard with the CPU already installed which we'll show you guys really in depth once we actually get it out to start building it but yeah really nice bang for buck on these combos you really can't do much better unless you're going to like the used Marketplace and finding some Banger deals now typically these combos do not come with coolers so what we have right here is an AI go ice 200 Pro actually a pretty decent company that we've used quite a bit it is a very cute box I'm assuming this cool is going to be really tiny but usually these things will always work pretty well for the LGA brackets that we'll need and they typically come with them but we'll find that out once we open it up now for storage you do have the option to buy these actually on AliExpress or you can buy them on other places but this is a 512 gig 2.5in Vulcan from Team group and it's an awesome Drive they're actually pretty quick for them being uh just a standard 2 and 1 half inch SATA interface but it'll definitely do the job and hold plenty of games now for the GPU this right here is a soyo rx580 2048 now we have to give a big disclaimer when it comes to the rx580 2048 really any in this generation driver support just got removed from these graphics cards that is going to be the one major downside with this build but you can opt for something like an RX 5500 or 5500 XT if you want to spend a little bit more money but we really tried to keep this build under $300 and you'll see during the benchmarks this is still a very capable GPU but within a year or so when major game updates come out or major game releases this card might not run optimally in those games but at for the time being for a sub $300 build we think it's a good choice and to power this build this is a zman gigamax 80 plus bronze 500 wat power supply we do recommend a different power supply for this build this was a substitution last minute cuz we didn't get the one we actually ordered but we'll leave those links down below they are fill links and they will help us out to get a 500 wat that's a little bit cheaper than this one but if you want to splurge and get a really awesome power supply this one is a good option 500 wats 80 plus bronze we use these a lot of PC Bros and they're really awesome for the money now for a very cheap build we had to go with a very cheap case and we did gamble a little bit with this budget Warrior that is incredibly lightweight comes with acrylic I know Jonah's just loving the fact that it comes with acrylic and it costs us a grand total of $39 and it actually comes with two fans which are some cases for $50 only come with one fan so we get two fans we get acrylic we get lighting I think and it's Micro ATX and should work for this build obviously you could spend a bit more money if you want to but we're trying to keep this build under $300 using all these parts on the shelf that are not on like Facebook Market or other used websites this is what we're going to come up with and I think it's going to work out pretty well so Jaxon is going to show you how to set up the motherboard which again it's going to be very easy you pop the ram in put the cooler on and boom the motherboard's ready to go I'm going to show you how to install your SSD your power supply we're going to put it all together plug up all the cables and get to gaming to see if this combo using some AliExpress deals is worth the money all right guys let's start this thing off and get right into it so we have our motherboard sitting on top of the motherboard box our zeon's actually already installed if it doesn't come pre-installed you basically just push this latch down lift up the socket opens you pop your Zeon in and they actually already installed this too which is pretty interesting Matt did you have been to pre-build this thing it would be I swear really this is interesting normally this will come separate but they've already done some of the work for us so thanks hanai or AliExpress we'll go Ahad and open up our cooler so yeah just like a tiny little Tower cooler does not come with thermal paste pre-applied and it there it is it actually does come with like a little uh cheap kind of tube of thermal paste and it also comes with a bracket and the little plastic Clips but I actually kind of prefer this they actually used the stock mounting plate with their own bracket the tuanai brand and they screwed it in so we're going to use that instead we're going to use some deep cool thermal paste cuz I don't really feel like using that little weird tube and these yons are pretty big they got a lot of surface area so I recommend kind of doing like a good size cross here I'm going to put a little over there and a little right here that's the way that I like to do it but you can put the thermal paste on however you want you can wear it if you really want to these coers are really easy to put on and they're they're tooless for the most part so once you have this bracket installed you're basically going to take the fix side first get it on that Center piece and then this part's a little awkward it it feels like you're going to break something but you need to push down really hard and then push some more yeah it takes a lot of hand power but as you can see her cooler is on it looks very crooked I think the cooler is honestly a little bent which uh yeah that's usually how it goes these things never show up quite perfect but I do think it'll keep our xon pretty chill we do need to plug in our CPU fan cable plug it in right here CPU fan there we go that's it and then for the cable we can kind of take the excess tuck it so now that we have the cooler installed I did notice one thing I technically put it on backwards the air is going to go in this way it's going to be fighting the exhaust fan so we're actually going to flip the fan around instead of taking the whole cooler off so now make sure that the fan blades are facing that way we call it the pretty side had the pretty side facing out and then just like this man the tolerances on this thing are insane okay that's one side ah there we go all right now our fan is facing the right way and it's going to blow air out the back into the exhaust fan which will then exhaust the air all right now for Ram let's see what we got two sticks yep two sticks all right so what we'll do for the ram is we'll do let's see these slots even labeled um dim three dim four so we'll do one and three so that's going to be this guy right here crunchy and then this one right here yeah just to demonstrate again you're going to open the brackets take your RAM line the notch up make sure that you're not using your thumbs to push these up because then it's not going to work you want to actually push down on the ram get that nice click where they automatically go up on their own so like I said slots one and three now one thing that you're going to often get is these boards that come out of country they usually cannot ship batteries so that is what powers the seos battery you normally never have to see us do this but we're going to grab a CR 2032 battery there's actually a couple other kinds that will usually work in these U but the we always have tons of these on hand and then it just Clips in and now our Coss will actually remember all of our settings and whatnot which is pretty important if you change anything so at this point we have Ram cooler CPU the mounting bracket for it and uh we can go ahead and even pre normally we' put an nbme in here which this board does have uh two m.2 slots but sometimes it's a little bit of a gamble knowing if they're actually going to work or not so we like to often just play it safe and just get a SATA cable so I'm going to go ahead and just plug this in to make Matt's life a little easier cuz otherwise we're forget it and you can kind of just tuck it behind the board so that when he puts the board in we'll already have the S but at this point guys we got a ready to go motherboard that is ready to put inside the case all right guys now it's time to install the power supply into the case we're going to take this case this is honestly kind of a sad excuse of a case I'll perfectly honest with you but when you're on a budget you got to do what you got to do and once you put this thing on your desk it's not really going to matter anyways so we'll go ahead and take off this acrylic side panel by unscrewing these screws right here which I would say you can use your fingers unscrew it but they see what's happening here no the the thumb screw is De thumbing at this point for some reason what did they do in the factory to this thing let's see if these other ones will come out that one's fine that one's fine when you're on a budget you got to deal with these things this is why the step-by-step build guy is useful for you guys cuz you're probably going to be like what the heck why is my case doing that well there it is right there ladies and gentlemen we we'll go and take it all the way out and see what happens I might be able to put it back together or we might need to get some different thumb screws or I could use these it's always good to have extra tools guys so go cry to your parents that you need extra tools to build your gaming PC because stuff like that happened so we'll go ahead and do a little Pinchy pinch are you serious all right let me just try there it goes okay let's go and take that out and uh we can fix that pretty easily we'll just push this in a little bit and wow look at that we did some repair there but anyway so move this off to the side for a second take off our acrylic panel we'll need this later but we'll set it out of away don't worry it's not glass it's not going to shatter um and then I like to keep these screws in the case so you don't lose them it's a much easier way to uh manage things and I'm already telling this is going to be a fun cable management job because with this cheaper case we don't have a power supply basement we only have a little bit of room in the back and the rest is going to have to just kind of be bunched up if I'm being honest so that's going to be fun when we get there let's go ahead and remove the back as well and these are just two power supply screws un [Music] screw and remove we do have a little bit of a bulge that'll help us out a little bit but we're going to push that off to the side as well same deal put the screws back in now as I mentioned at the beginning we want the Zalman gigamax for uh this build mainly because the one that we ordered which was a power speec unit from another website um did not show up or got confused with uh another one bag of PC Bros regardless we're using this one because we want to get this video filmed today and it is like $10 more than the other ones so if you're wanting to keep this at $270 not $280 pre-tax go with a different power supply but this is a really good power supply uh that we like and I think this has not a ton of extra cables it is non-modular meaning it does come with a bunch of cables that you don't need and the ones you do uh compared to fully modular which means you have to plug in all the cables that you want individually but um it's not too bad we'll be able to work with this you also get the power cord in the box which you don't want to lose that powers your PC we also get a little bag in here that has some power supply screws and some uh zip ties so we can do some Cable Management we'll need that here in just a second we're going to move this out of the way and we're going to go ahead and undo this pile of cables right here now I know it might be scary you're like I'm building a PC and all these cables look very intimidating we're going to show you how to plug in each one and tell you which ones you don't need it's going to be that easy okay so power supply let's just get a look at this case before we install the power supply so it looks like this is MOX to power the front fan lovely love to see it we're going to go and run that through this hole right here to get that out of the way cuz there's really not a better option this right here is all your front panel connectors which we can go ahead and run through this cutout right here put that up there and then this fan is just a Molex fan which actually can fit right there so that works out that way we're going to do something extra guys even though this is a cheap belt we're going to do the extra stuff this fan the cable comes out at the bottom for some reason it will look a lot better if it comes out from there just Cable Management wise doesn't really matter with this build no but it's just kind of you know something we do all the time with all our other builds we might as well do it with this one this one deserves the same treatment seem a tiny fan no little little baby 90 mil fan all right guys so we got the fan flipped now we're going to go and take out this bag of screws right here which I love that they just pinched it on the PCI cover so we have to unscrew this screw right here I'll put it back so we don't lose it but we'll go ahead and unscrew it so it can come off and then we'll take our screws out which we'll go over the screws in a minute you're going to need those to install uh your motherboard and well other stuff you want squ like your SSD we'll go and put this back on though if you take it off it slides on like this and we'll go ahead and screw it back on with the power supply screw now we're ready to install our power supply now if you can't tell the power supply in this goes up top this is an old standard when it comes to installing power supplies before there were things such as power supply basements because it goes into the attic now haa so funny uh what we're going to go ahead and do is I'm going to grab my power supply we're going to go ahead and put it up here fans side down until all the screw holes line up which it looks like and ah there we go okay it just takes a little bit of force to hold it right here but we have these four screw holes we need to screw in I'm going to go ahead and grab my screwdriver and that little bag that came with our power supply this one right here that comes with power supply screws which we go and show you what that looks like there are power supply screws they have that little head on the top and they are coar threaded which makes it easy to screw and stuff that's course threaded so I get one in that'll make things a lot easier is that don't let that hang for too long cuz that is not very secure we go ahead and get this other one right here now we got the the corner screwed in we're pretty comfortable here to go ahead and do this one and in the bottom left we can do this one so now as you can tell our power supply is installed and ready to go we're going to go ahead and get this case ready for the motherboard by installing the io Shield the io Shield is the shield for the I/O and the best rule of thumb for installing the io Shield is always have the audio ports which are these three circles on the bottom easiest way to remember it 99% of the time that will work if it happens to not be the case for you I'm sorry I was wrong we'll go ahead and take this line it up in the back of the case sometimes with these cheaper cases it can be hard but this actually works way better than other cases oh you that bend oh yeah so there you go push that in on each corner there you go so as you can see we have the io Shield installed it may be a little bit loose it's not perfect this right here also needs to come out this blocks the ethernet port for some reason I don't know why that comes out of the factory like that this is one of those where you can just wiggle it back and forth be careful not to cut yourself on that but we go back and forth now that's out of the way now you have access to all your ports and now you're ready to install your motherboard lower the table for your cameram man remove all these power supply cables out the way for right now and we're going to check and see if we need to add any standoffs or move any standoffs these right here are standoffs these very Gold bright standoffs which very easy to see on a build guy when they're gold we're going to go and take our motherboard I'm going to go ahead and eye this real quick so go and lay the motherboard in make sure the I/O lines up and I think we are good but just for demonstration purposes because there are people who get upset when we don't do this we're going to install two extra standoffs ladies and gentlemen cuz it does come in this bag of screws that we took out of the SP right here so we have two extra ones which why don't they install it already I don't know comes with these two extra ones you can install them one of two ways you can use these like little pliers and you can just go to the standoff that you want to install it in which the first one we're going to install is in this one right here so you can kind of get it started with your fingers and then continue with this I'll go ahead and use this for this one then show the other method for the other one takes a little bit but you can get that installed nice and secure make sure you get this pretty tight because sometimes when you try to remove a motherboard afterwards you can take this with your screw and um yeah it could be kind of hard to get off cool I'm going to call that installed then we're going to take the other one and go to this one right here this one I'll get started then I'm going to grab a little handy dandy tool that you may or may not have again you don't necessarily need it but basically it goes on to the tip of your Phillips screwdriver and goes over top the standoff so you can just tighten it down just like so so and to be safe I'm going and tighten this one down there we go just make sure it does come out now we have all the standups installed we can go and put our motherboard back in now we're going to keep an eye on this Sata cable because again we want to run it nice and cleanly so I'm thinking we'll see where it ends up going actually we just run it straight to this cutout here but we'll do that in just a second go and line up again the I/O place it down and now as you can see we have one 2 3 4 five six screws we need to screw in to screw in the motherboard and we're going to use that same bag of screws that we had which come with fine threaded screws those right there are fine thread and for comparison that's a coar thread power supply screw some cases use coarse thread but this case I believe it's fine thread so we're going to go ahe and run with fine thread and see if I'm right so go and take this start up here and boom secure we take the next screw cross from it go straight down right here we're going crisscross and the last one over here and would you look at that your motherboard is fully screwed in now there is a chance during the cable management portion we might take out some of those screws to cleanly run them behind the board but your motherboard is installed we'll go and raise it up and make sure it looks good we go and run this cable through this cutout cuz this is the SATA that we will be plugging into our SSD all right so now we need to install our SSD before we get to plugging everything in so this case only comes with one normal SSD Mount now in theory these things are shock absorbent you can really just be like SSD installed you can put it anywhere you can use adhesive you can stick it wherever you want but what we're going to go and do is use the mounting that it comes with which is kind of awkwardly on the bottom here but as you see when I line up all the screws you can see down through here we have four screws that are right there ready to go now to install this you need to use the fine threaded motherboard screws which you should still have plenty with the uh kit that you got actually there's four left so don't lose any of them uh so we'll go ahead and take these uh motherboard screws and screw in the bottom don't overtighten these two it's very easy to just pull out the threading on these ssds so yeah that's there now we'll go ahead and show you where the SSD is I'll go and take this and plug in which you can do ahead of time plug into the far right here this is where the SATA goes this right here is where the power is going to go with the power supply which will show you in a bit but we have the SSD installed we have the mother installed we have all these cables that need to be plugged up now we're going to get to the Cable Management portion plugging everything in and then from there you should be good to play games on this computer and um yeah I'm excited to see how it does let's get Jackson in here all right guys it's time to try and plug everything up to this uh well build to get it working so we're going to take this monster spaghetti mess of cables and we're going to Bunch them up and shove them up through this hole right here it's kind of hard to see but we're going to shove it up through there that's going to be the key or the the main message here throughout this uh part of the video it's going to be hard to see and honestly I might have to separate some of this stuff a little bit oh I can I can pull it through I think pull oh yes God still more modular power supplies yes modular power supplies morea and there it is wow wow that was a journey but we made it guys oh and there and there goes the case that thing's light I think is is it sitting on something oh yeah it's sitting on no it's just that uneven it's just that uneven but hey all the cables are through there now what are you what are you going to feed me first all right well the first thing God I almost did it again first thing I went ahead and did was just separated our all of our front panel and IO stuff from our power supply so I'm going to give you the main power first the 24 pin which is 24 pins that powers the motherboard and almost everything else in the build really yep everything else there go I'm just going to put that right through there here's our 24 pin rer you don't really get a whole lot of options for where to put stuff so the thing is it's there's not a lot to plug in but also you know it makes it a little simpler I guess all right so we'll just flip it right here L it up click and then give that back to Jackson cuz I don't want it Click Click Boom all right I think we do the CPU power next which is going to be up top typically on most boards do we need a four pin or an eight pin I just remember we do not need to move the power supp because the CPU a pin is right here it's in a weird location so this right here is a CPU 8 and then this is a four pin so this is basically like a an8 plus four pin so we'll goad and feed that uh you said right through here I you're right here oh right here it's on the side of the board which is really weird so you can see it coming out right here and we'll go ahead and flippity do plug it up push and boom these on boards tend to have the CP power in weird locations but in this one situation it actually worked out really well so next thing I'm going to go ahead and feed and we're not going to plug it in yet this is the PCI cable that powers your graphics card uh this is called a 6 plus two pin or just an eight pin uh we're really only going to need just one here but I'm going to go ahe and just kind of preemptively feed it through it'll make your life a little easier so there it is we'll keep it out of the way for now all right so now this is kind of just the back area these are our fans they're literally Molex only they're not your standard four pin or three pin fan connector they're MOX so that's why we like it yeah it's honestly it's simple it's not pretty but it it works so we're daisy chaining all these miks together they can be a little hard to plug in sometimes you got to wiggle them around but we're going to go to our power supply cables here and this power supply in particular has a full Molex run on it so we're just going to need one of them plug it into that in and boom just make sure you don't have any pins sticking out the back but this should be good good to go for the fans so on the top left we're going to do the power LED positive negative which is green on the header by the way these are green and white so you get both of those shout out and then below that you're going to do the hard drive LED positive and negative which red goes onto Orange oh yeah that makes sense yeah that makes a whole lot of sense okay they're going to do the reset switch on the blue that one actually makes sense Blue on Blue and then the red is going to get the orange for power switch and just like that our front panel is plugged in and we can kind of feed this a little bit back through Jackson all right so we have two more things we got to plug in we'll do one at a time though we have our USB 2.0 this connector right here and uh this one is labeled USB sometimes they're not you usually can look at this pin out though and as you can see USB 2 will be missing a pin towards the very end of the connector the only downside with this case is everything has to go through that same spot and reach all the way across the board now right next to the front panel we're going to take our USB 2 connector and plug in right here to this front USB header should hold on to your case it might fly away and there you go USB 2 is installed all right last connector this is the HD audio which is labeled audio and as if you notice here it's actually missing a pin not on the end unlike USB 2 now this one's going to be a little ugly it's got to go all the way across and Jackson already fed it through there for us push it in and there you go right there on the far left is your HD audio and boy does she look pretty all right so we're going to go and power the SSD with this right here this is a SATA cable or a SATA power connector as I call them it's kind of like the modern Molex we're going to feed that through the same spot that we've put so many things through and we're going to take that power connector and again this isn't the prettiest way to do this but with this case budget Cas is come sacrifices ain't nothing pretty about this we're going and plug it in and boom we're good to go there go and Tuck some of those cables back make them Jackson's problem all right now at this point uh we can go ahead and work on our graphics card installation which we'll uh move the camera angles for but we already got the p say cable ran through if you guys remember so that'll make it a little easier okay guys we have our soyo graphics card as you can see right here go and open it up again we do have to mention this is a 580 2048 which uh just recently lost driver support but for the time being when you see the benchmarks it's going to run fine but if you want to get a little bit more life out of your graphics card spending a little bit more for like the 5,500 or 5500 XT will give you a little bit more life and um well driver support but all in all it's a nice looking card and it'll still play your favorite Esports title is no problem so so this thing does require a 8 pen power so we do have that nice and uh readily available so first thing we need to do is remove this PCI cover right here by removing this coar Threaded Screw so we'll get our screwdriver and be careful not to knock over your studio lighting so we go and take that off push it to the side and then we're going to go ahead and install our graphics card we need to make sure where this is going to line up and this is a tight fit ladies and gentlemen talk about fitment so uh we're going to line up and going to get rid of these right here so these two will break off PCI covers couldn't afford the removable ones heck now wiggle wiggle wiggle boom wiggle wiggle wiggle boom now get those out of the way uh go ahead and Slot it back in very carefully they laid off the paint guys they laid off the paint guys okay line it up hold on to the back of your case stop stop wobbling and push woo just like that your graphics card is installed now you're going to take some power sply screws from the screw bag that you had originally and you're going to go ahead and screw in the graphics card I will say this is like the one area where companies seem to cheap out on their cases the tool get the screws in and everything but these seem to actually be working all right case valid case valid question mark now we're going to take this cover put it back on and take that same screw that you removed earlier and try to put it back on Boom there you go you have that good to go Jon Le Jon Le Jon Le now we're going to take our eight pin for the GPU which has very little slack actually might be just enough we're going and wrap this around oh you gave me a little bit more thank you take the Z pin PCI clip down and unload but there you go the PCI power is plugged in we will take a zip tie here in a minute and clean this up a little bit but it is plugged in and I will say looking pretty schnazzy yeah so at this point uh we're going to show you guys how to do like some cable management but this is a good time if you want to test your build to make sure it actually works before you do all that work it's ready to go but we got to make do with this we have an Ever So slight panel Gap here that is all the room we have for cables I'm excited so yeah that that didn't seem like it was going to work but look it's actually on oh my God look at the side profile it's like you would never know but all right you know I said you should like we're confident it'll work but now let's actually see if it works yeah that'd be important so we'll go and get the uh the official turn on for the first time hey that was fast that is just RGB vro so yeah it's it's like it's like RGB I guess it's static right static yeah yeah yeah so yeah um there's the build it's looking not too bad I mean $70 like would you get this or like an Optiplex upgrade I don't know I mean it's looking pretty good um so now that you guys have watched us build it if you guys want to know how to install Windows I'm going to give you a little hint go to the PC Bros YouTube channel we have a bunch of guides on how to install Windows this is our little PC Bros YouTube channel plug that's how you install Windows drivers to get this thing up and running but we're going to jump straight into some gaming and see how it can perform now before we get into the bench marking section of today's video to test out this awesome budget gaming PC we have to give another big shout out to AliExpress for sponsoring today's video and also mention not only can you get good deals on gaming PC Hardware you could buy stuff like gaming keyboards like this 60% Mage G gaming keyboard with RGB lighting a very clean white design and really awesome red linear switches for really good prices and you can also get stuff like razor gaming mice and also accessories like this external display that shows your temperatures and other cool stuff about your PC and all this stuff can be had on AliExpress so definitely check those links down below to shop for accessories for the PC you're going to be building today's video and let's get right into the benchmarking and see how this PC performs all right Gamers we are kicking things off with fortnite right now on dx12 unlimited frame rate and we're running performance settings which is basically far view distance low textures everything else is low across the board we're trying dx12 mainly because Andy gpus tend to like dx12 more than they do um dx11 or performance mode so we're going to give it a shot here and see how it holds up but I imagine we'll get 60 plus FPS the frame rate is on unlimited which I'll probably end up capping to like 100 or 120 CU we might get a little bit of stutter here and there um but again sub $300 if we can get a 60 plus maybe 90 plus FPS experience in fortnite I'll be very happy with it and so far it's running a lot smoother than I expected honestly on performance mode we'd be pushing that CPU a little too hard and it probably wouldn't run nearly as smooth oh hey below me I don't understand sounds in this game okay you're done [Music] hey all right guys but as you can see fortnite more than playable 100 plus FPS very smooth I really recommend running gx12 if you do get this configuration let's move on to the next one all right guys we are playing Apex Legends we're going to be doing some team death match here and we're on a mixture of low medium 1080p we're not using any up scaling or down scaling or anything kind of what you expect from a $270 computer I mean 60 FPS medium low settings not too shabby yay one of those bullets hit a what yeah buddy why is there two Pathfinders oh my God they're they're twin oh god dude I'm oh my God I feel like I'm going to hit my shots today yeah 999 you're eliminated a Ring of Fire Johnny catch oh a grenade go we won't let that give me bully us today that would been sick if I oh that was getting weird where'd he go hey double kill we did it on the alexpress PC Building he killcam oh there's killcam now let's go all right guys what we were able to do it we built a PC for a very cheap price we showed you how to do it and we showed you all just how well it actually games and of course there are some limitations with a $270 PC one it's not perfect I mean there are compromises we had to make to get this PC to be $270 and for some people this might not be the best option for you but if you're looking to get into PC gaming you don't want to do an Optiplex or office PC upgrade this is definitely a good option and some of the limitations are in higher end games like cyberpunk we had to run 1080p low and only got an average of 47 FPS with no FSR on but our 3D Mar times SP score is actually pretty solid with a score of 4,166 which is a 6 Cent per point average so in terms of price performance very solid but yes again this is not ideally for everyone this is definitely a very budget PC but if you're wanting to build a PC on a budget this would be a good option for you so as always we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels and also our twitch.tv/ toosy Bros do not forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one bye-bye so once again guys we stream over at twitch we also stream on toasty clips for the multistream purposes and on top of that we have many other social media platforms as well such as Instagram Facebook Twitter and so much more so if you can't get enough of the toasty Bros here on YouTube you will find another social media platform for you in the description down below see you guys later goodbye
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 177,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, how to build a gaming pc, gaming pc, $300 gaming pc, easy $300 gaming pc, best budget gaming pc, aliexpress gaming pc, pc build guide, pc gaming
Id: dhHBRGjxJ1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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