Earth In 2067, You Need To Pay For Oxygen Or Die !!!

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today, I’m  going to explain an Australian science   fiction film called “2067.” Spoilers  ahead! Watch out and take care!   The premise of the movie is set in 2067, when the  world has been destroyed beyond rehabilitation   because of climate change. All plant life has been  extinct. With the lack of plant life, the amount   of oxygen in the air has decreased exponentially.  People have to buy artificial oxygen to survive.   Ninety-nine percent of the world has gone dark.  People suffocate to death. In such conditions,   only one city in Australia has survived, and it  is all thanks to a company called the Chronicorp   corporation that manufactures synthetic oxygen.  However, artificial oxygen causes a fatal disease   called ‘the sickness’ over time. Humankind has  mere years before it goes fully extinct.   Ethan Whyte is a resident of the  Australian city. He and his friend,   Jude, work as mechanics in the Chronicorp  corporation. The corporation is also working   day and night to find a cure for ‘the sickness’  and a way to save the world. Ethan’s wife, Xanthe,   also has the sickness. Ethan works hard day  and night to earn, and buy her better oxygen.   One day, as Ethan and Jude work in the tunnel,  the Chronicorp’s CTO of particle research,   Regina Jackson, summons them to her office.  There, she introduces herself to the two,   and tells them that humanity is going to die  in a few years if the conditions do not change.   She then reveals that Ethan is the only one  who can help everyone and save humanity.   Ethan is confused and doesn’t believe her.  But Regina insists he visit their lab.   The lab has huge machinery. The lab doctor named  Billy Mitchell introduces himself to Ethan,   and looks at Ethan’s wrist device for a second.  They then explain to him that Ethan’s father,   Dr Richard Whyte, started  this project twenty years ago.   The machine that stands in front of them  is a time machine called the Chronicle.   In the first-ever experiment done with the  machine, they had to send radio waves into it   to check what was on the other side. They found  out through it that 407 years later, in 2474,   the earth would have enough vegetation to maintain  enough oxygen in the air and sustain human life.   The people come to believe that if humanity  still exists several hundred years later,   it is likely that they have found solutions  to all the problems plaguing their reality.   However, a strange activity baffled the scientists  there. The waves they sent had come back reformed.   When they decoded it, they found out that someone  from the future had sent them the message saying,   “Send Ethan Whyte”. So now, Regina and the   whole team want to send Ethan into the  future for him to bring back the cure.   Ethan is beyond surprised. He doesn’t believe  them and thinks that Regina is just bluffing.   Moreover, he doesn’t want to leave his sick wife  and go into the future. So, he declines to help.   Later Ethan and Jude are at a diner, where they  buy crisp oxygen. Jude tries to persuade Ethan to   go through with the plan and help save humanity.  However, Ethan laughs at him, saying that he   doesn’t want to be like his father. Ethan hates  his father for never being there for him.   20 years ago, his father left home and went  missing, while his mother was killed when he   was a kid. Since then, he has been brought  up by Jude, a man whom Ethan regards as his   older brother as well as a best friend. He blames him for leaving his mother to   complete the project, and doesn’t want to follow  in his path and leave his sick wife. However, Jude   manages to persuade him, saying that the only way  he can save his wife is by finding a cure. Ethan   reminisces of his eighth birthday when his father  has bought him a strange box as a gift. As he puts   his hands inside the box, a device latches onto  his wrist, making him bleed. Richard had placed a   permanent hand device on his son. It has been many  years but Ethan doesn’t know its use yet. Later at   home, Ethan tells Xanthe everything that happened  during the day, and she too insists him to go.   The following morning, Ethan scribes, “I will  find my way back to you” on a metal flower,   and leaves it beside Xanthe. He then goes to  Regina’s office again and tells her that if he   can find only one cure, they will have to give it  first to Xanthe. Regina accepts, and takes him to   the lab again. Dr Mitchell shows him the suit that  he has to wear before getting into the machine.   As they begin to explain the mission to him,  Ethan realizes that they do not have a plan.   They have no clue what he will see,  or who he will meet at the other end.   However, after they put him in the suit, they  give him an AI device called the Archie. Archie   will show the lab Ethan's vitals at all times.  It will also help to navigate his location. Then,   they finally throw him into the machine. Inside,  Ethan moves at high speed through time. He falls   from the sky and lands in an unknown jungle. The friction from the air causes his suit to catch   fire, so he quickly gets out of it. Then, he looks  around, and is astounded by the beauty of nature.   He finds that the world has completely changed.  The trees and the natural oxygen are back.   He walks in the direction Archie directs him, and  sees a bunker door of some sort. But what catches   his eyes is a skeleton that lies right in front  of the door. Its skull has a bullet hole in it.   Furthermore, he looks at the name tag on it and  is horrified to see his own name. The skeleton is   Ethan’s. Ethan also finds the skeleton’s Archie,  and plays the last recording on it. He hears a   man say that this is the only way, and shoots  Ethan. Just then, the device’s power goes off.   He is horrified, believing that this is the fate  that awaits him. Then, he notices the skeleton’s   wrist device. It is identical to Ethan’s, except  the light glows green in the skeleton’s device,   but Ethan’s has been red his whole life. That night, he lights a fire and eats wild   berries. It turns out that the berries  were poisonous. Ethan vomits and starts to   go unconscious. Ethan wakes up after a while,  and is surprised to see Jude in front of him.   As it turns out, the lab saw Ethan’s vitals  dropping and assumed he was having a reaction   to poison. So, they quickly sent Jude to  the future, with the cure to save him.   Sometime later, Ethan and Jude find  that his skeleton remains there,   which means his fate hasn’t changed. They  then use Archie to find another door.   Some device scans Ethan’s eye and grants them  access. When they go in, a monitor welcomes him.   It asks him for a DNA sample. When he accepts  it, his wrist device begins to work, making   him bleed. After the blood test, it goes green.  The lights to the room turn on and they realize   that they are in Chronicorp’s lab, 407 years  later. The time machine is in front of them too.   Jude gets excited because now they have the means  to go back to the past, but Ethan doesn't think   so, saying they haven’t changed anything, and he  will end up dead; just like the dead Ethan.   Ethan checks the system log and finds a  holographic recording made by his father,   who explains that the time machine was  originally designed to collect the oxygen   data in the future planet, and then transmit  it back to the past. However, when his father   first started the time machine, he received a  message asking him to send his son to the future.   Despite his misgivings, he chose to do so and  made a DNA verification here for Ethan.   Soon, Ethan and Jude realize that the time  machine won't be able to take them back   because its battery has almost depleted after  407 years. What's worse is that the activation   of the lab triggers a malfunction in its nuclear  power core, threatening to unleash a nuclear   explosion in just four hours. This means they  have to find a way to fix the time machine and   travel back before the explosion. Running out  of time, they have to act quickly. Outside,   they are surprised to find a ruined city covered  with green plants ,but inhabited with no humans,   showing that earth starts to recover itself after  human extinction. Human skeletons are scattered   everywhere. Ethan gets to his wife's house, only  to find her bones, making him fall into despair.   Jude tries to persuade him to go back to  the past, as the cure against the sickness   doesn't seem to exist even in the future world.  However, Jude’s words make Ethan suspicious.   He then turns on the rusty Archie to play the  recording once again, from which he recognizes   Jude's voice and it seems Jude is exactly the  one who shot him. Jude raises his gun at Ethan,   strongly denying that he would shoot ethan. Ethan  finally decides to complete the mission first,   so with joint efforts, they manage to repair  the power core and then return to the lab.   Now the chronicle system works and they should  be able to return to the past; they just need   to wait 37 minutes till portal launch. Once  the countdown reaches zero, the portal will   tether to 2067 for approximately 30 seconds. However, Ethan still finds his body remains behind   a door at the same location, which implies that  they haven't made any changes to the future.   In order to figure out the truth, Ethan pulls out  the battery of his current Archie and puts it onto   the rusty one. In that way, he gets access to  another video, in which Ethan is assured that   his future self will be killed by Jude. Jude then  confesses that there is no hope of changing the   future and he is trying to protect Ethan. Finding  it hard to believe, Ethan locks his brother up in   a room, then plays back his father's holographic  log from the day he died. He soon discovers a   conversation between the Chronicorp’s CTO,  Regina Jackson, and his father. It's shown   that Ethan's father wanted to use the time  machine to save all mankind by finding the cure,   but the CTO only intended to use the machine to  flee from the dying time with some chosen few.   However, whichever plan they choose,  someone must travel into the future and   turn on the time machine; to safely  send living matter through time,   it requires an operational link from both sides In order to stop the CTO with her plan, his father   locks the time machine and sets Ethan's DNA as  the verification key. In anger at what Ethan's   father just did, the CTO killed him immediately.  She then orders Jude to kill Ethan’s mother and   be a guardian to him, so one day they can use  Ethan’s wristband to get access to the future.   Ethan is beyond surprised. The  man he thought of as his brother,   turned out to be the one who killed his mother  and is about to kill him too. He also realizes   that he has misunderstood his father, who  didn't deliberately abandon the family.   Knowing that Regina wants to bring  a chosen few into the future,   Ethan tries to shut the time machine down, but  Jude rushes to stop Ethan and reveals that he's   tasked here by the CTO to ensure that Ethan  is sent in time to repair the power failure.   Once Ethan activates the time  machine, he should kill Ethan.   However, Jude has formed close emotional  relations with Ethan over the years.   Seeing his brother-like friend in that state  because of him, he is guilt-ridden. So, instead   of shooting Ethan, he shoots himself dead. In rage and regret, Ethan is determined to   fulfil his father's dying wish, which is to  find the cure and save the dying humans.   He looks into the monitor, and finds the  very first message written by his father.   He deduces that the message “Send  Ethan Whyte” was sent by himself.   Hence, he codes in the message again and sends it  into the past, along with many other things.   Meanwhile, in the laboratory of the year  2067, the CTO with a group of privileged   chosen people are waiting anxiously for  the time machine to be activated.   To their shock, however, the time machine sends  back hundreds of extinct plants along with a copy   of the recorded murder of Ethan's father. Soon  after, the time machine is destroyed by Ethan,   resulting in the collapse of the CTO's plan. In  the end, the CTO is arrested due to the murder.   The plants sent back to 2067 are cultivated to  revitalize the planet. Ethan's wife also receives   a flower sent from him and understands his choice.  While Ethan has to stay in the future world alone,   he buries Jude and forgives him. A butterfly  catches his attention, and leads him again to the   same entrance, where Ethan is happy to notice that  the corpse of his future self has gone. He rushes   to take a look at the world outside, and feels  relieved to see a futuristic eco-friendly city,   in contrast to the deserted one from earlier. His  decision had changed the future of mankind.   Subscribe for more videos like this,  turn on notifications, and leave a like   to help the channel out. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Mystery Recapped
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Id: F3y4fgWrAuE
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Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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