Easily Create Realistic Cloth Materials Quickly (Blender 2.93 Tutorials)

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all right let's just make a nice cloth material quick and easy no stress let's let's do it so i will subdivide this this puppy real quick hdri one second loaded in hdri quick and we got the the base material right um so let's let's separate these window let's separate this window a little bit and uh just take a look at what we're working with here so shader editor all right straight to the point all right let's just make it with the principal bsdf so cloak clothing like a base cotton shirt right rough i i don't ever like to go to to roughness of one just for no real reason but it's just uh sometimes i keep running 0.9 0.91 you know something really high but not one um specular keep that low because i don't want to reflect a lot of light off of this and the trick to some nice cloth is adding a sheen um going like 1.5 or you know 1.25 something around there just having to have like a little bit of a glow around the edges take a look without sheen zero and it's kind of hard to tell here let me get a black color so you see so if it's black right this is a material that's rough has a low specular value but it has no sheen whenever i add a machine watch the edges of this look how it sort of sort of gives like a little bit of a glow right cloth has cloth has a tendency to do this and it looks really nice if you just have this sheen value set to one or a little something slightly over one um there we go so that's that's a basic cloth and honestly for background characters and stuff this is this is this will do it like you don't have to go crazy with it but let's say you want to get a little more a little more detailed delete that guy let me add in a plane here and let's do let's just do a basic got this little shade smooth action grab that and add a collision and i'll put a cloth modifier on this pause that's perfect all right i will give this another subdivision surface just to smooth it out a little bit and okay i'm going to apply these things apply cloth apply this shade smooth now we have a little cloth shape and i can apply our cloth material we've already been working on oh it looks like it's gone whoops let me just recreate that new material let's just take a look at it over here let's do black all right specular low roughness high sheen 1.25 bang basic cloth all right let's let's spice it up a little bit so what are our uvs looking like perfect they're already lined up so that means because they're already ready to go which you should do before you run a cloth in by the way um we can start just adding textures on here so with a node wrangler add-on up here you can hit ctrl t to get a little image texture setup going on with the texture coordinate mapping image texture the basics i'm going to plug this i'm going to take it out of the base color for now and i'm going to open up a texture and you can get a bunch of different textures off textures.com or wherever you do just be sure to get something that's tileable and just a nice little square um i like to get a fabric and just any fabric normal is amazing so just grab a normal and grab a normal map and plug the color into here and the normal into this and now you can start to see we're getting some normal although it's way too big i want to scale this up so five what are we looking at here okay it's kind of there we're getting some we're getting some shape um i did this on purpose so i can show you the difference you have to remember to change the color space for normal from srgb to non-color it makes a difference look at the normal non-color look at srgb it doesn't it doesn't know what to do with the color material the color data unless you tell it hey this is not color data this is normal mapped out i mean just just say just set it for non-color if it's going into the normal map and it will just it will look nice and look at that like that's not bad that really is not bad at all you can even scale this up a little more if you want to 12. i like to keep mine relatively low because i like to be able to see that detail even if it's a little bit unrealistic but that's just personal preference there you go that that's a cool cloth material now if we can raise this back up a little bit you can set this to any color we want so let's just get like a nice light blue look at that cloth let's add some thickness to it simple solidify not that much 0.0025 okay um that is kind of weird isn't it let's just give that a there we go one subdivision one subdivision coming right up please all right leave it as is that's perfect last thing i'm on the agenda let's add in some hair particles why don't we if you're if your subject is close up and you feel like going the extra mile and adding in a little bit extra render time but something that really really sells it i really recommend adding a little bit of hair particles and that's as simple as hitting an add button on the particle systems switching it over to hairs all right it's gotta load some the hair kernels give it a minute all right that was horrible wow that took forever okay i will shut up now all right so what we have is all of our hairs going inside um and you can actually see that all the hairs are going in one direction so what we need to do is first of all i only want to just do particles can i do particles before yeah i'm going to do particles before the subdivision and before the solidify and okay looks like they're all coming out the right angle it can be helpful to check too if you just turn off solidify and you just have one solid piece under this little drop down and overlays you can turn on face orientation and where it's blue it shows that it's facing outward it's facing the proper way the normal is and where it's red it's showing the back side of the normal so anywhere that an object is facing or facing the camera you should want that to be blue uh giving objects depth helps with that so like single-sided objects like this cloth is right now you're going to have one side that's that's not the proper normal which is why it's helpful to add in the solidify because that just makes both sides both sides blue right for example only when we look inside this cross section will we see a red because we're looking at the inside the cloth which is very tiny um but okay so that little rant is over let's work on this particle system so as i was saying earlier it's as easy as particle system switch to hair uh this number uh since this is just a still i'll increase the number 2500 under source i will use the modifier stack beautiful um and let's just decrease this size because that is long so 0.01 okay you know as a matter of fact i can literally set this hair to zero length i'll talk about it in a minute i will go down to children and we'll set this to interpolated and we're going to bring back the children by just increasing this random underneath the roughness of the children so again we're in the particle setting so you don't get lost in the children drop down and then inside the children drop down there's our roughness drop down and inside that roughness you're just gonna increase this random but just do it slowly because if you go if you click and drag it's just gonna go nuts so set this to zero and just slowly holding shift just drag this up you don't need a lot but just a little bit so 0.03 that's looking cool um they're very like shapey right now like a couple sides you can just increase that in the viewport display by increasing the strand steps to a couple here just so you can sort of see what you're working with sometimes it's nice to go to like six um but the one thing to keep in mind though is that's just your strand steps in the viewport display blender has a lot of little things where uh it's the same setting but one's for the render and one's for the viewport and one's to tell your mom you did it or something i don't know but like there's just a bunch of little random random settings like for example look there's three things that do kind of the same thing there's segments strand steps and under render you have path steps so it's like what are all these things like they're kind of similar but kind of not just know that anywhere it says viewport display this is generally for like your immediate view and this won't affect the render at all segments is actually going to affect uh like the dynamics and the weight of of this hair and how it actually interacts with the world um but it also helps you sculpt hair so it gives you more detail when you're sculpting hair um but five is fine for now really what we're concerned about is the render one here i can just increase this stuff like five steps and just check a b spline and that will just use those steps as a spline so when i do render a hair or let's take a look in rendered view and we can turn off our face orientation for now we're looking at splines rather than uncheck this sort of harsh harsh lines let me go back to like three you can see what i was saying here it's kind of hard to see this here um but i guess it's not as bad as i thought anyway i like to just keep bee splat on because i know that i'm making a spline out of these hairs okay um other settings here we're going to want to turn hair shape down because this is very thick for hair so for for hairs i like to usually do point one if it's like like like a person's hair on their head but for something like this that's like a fiber or cloth that might actually might it will be thicker than hair so something like point two or point two two is gonna give us some nice thickness especially when you're like kind of far out um and it will start to look nice right now it looks bad and that's actually because of the material so there's a couple things you can do if you want to make a special material for your cloth or for any hair particle system you can go in here and you can make a new material and you can set it to that what i like to do to make things easier is i like to instead of changing the material for the render thing i like to just leave it as the material that's on the object and i just build my material in the same in the same material so i'll have principled hair bsdf and this is this is great for hair principle bsdf watch when i plug this in it doesn't work for meshes because it gives you this little this like fiber this carbon fiber grid looking thing but the hairs look amazing um and you can just click and drag the color from this and just drop it right up into there so we're getting the the good color here i'll increase this roughness up here yeah and the radial roughness this isn't a hair this is more of like a cloth fiber um and you can mix these together so i will mix two shaders i will mix the hair in the bottom and the the regular the cloth material in the top and then plug this right in now we have a slider that determines is it a the hair shader or b is it the cloth shader well we're going to determine this with a hair info node and this hair is strand is a really important node this is just saying yo dude is this thing a strand of hair right look i plugged this right in and it quite literally just does that it's saying everywhere that it's a strand of hair it's getting this material the principled hair everywhere that it's not it's getting the regular principal bsdf so that gives you these nice sort of glowing pieces of hair um and they interact super nicely with light so if i delete that you can see it just sort of has this this look to it um but if i add a light back into it alright control z bring a light back into it it just lights these hairs up just so nicely and it gives a nice edge to it um if your gpu can handle it i love increasing the display amount on these children to like 50 initially just so you can see a little closer to what you're going to be getting at the end and you can actually start to see that okay this is a this is kind of thick this hair so i definitely want to turn down the roughness because i don't need my cloth to be this hairy so i just hold shift and drag down on this random i can even just type in i'm just go 0.01 for the randomness and that's looking a little bit nicer maybe i do want to drop down this diameter route to 0.1 how's that going to be sometimes it's nice to just experiment with having uh more hairs at a smaller size or less hair is at a larger size that's looking kind of cool you have to remember um it's not about the little hairs on there so you don't want that to be overwhelming uh you want them to supplement the main focus which is this whole this whole thing and that is looking cool i might actually just take a look here full render full display mount oh yeah oh yeah that's that's super cool so there's that that's that's going the extra mile to make your to make your clothing look fuzzy and fibery so to speak um yeah let me know if you like this or if this worked for you but you can do any of these cloths you know you can do the most basic one high roughness low specular very high sheen that's a very basic cloth setup if you just want to just a quick throw something together have a background character that's not going to take a long time to render that's that's perfectly fine you want to go the extra mile you do the first couple things then uh you might want to add in a little normal map like you see here just something something to give it a little bit of a bump on a small fine scale and then uh to top it off maybe even uh go the extra mile and throw in a little particle system like i did here um but yeah that's so that's making a nice cloth material thanks for watching
Channel: FruitZeus
Views: 5,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender 2.93 Cloth Tutorial, Blender 2.93 Cloth Simulation, Making Cloth Materials In Blender, How To Make Clothing Materials In Blender, How To Make Materials In Blender 2.93, Blender 2.93 Cloth Material Tutorial, Blender Cloth Material, Blender 2.93 Cloth, blender cloth Tutorial, how to make cloth materials in blender 2.93, Blender 2.93 Materials, Blender Material Tutorial
Id: UWO0fpSx3Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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