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hi everyone anthony morganti here do you have a beautiful image like this that is being ruined by an ugly chain-link fence in this video i'm going to show you how to get rid of that chain-link fence [Music] [Music] before we begin with the actual work on the image we need to prep our workspace we're going to be using a very specific tool called the quick mask tool it's over here it's this little square with a circle in it you may not have the quick mask tool in your toolbar if you don't you need to add it to the toolbar to do that go up to edit down to toolbar you can see in the lower left hand corner it has show and there's a number of things and the third one from the end is the quick mask tool make sure that is active and then it's over here once you have the quick mask tool in the toolbar you have to prep the quick mask tool for use to do that double click right on the tool and quick mask options will appear by default masked areas will probably be selected you need to change it to selected areas and you could use the red in opacity of 50 color that's fine then click ok next prep you need to get a brush so hit the b key on your keyboard for the brush when the brush is active look over at those color swatches and make sure that they're black and white you have to paint in black for this technique to work you can't paint in dark gray you can't paint in purple it has to be absolute black so just to double check that you definitely have the default black and white swatches over there hit the d key on your keyboard d for default and you're getting the default colors make sure black is the foreground swatch just hit the x key on your keyboard to switch between the black and the white now finally look up at the brush uh attributes at the top and make sure that opacity and flow are both at 100 and the mode is normal that's very important too all that is set the way it should be now you're finally ready to begin what you need to do first is duplicate the background layer hit command or control j on your computer to do that get your quick mask tool turn it on by clicking on it make sure you have a brush tool so the brush is active the quick mask is active adjust the brush size so it's just a little bit thicker than the diameter of the wires of in this case the chain leak fence so use the right break key to make it larger left bracket key smaller now this may sound tedious and time consuming but it's actually not as bad as you may think what you need to do is paint over all these wires of the chain link fence there's a couple of little things you could do to make it a little easier though so when you start painting first of all you'll notice even though you're using a black brush it's painting in red that's because we have the quick mask active so we're actually drawing a mask on here now one thing you could do when you have a straight line to paint across to make it a little faster you could click on one end hold the shift key down go to the opposite end and click there and you'll draw a straight line so that will make it go a little faster now if you didn't get enough caffeine in the morning and you have a little bit of the jitters or maybe you got too much caffeine and you accidentally let's say are painting and you go whoops like that what you could do to get rid of that is just paint and white so flip flop the swatches by hitting the x key on your keyboard and then you'll just basically erase your mistake so if you need to fix anything paint in white and then when you're ready to go back to masking paint in black now i'm not going to make you sit there and watch me paint all these wires of this chain link fence because i already did it over here so once you have all the chain leak fence covered with quick mask you can see there's red over all of it what you need to do is turn the quick mask off so go over here and just click on it and turn it off and when you do that you'll notice we have marching ants we have a selection that's why they call it quick mask now all you need to do is use content aware fill to fill in the those wires to do that on a mac hit shift or hold in shift and hit the delete key i think on a pc you don't have a delete key right you have a backspace key so shift and backspace when you do the dialog box appears change the drop down to content aware color adaptation is checked blending mode is normal 100 opacity do not check preserve transparency and click ok when you do that it is magically and mystically going to replace all that fence now it's not perfect yet we need to clean it up a little bit let's get rid of these marching ants we need to deselect hit command or control d to deselect those all right at first glance it looks pretty good though but we have this piece of grass here that's kind of looks bad and his ear or i think her ear i think it's a female uh hurry ears messed up i think over here the mouth is a little funky looking maybe the nose a tiny bit um so we need to kind of fix this up now we're going to use three tools to kind of clean up our mess here we're going to use the spot healing brush the healing brush and the clone stamp tool and it really is kind of hit and miss like one may work well for one thing but it's not going to work well for something else so you need to try a different tool so what you could do um start out with usually the spot healing brush that is the fastest and easiest so see if that will work so you can hit the j key on your keyboard and it's going to get you one of these uh tools it's going to get you either the spot healing brush the healing brush or the patch tool or even the content wear move tool so we're going to stay with the spot healing brush so make sure you're using that again get up a brush that's a little bigger than whatever it is you're trying to remove in this case this piece of grass and i'm just going to paint on it and you can see it's getting rid of that now if it doesn't look perfect but it's still getting rid of the grass don't worry we could maybe then use the clone stamp tool to fix what we just kind of messed up a little bit if that made any sense so even though it doesn't look perfect yet maybe we could then use the clone stamp tool or another tool to help get rid of it yeah like that get rid of that all right so we got rid of this grass we could come up here oops kind of messed up the air a little bit so you could keep trying to paint on it see if you're improving it or messing it up worse in this case here it looks like it's messing up worse there's something there me there there so you come in see what you could do all right now kind of brought that as far as i could bring it so let's get the clone stamp tool uh the s key on your keyboard is the keyboard charcoal for the clone stamp tool and the way this works is you sample an area by holding in the alt or option key you see get that little bull's eye and you're going to sample an area like right there and then you could come in and kind of paint over another area so you're cloning the area you sampled onto the area um that you're clicking on so you can come in and try to fix this all up like this so you can see how we this is probably the tedious work actually where you may think that drawing is tedious this is the more tedious work because this is the work that really counts so you have to come in and make sure that you're that you're doing a good job let's get this down here so that let's clean this up here all right then we'll let's see the mouth here we'll click here come in here clean up the mouth area i don't like this little kind of freckle there cover that up a bit cover this up a bit the nose looks a little funky fix that but you could get the idea and i think just that little bit i did it doesn't actually look too bad [Music] trying to get rid of this kind of repetitive a lot of times when you're using the clone stamp tool you may get a repetitive pattern and you got to be um aware of that and make sure you try to avoid that whenever possible you want to avoid those repetitive patterns and i had it kind of going on with the ear over here so we want to make sure we don't get that here and it actually looks uh pretty decent i see little spots here and there that need to be like over in here i'm not going to sit here watch make you watch me do the whole thing but i think this kind of gives you the idea that it isn't as hard as it may look when you're dealing with a fence like this you know and all of a sudden you know you got rid of it and it's it looks decent um so you just could work with uh the image from this point forward using those three tools again again it's the spot healing brush uh which i used to begin with and then the clone stamp tool and also one i didn't use is just the healing brush and the healing brush works similarly to the clone stamp tool in that you would first hold in the alt or option key to get a sample area and once you do that then you could kind of add that area somewhere else so i could click there you can see i didn't like that but i got too big of a brush but that's for the example also remember your brush attributes up here i had hardness very hard 10 you know technically speaking i found a lot of times when you're doing stuff like this you don't want it um super hard you don't want it super soft either so somewhere in the middle around 50 uh with the brush will usually give you good results um but you need to experiment with that as well so you could come in here and kind of me fix up this area here and unlike the clone stamp tool which just does a pixel for pixel copy this kind of does a blend when you use the healing brush it kind of blends the existing pixels pixels that were on that spot with the pixels you're moving to that spot so in some instances this may look more natural than the clone stamp tool that's why you may want to use it in some instances over the clone stamp tool so you just keep going on and try to clean up your in this case um i think it's a canadian links that's a canadian lynx and i forgot her name sabrina i think but anyway um that's it that's how you uh get rid of ugly chain-link fences in front of this case a wonderful beautiful animal thank you everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 30,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, remove fence in photoshop, photoshop, tutorial, adobe, remove distractions, content-aware fill, remove anything in photoshop, healing brush tool, spot healing, fence, zoo, remove fence, remove fence from picture, remove fence from photo, remove fence from image, content aware fill photoshop, remove fence photoshop, photoshop remove fence, Remove fence, how to remove fence in photoshop, fence removal photoshop, how to remove wire, clone stamp tutorial
Id: kuNDnKlH3UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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