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[Music] [Music] hi welcome everyone to the eagles nest online prayer gathering hey everybody so good to have you here tonight this is the program where we uh the broadcast where we meet with uh special guests every week and we talk about kind of what's on their hearts and what they're doing what their involvement in the kingdom is and you know we've had some amazing guests on this broadcast probably close to 70 different uh guests in the last year from different states and we've had some different countries on different countries also we love being having the flavor of of the whole world involved with prayer yes and now one of these days we will change our backdrop the key in the books uh we keep saying every week but we gotta change the backdrop it's been there a long time yeah we've read all of those books too we're very scholarly people hey listen so if you want to be involved in the broadcast we just invite you to uh to click click on the the uh the little button there that pops up on your facebook page that allows stream yard to actually publish all of your facebook information over to their platform we use a stream yard platform which is amazing because it can merge together about four or five different facebook pages with our youtube channels so it all goes out seamlessly as one broadcast but it's actually going out to several different platforms all at the same time so yeah you know we're just excited uh every week when we get to come and visit with you guys we have so many regulars that that are part of this broadcast in the comments section and it really does help us out when you hit the uh the like buttons and the the hearts and all of those fun little things that you can hit yeah and it just lets other people know that this that this broadcast is actually going on right and uh yeah dude give us smile faces thumbs up hearts no sad faces though no and just bring encouragement to everybody listening and um we also want you to know that you know you can pray for one another you can see each other's comments and if you feel like you have a special prayer or a prophetic word or just a word of encouragement or you just want to say hi to one of your friends on here uh feel free to do that um this is this is very conversational we just feel like we're a family uh having a conversation and uh yeah we like we love your feedback we love to hear uh hear from you all i just want to tell you you know we'll probably mention it again at the end of the broadcast but coming up on october 8th from seven to eight o'clock at night it'll be on this stream yard channel so it'll be broadcast on all these facebook pages as well but we're doing a a one-hour prayer event solid prayer on that friday night from seven to eight o'clock and it's called awaken the nations and uh and it's all about we're gonna have guests on yeah that will pray in on every continent uh around the world so in one hour we're going to pray around the world for every continent which will include all of the nations in those continents yes um some will be dressed in the regalia of their you know we can nation him to do that right and you know we're dressed in the regalia from the united states it's like a polo shirt and a hat yeah so so uh anyway that's we're looking forward to that it's gonna be powerful we feel like it's time to just speak prophetically into nations that it's time to awaken and come out of this slumber that we've all been kind of pushed into for the last 18 months so yeah it's time to awaken you know the harvest is near it's time for the harvest it's time for the believers to be out knocking on doors and inviting their friends to come into the kingdom so yeah we just want to encourage you to in and have your kids make it a family night it's friday night you know make a bowl of popcorn everybody gather around and just watch the broadcasts and help introduce your kids to praying uh around the world and praying with the nations um it's just really a good activation for for families we believe it's going to be really fun so it'll move fast it's one hour uh but we'd love to uh love to have you guys join us yeah it'd be great i think it's great don't you think it's time to bring on some guests i think because we we have four different guests with us tonight and let's just bring them on before we start talking about them so here we have uh camron and danielle jones and next we have monica jones and over here we have nathaniel or nate jones and notice the last name it's the same yes they are the girls we are family right that's right that's right yeah this is good and a typical family i mean we've got nate jones in the airport flying out to do a men's retreat a conference up in uh up in idaho his wife monica is is uh chauffeuring the kids around well she actually just dropped her husband off at the airport she did and so in order for them to be on the broadcast this is how we do it and with technology you can i think that's hilarious isn't it yeah and i just want to use cameron and danielle jones they are the uh the we call them senior leaders so i forget what everybody else calls they're the pastors you want to bring up their banner of the worship uh center in in napa i'm get the whole name here i'm having a hard time it's called the rock worship and training center in napa california and these guys are really special yeah uh to us and our my mom goes to their church uh and has been there for several years and worked with prayer with them and they're just very uh dear friends and we've been connected the mission is connected with them we we've done schools together they've come over and done things with us and with convergence and um we're just super excited to have you guys on tonight thank you for being here thanks for having us yes thanks for having us we are glad to be with you all yes so this is uh this is nate and monica um jones uh they are cameron and nate are brothers uh and their families are really united in and linked together in ministry in in some really cool ways we're going to talk about one of the ways uh coming up here in a few minutes but but one of the things i don't know if it's still happening i think it is but you guys have been together at the rock church and uh shared you know share preaching duties and and the the all the stuff that happens there the worship and the preaching duties worship and preaching together and i think that's really fun so danielle and cameron why don't you tell everybody a little bit about yourselves um um okay hi i am a mother of four fives excuse me we just adopted a young lady who is in the air force and um so i'm still remembering to say that i have five i just have that automatic response of four yes um and then i homeschool the four that are not in the air force and um so i get to stay home and do that all day and then um we we knew we pastored the church together with an amazing team of people i help uh i do a little bit everything but some of the things that i do is preaching i'll share a message whenever i get a sunday whenever i can and um i also work with women with the women's ministry and i also do finances at the church wow many hats mini hats and she does it all very well oh thank you absolutely and she also works with children she is the one who kind of runs the service in terms of um in terms of getting things kind of organized in the morning uh for me i'm the drummer starting off in church i'm under monica's leadership so uh very funny combination that happens uh and uh me and monica are are definitely brother and sister at heart that we we bunt heads often and uh one of the things just really excited about with church is um we have we have a very good strong leadership team that we're working with right now and they all are gifted in their own right and we're doing everything we can to make sure that they are able to exercise a gift and be able to feel supported in the exercise and their gifts so some of the stuff that we want to be talking about is a reflection of that knowing that um that it it's really important for me to be able to make as much space for those who the lord has sent according to an answered prayer to be able to exercise their gifts so so we're treated by that and what not um i also do have a day job i i work with a team of top professionals in commercial real estate and we cover uh many facets of what real estate has to offer um but that is my day job um the bigger deal around that is to be able to finance kingdom things um i think one of the things that is a big time lacking in the churches is people having the mindset that when they work a job to finance the king of the things of the kingdom so know that being in a kind of a finance type industry um really lends itself to that so i i am working um you know five days a week sometimes six days a week to figure out how to how to be creative in that industry for the purposes of the kingdom so so yeah it's blessing if you guys all know about ministry you know that one of the things that's always a challenge is finances and uh really trying to be one of those who who are in who who is in ministry to be able to kind of remedy that to be a provider for the things of god and and the moves of god and so on and so forth that's super good that's awesome that's super good when we get them when you have nate nate and monica kind of share a little bit about what about them you go ahead first monica um i'm just getting home so um so i am a i work for delta dental i'm a trainer for the dental providers and staff that's what i do on my daytime job absolutely love that job um get to travel but not since kobets so that's been rough um and the mother of six children right that's right six children two grown adult children and um one in high school one in junior high one in elementary school or one at elementary school and one in preschool so holy smokes um what else i i'm sorry i'm trying to multitask and drive and talk at the same time we're probably not we're probably not too smart and letting you do that but i know you're a mom so you can do it i can do it i'm not the same thing i'm functioning right now um and then me and my husband been together for 27 years um been together since high school i've been married it'll be 21 years in a couple months now we're gonna be grandparents coming up in november and then kingdom work is my life is kingdom but um worship team and worship is my life i i live breathe eat worship i wake up with worship all my kids worship that's awesome so yeah that's that's my heart's call is worship but not just me worshiping but inviting the kingdom into worship and i always say my goal at the end of the day is to literally be able to walk off the stage and the audience or lack of better words the people in the house take over yeah that's always a great day isn't it that's a passion of mine too i think ever since i became a christian my favorite part of any kind of a service has always been worship and uh you know i'm just good with that i want to just take a minute monica while you're parking the car i want to say hi to a couple of people ella yellow tunes in from alabama and she's been such a uh such a great part of everything that we do yeah so good to have you here ella we have uh we have this stranger to you guys on on here he's brian keating and uh hey there's sierra from texas this is our other sierra she's uh sierra hey good to see you hey y'all yeah she does have that texas thing going on right there give our hugs to the guy hi to ryan and did the kids one kid hi angel lad good to have you here pauline hi pauline it's been a while good job everyone hey juan nice to see you here tonight he's saying yes kingdom finances we should show the world how god provides that's true yeah super good so why don't you go ahead then nate and share a little bit about yourself um i currently um you know i'll just piggyback up for monica um i currently work at the capitol uh as a security so front entry you come in we do all the scanning x-raying and all that kind of stuff but i've been kind of been in law enforcement for a little while um but um i married this beautiful woman uh almost 21 years ago and um just to be uh transparent she she was making fun of me when she first saw me because i was playing football and i got hurt and i was walking with olympus i guess her and her friends was making fun of me because i was walking with a limp and so um but we had met at this we had met at this football game you know i had a girlfriend she had a boyfriend but then one day um i broke up with my my uh girlfriend but i wouldn't hunk out with cam and uh and then monica was around and so i said yeah i got to get her man that's yeah she she's the one and so it's been it's been chemistry ever since i was copying off her paper in science class you know you know i'm gonna be real on here today y'all but i'm just so blessed to uh have her in my life and then we have the six kids um two out the house four at home and just blessed to be about to be a grandpa and just looking forward to that that that newness that new season and um but um my heart is is like other than my family is international ministry i love going to other countries you know i'm i'm not uh uh in church person i can kind of cross it forward if i'm in the church behind the walls uh too long i like to be out doing outreach even messing with the the grimiest people so i think lord has put me in cert certain jobs like uh work in politics at the capitol grimey uh in corrections grimey coaching parole grimy you know and so yeah but in all those fields would you say i said getting people set free huh yeah yeah and so in all those and so i just love i just love traveling i just love talking with people i love my heart is seeing people the light bulb come on when when the father when they encountered jesus i mean they could they could have been for years running from him but then one day because that was me one day the light come on one day the encounter happens and then your whole life is changed and then you walk and then you walk with them you know god gives you some that you just walk with and you start seeing things fall off and then they start teaching you you know so yes they do yeah so i'm just i'm just blessed to uh just to be in the kingdom you know so uh i've gone to nigeria guatemala india and monica for the first time will be going with me to guatemala so that's going to be a blessing um um also president ministry i do prison ministry as well and so but yeah my hardest outreach i just love seeing souls to be won to the kingdom evangelism give me the heart give me the hard ones yeah that's awesome i think i think you're appropriately named you know nathaniel uh out of all the disciples nathaniel was known as who the bringer the is the one that went out and organized everybody else they said hey you guys got to come meet this guy that i met yeah this guy that i know we need to come meet him uh-huh so uh i think that really fits you know uh nathaniel i think you're named ahead of your uh your adulthood when you stepped into that calling his as nathaniel the bringer yeah and it's listen i just want to piggyback on a little bit too is that it's so important to know what what god is going to do in your life you know we sometimes we can run right off the pic uh pictures of our our parents but we might not necessarily be uh pastors or or we're going to move in that kind of direction so it took me to move all the way to idaho to find out what god really was calling me to do and that was to evangelize to the world like like when i see ministry i don't just see napa i don't just see vacaville i see like the world you know and so it's so important to know your identity in christ and so uh when i was a i was in a we were passing a church and i was in like this i was in a depression and monica can speak to us i was in this depression that we just had a church split i was working at the prison you know with those challenges and so i was rock bottom you know marriage was on you know bad because of me you know but this lady came to me one day and said the lord wants you to go to africa and in my head i was like i ain't going to know africa you know i'm staying right here right and sure enough two weeks later like in prayer you know when god gave you that burden to do something and i didn't have nothing i didn't have no passport i had no visa and no money i had nothing we were going to we were going to food lockers to get food right and so i said okay yes i said yes to god and then the passport came in one week the money for the visa came money for the plane ticket it just kept boom boom boom right and then when i went and when i yeah and when i touched down to nigeria when i smelled nigeria it was like this is what i'm supposed to be doing i haven't even preached yet but it was like yeah that's what i'm supposed to be doing so this is so important you know it that's a the funny thing that you just said when i when i when i walked out onto the land it had a smell to it and i knew that that was me yeah and i think that's really that really is important because every nation there's an odor there's just an aroma an odor a fragrance about every nation and sometimes that is what actually connects us to the nation is that that fragrance behind the scenes and it can be good or it can be bad and it could be funky but but it is that they're very specific so that's really good well i like i love the the the diversity of of the body where one person feels called to a local church one person feels called to their city outside of the walls of the church one feels called to the nations once evangelism and you know all these different areas of of feeding people and clothing people and inner healing those all the things that make up the body of christ and it's just discovering and finding out what is your lane you know what is my lane yeah and what is what is the call and the passion on my life and it's not that you just have necessarily just one but um you know there is usually a dominant thing like yours is evangelism and you feel called to the nation to the nations and so uh you know i think that's powerful how people know what they're supposed to be doing we've learned to we've learned to call that our metron you know the thing that is the the main thing the front thing the the focal thing and uh you know the metron isn't everything it's just the one thing uh and we can have so many different attributes of our lives fulfilled by other things but there is always one thing that's like a heart passion for us right and so right good hey we're gonna we're gonna uh go to a prayer request um now that we've introduced everybody but we're gonna go to a prayer request here on broadcast from heather heather is out of connecticut and she says hi prayer request my son isaiah has been to urgent care two times in a few days has an infection that's not gotten completely better on antibiotics it's concerning and i'm declaring complete healing so she's asking for prayer for her son um i isaiah so um danielle why don't you reach out and let's let's pray together for heather yes so father we bring heather and isaiah before you and father we're just thanking you for loving on these two people and we're just asking that your healing hands come upon isaiah that you protect him you heal him we declare that all infection be gone now in jesus name in jesus name in its place is perfect health the health that you have designed from head to toe and father we pray that that this is um gone and that no antibiotics are needed anymore and father we just declare um uh happiness and fullness and your love to be all over them yes god and amen yes lord right and then at brady brandy's excuse me brandy brandy says all the sickness that comes against him must go in jesus name complete healing thank you in advance for the healing for him so heather there you are just continue to pray for you and for your son just to receive god's complete healing for his life that's that's awesome yes yeah so do you know when anna i iris herrera nate monica yes yeah she opened the uh revival with prayer yeah yeah well she's on here tonight she says love you nate monica for uh be awakening church and this is a time of harvest both are blessed a blessing to the kingdom hallelujah several times and then i think she taught spoken tongues [Laughter] [Music] so um you know moving moving into this season you know there have been so many prophetic words about the season of the harvest you know some refer to it as a billion soul harvest it'll be a worldwide uh flow of people into the kingdom but i know you guys all have such a passion for people to come to know jesus and you're actually putting some of that into uh into place yeah uh in an event coming up so i think we should uh just talk about that a little bit so talk about that a little bit so nate do you want to take a turn and just kind of you guys all four just take a turn and just let's just talk about what you have scheduled to come up out here in the uh in the fields kind of east of vacaville okay um so um last year of 2020 right around august september you know i was just kind of having a rough time on what god wanted me to do and so um i was working at this job working at kaiser having a rough time there so uh monica suggest that i would uh go on this retreat the retreat i'm actually going on right now but this happened last year though and so before i left the lord said one word he said reset reset well we're freezing a little bit there nate i think we need to reset you said it and we need a reset lord just do a reset right here and jesus saying we can't hear you nate you're talking but we can't hear you i don't know if you hit something by accident did you is your mute button off goes right there okay can you hear me yeah we can hear you now go ahead okay so he said resetting so i went on uh uh the retreat and i mean he did just that reset it was like he rebooted my whole being and uh and at the time our our ministry was called progressive faith and so he said i'm changing your name you guys name from progressive faith to revive faith because the ministry i'm getting ready to do with you guys everywhere you go you're going to revive faith like um and so and so i went went to guatemala and then when i came back from guatemala the uh in prayer the lord had shown me a vision of this tent and in this tent um when it uh it went to different places but every place it went to was like it was dry it was dead it was desolate but when that thing left it was like the place was revived it was refreshed it was like people with their hands up and so i thought me and monica were already kind of doing it you know with the international ministries but about a month later the lord said buy a tent in my birth time and so i said i was like okay buy a tent you made a camping tent all right i talked i know and so i talked to monica i said the lord said buy a tent and so i uh so we agreed on it and i i i called my mother-in-law who used to do tent ministries and she connect me with the person who made their tent and so uh we put a down payment on it and then monica was like man we gotta we gotta tell the vision we got the vision of it and so um and so we we reached out to the rock family and uh and we called the tent ministry the awakening gathering and so it's twofold so it's to rally the church right rally the bride of christ and so basically to awaken the church to do the will of god you know to believe again to to uh get realigned again so that we can go out and do exactly what he's called us to do to win the loss and so it's twofold so using wherever we go the first meeting is to gather the body of christ so our first meeting was august 29th and we gathered um um um the body of christ but but before that i'm kind of getting ahead of myself but um we were thinking initially the first meeting was going to be in napa but it didn't happen in napa i reached out to the city of napa i reached out to churches and it was like nobody wanted to pop this tent up and so um out of frustration i uh made a facebook post uh about the vision and then i just like does anybody want me to put up this tent you know and sure enough within an hour brian and melissa uh uh called me and it was like we got these 12 acres you know we got these 12 acres and i said and we're like okay we could pray on i said well i prayed and you called and so now let's just talk details you know [Laughter] and so and um and so so we got that going and then um um and we had our first meeting and what's so powerful is my brother man my brother is just he he we do a wednesday uh service and i remember one day after he preached he didn't even tell me this he says we're dedicating all the wednesdays up until the event to prayer and wow that's that's power for me to me because yeah the bible starts in prayer like yeah you gotta bathe in it you gotta bathe in it and it was like a confirmation because i know when me and him are on the same page it's like we like move mountains we've been we got baptized together as little kids and and so when he said that it was just like the lord reaffirming that i'm in this and and so i don't want to take up all the time but but we had that first meeting august 29th we bathed in prayer we we fasted and 12 people got baptized it was it was it was one guy who just was driving off the road saw the tent stop stop and talk to the parking attendants and they were like he said uh uh what's going on they said we have an intent revival so he came in and um participated in worship when the altar car was called he came to the altar got saved got baptized fully clothed really come on that's a granny testimony that's powerful nobody else showed up and just from seeing the uh the tent from the road you said yeah yeah just driving wow and that's part of what your i remember us having some talks about you know that was part of what you wanted is to have people driving down the highway seeing the tent and going what's that all about i'm gonna i'm gonna pull off and check it out and then sure enough that happened he got saved and baptized that's powerful powerful i hadn't heard that one yet yeah and so god's doing a mighty thing and so we have this five-day uh revival coming um on the 28th through the 2nd of october and it's it's totally focused on going to get the loss totally focused and so we're just trying to put word out to come you know come to the tent you know uh i feel like we're like uh we're john the baptist like i was like when i first popped up the ten i was like lord how are people gonna see this you know but it's like john the bat people kept coming people coming from all over to get baptized and so god says you build it you build it yeah i'll send them yeah yeah i just think this is so encouraging for all of us when you know how god speaks to our hearts and then you know we put hands and feet to um you know over time in prayer and and and then buying the tent and you know figuring out where to even get a tent and the land to put it on you just kept putting you guys all of you as a team um doing different things and aspects of it just keep putting one foot in front of the other and being obedient to what you felt in your heart and the tent is up you know you've already had meetings you've had salvations you've had deliverances you've had baptisms and coming up uh on uh september 28th through october the second you can see the banner up there it's going to be 6 p.m every night and the address is up there it's at the keatings brian and melissa keating's property and there's plenty of parking we've been out there we we actually got to go out with them and and stake out the land in the beginning and and pound stakes in the ground and declare and prophesy and pray and just for revival to come for people to just be hungry and are drawn there to receive christ as their savior and really be delivered and set free and and be new people as they leave so uh it's super exciting to see this you know there is an awakening happening there's an awakening happening in the nations and in you know in in the states and in in different cities and it's just awesome to see the different ways god is moving uh in doing that you know one of one of them's a tent and one of them's a broadcast ministry or uh you know at a church or you know in parking lots it's just the creativity of god is endless right i really like the fact that you know god gave you an idea so you just decided to move on it yes you know god spoke to you about like uh okay i want i'm called to the nations and you go gosh i don't have a passport i better go get that you know some people feel like they're called to the nations but they sit at their house and they never do anything but yeah i think it's you know it's time to have god ideas and then start putting our feet forward you know and say okay i actually believe that's a god idea so i'm going to invest in it i'm going to you know pour myself into it so cameron when your brother came to you with this idea of vision that he was feeling like god was speaking to him um how did you feel about that in your heart um i felt that i'm glad i'm not doing that it's just so out of out of what you know what would be normal for me but um you know we we prayed for for leaders to come to the church and we are a big proponent of fivefold ministry and i really feel like right now um what we're walking through the evangelists is highly highly needed in order for the harvest to even to come forth um evangelists are a big time a big time for the harvest as you can see their heart for the the for the world outside of the church is is critical if if if you don't bring the souls in then eventually the church dies and um and you know one of the things that that is is part of my work within the church is to be able to allow those who we consider fivefold ministers to be able to express themselves as well as try to keep the peace if you understand what i'm saying so uh that's the one thing that i really learned and i learned this from harold eberly is you got to let the evangelists be free you got to really allow them to be in and out and do the things that they do and you just watch them work there's another brother in our church his name is thomas pastor thomas rodriguez he does a ministry called frontline ministries he's out on the streets on on thursdays and fridays and he's just as much as a character and fireball as it is and um and you know just embrace who they are and you look on them and and know that um when they're active they start filling up the church you know and yeah um it's a blessing to have that so so for those of us who are pastors and teachers you know um our job comes up next um you can you can harvest millions and millions of people but what do you do with them you know they need a home to come to they need to be raised up they need to be encouraged and eat to cultivate who they are in christ and that's where the church comes in and they really need to be um loved you know um that's not necessarily the work of an evangelist you know um and then you have the prophet who's in the house who teaches them how to hear and and you know the apostle who kind of sets the the groundwork and and the and then the blueprint for what the houses to be so the whole heart is to get all these things working together so for him to to have a hard to do ten ministry um is huge it's huge because i know there's something that's completely off my radar is not something that that i don't believe the lord would necessarily speak to me because he he's called me into my metronome you know anything from danielle to share with you kind of like how her place and her role works within the church in terms of things you know but but just to kind of get back to you know to to nate and monica's ministry um it's just a blessing to know that they cover that end and they cover it with a passion you know um all of us have the ability to evangelize but it's just like it's just like the the idea of a prophet you know a prophet covers so much more and can equip so much more than a person who can just simply prophesy and it's the same for the evangelists they can cover so much more and equip and and and do things that are beyond those who can just kind of evangelize a person at a time so you know it's it's a blessing to be able to to work alongside my brother um we're very connected in heart and um and and and know each other obviously very well yeah it just makes it so much easier to have it be a family affair but we know that um that you know through his work is going to connect then to our work which is going to connect to somebody else's work which is going to connect to somebody else's work it's not a competition right yes it's just it's just a move of god and we all have to play our part in our portion within that move you know and that's and that's what i'm excited about so you know i go to the temp revival you know i'm i'm not a speaker i'm a drummer and i'm a in whatever capacity i could be you know in that place um yes i'm pastoring the church but in the temp revival i'm a completely different role in that in that place and i'm and i'm blessed by it you know it's a blessing to see um first of all other people lead um that is an absolute blessing to see um not desire for you to lead everything so to see him go through the challenges and the successes and and and the stresses and the and i know that's right so it's the same process that we walk through in the church you know and i don't want to rob him of that um yeah exactly you know what i'm talking about and the same for i love watching monica get frustrated it's one of the biggest blessings in my life like a true brother you know but but this is ministry this is ministry and we um and we do it together and we really do it to the best of our ability and i tell you it's just it's just been it's really special when you can do it with family and um and work it out that way so yeah yeah yeah you know i just want to uh commend you guys on it such a beautiful picture of you know people working together i mean you guys happen to be you know blood family but um you know not not competing with one another not thinking you know well i'm doing this and and i'm doing this and they and they kind of conflict with one another it's like you guys coming together and finding a way to make the vision and the plan work with the whole body of christ and the different giftings that are functioning and you guys just uh you know have joined hands and and the the vision that's created and is happening is because of team it's because you know teamwork makes the dream work right it takes it takes a lot of hands on a lot of people doing different types of things uh to see it happen and so i think that's really powerful for you know our listeners and different ones that are in leadership in a church or uh leadership and also working outside of the church there's all kinds of combinations and just seeing that it can work not saying it's all you know easy necessarily but it can happen and it works well when we find our lane and stay in it right i think it's i think there's a real testimony here too you know there are so many families that when the kids grow up they go separate ways and they don't really have communication back with their own with each other you know so many many families have have siblings that are that are in different places maybe in the same city but they don't they don't necessarily get together they don't talk they don't share passions you know and i think this is a super testimony yeah you know to the grace of god and the kindness of god in this this is this powerful yeah i love it so monica you are you're the worship person well she's also the wife that hears the vision and has to help to refine it probably and talk into it from this angle and that angle am i right monica true yeah uh yeah i have to see the vision he has to help me see that we just actually had that conversation just recently that he's such a visionary and he sees so broad and so big and you know being with him for 27 years there's so many times that we've been up against something so big uh that it's really hard for me to see but i thank god first off that i have a personal relationship with god because he always shows it to me later you know and and um i trust my husband i i trust him i'm there there there's times when i always refer back to to abraham and sarah and he's like tell him you're my sister and um i feel like there was those moments where sarah was like seriously like you know you're the leader of this family like and you're doubting god right now and she was being able to be still placed in you know pharaoh's house and being able to be protected never laid a hand on her you know and then pharaoh who is an idol worshiper gets a word from god saying that's his sister you know so even the leader can be off you know um and i'm not saying my husband's off but there's times where i have to really press into prayer um because his vision is so huge um but i'm so with him and i'm a better person because of him i mean he's take me to realms that i've never would have went on my own and so that progressive faith we've lived together through yeah now we're both father balls and we are revived bathers is that a word by faith um and i feed off of him there's so many times when you know as a worship leader you can only go so far you know what i mean um and if people you haven't taken them into that room it's so nice to partner with other people because we all don't got it you know sometimes we god is just moving on us and he's moving through us and then there's those times when it's not happening and it's not particularly your fault but then the you know evangelist comes in or the pastor comes in or you know that that other person comes in and just tag teams and and we get her done and so so many times i look to my husband like help me out here and um man it's like we're so good together you know yeah even with my brother and sister my brother and sister you know doing life with them we um we've both all been together with each other like since high school but separate like seasons of our lives and god like pulled us apart you know we went off to different things and um and then came back together and cam and danielle did not have kids before we moved to idaho right or they had a baby so um but then we came back and it's like i mean they're my best friends you know they get yeah that's beautiful [Music] and our kids that like our kids don't skip a beat together i mean that it's just amazing that not only do we do in church and doing it well together because some this doesn't happen for everybody folks i'm just saying you know some families do church together and they fight so much but um yeah like we i just can't even imagine and we've only been here three years back so um i absolutely love where god has us and we're all in and you said it and you said it when i was thinking it tammy but knowing your lane and staying in your lane like don't come to me asking me about children's church because i even though i have children i church my own children i'm not grouping nobody else i love dishing that off i love quarterbacking that out and be like you know what you should go see danielle about that or cassie green and and everything works so well with harmony you know when you stay in your lane and i mean god is truly showing that right now in such a large volume and such a little faint little quiet church that we had we have going in the corner of a industrial park i know i know it you would never mind you'd never even know it was there and there's just so so many good things that happened there and so many uh powerful people and just even more than powerful people just lovers of god which makes them makes us all powerful right there and uh you know i just i just want to speak into um i know that mark and i are just super super excited about the awakening i mean we've been hearing that word we're doing a prayer event called awaken the nations you know so when we heard when we read your title your name we thought oh yeah this is you know god is awakening the nations god is awakening our cities he's awakening families he's awakening churches he's he's awakening his people and uh you know he's giving us clearer eyes to see and clearer ears to hear and hearts to comprehend and understand what he's doing in this time this time of of revival but restoration like it is time for the restoration of the church the restoration of of people and relationships and alignment and reformation reforming and you know we all want to be in alignment with what god is doing today you know today now uh things that we've learned in the past and those are good and i'm sure we're going to carry a lot of those into the new beginning and the new day the reformation but you know god's doing a new thing and he and we we want to have eyes to see that so it's it's really exciting that you guys are doing this in in vacaville um we love that it's in our city but this is regional this is for you know people near and far to come in and to be able to be a part of this it's outside it has a great feel to just be able to be outside worship together pray together hear hear uh the word preached and ministered uh you know from amazing people and uh we just love to have you all come out and join us and you know we we have about 10 minutes left on the broadcast and um i i want us to be able to pray let's pray for this region let's pray for uh the revival the tent the meetings the uh for god to draw them in into the hundred uh what is it a million soul harvest time billion soul harvest bigger than that bigger than that bigger bigger bigger let's just let's just spend a little bit of time and all of you listening now and listening later you know this is our opportunity to pray is the body all over the place uh for a revival to happen in the land i just want to i want to start i want to just say welcome into our region as uh tam and i are in in just in once we're just one of many yeah but gatekeepers into this city yes and we just want to say welcome into this region with what you're bringing and welcome in to the to the uh arena of over 60 churches in our city but welcome into that arena as a safe place uh welcome in to the con to the combination anointing that's in this city to be released over what you're doing in combination with the anointing that you bring in as a five-fold uh five-fold minister in the uh the gifting of prophet uh and then the mantle excuse me in the mantle of evangelist and so we just release that and we thank you for that we bless that we bless what you're doing we bless your finances we bless your efforts the passions of your heart so to the joneses to the fort joneses we speak blessing increase and uh and promotion in jesus name in jesus name we thank you lord for that for your favor uh and yeah lord this you're the one that started all of this you know you started all this and so we're just excited to be able to be a part of your plan and yeah we know that we're we're always partnering with you um and that you're wanting us to partner with you in in your plans in your vision uh for the world and you give us uh you give us ideas and give us plans to walk out and to live out so lord we thank you for this vision we thank you for um speaking to nate and to monica and camron and danielle and all the people that are involved i know there's many many many many and so we just want to bless the awakening gathering in jesus name and we just say father just begin to stir hearts of the people all over this region that they'll hear about this and that something will be stirred inside of them yeah to to be able to come out to this time people that are pre-christians uh people that have uh have moved away from you and backslidden away from you father but they're hungry and they're and they're looking for um just that fire of life to burn inside of the them again the people that are driving up and down the highway to see and be drawn lord it reminds me of of in days gone by where the where the fire departments used to come out to some of the buildings for their praying and having having incredible meetings and they would because they saw fire coming out and we're just wanting the fire of god to be seen from up top of that tent and people just to be drawn to the fire of god and the passion of god and the healing and deliverance and the freedom and all that you are fathers so much you are so much first fruits that one guy the one guy from the last meeting yeah we just speak into the first fruits of of this gentleman who saw it from afar and and came and went out of curiosity and now he's walking with you and he's baptized lord he's in the kingdom we're just so thrilled by that so we just say more of that lord bring more of that bring those hungry hearts from afar in jesus name father we thank you that even on google maps the name revival will be uh directed to this tent meeting in jesus name hallelujah by the way i'll just pray into um all the uh the leaders uh within the body of christ oh god within this region oh god lord i'm praying father god for for an alignment within the churches oh god lord i'm praying father god that we we would put down our differences so that we'll put down our church hurt we will put down the things that are clogging our hearts oh god for stopping the bible that happened oh god but we're praying for such an alignment oh god that that it would be easy for you to come down and thrown in the praises of your people oh god though we're praying father god that churches from all over god will bring their nets to the tent oh god because it's going to be a great catch of god and it's too big for the mission it's too big for the rock oh god and it's going to require all of us oh god to be able to uh pull this harvest and oh god and be able to do all the things that you have called us to do and all our areas of influence oh god so lord i'm calling right now god as ezekiel saw the vision of god of the valley of the dry bones oh god lord we're prophesying to the church right now to the dryness of the church oh god that that we would begin to stand the tall oh god that that the bones will come together that attendance will come together oh god that the muscles begin to come together the church oh god that the skin comes over oh god in the name of jesus oh god and then it's not finished until your breath oh god the holy spirit falls it rules and abides on the church again oh god so that we will stand up like soldiers as ezekiel said in the name of jesus oh god so lord we prophesy into the bride that we may rise from the ashes of god in jesus name with purpose and with identity oh god just to go out and win the law so god to bring them in oh god one by one two by two by by buckets of them oh god in jesus name oh god so we're praying for alignment in the mighty name of jesus we thank you thank you lord yes thank you father so father we just pray for uh a spirit of hope within the body of christ that um that you would rise up in them that the gospel would go forth that the the word of the lord would go forth out in the communities all the highways and byways um that in your people you would create the opportunity and there would be a holy spirit tormented to along among your people that that when they know they're supposed to speak out and and invite and and and and call somebody to you that it would not be their mind it would not escape they would not flee them that you would just have it so pressed upon them that they would have no choice but to step out and be surprised at how you're going to work and move so we just say right now that um all the all the people within your church lord that this would be so much that they would understand that you will give them the very thing what to say that very hour that they don't have to be concerned as to what they're going to say and how they're going to stay and how it's going to be received but they would just be deliverers of the very word that you are speaking for them to call them unto yourself so as we say blessing into this into this bible it can't go without the the word going forth that that's how the gathering comes together is by us speaking the word yes lord we know that you can speak into their hearts but let us be those who would confirm it with your word that we would sympathetically that we would speak in whatever measure that be necessary to draw them to this meeting we are believing that at this meeting that the supernatural the the power and the authority of god is going to fall on them and it'll be the evidence that you are real and that you are to here to reveal yourself to them so lord we thank you we thank you [Music] people to manifest and and know that you are so real so we're just declaring we're declaring right now that at this meeting lord where hundreds are going to gather over a period of time that that that with with every day the momentum would increase the burn would increase the fire would be the um even more engulfing and it would cause an attraction that would go out through all earth daniel can you pray over the keating family and their land you know who have so graciously opened this up yes so father we bring forth the keating family we thank you for their hearts to serve you um for their desire to take action father and we just ask that you bless the land that this tent is on lord that you bless their family that you you shower them with your prosperity father god that you draw them closer together in unity than they've ever been before that your wisdom cover over them father that your perfect health cover over them lord and that they are just abundantly blessed that they um that they reap abundantly blessings upon blessings pressed down shaken together and running over father we just thank you for the servants that you have made them and we're thankful for the connection of all of us to come together and ask that they're completely and totally blessed and father we pray for the keating family too who uh i know that they have their mother is is is sick right now and we just want to pray over her we pray that you would be with her in a powerful way that you would bring a strength and encouragement lord jesus that your presence would be so powerful and so powerfully felt we thank you for bringing her uh uh the help that that she needs we pray for for just uh hope to arise and and the peace of god to just flood that entire family right now and we pray for sarah and will you too lord we thank you for this wonderful family blessings of god in the name of jesus bless them thank you and ella i wanted to just highlight her for a minute ella says lord thank you for financial blessings press down overflowing finances more than enough running over provisions let it be in jesus name and we just agree with you ella for all and not just enough but we pray for them more than enough father that you would just bring the finances above and beyond and even preparing for the next city in the next place right that's good uh that you're you know you're thinking them too so we come into agreement with you ella that god is is the god of more than enough for the awakened gathering in jesus name in jesus name well it looks like we are okay monica we just have a we're kind of out of time but i wanted you to close off uh prayer time okay yeah for this event okay would you do that amen yeah so father i i just glorify you right now i thank you for one technology i thank you for all those who are able to tap in right now live i thank you for stirring the gift that's inside of them just based on our testimony father based on what god has called us and you're pulling the claw out of them as well father awaken their bodies let them be confident in the call that you have for them father for those who um listen to a recording later father that you would just speak loud to your people lord and victories in our life father that you would just consume the area god that this is just the beginning this is just the breaking ground father we ask that you will continue to pop this tent up for revival across the nation father across um california god we thank you for the call we thank you for the connections that we have right now and one one another um we thank you for um just being a part of the kingdom we're thank you for being a part of the army father we we call it a glorified time right now in such a time as this when persecution is coming the struggles are coming the doubt depression substance abuse all those things are coming our way the devil tries to plot and scheme for those things to come right now in this time with covid and all that's happening around but we thank you god that we stand victorious already in you we thank you that we have overcome we don't fight for victory but from it and so father we stand tall with our chest out our head up high thank you for being called daughters and sons of a high king we asked that you would just continue to let that germinate in us father and that we would radiate your glory and our jobs god in the workforce god in the in the church in the community at the supermarket at the school god that we would be able to infiltrate the darkness god that your light would just begin to shine amongst the communities and father we thank you that it starts already in us and god we blaze it we fan the flame in us father and that we um are blessed to be called your children your children in jesus name i pray amen amen amen wow that was awesome it's going to be a great time i know that that god is already all over it and going to be blessing it and giving you more creative ideas and and just favor uh for your next city uh the right land the right people just like he did here in vacaville the way that all came together and just see this thing expanding and growing and taking it to places where uh where people can hear truth and just be set free and live a full complete life so thank you for your vision thank you for you guys coming on here tonight for your time we're super excited um you know we'll be joining you out at as many of the meetings as we can and we're just looking forward to see what god's going to do i just want to say um i want to say i think i think uh cameron you said it you said the the uh how much you appreciated the metrons that your brother and and his wife have stepped into that that we don't we're not we're not called to that metron but i do think we're in this season right now where the lord is highlighting so he's highlighting actually each one of the five-fold ministries you know his his his emphasis has been on the teacher for years uh the prophet has been highlighted we're moving into the realm of like actually recognizing what the apostolic is and i think the highlighting of this evangelist mantle is really really important an evangelist is more than just someone who visits from church to church an evangelist is someone who gathers souls and so we we're thankful for that for for god highlighting that and for for uh nathaniel for you and monica stepping into that to be a demonstration and a sign and a wonder to all of those around that this is the call of the evangelist so thank you guys for that and we want to say thank you to all of you that viewed with us that were part of this that will view this share this broadcast with your friends because i think many many of you get the word out we'll have friends that actually would would uh would really get lit up by just the conversation about the the ministry and the ministry of the evangelist yeah so thank you guys for being here we look forward to seeing you next week and actually hopefully we'll see some of you out at the meetings uh come and join us at the awakening gathering october september 28 through october 2nd at 6 00 p.m and we'll see you there hey so if the four of you guys can hang on for a minute we'll say goodbye to all of the uh the others on the broadcast goodnight everybody we'll see you next week
Channel: The Mission Vacaville
Views: 37
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: jNP-MsrPBE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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