EARLY RELEASE Center Map & Server TRANSFERS ARK Survival Ascended

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2024 is shaping up to start off with a bang, big  changes in store including server transfers, the   center map and the Gigantoraptor, as Studio Wildcard  brings things forward. Hello survivors, have   you ever heard of such a thing? Wildcard bringing  plans forward, it's a new year miracle. Of course   we'll have to wait and see it happen first. But  yes, there's been a big New Year announcement from   the team on their plans for the first quarter  of 2024 with a change to their roadmap. As you   will recall we weren't expecting to see anything  new released until March with Scorched Earth and   the Fasolasuchus. Well let's see what's in store  for us now survivors. As always don't forget to   subscribe to keep up with all the ark news and  have a fantastic New Year, thank you all for the   amazing support this year, 2024 is going to be  epic! So Wildcard today released their revised   plans for quarter 1 2024, saying there's about to  be a new calendar on the wall and it's filled with   content for a dinomite 2024 and we weren't  presented with any delays! Yes go ahead and   pinch yourself right now you aren't dreaming. The  first thing on that calendar is server transfers.   That's right it's finally happening. January will  see full server transfers on official servers   across all platforms. That will include  transferring items and Dinos. Now there's going   to be a mix of people being happy with that and  some that aren't, but this was an inevitable move   as I couldn't see them holding this back until  March when Scorched Earth releases. They do say   official servers but I would expect this to also  include unofficial servers and single player. There   is no specific date yet on when this will happen  but Wildcard will be releasing further   details in the new year. So if you are looking to  transfer servers you better start getting ready.   There was also no mention about crossplay for  Windows store version that is yet to be updated   on. February brings a huge surprise with the team  bringing the center map forwards in their release   schedule. Previously we weren't expecting to see  the center until May, two months after Scorched Earth.   But there's an unexpected change happening with  this map, it's coming with the Gigantoraptor not   the Shastasaurus. Now I guess some people might be  a bit disappointed with that because the creature   votes were done specifically for each map and  Shastasaurus was a big win for the center because   of the amount of ocean that it has. But things do  seem to have changed. Now Dollie did make mention of   this change on the Discord, she said we've shuffled  things around a little, we'll share more info in   the new year. I suspect the main reason for this  change is that the Shastasaurus is not ready yet   as it comes with new mechanics, with its submarine  like saddle. And as the center is brought forward   they can't rush the Shastasaurus. Also on top of  that is the fact that a lot of people have been   wanting the Maewing brought back early for breeding  purposes and the Gigantoraptor is probably the   next best thing to that. But overall this is great  news because it means we don't have to wait as   long for a new map, which is likely the reason for  it being brought forwards. But I'm very excited to   try this map out again after so many years and I  really hope they've done some work on it and that   they're not sacrificing that work to bring it out  early. March will still see the release of Scorched   Earth so this isn't being pushed back. So basically  all they've done so far is brought the center   forward in their schedule. Scorched is believed to  still release with the Fasolasuchus and they have   mentioned the Frontier Adventure Pack. Now Jeremy  did make it sound like all maps are getting one   but there's been no mention of one for the center,  so either that one's not ready due to it releasing   early or Jeremy was talking specifically about  the canonical story Maps only. So that isn't quite   clear at this point of which maps are actually  getting an Adventure Pack. They have also mentioned   that premium paid mods will be arriving in early  2024 with no set date for that yet. I'm sure there   will be more information in the new year and there  was also no mention of the Animated Series in   there either which we're meant to be hearing  more about that in the early New Year. Now it   sounds like there will be further details released  in the new year once the team have returned from   their break, but right now with the center coming  forward from May to February this does leave a   huge gap on their roadmap between March and July.  Now it's possible there could be further changes   to the road map with other maps possibly being  brought forwards a little and I expect there will   be some further changes, because April, May and June  is the entirety of quarter 2 and it doesn't make   sense for them to have an entire quarter with  no new content. Now there is speculation and I   want to stress that this is purely speculation. But  Snail Games roadmap recently made mention of the   6th DLC releasing in June 2024. I'm personally not  trusting this, I don't care what Snail Games have   said. Wildcard have made no mention of a DLC in  June and Jeremy himself said new story maps will   come after all canonical story maps have released,  and we still don't know what the November surprise   is either. So I'm just going to wait to find out  what their plans are for quarter 2 as we get   nearer to that time, but I'm pretty sure there's  likely to be some changes to the roadmap so that   they've got some content coming out in quarter  2. So survivors, exciting news, I don't think any   of us was expecting this I think everybody's  expecting delays for stuff not stuff being   brought forwards and I think this is definitely  needed to keep people interested because I do   know quite a few people that are getting bored  with just the Island map particularly on official   servers. Let me know what you think of this  latest news survivors, that's all for today, have   a happy New Year, stay safe and don't forget to  subscribe to keep up with all the latest Ark news.
Channel: GP
Views: 39,913
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Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark center map, ark gigantoraptor, ark asa server transfers, official servers, asa scorched earth, gp ark, ark news, ark ascended, the center release date, ark paid mods, premium mods, ark asa mods, mods, ark shastasaurus, ark spawns, ark events, ark winter mod, ark winter guide, ark guide, ark asa, ark cryopods, asa cryopods, cryopods, asa cryopods update, ark asa update, ark update, ark asa ps5, ark ps5, ark, ark xbox
Id: -3gYXWUhrbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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