EASIEST HOMEMADE BISCUITS |2 STEP BISCUITS| @steelmadeusa6358cover board #food #easyrecipe #fastfood

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hey what's up smith fam okay so i'm back with another one um today i'm going to show you how to make the easiest biscuits ever so if you're a beginner or if you just don't have a lot of time then you need to make these because they are delicious and they are super super fast so you can totally eliminate fine store-bought if you make these i got you all right so you better watch because this is going to be so fast all right so i got um this self-rising flour i have white lily you can use whatever kind you want so one cup and then i take this um heavy whipping cream and it's great value you can use whatever brand you want um it doesn't matter this tastes amazing make it frugal people make it frugal okay so i'll start with half a cup of this just half a cup just pour it in and then um what you'll do is you'll just mix it in um also don't forget to preheat your oven while you're doing this so it can um you know be ready that time you get done so you mix mix next and then you will gauge how it looks so we still look clumpy we still got a lot of flour so what i'll do is go ahead and throw my other half in and i'll just put half of that half in though okay so you want to add your liquid in slowly not just pour it all in even if you've done these a million times pour it in slowly because who knows sometimes it literally maybe the temperature in your house i don't know sometimes you literally don't need that much all right i obviously do so i went ahead and poured that in all right so we have one cup of flour and i'm up to one cup of the heavy whipping cream so now our uh all right so now we're not clumpy anymore um so what i'm going to do go ahead and show them that how it looks it's not like little clumps it's more like dough so i'm good there on my liquid what's left in there all right so now what i'll do is i'll just grab me just a little bit of flour and i'll just make a little pile right there and then i'll do it just a little more that's just heavy whipping cream pop that off and i'll just kind of put it on my board or whatever you know put it on your station whatever you're using just put you a lot coat on there and then what you'll do scrape this out get it all get all the yummy because these are going to be yummy yummy biscuits all right just do that right there get it off the spoon and make sure your hands are clean because you're going to have to touch this so then i just put a little of the flower on my hands and then we're just gonna knead this just gonna kind of fold it in on top of each other you can grab your hands one more you don't want to play with it too much and see how i'm sticking just grab you some more flour i should put a little more flour down that's why that's sticking there so just make sure that your board's covered just knead it a little bit knead it until it looks just nice and pretty like that like play-doh remember you don't want to play around with it too much and then put a little bit more powder down or flower all right so now what i'll do is i'll just press it out my husband likes thinner biscuits so if whoever you're making them for are you and just notice i'm just tapping my hands in you don't want to get a lot of flour but you don't want the stuff to stick to your hands of course all right so what i'm saying was if you can make them any way you want so i make a little bit thinner and i usually you can make them any size so i usually make them little because my husband likes them but today i'm going to make bigger ones so let me get my [Music] a little bit too big so you can get you a biscuit cutter um okay so also i'm using this pan it's already pre-seasoned so if you have one in this pre-season thing you want me to do nothing but if you don't have one it's not already pre-seasoned then you're gonna have to put like some older butter on there um all right so i just grabbed a cup any size that you want this will be the size of your biscuits and then i just put a little flour and then i punch it out put it on my pan throw it on there a little more this is just so that it don't stick to your cup [Music] i stuck a little where i didn't put enough flour on my board but usually that don't happen make sure you put enough flour [Music] looks like little bites on the edge but it'll taste the same and then with my leftovers here just do the same out of that area where it's stuck i might need it just a little bit more push it down phone screaming at me it back out how thick you want it this is total preference so whatever you you like all right so we'll just continue to cut these out and put them on all right so you can put make them touch each other or you can put them separate that doesn't matter and then so you just put them around how you want i um i put mine touching um and then with this last little bit um i'll just make it into the best ball that i can and i'll leave it and that'll be just a super big one all right and then my oven is preheated on and i'll just put those in and then we'll be back and i'll show you the finished product they are done take a look at those babies let's go over here all right so this is the finished product i forgot to tell you i guess every oven is different but um i do mine on 350 and i do it for 20 minutes um sometimes you may need to do 25 minutes but usually 20 is good anyways i'm gonna crack on these babies open i will keep y'all much longer because this was super fast and it just took longer because i was talking and stuff all right so i'm gonna go for the big one and crack it open oh i got my tongues but they're still super hot and there we go delicious perfectly cooked look how soft yeah okay all right let me know if you make them let me know how easy it was let me know if you have any questions they're delicious and everybody that you make these for are gonna be in heaven bye
Channel: Smith Life
Views: 13,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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