Earth In 2031, Temperature Rises To 70°C, Killing Humans

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I am going  to explain a science fiction drama film   called “Finch.” Spoilers ahead!  Watch out and take care!   The movie starts with a brief montage of earth  in ruins. A solar flare damaged the ozone layer   ten years ago, causing temperatures to  climb to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Planet   Earth has deteriorated into a mostly inhospitable  wasteland, burned by UV radiation and vulnerable   to catastrophic weather phenomena. Finch, one  of the few survivors, is shown at the start.   He is a robotic engineer equipped with a suit that  protects him from the heat and the UV rays.   Like any other day, he's scavenging for  supplies with his robot Dewey. When he walks   inside a store, his measurements suggest that  UV radiation levels in the area are quite high.   Meanwhile, the robot picks whatever is left in the  store. Finch is then seen taking some dog food.   After leaving, he marks the area so that he can  keep track of the places that are scavenged.   In the next scene, Finch travels through  a deserted town that has been ravaged due   to the ozone layer's depletion. The UV rays  make it impossible for people to go outside.   Hence, the majority of the city has been  evacuated. Suddenly, Finch’s suit emits a   warning that a storm is approaching. He spins  the truck around and slams on the accelerator,   while the giant storm chases him. Luckily, he  manages to reach his underground laboratory,   which was formerly owned by the firm for which  he worked before the catastrophe hit.   Later, we get to know that Finch is dying  from tuberculosis . His dog cum pal, Goodyear,   is waiting for him at his big house. He hugs and  kisses the dog, then prepares the food he found   earlier. While Goodyear eats, Finch merely sips  on a drink as the supplies are running out. Later,   with the help of an AI, Finch uploads  basic instructions on his new project   like ‘how to care for a dog’ , ‘how  to do household chores’ and so on.   Since Finch loves Goodyear more than anything, he  is working on creating a highly specialized robot   to care for him after his death. Finch has been  conducting a lot of study on UV rays and radiation   exposure. Later, he removes Dewey's eyes and  attaches them to his new robot. After turning on   the robot, he starts transmitting data to it. After a lot of failed attempts to communicate, the   robot finally nods its head, symbolizing that he  is understanding what Finch is trying to convey.   Finch is overjoyed by the reaction from the robot  and the fact that he's made it one step further.   He also plays with his dog believing  that he might soon have a new friend.   Finch then tells the robot to mention something  about himself. The robot says that he has some   rules, such as not harming humans, but the  most essential rule is that in Finch's absence,   he must take care of Goodyear at all costs. All  of a sudden, the power goes out. Finch heads out   to repair the wind turbine. He connects the  cable after which the lights are restored.   Inside, the robot names himself Jeff. Meanwhile, a gigantic storm is seen coming   their way. Finch comes back and connects Jeff to  the weather station so he can make a forecast.   Jeff says that 4 different storms will approach  them in the next 24 hours and they will not be   able to avoid it. He also forecasts that it will  last roughly 40 days. Hearing this, Finch believes   that they have to leave the place soon. He also  presumes San Francisco as their best option.   Finch then starts to build the robot’s full  body. After finishing it, Finch increases   the robot’s transfer rate and starts teaching  him how to walk. Following a bit of practice,   Jeff successfully starts walking. While Finch  is happy with the progress, Goodyear dislikes   the robot and doesn't trust him at all. As the  storm gets nearer, Finch starts packing all the   essentials and also unplugs Jeff’s data transfer  at only 72 percent. Because of this, Jeff is not   fully developed and hence acts like a child. Finch calls Dewey to join them but forgets that   he has removed his eyes. Hence, he attaches  a camera so that he can finally see again.   The four then climb on an RV and start making  their way to San Francisco. At the start of   the ride, Jeff is extremely curious as he  tries to learn everything Finch does.   For the time being, the group has successfully  managed to evade the storm. They then stop by   a deserted town. Finch wears the UV protection  suit and calls Jeff to join him outside. He then   starts teaching Jeff basic instructions on how to  scavenge and also about the hazards of the sun.   The duo also has a moment of fun when they pop  some popcorn out in the sun. Yes, that’s how bad   the sun has become! The fun however soon fades  away when Finch notices the storm approaching   them. He gathers everyone and tries to outrun the  storm, but it eventually catches up to them.   Finch rushes outside with Jeff and orders him  to help him tie the RV with wires. After Finch   gets tired, Jeff takes charge and successfully  completes the task. Finch then gets inside the   RV and secures it. Soon, the massive tornado  hits, and all the wires begin to snap one after   another until only one is remaining. Luckly,  the storm passes away and everyone is fine.   Finch appreciates Jeff’s good work but gets  disappointed to learn that the front tire of   the vehicle is damaged. They have a spare tire but  do not have a jack to lift the vehicle. However,   Jeff simply lifts the vehicle using his sheer  strength and tells Finch to change the tire.   The next morning, Jeff attempts to communicate  with Goodyear saying that he is trying to learn   the dog language. But Finch wakes up and makes  him understand that it will take some time for   him and Goodyear to be on good terms. Later that day, a board points out that   San Francisco is 1522 miles away. Finch is stumped  when Jeff asks him to explain the notion of trust.   Hence he just shares his own life story. He mentions how he alone solved the software   problem during a project, but gave the  credit to the whole team. In this way,   he was able to win their trust. All this  time, Finch’s health keeps deteriorating.   Then stop at a restaurant, where Finch  vomits blood. Realizing that he doesn’t have   much time left, Finch takes Goodyear inside the  restaurant and starts playing with him. Meanwhile,   Jeff is toying with the RV. He puts on songs while  he tries to drive. Because of his clumsiness, he   lets go of the handbrake, and the RV hits a car.  When Finch confronts Jeff, he acts all innocent.   He then reverses the RV, only to crash it again.  A furious Finch demonstrates what happens to his   skin when he steps in the sunlight. He then  screams at Jeff, telling him that his only   job is to take care of Goodyear. After they leave the restaurant,   Finch decides to teach Jeff driving. At first Jeff  is clumsy as usual, but he soon gets a hang of it   and starts driving smoothly. Finch is pleased  at this but the doggo still remains skeptical.   At night, they stop by the road to camp. There,  the beautiful northern lights can be seen as   The ozone layer is no longer present. Jeff  suggests that they could drive at night,   mentioning that daylight is hazardous.  However, Finch teaches him that hungry   people approach at night and it's dangerous. In the morning, Finch vomits blood and is also   shivering. Jeff takes good care of him, asking  if he should call the doctor. After that,   they continue their journey. When they arrive in  a major city, Jeffs wakes Dewey and the duo head   out to scavenge for supplies. They come across  a hospital which looks looted but Jeff is yet to   learn that, so he continues his way inside. When Finch wakes up, he discovers that both the   robots are missing. He knows that trouble lies  ahead so despite being extremely weak, he suits   up and sets off to find Jeff and Dewey. Someone  is watching him from the shadows. Upstairs,   Jeff is delighted to find food, medicine and even  a fancy jacket for himself. Meanwhile, Dewey finds   some snacks, but doesn’t notice a bear trap near  it. As he reaches for the snacks, the bear trap   rips him apart. After a distraught Finch finds  him, he apologises and turns off his power.   Soon, Finch hears a rumbling sound and finds  Jeff as well. Finch stresses that they cannot   stay at the place any longer as it is not safe  for them. Both of them then make a run but Finch   is barely managing to stay on his feet. When  they reach their RV, they immediately speed away   but a vehicle starts following them. After reaching a bit far, Finch hands over   the steering to Jeff telling him not to make any  mistakes from now on. He also notices the car   still following them. They turn off the headlights  as Jeff is able to see in the dark. While the   mystery car still pursues them, Finch suggests  Jeff to step on the accelerator and speed up.   As they are driving into a storm, Finch  grabs the wheel and steers it off the road.   He intends to use the underpass instead. Despite  Jeff trying his best to explain that the height   of RV is higher than the underpass, Finch does  not listen and eventually it crashes and the   RV’s solar panels are destroyed. After the crash,  Jeff uses his strength to push the RV inside.   The car that was following them approaches.  However, It stops for a little moment,   and then drives away. After knowing that the  people have gone, Finch rushes outside and   discovers that all of their solar panels have  been damaged. He starts blaming himself for his   poor judgment and also mentions that he cannot  repair it. Jeff assures him that he can take   them to San Francisco but Finch snaps at him to  stop talking. A furious Finch then returns to the   vehicle while Jeff stands outside in the rain. After a little snooping, Jeff comes inside and   tells Finch that he thinks they'll make it  to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.   Meanwhile, Finch shares another story and relates  why he doesn't trust people and how he discovered   Goodyear in a bag. He mentions that Goodyear  was terrified and alone, and how he promised to   protect him at any cost. Finch adds that hunger  can turn any good human being into killers,   but it turned Finch into a coward as he kept  hiding while some young boys killed a young   girl and her mother in the supermarket. The next morning, another board points out   that it is 480 miles to San Francisco. Jeff is  on the wheel while a weak Finch rests. Suddenly,   Jeff notices a butterfly on the windshield. He  pulls over, awakens Finch up, and points to the   butterfly. Finch gets up and stretches his hand  out, only to find it unaffected by the sunlight.   He then steps outside and feels the sun;  the UV radiation has decreased to the   point where it is no longer a threat. He sees a flower and another butterfly and   laughs heartily. As they continue their journey,  they get past flowering plains. Later, Finch gets   dressed and they decide to have a picnic in  the sun, something he hasn't done in over a   decade. Finch then shares some more memories  of his past, while wishing that he could make   more of his life. Hearing this, Jeff excitedly  gets up and explains that if they leave now,   they will reach the Golden Gate bridge in about 18  hours. However, Finch says that he can't make it.   A saddened Jeff then promises to take  care of Goodyear when he’s gone.   After that, Finch brings out Goodyear's ball and  the two engage in a game of fetch. He then hands   the ball to Jeff and explains that this is one of  the first stages in creating trust with the dog.   The two then have a brief moment of fun when  suddenly Finch starts coughing up blood. His   white suit is covered in blood now. When Jeff asks if he can help him,   Finch responds he has already done so. He  then shakes Jeff’s hand, and they hug. Here,   Jeff is visibly upset and we can see that he has  emotions too. Jeff then assists Finch into the RV,   where he lies down. Goodyear consoles  Finch while Jeff packs their belongings.   Finch pats his beloved buddy in the back one more  time before passing away. The two then burn Finch   in the plains along with his UV suit. After they are done mourning,   Jeff continues with the daily routine of Finch and  feeds the dog. Later, they play fetch again. With   Jeff, Goodyear starts to feel safe and begins  to change. Jeff also feels that Goodyear is now   his responsibility, and they set off again. He  befriends Goodyear, who finally embraces him.   When they finally arrive at the Golden Gate  Bridge, Jeff constructs a memorial for Finch.   There, they find several messages  left by people for their loved ones,   letting them know where they can be found.  This concludes that there are more survivors;   with the possibility of family members  being reunited. In the final scene,   Jeff sticks his drawing of Finch, Goodyear,  and himself on the fence. The two of them   then leave for somewhere else. 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Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 1,617,741
Rating: 4.9563603 out of 5
Id: GKZq5mf02-Q
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Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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