How to Remove ANYTHING from a Photo in Photoshop

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hey guys this is Anthony Morgan tee I am mr. photographer calm do you have a photo and you need something removed from it like this garbage can on this video I'm going to show you how to do it I often get emails from people asking me how they can remove something from one of their photos most often their travel images for example they're in Japan and they took a photo of a pagoda and they want a garbage can remove that's in the shot well it's kind of difficult to explain how to do it in an email so I thought I'd do a video or two where I go over the different tools and techniques that are available in Photoshop that will allow you to remove just about anything from an image now we're gonna start out with this image here and we want to remove that garbage can and to tell you the truth it's not that difficult so first of all let's take a look at what we got we're gonna zoom in I'm gonna hit the Z key on my keyboard to go to the zoom tool I'm gonna click with my left mouse button on the garbage can and just drag my mouse to the right to zoom in not that much and then I'll hold the spacebar in and we'll reposition it so it's right in the middle now really the difficult part here is the latter we need to make sure that this edge of the ladders preserve this edge here in the steps we don't want to replace any of the wood we just want to replace the garbage can so what we need to do is get a selection of the garbage can now most often I would use the pen tool for this but the pen tool is a little tricky to use once you know how to use it though it's relatively easy and I know that most of you probably aren't skilled with the pen tool yet so I'll select it using a different method maybe down the road if you are interested in me doing a video on the pen tool and how to use it I will let me know in the comments below if that's something you'd be interested in so before I do anything though and actually select that garbage can I'm going to duplicate the background layer by hitting command J on my Mac it's ctrl J on your PC now instead of the pen tool to do my selection I'm going to use the quick selection tool the keyboard shortcut is W on your keyboard in the quick selection tools right here and when you hit double just W just make sure that you're using the quick selection tool in that little cubby are three different tools so the quick selection tool is right in the middle now what we're going to do is I'll get a little bigger brush by hitting the right bracket key and then I'm just going to select the garbage can and as I alluded to the selection isn't that important on the left side in the top and part of the bottom where the selection is important is along this ladder because we don't want to eat into any of that ladder we don't want to replace any of that wood that from that ladder now i over selected over here although it really doesn't matter on this side but if you over select just hold the alt or option key alt if you a PC option if you have a Mac and you'll get a negative brush and you could remove from the selection now we need to select the part of the garbage can that's under the ladder so I'm going to get a smaller brush by hitting the left bracket key I'll do this part here and it over selected a little bit so I'm going to hold the alt or option key in and just make sure it's just got the garbage can yeah it's good now it over selected on that side but that's okay because that doesn't matter we just want to run that ladders where it's important all right now a lot I'm going to hold the alt or option key in and get rid of a lot of this selection all right alright that looks decent but what we're going to do now is we're going to go to the select and mask dialog box to further refine the selection to do that we're going to go up to the top and click on select and mask and now we have the Select and mask controls over here on the right now what I want to do is I want to make sure that there's no blue of that garbage can left along the side of the ladder so the really what I want to do is shift the edge out so we have a selection and if I slide this shift edge slider to the right what we're doing is we're shifting that edge out away from where that garbage can was and as I mentioned on this side it doesn't matter the top but right here what we're doing is shifting it out we're gonna bite into that wood of the ladder a little bit but that's okay because if we had a little thin line of blue from the garbage can there it would be very difficult then to remove it so I want to just make sure that we're really just going to be getting all that garbage can gone and it's okay if I just shave off a couple pixels of the ladder because once we're zoomed out you really wouldn't notice it anyway what we'll do is we'll zoo will smooth the selection as well and um that's alright what I could do up here on the top it just under select it a little bit I want to make sure we have that so look at that as well and I think we're good now we're going to output the the selection to just the selection that's what we want we'll click OK now we have a selection now with this selection active even if I get a brush tool and I get a nice big brush and I'm painting in red if I click on the on the garbage can itself and start drawing left you'll see once I go outside the selection it doesn't draw anymore and if I go this way you'll see just inside the selection is what will be affected so I'm going to hit command Z to undo that so what we need to do now is get rid of the garbage can and I'm gonna do that with the clone stamp tool so s is the keyboard shortcut for the clone stamp tool I'm gonna be in normal mode opacity of a hundred percent flow of a hundred percent and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start out with the more difficult part right along this Beach line right here so I need to get a target first to do that you hold the alt or option key and it's alt if you have PC option if you have a Mac I'm gonna click way over here to the left once so I have my target now when I go over the garbage can you'll see that there's a little image of where I clicked on the target so I can line up that beach line click with my left mouse button and just draw right across and now I could go above and I could just get rid of the garbage can like that now this part here I'll go back to the left of the again I'll click with the left mouse button right about there and then I'll come in get rid of the rest the garbage can alright we got rid of the garbage can but we're really not done yet because once I remove those marching hands by hitting command D on my keyboard for deselect it's ctrl D on a Windows computer you'll see that we have some very distinctive lines there so what we could do is we need to kind of get rid of those lines and there's a duffel couple different tools we're going to use first of all I'm going to start out with the Spot Healing Brush and that has a keyboard shortcut a J on the keyboard and there's actually three tools that have the J keyboard shortcut the Spot Healing Brush the Healing Brush and the patch tool and often these are in their own cubby together and in the past there was an upgrade to photoshop and when I got that upgrade they were all separated out here and I never bothered to put them back in a cubby together so make sure you're using the Spot Healing Brush will come in as well try to soften that line like along the top that worked pretty good but where it's not going to work very well is like at that edge I'll do it down here but where that edge is right here where that beach is so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get the patch tool for that now the attributes we want content-aware a structure of one the higher the structure is the harder the edge will be so I want the structure to be relative or the edge to be relatively soft so we'll go with the structure of one and a color of five is fine and what we're going to do is we're just gonna draw around this line right here so what's wrong now once you complete that selection you'll see we have the marching ants and it's kind of implying to you to move this to the left or right and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna click on it and move it to the left like that and then let go and then it will do its magic and I'll hit command-d to deselect and you can see it looks pretty good maybe right in here and what we could do now is we'll go back to the clone stamp tool by hitting the S on the keyboard for the clone stamp tool so I'll get a smaller brush now what I want to do is change the mode from normal to lighten and then what I'll do is I'll just sample right here by holding the alt or option key in there get a sample and then I'll just kind of come in here and like that so we're kind of varying our look there we could also go back to the Spot Healing Brush as well kind of soften it up there make it look natural now the next thing I want to look for is I want to look for anything that was repeated a repeating pattern because we were clone stamping stuff going across so there's going to be things in the scene that I probably copied and it looks like like right in here it's kind of copied over in here so we could do is just use that Spot Healing Brush on that make it just look different you know and that if it doesn't look right you could go back to the clone stamp tool go back to normal mode and then you could sample somewhere else and just come in and sample somewhere else and just make it look different so you could sample from various places and make things look different now I'm gonna zoom out by hitting command 0 on my keyboard to fit to screen command - make it a little smaller and there's still a little bit of a line there so I'll take that clone stamp tool I'll sample right here and come in here like that so you could just kind of finesse it use that spot healing brush again and that looks pretty good so there it is we got rid of the garbage can and it looks natural very easy to do as I mentioned and again most often I would do something like with that with the pen tool because the pen tool really allows you more accuracy but the pen tool does have a little bit of a learning curve but once you learn it it's relatively easy to use if you're interested in me doing a video on the pen tool let me know in the comments below and I'll see what I could do in a future video I'll up the ante a little bit and I'll get rid of something in an scene that is a little more difficult same tools and techniques will be used that's most often going to be the quick selection tool or the pen tool sometimes some type of selection tool the Spot Healing Brush sometimes you would use the regular healing brush and the patch tool those are what you would most often use to get rid of stuff in the scene so there is a before and an after before after thank you everyone who watches my videos I really do appreciate it I'll talk to you guys soon
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 22,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, Photography, Education, Phlearn, Aaron Nace, How to remove anything in photoshop, clone stamp tool, paint brush tool, removing things in photoshop, class, course, learn Photoshop, remove from photo, photo background changer, photo background editor, brush tool, selection tool, pen tool, stamp tool, cut out, everything, person, remove, anything, bush, plant, car, tree, background, photoshop tutorial, photoshop how to, petermckinnon, fro knows photo, fro, jaredpolin, anthonymorganti
Id: wAXIqtxGf2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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