Caitie's Classroom Live - Wind! | Preschool Songs and Activities

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[Music] hi everybody come on into the classroom it's so nice to see you hello - rollin and Sun re from Texas hello - babies are in and Talia and Hamza in Egypt welcome really nice to see you today I've been hanging out here in the classroom with this special fan with ribbons look at this a fan has blades inside of it that go around and around and around and around and around really fast and it makes the air blow like wind with these ribbons that will help us see the wind when I turn it on maybe the ribbons will blow in the wind should we try it yeah okay I'll count to three we'll turn it on and see if the ribbons will blow in the wind we got one two three the ribbons are blowing in the winds you can really see the wind when there's something blowing in it it's so beautiful oh and suddenly the wind is gone and the ribbons aren't blowing anymore should I bring the wind back here we go it's a windy go and stop oh the winds gone now it's windy again not windy windy not windy windy you're right Coulson this blue one doesn't want to go not windy that's fun those ribbons are so beautiful blowing in the wind let's leave a big hello to all of our friends watching today thanks for being here I see Ellie in Colorado hello Sierra Henry Moira and baby Gideon are back with us Molly and Lizzie from Indiana hello Kyra Rose in New York and our friend Rona hi everybody let's wave our hands we'll sing a big hello to all of our friends hello hello what's your name hello hello what's your name my name is Katie what's your name can you shout your name out nice and loud let's hear it nice to meet you alright let's say hello to some friends here hello hello hello to Sloane and Holden hello hello hello Senora my name is Katie what's your name I see Michael and Alice from Kentucky and sunshine in Oregon nice to meet you let's be friends hi everybody welcome Penelope's here from Virginia - olivey hello - Ronan in Missouri Logan and Pasadena so many friends moon and King from California hi everybody it's so great to see you oh hi something else that I wanted to show you came here come take a look we'll put the fan back here for a moment I want to show you our special wind tunnel whoo when I turn the wind tunnel on it makes wind just like the fan but inside the tunnel is that neat so we can put some different things inside of the wind tunnel and see what happens all sorts of different things here let me know what you'd like to see in the wind tunnel we've got some pom-poms some marbles it was a really hard and heavy these are foam shapes these are little styrofoam balls they feel really neat look at this these are shiny and colorful leaves made out of some fabric we've got some confetti these are just paper cut into little squares that'll probably be really neat we got some ribbons wonder what the ribbons will look like and this is just an ordinary ping-pong ball wonder what'll happen with a ping-pong ball in our wind tunnel what should we put inside first let's see how about let's start with some leaves maybe I'll start with one leaf I've got a green one here look let's try one and we'll see what happens okay we'll count to three and we can say push to make the wind start here we go one two three Oh look at it go do you see the leaf what's getting hired going round and round and round you see it blowing in the wind Alan or do you see the green leaf must be getting dizzy how about we try some more leaves one is good but let's try let's try five so we have one two three four five let's see what happens with five leaves in here okay let's count to three and say whoosh one two three Wow I'll get all the leaves blowing in the winds Jakob says it makes him think of when he sees the leaves going in a cyclone that means going around and around and around in the fall roof they must be getting really dizzy what do you think will happen if we put all the leaves in let's try it got a bunch more let's just plop them all in it'll be like a really windy fall day let's count to three are you ready T good will stay whoosh one two three whoosh look at them go whoa they're going really high now round and round and round Edison says it's like a tornado spinning really fast Wow Alice thinks it looks funny certainly is interesting beautiful Wow could watch it all day should try something else we got a lot of different things to try here okay we'll put the leaves away I'm just gonna dump it back out like this sit on easy cleanup let's see what else should we try how about some of these foam shapes I can put a couple of these things in here then we'll try all of them what do you thinks gonna happen everybody see if I can make them fly around let's count to three one two three whoosh well let's see we can make them move come on wind Wow look at that it's like they activated their spinning round and round and round can you spin like the phone shapes let's spin spin spin spin Wow getting very dizzy huh let's put some more foam shapes in here let's try them off okay turn the wind off for a second put them all in this is a lot a lot of shapes there we go I wonder if they'll still blow we go one two three whoosh Wow this is it's like a cyclone of colors can you see all the colors there's blue and purple and yellow they go so fast Ali says they're spinning like crazy they really are Madame Eleanor says let's try the marbles okay good idea now the marbles might be interesting Booma thinks that they might be too heavy I think they might be too let's see what happens got all our shapes okay I'm gonna gently put some marbles in the marbles are really hard gently put them in their step amor what you think will happen do you think they'll fly up and around I hope so we'll see should we count to three one two three [Music] nothing's happening I think you're right Puma and Calvin says the marble will be too heavy yeah they're not even moving around let's try taking some out and see what happens so the wind will only lift up things that are light the marbles might be too heavy for the wind let's try a couple less marbles one two three whoosh well they're moving a bit oh look they're going around in a circle they're not flying up but they're moving around that's pretty neat they won't fly up high but the wind can still make them move even though they're heavy let's try something a little bit lighter and see if the wind will lift up something lighter what would be a little bit lighter than the marbles [Music] [Applause] maybe these styrofoam balls they're lighter let's try putting some things in here we'll see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten styrofoam balls we'll see what happens everybody let's count to three one two three that's so cool they're spinning round and round and round so fast amazing Elinor is glad that the winds on have you enough to blow us away you imagine being in here to be so windy incredible those look really cool let's put all the rest in just see what happens we go look at the hub drop says it's too fast who Edison's asking we open the lid will they fly out I don't know should we try it open up the list it would happen okay Edison here we go open it up oh now they're all trying out it's like popcorn oh I can see them spinning around and around and around okay keep them all that was fine wow what a good idea it's been taking the top off it's like popcorn popping all over oh one Styrofoam ball got over here come on out some of our friends are asking for the confetti let's try all the confetti all our paper here the paper is really light so I think that's gonna fly around a lot here we go one two three whoosh let's see wow this is really colorful gee I think we need to give it a little shake it all around okay Wow some are flying but some are staying and stuck down there see oh there they go give him a little shape very colorful fatima says would be like a confetti cannon very cool all right what else should we try we got a couple more things what happened we tried yet maybe the ribbons I wonder if the ribbons will fly up in the wind they're pretty light probably put our ribbons and we got a blue one a green one a pink one a green one a blue one a green one Penelope's asking for the ribbons here we go let's count to three one two three [Music] they're flying round and round and round some are staying down at the bottom some are getting really high Wow look at that they're swirling around you swirl like the ribbons Freddie oh wow big circles they look really nice good Elvis as it's like flying worms oh look one just flew right out oh it's all Beckett mm-hmm Raylan likes the ribbons - put that back in now what about the ping-pong ball did we try this one no I put the ping-pong ball in OOP I'll give it a whirl one two three round and round and round it goes should we try taking the lid off with the ping-pong ball maybe it'll fly up higher let's try nope nothing happens we're trying out different things round and round and round and round so I guess the ping-pong is too heavy to fly up to what about the pom poms okay this will be our last one we'll put some pom poms in I hope the pom poms will fly up let's try avery shaking her head to follow alright let's try these pom-poms ready everyone let's count together one two three whoosh go pom poms go do you see that there's there's a little one that goes up everywhere does will it come back up come on you can do it little ball sitting round and round and round let's put some more in Keisha says come on come on come on let's put them all in okay last time everybody count with me one two three oh look at them go oh do you see that Wow there's a little little pom-pom that flies up every now and then the smaller ones are lighter so maybe they can get higher up in the wind tunnel one is trying to get away look at it go what if we took the lid off of this one whoa they're getting a fire oh there's spilling one fell out reckon so fun whoa-oh certifying out like popcorn keep the wind in the wind tunnel one two three wow that was really fun it's a windy day inside the wind tunnel all these different things we got to try thanks for playing with me everybody it was so colorful Keisha and Ellie says oh you know after I took the the lid off it got all this fluff in the air roof the wind is blowing all over the place I think I feel some way now [Applause] whoo-hoo how is a really big gust of wind I was blowing all over the place did you feel that gust of wind yeah do you feel it blowing you around Misha it was blowing me all over the place this way and that way in forwards and backwards and up and down and up and down oh that sounds like a song we know doesn't it this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea let's go on a trip over the deep blue sea everybody you can let me know what kind of weather is happening where you are maybe it's a windy day we've had some windy days here in Toronto lately let me know what the weather is like where you are and we'll climb aboard a pirate ship and we'll blow all around are you ready okay Veta and violet are spinning Alice and Michael think it's pretty silly let's try it together twas a windy day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the sea blues it's windy Kiro says it's rainy in New York today twas a rainy day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea it's windy and sunny though in Wisconsin today twas a sunny day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship of my captain side dummy we're going this way back way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea Ivy says it's raining in Ottawa lots of rain here too Keisha says it's a bit windy of a night in India windy there too Evie and Clarkie say it's very cloudy in South Texas today twas a cloudy day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that went forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deeply sea sunshine says it's super windy in Oregon and maybe will rain later what in Vermont it snowed last night uh-oh twas a snowy day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that weight forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea sanchez says it's a hot day mumbai Oh twas a hot day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that way forwards backwards I've been down up and down over the deep blue sea well it's sunny in a lot of places where our friends are today that's nice Clement says Hong Kong's pretty windy let's get windy again it was a windy day when I went to play down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me we're going this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deeply sea what if the wind blew faster could we go faster we're going this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea bastard pull the winds getting really fast we're going this way back way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea oh no the wind so fast now we're going this way back way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the deep blue sea we're going this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down over the people see one more time blowing this way that way forwards backwards up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down over the TV blue sea it's a windy day whoo nice job everybody here sells a big clap I hear it's a beautiful day in Alabama but very windy it's windy in the classroom too now if it was windy outside you might not want to be on a pirate ship if you're going up and down up and down up and down if it was so windy I think I feel another breeze huh whoa are those blow away it's so windy in the classroom you ever see things blowing in the wind we had our ribbons that were blowing in the wind maybe you've seen some leaves blowing in the wind yeah during the fall I have some leaves here maybe we can make them blow away let's try scatter all these leaves and we can make some wind ourselves we can use our mouths and a straw to blow and it makes some wind let's see if we can blow these leaves away scatter them all out here count to three and you can blow with me go I try to blow it away one two three [Music] there they go blew them all away think we're making a big mess in the classroom today but it's okay I'll clean it all up later let's do a little experiment everybody I'll push the button and we'll see something in the window whatever we see in the window we'll try and get it to blow away we'll see if we can have it blow in the wind okay we'll push the button see what'll be next here we go Oh pom-poms we got some pom-poms here do you think these will blow in the wind hmm they're nice and fluffy they're pretty light I don't know you need a strong wind to blow these away what do you think everybody I think we can make these blow away let's count to three we'll try here we go one two three [Music] I'm gonna blow them right off the desk we made them blow in the wind the pom-poms definitely blow wouldn't so powerful let's try something else push the button what will it be Abigail knew they would blow a little Luke did to a car hmm pull the car blow away in the wind you guys are all so smart Eddie and Evie thought they would blow away you're right I wasn't sure we got this car I think the car will blow in the wind it has round wheels that might help it but cars are pretty heavy let's give it a try put the car here we'll have to blow I'm gonna blow really hard Abigail is blowing really hard okay let's try on the count of three one two three oh it won't blow in the wind we can make it move with our hands though Rome from Rome to have you to blow away in the wind Teigen says too heavy ally said no way Abdul Rahul says yellow is his favorite color it's a great color I cannot get it to blow away well let's try another one that's this experiment some will blow away some well let's see some of our friends are trying to blow things away where they are that's really fun a crayon look at that you got a crayon and crayons pretty heavy too but it's round so that might help it blow in the wind what do you think will happen you think it'll blow blow away only one way to find out let's try all count to three and blow all together one two three it's blowing we're gonna try and blow homer done we go [Music] right off the test it flew right away pick crayon blows right away I think it definitely helps that it's round that it could roll in the wind cup it roll away just like a big tumbleweed Liam in Luke said yeah it'll blow away Veda and violent thought it would blow away too and Martin excellent well done everybody let's try another one so many thanks experiment with blow in the wind us boom hmm well a spoon blow in the wind I don't think I've ever seen a spoon blow in the wind before but there's only one way to find out let's go to try what do you think Harriet and Henry and Louis are blowing at the TV to help thank you okay let's blow all together we'll see we can make the spoon blow away I wonder let's count to three one two three [Music] it won't flow away it's too heavy this is really heavy the spoon won't blow away in the wind everybody matter how hard we blow we tried though so the spoon doesn't blow away far too heavy nope everyone say Clemens trying to blow really hard but the spoon still won't blow away let's try another one everybody lifty Garin didn't think the spoon of blow away oh but what about this we got some glittery confetti do you think this is gonna blow everybody I have an idea that it might look at this this is really light so light really colorful I think this might make a mess hmm well let's try count to three blow really hard will it blow away one two three [Music] [Music] it blew all away come on little guy this one stuck the confetti blew always super messy huffing and puffing Evy liked how they sparkled they blew all over we definitely have a mess in the classroom that's okay clean it up later nice job everybody Joshua said it was gonna make a big mess sometimes experiments do make a big mess like Edison says then we do a good job cleaning up later okay let's try another one everyone push the button see what comes up next for fairness yay huh a sailboat a sailboat is actually made for the wind see the big sail the wind blows and the sail catches it and it pushes the sailboat but the sailboat is meant to go on the water you ever seen sailboats on the water do we have any water around here well I could go get some water and we could try the sailboat while I'm getting the water why don't you all watch a little video about ten little sailboats and you can practice your counting too okay okay I'll be right back I'll try and find some water for our sailboat and you can hang out and watch 10 little sailboats I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] eight guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with me thanks little rain cloud hey everybody welcome back but thanks to the rain cloud I found look we got lots of water now for our sailboat Penelope says that the sailboat works in the bath maybe it will work in our big tub of water here are you ready to try and make our sailboat blow we've got a huff and puff on the count of three one two three look at it go it's going this way that way we all around whoa we can make a sailboat blow on the water with you hey let's make lots of wind and we can have a sailboat race yeah I got some other sailboats here a blue one and a green one and we'll make lots of wind with not one not two but three straws lots of wind will blow and we'll see which sailboat will make it across the tub of water first and you can cheer for the sailboats you can go woohoo go blue go red oh yeah or go green are you ready everybody let's get the race started oh oh come on cooperate sailboats they don't want to stay at the start line they all want to get started okay let's say on your marks get set go ready on your marks get set [Music] they baited today all the sailboats got across the water hooray well done with all that wind triple win for our sailboats nice job sailboats great job cheering everybody liam was cheering for the blue Sierra was cheering for the red and so is Martin nice job Molly and Lizzie were cheering for the green they all did a great job blowing in the wind wind can be so powerful blowing sailboats across the water you can even use the power of wind to make energy and electricity it's true at wind farms they have really big windmills called wind turbines and at the very top they have blades that go round and round just like our fan and the faster they go it makes energy and electricity that we could use in our house to turn our lights on or to make our TV play or it gives us heat when it's cold outside or air conditioning when it's really hot outside or you give us heat when it's cold outside and air conditioning when it's hot to turn on our fan we need to use electricity let's take a trip to a wind farm everybody and see how they make electricity with the power of the wind it's field trip time let's go hey everybody welcome to Borah lacks for Lex develops and builds and operates renewable power facilities that means that they make electricity out of things like the wind isn't that amazing we need electricity to turn our lights on or make our TVs play and they can make it out of the wind it's incredible I wonder how it works though okay hi hi everyone at home I'm Brian and I'm engineer at Borah lex and i can tell you all about it that's great okay Brian so how do you turn the wind into electricity well first you need to build a big wind turbine like this building block set here oh that's made out of building blocks yeah isn't it cool yeah so first you have to build a big concrete foundation like similar to the one in your home and then you install all the tower sections and once the tower is installed you installed in a cell where the power generator and all the gears are located and then finally you use a big crane to lift with the blades in place and you have a wind turbine ready to make power from the wind Wow so the wind blows and it turns those big blades that's right that's right so once the wind blows the blades start spinning and it makes power for your homes that's amazing would you like to go see our wind turbines and check it out for yourself yeah we'd love to all right let's go all right well Kenny welcome to the Niagara region wind farm wow there's a lot of wind turbines around here yeah there's 77 in this project they're so tall how tall is a wind turbine well these wind turbines are the tallest in North America so they're over 174 meters tall that sounds really tall yeah so if you would take 55 elephants and stack them on each other's backs that's how tall these wind turbines are if you imagine 55 elephants on top of each other that would be a sight to see yeah well this is a sight to see and I can see em it's it's moving up there so does that mean that it's making electricity right now that's right so when the wind blows and the turbine catches the wind the blades spin and generate the power that is then delivered to your homes and how much power is one turbine making so each wind turbine over the course of the year creates enough power for about a thousand homes thousand that's that's quite a bit that makes quite a lot of energy does it test for sure yeah so how does the energy that the wind turbine is making here how does that get to our house and so that we could use it as electricity well Kitty just as you like you use cords at home to plug in your devices we use cables called power lines to take the power generated from the wind turbine to your homes these lines can go either under ground or above ground on poles so those power lines that we see along the highways and streets and stuff those are carrying electricity to our house that's right so kids next time you're in the car with mom and dad have I looking at the window and see if you can see some power lines yeah I've seen those that's really neat how fast is it moving so the wind turbine at full power does a complete turn about 14 to 15 times a minute now that doesn't sound very fast but because the blades are so long the tip is moving almost twice as fast as a cheetah can run a cheetah a cheetah is the fastest land mammal and it's going twice as fast as a cheetah it is that's really fast oh how does it ever go too fast if it gets too windy well so if there's a very big storm with very high winds the turbine has an automatic system that will shut itself down it basically turns the blades out of the wind and the wind turbine slows down by itself quite a sophisticated piece of machinery it's very sophisticated and very complicated now does anyone ever go all the way up to the top so our workers that do the maintenance on the wind turbines climb to the top they use a ladder or they take an elevator there's an elevator in there there's a very small elevator Wow I guess you can't be afraid of heights if you're gonna go up there and work off the wind turbine definitely not so can you tell us why it's important to use a renewable energy source like wind to make our electricity why would we want to do that so wind power is a renewable energy source wind will always be around so when you generate electricity from the wind you're not burning dirty fuels which creates air pollution or water pollution which results in a much cleaner environment and cleaner air for us to breathe this air does smell really clean it's nice that's really nice today well thank you so much for showing us the wind farm and for teaching us about renewable wind energy and a big thank you to Borel X for making electricity from things like the wind so that we could have a cleaner planet and clean air that's really nice you're very welcome it's been a pleasure to have you here today bye everybody bye welcome back to the class or everybody wasn't that so neat a big thank you to Bryan and borax for showing us the power of wind energy and how it all works it was really amazing to see those wind turbines so close up a lot of our friends thought it was really interesting to Penelope says it's a giant fan it really is is this ginormous fan and it's so high cuz that's where all the strong wind is and it can get really windy up there Jacob has can see some by his house in Pennsylvania too it was a really cool field trip I'm glad you liked it everybody we got to see how the wind can make electricity which is awesome and I can show you how the wind can make a cool craft like this check it out I made this with a little bit of paint and a straw and of course some wind we can make our own little monster creations I'll show you how we can make it everybody to start you're gonna need a piece of paper a blank piece of paper lots of art starts out that way and we've got some paint here so I got some great bright colors and what I did was I mixed it with some water so it made it a little bit thinner than regular paint and that's gonna make it easier to blow with our straw so to start maybe we'll take some orange let's make an orange one I've got a little spoon I'm gonna drop it on the paper and then we got ready to make some wind with our straw I'll blow it all around and see what we come up with you never know it'll be a little different there you go look at that [Music] whoa oh I blew some off the edge you never know where it's gonna go we'll always be a little different you can turn your paper and blow the other way Oh Alex cool kind of looks like maybe a fish with a big nose should try a different color what other color should we try if I he'd likes bull or the green stuff let's try the green one mix it up a bit and when you try this at home you'll probably have completely different shape it'll always be a little bit different ready let's make our green monster [Music] a green ones big turnaround blow the other way whoa makes a big blob cool it'd be like the big blobby monster like our super simple monster you know the big green super simple monster kind of looks like him it is your imagination a bit Clark he's asking for the blue let's make a blue monster mix it up you know I like blue too I'm gonna put some blobs of paint like this try and blow them together and see if that makes it a little bit different you could experiment with this too here we go [Music] woo made something really long blow the other way huh and the harder you blow in one spot it'll make that paint go further that's pretty cool look at that neat one more big spot how about purple Penelope ask for purple and Keesha here we go and we can use our imagination to make our monsters flop down some paints here we go I'm gonna try this crazy straw we got I have this different kinds of straws see how this goes a purple crazy straw for the purple paint [Music] oh no I that's too hard it has to take a long time for all the wind to get through the straw how about we try this purple one different straws will be different maybe you'll have you'll have a smaller wind blowing so you'll make the smaller little strands get fancy this is a bigger straw [Music] turn it around maybe if I try the smaller straw up here [Music] yeah it makes those smaller little pink blobs who gets to be hard work to keep blowing through a straw look at that I could almost be like a face and two legs Clement says the purple looks like a bear Abdul Rauf says the pink gets all Wiggly when you blow through a straw sure does so once you've made your paint monsters your different shapes and they're gonna be all sorts of different shapes we want them to dry so we'll put this aside we'll let it dry for a bit let's see got a little bit of a mess with some of the paint so we clean this up a bit there we go and I have some that I made earlier that are already dry star all ready to decorate look at these guys got some purple and orange and green we can decorate it with I've got some googly eyes those are always fun some markers some construction paper to make a mouth and then this is the really fun part you can get really creative with what your monsters are gonna look like so let's start with the green one I think it kind of looks like a big green ghost maybe we could put an eye there and it has two arms maybe a tail yeah come up with all sorts of monster creation Evo's asking what happens if the paint mixes well in two different colors of paint mixes together sometimes it makes a different color if we mix too many together it becomes like I'm messy brown but if you wanted to add two different colors and try and mix those together to make a different kind of monster I think that would look really neat we have one eyeball on this monster vada and violet kind of think it looks like a frog it kind of does then you can use a black piece of construction paper to make a mouth you can cut it out any shape you like I'm sort of making a smile here that's kind of like a jack-o'-lantern and how about some tea it's not a monster without some teeth one two two cute little teeth and we can glue it down one teeth with one tooth oh it's gonna look so good let me know if you have ideas for the other monsters I'm gonna decorate those too yeah maybe we could give him some fingers on his on his hand here look mmm you monster let's do the orange one Edison thinks would be funny to do a big eye and a little eye I think that's a great idea I will use a big eye how about two little eyes be a three-eyed monster and what kind of mouth should this guy have maybe a big circle we could look really surprised you got our little mouth here he looks funny we can give him a little tongue I know if this will show up not really I like this monster he looks spooky and give him some fingers too maybe this is his hand maybe yes some feet it looks great that's a great idea one big eye on one little eye what about our purple monster let's add two eyes on our purple monster I'll glue them down Eleanor says a big nose that's a good idea let's add a big nose with our marker hmm and I try using a darker color hmm big nose for our purple monster we can give him a little smile too maybe his smiles over here it looks funny Oh Keesha is saying some horns for our orange monster that'd be a neat idea you can cut out some horns too you can use the construction paper to come up with all kinds of different monster decorations one two you can name your monsters to give them all sorts of funky names I love it I love our fun monsters here once all your monsters are decorated you can try cutting them out you might need to get a grown-up to help you with that part because it can be all sorts of interesting shapes and then put them on a big sheet of paper like we have here [Music] and you have like a monster party we got to put the cap back on our glue sting of course always very important and look here we have a mix of different colors like some of our friends were suggesting some big eyes and little eyes they look really funky some horns you can make them yourself at home we have a post on our website and a link in the description below on taking you through all the step by steps on how to make your very own monsters by blowing some wind on some paint I'd love to see the creations that you come up with I'm sure they'll be really interesting and if you have a photo that you'd like to send to us there's a couple different ways you can do that you can send them on instagram i'm at super simple katie just send them through direct messages and i'll get them there or on facebook on the KDS classroom facebook page you can send them that way or on our website super simple calm on the contact page there's a place where you can upload your photos and your artwork we always love to see what you're up to you at home let's take a look at some of the photos you sent in this past week everybody hello Araya this is a riot in Canada and look she's at this big dinosaur with her grandma we had a whole episode on dinosaurs amazing our friends Caleb your gorilla Lucy and Layla from the USA they made our duck craft from our duck episode and those ducks look amazing you did such a great job our friend proto e from Bangladesh made our snowman craft from our snow episode you did a great job I love the scarf and the hat here's our uriah again Araya again from canada and she made our bird feeder that was a video that just came out on super simple play and it's a part of our episode all about pets and eurya your your store your bird feeder looks beautiful I forgot the word bird feeder for a moment I hope you've been getting lots of birds and she has our friend Toby hanging out there too our friend Sabrina from the USA after our show all about opposites she found some opposites on her breakfast table look one jar is full and one jar is empty full and empty our opposites great job Sabrina our friends Fatima and Abdullah made an amazing family tree look at that family tree their mom said it took them all day and right now they're living in the US but their house and Fatima was born in Algeria they'd like to say that they're from both places and their family look so many family members incredibly you guys did a great job andraia made a beautiful family tree too I love seeing all these beautiful family trees you all made nice job ray it looks great and of course we have some more family photos you all sent in some great family photos last week for our family show this is the Oswald family look at everybody so nice to see you and Ashleigh his family we got big families and little families this is Ashley's beautiful family our friends Nolan and kina from the USA we're watching our family show Nolan had his little sister kina and his doll there which is called superstar Jack Jack it was just an awesome name for a baby doll here's our friend ariane from iran and look arians watching our old live show that was the very beginning before we were in the classroom all those episodes are on the super simple Learning Channel lots of fun and activities and music over there thanks so much for sending in your photos everybody if you have a photo to send send it to us and maybe you'll see it on the show next week in the classroom we always love seeing what you're up to at home and seeing those photos they just make me so happy you know it's like a big warm breeze that blows in and just lifts me up and takes me higher and higher like up in the clouds till I'm soaring just like a bird flying so happy it's so nice let's pretend to be a bird everybody we can fly up high in the sky all together yeah I'll read from my book of pretending we can close our eyes and use our imagination when we close our eyes it helps us use our imagination and see the pictures in our mind let's try it close your eyes and no peeking close your eyes Ella no peeking sand jet ready okay now let's pretend you are a bird you are covered in feathers and have two strong wings you live in a nest on a branch high up in a tree you look down the forest floor is way below you you see a squirrel playing on the ground he looks so small you look up above you the sky is blue with big fluffy clouds that are perfectly white you feel a bit of wind across your feathers and you want to fly you open up your wings and flap flap flap and you lift up out of the nest and into the sky you're flying you flap your wings to get higher and higher the ground is very far away now suddenly you feel the wind you stop flapping and the wind lifts you up underneath your wings and takes you higher and higher up into the clouds you soar through the sky and let the wind take you this way and that way the wind starts to fade and you flap your wings again heading back to your nest flap flap flap it's wonderful to fly in the wind open your eyes Wow I was up so high everybody flying through the clouds were you flying too it's amazing to pretend to be a bird Keisha says tweet tweet tweet tweet Georgia loves listening to the stars all Keisha did you peek and Edison peeked sometimes it's hard not to peek but if we close our eyes we can sometimes really see those pictures in our imagination which is really special you imagine being a bird and flying through the wind I feel some wind coming now my guitar whoo I was close my guitar almost blew away this wind is really strong good thing I caught it though then we wouldn't be able to sing our goodbye song it's time to sing our goodbye song everybody I hope you had fun Joshua said it was fun he didn't Clark you were flying around like birds I had a great time playing in the wind with you today let's leave our hands and sing a big goodbye to our friends goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye to Isaiah and Evie and Clarkie and Ivy and Joshua goodbye to Ella and Henry goodbye to Martin goodbye to Sochi row goodbye to Kisha goodbye to vada and violet twins goodbye Vita and violet we'll see you next week goodbye Georgia and Carter from Vancouver if I took Theo and Mommy and Denmark goodbye to Molly and Lizzie and our friend Rona and even in Indonesia goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye to Lachlan and Gwen Aviv and Illinois goodbye to Colson and Rayna goodbye to Luis and Penelope goodbye goodbye to Logan leme goodbye to Emma Gabriel goodbye to joseline and oh uh Owen goodbye to Santiago and Sofia from Argentina goodbye to Alexis and Ariana and baby Joseph goodbye to Juliana and melody from California goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye to Clara and Tommy from Borden Ontario goodbye to Calvin Ruth and Oliver from Orlando I had fun learning with you too goodbye to Colton and Finley from Kentucky goodbye to Maximiliano and Mila goodbye to Maria angel from Columbia and Clement from Hong Kong goodbye to Eva and Alice from Montreal goodbye to Liam and Luke and Alice and Michael and Kentucky goodbye to Rieman Newark and floor from the UK goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye to Aria and Silas from Cornwall goodbye to David and Liliana in Texas goodbye to Sanjit and Nathaniel in New York goodbye to Caterina in Brazil and Desi by Desi goodbye to Julia and Amsterdam goodbye to you whoo Bruna says that she had there was a baby born baby atom three days ago happy birthday Adam brand-new baby goodbye to Parker and Milton Ontario we'll see you all next week everybody goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye we'll see you next time bye everybody bye Jackson and Daddy in Rochester New York and stormy in Portland we'll see you soon everyone I had a great time [Music] you
Channel: Super Simple Play
Views: 1,790,891
Rating: 4.0765071 out of 5
Keywords: caitie's classroom, wind, learn about wind, wind for preschool, songs about wind for preschool, preschool songs, preschool activities at home, preschool activities, kindergarten, nursery school, education, sing along with tobee
Id: HmfQK88ThsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 22sec (4222 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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