Cockroaches Sent To Mars Evolve After 400 Years ...

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Hi, Mystery Recapped here. Today I’m going  to explain a Japanese science fiction film   called “Terra Formars,” Spoilers  ahead! Watch out and take care!   Far in the future, overpopulation is about to  destroy the planet earth. To create a backup   plan in case our ecosystem fails, humans decide  to change the atmosphere of Mars and make it   suitable for human existence. The process is  called terraforming. They start by growing a   simpler form of life like moss on its surface.  The moss would help to increase the temperature   of the planet and make it similar to the earth’s  temperature. To spread moss over its surface,   genetically engineered cockroaches are sent. It is now the year 2597. Somewhere in Tokyo,   two criminals named Komachi and Nanao are being  chased by the police. They run frantically through   the crowd but are caught. As the police surround  them, a futuristic vehicle levitates in the sky   and lands nearby. Inside the vehicle is Dr.  Honda and his assistant. They are there to   fetch the two criminals and use them for  their own benefit. The doctor offers them   to be a part of the Mars colonization mission.  Komachi and Nanao will have to go to its surface   and eradicate all the cockroach colonies  since they are no longer needed. Dr. Honda   promises to pardon their crimes if they agree  to participate. The duo accepts the offer.   Cut to two years later, Nanao and Komachi are  now trained and are flying to Mars with other   criminals like them in a spaceship called BUGS2.  Nanao is always sceptical of their competence   because their team is made up of thugs and  criminals. As she is talking to Komachi about   the matter, the ship’s captain Keisuke Dojima  informs them that the ship is about to land   on Mars’s surface. She orders everyone to prepare  for landing. After they finally touch down on the   planet, they see that Mars is no longer red like  it used to be; rather, it looks more like earth,   spread with green moss. Lieutenant Mina launches  a device that secretes chemicals into the air to   kill the cockroaches. The captain then orders them  to spread around in a group of two and see if the   eradication process is working. They plan to meet  in three hours and choose their team members. A   team member named Asuka is paired up with Yakuza.  But she strangely insists on being with the   group’s computer specialist Ichiro. The captain  accepts the request, not wanting a conflict to   arise. The team's drones then locate another ship  sent ten years ago called the BUGS1 nearby.   Dojima contacts the doctor and tells him they  are ready for the first contact. The doctor   starts to jump excitedly, anticipating the  results of the mission. The groups then step   on the surface and start searching for dead  cockroaches. Two group members named Jen and   Maria are confused to see no cockroaches  on the moss. As they continue looking,   suddenly, the two come across three strange  creatures standing right in front of them.   They quickly hide behind a rock in fear. They  had not been told about such large creatures   who look like human-sized anthropomorphic  cockroaches and have clubs as a weapon. Meanwhile,   Komachi and Nanao, who are also looking for  dead cockroaches, come across the same creature.   Komachi is fascinated and tries waving at it,  but within seconds, the creature attacks Nanao   and snaps her neck. It then runs away in a  flash, leaving Nanao’s limp body on the ground.   Nanao dies in Komachi’s arms, and he watches her  in distress. Just then, Jen’s team arrives and   tells Komachi about their encounter. The creatures  have also killed Asuka. They rush back to the ship   and tell the captain about the creature, only to  find out that the captain knew about them from   the very beginning. He was ordered not to tell the  team members about the creature by the doctor.   The captain explains that the cockroaches that  were sent five hundred years ago evolved at a   rapid speed because of the abundance of radiation  and now have turned into creatures stronger than   humans. Now, the doctor appears as a hologram  in front of the team and assures them they   have nothing to worry about. The doctor had been  preparing for this very moment for a long time.   He has prepared distinguished injections for every  member that will grant them the superpowers of   several insects. The drug will enhance their  DNA by combining it with that of the insect.   Using those unique powers, they can battle the  evolved cockroaches. However, the members do not   want to fight the cockroaches; rather, they want  to abort the mission and fly back to the earth   immediately. But soon, their ship is surrounded  by the creatures. One brave team member named God   Lee volunteers to divert the cockroaches  until the others restart the craft.   He heads outside and injects himself with  the chemical that the doctor had provided.   As soon as he does that, a rapid mutation  starts inside his body, turning him into   a hybrid between human and ground beetles. Now,  Lee is able to shoot out flames from his body as   Beetles do. With his new powers, Lee battles the  cockroaches, who seem to be as powerful as him.   He uses his unique power and shoots fire from  his hand. The force from the flames pushes   the creatures back and burns them. But when it  subsides, it is seen that only the exoskeleton   of the creature is burnt. A cockroach then  runs towards him and kills him in a flash.   Meanwhile, another cockroach latches itself to the  spaceship and breaks its windows. It enters the   craft and immediately kills two of the members,  making the others fear for their lives. The   captain quickly injects himself with the drug  and starts to evolve. His DNA is mixed with the   DNA of bullet ants, who have the ability to carry  things that are a hundred times their weight.   The captain then easily smashes the cockroach  to the floor and kills it. The team celebrates,   but their happiness is cut short when they notice  a crowd of cockroaches heading towards the ship   from the radar. Knowing that they cannot  battle them all, everyone decides to take off   and go back to the earth. However, when  the lieutenant tries to start the ship,   the engines malfunction, and the system shuts  down. It seems as though someone has deliberately   sabotaged the ship to stop it from taking  off. The captain quickly thinks of a plan.   He wants the team to go to the BUGS1 and bring all  the necessary parts they will need to fix BUGS2,   while he fights the cockroaches. Everyone agrees,  but Ichiro asks to stay behind with the captain   and help him. Before making his way to the other  ship, Komachi goes to see Nanao’s corpse for the   last time. He notices weird strings coming out  of her mouth but doesn’t think much of it.   Now, the team gets inside the Mars rover,  which will have to travel through a hoard   of cockroaches. A member named Tezuka offers  to help them avoid the creatures and injects   himself with the drug. He evolves into a Macley  bug who can shoot out projectiles of gases   in the form of flame at a very high speed.  He uses his power to propel the Mars rover   forward through the crowd of cockroaches. Meanwhile, the captain fights the cockroaches   inside the ship with all his might, but  more and more of them keep entering.   He quickly makes his way to the control room  and vacuums out the oxygen inside the ship,   so all the cockroaches inside would die due  to suffocation. His plan works, and soon,   the cockroaches start to fall unconscious. But  the lack of oxygen harms the captain as well,   making both him and Ichiro fall to the ground. At the same time, the team inside the rover sees   something massive approaching them. When  they get a clear look, they are surprised   to see a massive wave of millions of cockroaches  coming their way. Tsuka still doesn’t back down   and uses all his power to propel the ship forward.  They strike the creatures and soon land safely on   the other side of the cockroach wave. The group then happily moves forward,   but not long after, another wave approaches them.  This one is even larger than the other wave,   containing of millions of creatures. Tsuka cannot  handle them together, so two of the team members   named Maria and Osaku, transform themselves into  their hybrid versions as well. The three try   their best to fight off all the creatures, but the  rover flips and aggressively lands on the ground.   The three are thrown to the ground, while  the ones inside the rover are knocked out.   The rover turns out to be on autopilot mode  and takes the members to the destination ship.   Tsuka, Maria, and Osaku try fighting the hoard  of creatures but are eventually killed.   When the group inside the rover gains their  consciousness back, they are already at the BUGS1.   They make their way inside while two members guard  the entrance. Mina tries to run a diagnostic of   the ship, and they soon realize that the ship is  transmitting data to someone on earth. Just then,   the group hears gunshots and rushes outside. Both  of the guards have been killed. The cockroaches   have found the weapons in the BUGS and are using  them to fight. Komachi injects himself with the   drug and mutates into a massive hornet. With his  newfound powers, he can punch holes through the   cockroaches’ bodies and kill them in one go. Jen  does the same and turns into a desert Locust that   can jump up to ninety stories high, while Mina  transforms into a praying mantis that can slash   the cockroaches into pieces. The team battles  the cockroaches and kills them in no time.   The scene changes to the doctor calling someone.  The phone is picked up by one of the cockroaches   on Mars. Unlike other cockroaches, it can  speak Japanese and communicate with the doctor.   He warns the insect not to get close to Komachi,  once he transforms because his insect is extremely   dangerous. After ending the call, the cockroach  goes inside the ship BUGS2 and re-circulates   its oxygen. Then, the creature’s body tears down  the middle and emerges a transformed Asuka from   inside. The team had thought that she was dead,  but it turns out that she was on the doctor’s   side the whole time. Her unique power after being  injected is that she has the ability to control   the cockroaches’ minds like an emerald cockroach  wasp. So, she manipulated the insects to go   against each other and survived. She then kills  the captain and pours water into Ichiro’s body.   Ichiro, too, has been in the plan since the  beginning. His body has transformed into the Asian   coronamide, a creature who can survive in  extreme conditions and only needs water to   reactivate. The doctor has assigned them on a  mission to bring a cockroach egg back on earth,   so the Japanese government can breed them  and use them to strengthen their military.   This was their prime mission and the cockroach  eliminating mission was just a decoy.   Ichiro and Asuka then take off the  ship with the egg in it. However,   the egg starts to hatch midway and gives birth to  two evolved cockroaches. Asuka tries to use her   power to control them, but it doesn’t work. The  creatures are far more evolved from the others,   making them the most powerful ones of them all.  They kill Asuka and call their own kind for   help. The cockroaches on the surface hear the  call and flap their wings to fly to the ship.   When a swarm of cockroaches latches onto the ship,  it starts to malfunction and crash beside BUGS1.   The evolved cockroaches come out of  the ship and order the others to attack   Komachi and the group. Komachi injects  himself with the other dose of the drug,   speeding his evolution. They do not have much  difficulty fighting the normal cockroaches,   but the evolved ones are hard to defeat. One  of them kills Mina after ripping her arm off.   Jin injects himself with the second dose of the  drug while Komachi is on his third dose.   With their heightened powers, they kill more  cockroaches rapidly. However, the creatures   are nowhere near backing down. Jin injects  himself yet again and develops a pair of wings.   Now, the cockroaches fly in the sky and battle  him. They attack the two in waves and do not   die down because of their number. Eventually, Jen  realizes that to defeat them, they should defeat   the evolved leaders. He injects himself multiple  times with the drug, speeding his transformation   and making it irreversible with every dose. After  that, he kicks one of the leaders and knocks his   head off with immense power. But now, he has used  all his powers and cannot fight anymore. Komachi   tries defending Jin from the other leader but is  defeated easily. Before the leader can kill them,   a magical glowing creature comes flying towards  them. It spreads glowing dust all around as   everyone looks at it in awe. The flying creature  is Nanao, who has evolved into her final form.   Komachi flies towards Nanao, but before he can get  her, one of the cockroaches fires at him. However,   the dust Nanao had spread turns out to be tiny  explosives that cause a chain of explosions,   taking all the cockroaches with them. Jin  flies away before the explosion can get him   and saves Komachi just in time.  However, Nanao dies in the explosion.   Sometime later, Komachi wakes up and sees  Jin has completely turned into an insect.   Jin asks Komachi to go to earth without him as  this is his new life now. Komachi obliges and   makes his way to the ship. Before he can reach  inside, he sees that the leader is still alive.   He punches the weak cockroach but spares his  life out of kindness. Inside the ship, he finds   Ichiro still alive. Ichiro saves Komachi’s  life by shooting the cockroach behind him.   The two then finally launch the escape pod and fly  away to earth as the cockroaches watch them.   Back on earth, the doctor notices that  Ichiro has hacked into their system and is   broadcasting the whole encounter worldwide.  The doctor’s assistant starts to panic,   now that the Japanese government’s secret is being  revealed to the world. However, the doctor seems   calm and says that he will sell all the BUGS’s  data to other governments of the world that are   willing to buy them. The assistant points her  gun at the doctor as she turns out to be a spy   for the Japanese government. But the doctor is  already ready for the attack, dodging the bullet   with a protective barrier. He then kills the  assistant with a poison that was inserted in   the lab in the case of an emergency. Back in  the spaceship, Ichiro vows to expose everyone   involved in the mission. When asked what he wants  to do when he gets back to earth, Komachi replies   that he will make tombs in the memory of everyone  who died, and then come back to Mars again.   Subscribe for more videos like  this, turn on notifications,   and leave a like to help the channel out. Thank you for watching.
Channel: Mystery Recapped
Views: 7,582,945
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Id: 1Wqs0axG_z0
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Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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