Boy Uses His Invisible Power To Spy On His Crush

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I’m going  to explain an Italian fantasy-superhero film   called “The Invisible Boy,” Spoilers  ahead! Watch out and take care!   At the beginning of the movie, we see a boy named  Michele Silenzi, cycling to his school in Trieste,   Italy. He has a fifty euro note with which he  plans to buy a costume for a party. At school,   he sits behind his long-time crush, Stella.  Their class is interrupted by a police officer   named Giovanna, who also happens to be Michele’s  mother. She is there to inquire about a student’s   disappearance. Giovanna requests the class to  inform the police if they hear from the missing   student. After she leaves, Michele’s nose starts  to bleed, so he runs to the bathroom. His bullies,   who have been troubling him for a long time,  threaten him into handing them all his money. He   goes back home, disheartened by the incident. He  brings out a few pennies he had saved and decides   to buy one with the money. Michele then visits  a rusty-looking store and asks for a superhero   costume. The shopkeeper hands him a skin-tight  overall and a lousy cape. He claims that it is   the suit of a Chinese superhero. Michele doesn’t  seem fond of the costume but buys it anyway.   When Giovanna returns home from work, she sees  Michele in his costume refusing to go to the party   because he thinks he looks stupid. She reassures  him that he looks good and sends him to the party.   There, Michele enjoys himself and even talks  to his crush Stella. But then, his bullies   play a video of Stella walking through the street.  They claim that the video was found on Michele’s   phone and that he has been stalking Stella.  An embarrassed Michele runs to the bathroom   and locks himself in. All of his classmates bang  on the door from outside, asking him to open it.   Michele is frustrated and wishes that he was  invisible right before the lights go out.   In the following scene, we see him jump out of  the bathroom window and go back home. The next   morning, Michele wakes up to his dog barking at  him. He doesn’t pay him much attention and goes   to the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he looks  into the mirror, Michele is beyond shocked to see   just his robe and the brush. His body is invisible  in the mirror. Michele rushes out and takes his   robe off. Just then, his mother walks in and  completely ignores the boy, proving that only   Michele can see himself. When she starts looking  around, Michele quickly writes that he has gone to   school early on a paper and places it on the bed.  Giovanna reads it and dismisses the matter.   After leaving the room, she calls Michele on his  phone. An invisible Michele picks it up and tells   her that he is fine. Confused about what he should  do next, he dresses up in long-sleeved clothes.   After covering every part of his body, he goes  to school and watches Stella from afar. Michele   then notices his bully and plans to teach  him a lesson for troubling him so much. He   takes his clothes off and walks inside the  school naked and invisible. During class,   he picks up the bully’s paintball gun and uses  it on the teacher, making the teacher suspend   the bully. Then, Michele makes his way to the  girl’s changing room and watches them undress.   Suddenly, a towel lands on him, making  his silhouette evident to everyone.   Right then, his powers start to fade, making  him visible again. The girls scream as they   see a naked Michele under the towel. The next day, Michele is in his class, where   a psychologist named Basili is giving a lecture  about teens’ mental health. Two of Michele’s   classmates have run away from home in the past  month so he thinks it is necessary to understand   teens’ way of thinking. As Michele listens to the  lecture, his hands start to glow, and suddenly,   they disappear. Thankfully, the class is over, and  he runs out before anyone can see him disappear.   He rushes home, covering all parts of his body  and sees his little sister Candela in his room.   Michele asks her to go downstairs while facing the  wall. A suspicious Candela opens and closes the   door to make it seem like she has left. Michele  doesn’t turn around to check and starts to take   his clothes off. When he turns around, Candela  screams in fear, seeing her brother is invisible.   Michele calms her down and tells her that  his costume has given him superpowers.   Meanwhile, at the police station, the psychiatrist  Basili works with Giovanna to investigate the   missing children. Giovanna insists that the  children might be kidnapped, but Basili argues   they are just being rebellious, which is normal  for their age. When Giovanna returns home, Michele   is still invisible. Giovanna talks to someone  on the phone, revealing that Michele is adopted.   A surprised and hurt Michele walks out of the  house to a nearby swing. While he is swinging,   Stella arrives there and thinks Michele is  a ghost. She doesn’t seem to be scared and   instead asks him to be her friend. He makes a  smiling face on the sand to communicate with her.   The two decide to meet again. After Stella  leaves, Michele sees a man nearby staring at him,   although he is invisible. The man walks away using  a stick, revealing that he is blind. At night,   Michele visits Stella’s home. Stella is delighted  to have made an invisible friend. The two kiss but   right then, Michele’s powers start to fade. He  runs away before Stella can see his face.   Later, Stella is in her gymnastic class alone  when a needle strikes her back. It makes her drop   unconscious. Elsewhere, Michele has decided to  tell Stella about him being the invisible boy. He   makes his way to her gymnastic class with his dog.  When he reaches the building, he sees a masked man   carrying Stella. Michele attacks the man and the  dog bites his hand. However, the man manages to   escape with the girl. Later, the police arrive at  the scene. They figure that the missing children   weren’t running away but have been kidnapped.  Stella wakes up in a strange facility with her   head attached to several wires. The psychiatrist  Basili is there interrogating her. It turns out   that he is the one who has been kidnapping  the children. They run some tests on the girl   and send her to a cell. Two of her friends who  had gone missing before her are there too.   The following day, Michele is alone at a nearby  beach when suddenly, the blind man from the   previous day appears in front of him. The man  answers all of Michele’s questions before he   can ask them. It is as if he can read minds. When  Michele asks him who he is, the man reveals that   his name is Andreij and he is Michele’s father.  The boy doesn’t believe Andreij and accuses him   of lying. Andreij then begins to tell his story.  He used to be a normal man from a small town in   Russia until a devastating nuclear explosion hit  the town. The radiation killed a lot of people   and made a permanent change in others. It caused their DNA to mutate, giving them unique   superhuman abilities like flying, telepathy,  being invisible, and so on. These people were   called the specials and were brought to a military  camp called the division to be used as weapons.   The division used them beyond their capacity. The  more power the specials used, the weaker they got.   Another side effect was that everyone was  infertile, except for Andreij and Michele’s   mother. So, breeding new specials was impossible.  The two gave birth to Michele, who was the first   special kid. But as soon as he was born, they  took him away. So, the parents decided to   run away with Michele and were successful. But the people from the division weren’t going   to back down. They pursued the couple to bring the  child back. Michele’s father had the power to read   people’s minds, while his mother had the power  to be invisible. Andreji managed to run away with   Michele, but his wife was killed by the division.  Andreji knew Michele wasn’t safe with him, so he   put him in front of Giovanna’s door after reading  her mind and confirming she was a good person.   Now, the people of the division have found out  that the special kid lives in the town. So they   are kidnapping children and testing them to  see if they are special. After listening to   his true origin, Michele is shocked. He almost  doesn’t believe it, but Andreji says that they do   not have much time to talk because the fisherman  beside them thinks Andreji is suspicious and has   called the police. Andreji hands Michele a suit  that turns invisible along with his body. He then   removes the fisherman’s memory and leaves. The police arrive shortly along with Basili.   Giovanna reveals to him that Michele is adopted,  which makes Basili believe that he might be the   special kid. He offers to take Michele home.  When they reach home, Michele notices Basili’s   hand injury, which is at the exact place  his dog had bitten Stella’s kidnapper.   He looks at the man suspiciously and tries running  away. It turns out that Basili has locked all the   doors and is planning to abduct him. Michele  runs into a room and takes off his clothes,   turning invisible. He manages to escape while  Basili follows him. When they are on the streets,   Michele sees his bully Ivan on his bike. He sits  behind him and asks him to drive away quickly.   A nervous Ivan obliges. When they reach a safe  area, Michele reveals himself to Ivan and tells   him all about their classmates’ abduction. Meanwhile, Stella and her friends see ventilation   on the ceiling. They climb on each other, and  Stella manages to step outside. While hiding   from guards, she climbs a tower and reaches a  searching light. Believing that her invisible   friend is looking for her, she makes a smiling  face on the light and flashes it up to the sky.   Michele sees the smiling face and realises  that Stella is trying to hint at them.   He and Ivan follow the light, but as soon as  they get there, Stella is caught by the guards.   Ivan causes an electric malfunction using his  paintball gun as an invisible Michele goes inside.   He sees Basili and his men monitoring Giovanna  and Andreji, who have joined hands to look for   Michele. He then goes further in and knocks out a  guard. Using his gun, he threatens the other guard   to open the cell where Stella and the others are  trapped. After getting them out and trapping the   guards inside, Michele reveals himself to  his friends, who are beyond surprised.   The boys want to run away, but Stella insists  they save an old man who she had seen locked   in another room. She and Michele go to  save the man, but Stella takes him to   the villains instead and points a gun at  Michele. She suddenly falls unconscious,   and the old man behind her starts talking. It  turns out that he has the power of mind control.   He has been controlling Basili and Stella  to get Michele here. He then brings down   a submarine and puts Michele and Stella in  it. The men take the two into the sea.   Just then, Andreji and Giovanna arrive at the  place and meet Ivan. The building has been set   to explode in a few seconds. They quickly save  the two abducted kids and Basili from inside.   Andreji reads Basili’s mind and realises that  someone was controlling him. They quickly get   away from the building, which explodes in  pieces right after. Back in the submarine,   Michele discovers his telekinesis power and  starts trashing the place. Using his powers,   he manages to kill the men and save himself  and Stella. They finally get back to the shore,   where a lot of people are waiting for them.  Michele goes invisible in front of them, flaunting   his power. Andreji tells Michael that they will  have to remove everyone’s memories because the   division will come looking for them again. Michele  obliges and kisses Stella for the last time.   Andreji tells Michele he will be back and leaves  after erasing everyone’s memories. Everyone then   returns to their normal life. The scene cuts  to somewhere in Russia. Michele’s mother who   was thought to be dead was only wounded in the  encounter. She had defeated the division back then   and is now ruling it. In fact, she was the one  who sent those people to get Michele back to her.   The woman is now against all the “normal” people  who look at them as if they are freaks. At last, a   guard informs her that although they lost Michele,  they have found his twin sister Natasha. A clip of   the past shows us that Andreji ran away with two  children that day. The movie ends as the guard   tells Michele’s mother that Natasha is somewhere  in Morocco, hinting towards a sequel.   Subscribe for more videos like  this, turn on notifications,   and leave a like to help the channel out. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 8,751,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lzkz4S4f3TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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