Eagle's Nest Online Prayer House, with Mark & Tammy Hawkins.

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[Music] ready [Music] [Music] welcome everyone welcome friends to the eagles nest share and prayer gathering you know each week we tap into the 24 7 prayer meeting that's already going on in heaven where jesus is seated at the right hand of the father who was interceding for us yeah we're mark and tammy hawkins from the mission church in vacaville california and we're so excited that you could join us here tonight we know that we'll have new listeners and we'll have those who who join us every week but we just want to say welcome we're so glad that you're here to join us tonight several months ago you know tammy came up with this amazing phrase this is how you perceive is how you believe and how you believe is how you live what could happen in our world if we were in alignment with biblical truth such as god is for you his plans for you are good and his promises are true you know these weekly gatherings tim have challenged our perceptions they have shifted our beliefs and they've affected how we right are living and uh you know i think it's pretty amazing that we've been coming live now for almost every week for 15 months and we've introduced wow we've introduced over 55 different guests on this broadcast and it's been just amazing to to be able to share share with each other share with you have them share their hearts but also to pray in part and release yeah amen over you we believe that that what we're doing here is affecting atmospheres over your lives over your homes over your cities your regions and over our nation yeah you know as we pray as we declare as we live our lives as believers uh in this in this earth we affect we affect everything around us and now you know if you want to be involved with this broadcast and i'm just going to put a banner up here that will tell you a little bit about what you need to do uh to allow stream yard to connect with your facebook pages and we want you just to make sure that you you guys get connected you know the comment section on this broadcast is such a fun part of it it is a blast yeah it turns into this giant conversation with people literally from other states from other cities and even even other nations you know south africa and australia and south korea and so we just want you guys to be able to join in the conversation in your comments and you can you guys can pray for one another you can encourage one another and give prophetic words and just really be a part of this night it's one of our favorite parts okay before we bring on our guest let's just say hi to some of our friends yeah there's darren hi darren darren from the mission and he is in antelope california right now hey it's great too great to see you darren and uh good to have you grace kim grace is so faithful grace wakes up every day in south korea and tries to figure out how she can get on to this tuesday broadcast so grace say uh good to see you lots of grace for you uh grace to be here yes there's ida and uh and heather and regina hi regina good to have you here tonight girlie we're so grateful for your faithfulness and heather laurie thank you for joining us every week from connecticut and she joins her mom here in vacaville who goes to the mission and mom and daughter connect and do church together uh every tuesday we love that that's been pretty pretty fun it's a pretty good relationship i think it's time to bring on our guests they are they're actually going to be um guests to you but they are just friends to us for a long time yeah we're going to have on tonight we have dave and deb crone who are the senior leaders of the mission church and then we have ryan and desiree crone who are the local leads at the mission church so let's just pop them on here comes dave and deb and here is ryan and desiree hi guys so good this is fun it's a party this is like family here now that's right we're having a family meeting and you guys get to be here with it yeah it's just fun so good so good let's just take a couple of minutes as we get started here and and dave deb why don't you just start off and just kind of tell everybody a little bit about yourselves and maybe how long you've been at the mission kind of what some of your passions are and uh just as a way of introducing yourself to everybody sure you want to go no you want me to go yeah we've been in ministry this is an interesting year because this is like we'll have been married and in ministry for 50 years yeah at the same time wow and then we've been at the mission for 30 years wow so we're we're pretty excited to be alive with survival who happened right love being here and doing what we've been doing for for a long time you know uh and uh we just are oh but no now man 30 years ago now more than that almost well we've been at the mission 30 years yeah and um and about after being here for about almost 10 of those well eight of those years seven or eight of those years we just got totally revolutionized by the holy spirit and you guys were part of the part of the problem for us because you were key individuals that really helped us navigate what god was doing in the world yeah we had no idea kind of scared to death on some of it but yeah it was a bit of an old hat to you damn especially and you've really um graced us with your your wisdom and your history to just push us right on in and over the cliff so yeah thanks for that yeah thank you guys yeah we went over that cliff together yeah we did an interesting an interesting point about that is that you know even when we have some kind of background in holy spirit oh yeah everything that he does that is kind of uh new is still scary and full of trepidation so yeah we have a confidence that is yeah we can jump and it'll be okay but we also have no idea what we're jumping into no that's right that's absolutely right well it totally transformed our lives uh we fell in love with jesus all over again we got connected with the holy spirit at a whole different level uh understood the father better you know just just a total makeover uh it wasn't that we never loved jesus before it wasn't none of that it was just uh just a fresh appreciation and understanding of the value of his presence in our lives and then it then it kind of revolutionized revolutionized the church too yeah absolutely yeah i think in not just for those years but even now um one of our passions i guess or heart things is um really enter reintroducing even believers to a deeper reality you know that holy spirit's really real and he really talks and really engage with him and he's he's your he gives you courage but also direction and comfort and courage and all that stuff so um yes it it's it's still an ongoing thing that's it's if we're here or in another country or whatever it's just um especially with other leaders is just encouraging a fresh uh passion and encounter you know yeah and wouldn't you say at the mission that that's just that's continuing i mean that is something that is continuing and progressing and going at all times which is right actually the way it should be yeah it's a constant pursuit i think it's funny he get he he lets us know just enough so we feel like we're really comfortable but at the same time he's just going yeah well that's just not all there is momentary says our tribulations are momentary so is our comfort yeah that's a good word right there that's so good that's so true well let's go ahead and say hi to ryan and yes uh you guys you just let it tell every i'm just going to put this banner up because i i forgot the other one let's take that one down right there there we go there perfect there's who they are ryan and dez crone officials and uh hey why don't you guys just take a couple minutes and let everybody know some stuff about you yeah um you know we've been a part of the church since we were teenagers um i remember those days yeah that was quite a while ago unfortunately but yeah you know we've we've been here at the mission for 25 years i think you've been here longer than that um and we just you know love doing life with people here at the mission and you know we we've done quite a bit in our life and it's um exciting stuff that we do but you know we we opened a restaurant a few years back together and and went on an adventure there in santa rosa and moved away for a little bit and then we moved back to be with family and and stuff and then we uh started working with the church and and just being a part of the church and just serving where we could and then eventually it's been about five years ago came on staff wow in a part-time role and then full-time here about three years ago or so and so just we just love you know being with the people at the mission they're obviously their family and we just love it and it was always still our home you know so it's good to be back well we're glad you're back we're so glad you're back well you guys are if you know the local leads can you guys just explain as uh you know doing this as family and generations uh what those two roles represent dave and deb and ryan and des being the local yeah i mean it it how we look at it it's just our privilege to help the staff be successful and that and that's really kind of the role we've taken on and try to just be that um couple that can help them grow help develop them help them see their dreams come true on the staff level and just being a resource for them and because they're amazing and we love them so much and they're awesome so it's just so much fun to see them flourish and then you know people just being around the mission family and loving on people and just being able to um release them into just the simplicity of jesus yeah good that he really is that simple we're all sound women and just being able to release that in people and and love on them and just help them realize that god really does love them wow that's great i think that's uh that's really amazing you know as one of the things that stood out to me you know we had uh you know staff meeting at the mission is on tuesday mornings and and ryan and dez one of the things that stood out to me today was when one of the one of the men in the in the staff meeting was just talking about what a safe place you you were for him that you guys had become a safe place for him he'd come out of a background where you know in a church where he had felt we felt like he'd been personally injured you know in how things had gone at the church but in coming and and you guys reaching out to him and just pulling him in as a friend and he said that you know you pulled me in and i became a friend and uh and i became a safe place and you have actually helped to restore him to a place where he is uh he's a healthy vibrant young man and i think that's just amazing yeah that's amazing yeah we you know just always try to treat people like family um you know when we've run businesses and manage businesses just try to treat them like family um and and it so it hopefully it pays off and it we see that it does most of the time and a lot of times it takes people time to realize that um that they're being treated like family but once they but that's just how we've always done life and that's you know what we've learned from my parents is you just treat people like family treat them right and you know god will take care of the rest yeah amen that's that's super good amen he does more than that because you know family is is one thing but he really challenges our team to step up and be all that they can be and really reach reach what what their potential is he's really good at that and that's one of the things i really admire about him and appreciated over the last three or four years that he's interjected into the team that's awesome but like you say that is a family that's how we operate today in staff how when ryan was 16 years old i was having a bit of a attitude challenge the church and i just was having a bad attitude and he was only 16 and he says hey mom you're you're better than that you know and he called me up as his parent and as an adult and i just see that's what he's doing with our younger especially our younger staff is he's he's given him a place but he's calling him up and just uh we're so proud nobody's good yes well i you know one of the things that just comes to mind is you know i can remember back in the days you know when you're younger and you're in ministry and you're involved with the church different places most of the time [Music] the only time that you have feedback or input is when there's when you've you know driven the bus off the cliff or you know you know some something is catastrophic has happened but i think i think one of the things that that that we see in the way the team is functioning is is yeah those are always times when you have to step in and say hey keep the bus on the road but at the same time you guys encourage people to get in the bus and drive it and actually go somewhere with it and yes you have permission but let's do this together and this is how you can do it better and go for it like this and yeah i love that part yeah yeah we appreciate you guys yeah thank you there yeah good team it's awesome yeah awesome i like what this uh uh shikata says oops nope i didn't like that at all we do that sometimes hey they're all in the comments you got no worries so i i said those of us hurt from church go extra mile to help others in the church and i just want to commend you on that idea that you know all of us have been we're human beings and and things happen in the church and we're fin things happen in family things happen in marriages that's just reality that's going to happen but i like her attitude is that even when those things happen in our lives is that she's taking the extra mile to go the extra mile to help those um who are on that journey of being hurt to to recognize and realize how to be healthy how to be whole so thank you ida that's a great comment we appreciate it that's often that's often the roadway into our own healing there's nothing there's walk through their own you know it opens our own heart to what god can do in our own life yeah yeah really opens our eyes so that's awesome hey listen i did this is right this is uh this is from amanda's thank you for all you do thank you yeah yes he's our children's pastor and she's amazing yeah amazing amanda there we go one of my favorite people yeah you guys were just working together today weren't you dez yeah well you know what we wanted to you know sometimes when we're in settings of life you know we we are talking about the happy places and the happy times and uh and the things where uh sometimes we don't we we kind of avoid and don't talk about uh some of the issues that that hurt us where we've been maybe where we've gone through a time of grief or a time of hardship or heartache and i think that you know as we were all talking beforehand it seemed like that that would be a great topic for us to enter into you know what how do you how do we handle uh grief how do we handle heartache a hard situation um and so i just wanted to introduce that as a subject tonight because i think we've all we all everybody and all of you that are that are watching this on a part of this broadcast will look at your own lives and say yeah you know i've gone through some really hard times and i really didn't have any help with that i was i was kind of on my own and i kind of fumbled through it and i'm not sure that i'm i'm doing well now but i think we have some helpful helpful hints here that will that will come out and going through this so real life dave dad do you guys want to kind of jump in this and and kind of kind of stir it up a little bit well let's just give a little background uh it's it's interesting this month on the uh on the 19th of this month is father's day i'm sorry the 20th 20th of this month uh it's father's day and then 2019 on the day before father's day which is was the 20th then uh our our 31 year old daughter passed away suddenly and uh just fell over in deb's arms and was gone 2009 i'm sorry 2009 so it's been it's been 12 years 12 years this month yeah and uh you never expect that you you never expect your children to go before you that's it just seems so wrong and it is unnatural uh but it was it was uh it was a very difficult as you can imagine in grieving time and uh we're now coming on 12 years and it feels still like yesterday that really it does change over time a little bit but your sense of timing is is like the same it still surprises me that i'll i'll think about picking up the phone and calling amy yeah yeah and here it is 12 years later wow so it's it's it's not an easy process everybody goes through it differently but there is a there is such a such a a resource available in the holy spirit to walk through this stuff and to live it out and be uh not allow you allow excuse me it always will mark you yeah yeah it marks you but it doesn't have to identify you as a grieving soul the rest of your life right yeah you don't have to live that way yeah i think one of the most significant things that he spoke into my heart in those early days where you just don't really feel like you're going to live through it you know um or want to throw it away um he said you have your whole life to grieve so there's there was no timeline and no hurry to degree he said but i do want you to every day make a choice to live life fully and holy be present and i don't know that i've always you know um but it's if you just try the next day you know yeah but giving me that permission he said you're going to grieve amy the rest of your life and so don't feel like you have to you know jump through hoops and within a couple years you're fine and all that and it just really took the pressure off that i could just grieve as i was breathing right um but do my best to stay engaged and my the rest of my family and because sometimes people just withdraw and they lose the fact that they learn the relationships they have because they're so broken and you know they can't you know continue to reach out and live life fully so for me it was that was very significant he just spoke that wisdom into me and just take your time there's no time limit on this you know and i remember a quote i saw during that time was from queen elizabeth and she said um grief is the price we pay for loving wealth and i just always remember that like in my sons both ryan and jeremy said hey this is worth reading it's worth tears it's they weren't pushing us to get over it you know right right uh just get on with life they just really gave us permission as our sons to you know grieve grieve our loss you know and exactly they were wonderful i i i want to just camp on something that you guys talked about and that is permission to grieve but not permission to have it become your identity yeah and i i think that's really important because for so many people that have that go through situations sometimes nobody has told them that they have permission to grieve right you know that it's okay you you sometimes i think people feel guilty because they still feel a certain way and then that grief becomes even more of an identifier than it would if somebody just said hey you know what it's okay to grieve yeah and live your life today but it's like breathing yeah yeah the bible says we we do not sorrow as those who have no hope it doesn't say we don't sorrow right right it's just that we sorrow in hope and it's it's a totally different picture when you do that and i think all of us have met people in our lives that have had great loss and that a mark on them is so overwhelming and it's really the only thing you identify with that you know every time you see them they're just they're sad and grieving or hurtful or or angry or whatever and and i've had that experience with other people who've had great loss and i just remember at the the moment we lost amy um we were walking out to the car from leaving her um yeah leaving her behind and um i just turned to dave and i said i'm not going to live mad and i'm not going to live sad um but i really don't i'm going to do that but that was my declaration is i'm choosing and i don't want to be a person that the first thing somebody knows about me is oh she's lost a child she's that sad lady you know i don't want that to be my identity and it was really interesting about three or four years later we had a couple um a man from we were hosting some students in our home and he was from new zealand yeah and we were having breakfast we had breakfast together every morning then they went to the mission for their uh i think was the sounds of the nations is what they were doing and um it was about the third morning and some dave just made a comment about it about when we lost our daughter and he said wait wait wait wait are you telling me you guys lost a daughter and we go yeah she was 31 died suddenly and he goes i've been in your home for three days and he said i would have never imagined if anybody would ask me i said oh no they've never had a great loss he said because the joy in your home the peace in your home and how you've made us feel like family he said i would have never never suspected that so that dave and i were pretty um excited you know that you know that that's a great uh report to get back one that you wouldn't know what people feel or don't feel because you're not thinking about it but to hear that report is very encouraging to the heart to know that you're walking through a process and that holy spirit is just helping you out and doing well right very encouraging yeah yeah they had amy had two children too at that time one was 15 or 18 months old and the other was five and uh so we we had all that to deal with too and uh ryan and dez had to deal with this loss in a totally different way than we did and that they had to come alongside very quickly those kids because the dad was off in the military and um they had been separated so they were separated from the kids he was separated from the kids and so they they took on the responsibility of raising these kids and walking them through the grieving process um and so we've you know we've had to deal with all all of that and it's it was challenging but their perspective would be different they could speak to that better than i can yeah you know we we went we had two kids of our own at the time and so when my sister passed away we went from two kids to four kids overnight um so we didn't even have a car to fit us all in yeah so we first yeah so we had to borrow a car for i don't know almost a month until we could find one that that fit us all in there um so it was a little different you know we and we were also running our own business um so i know for at least me there there really wasn't time to grieve at all um my my days typically started seven eight o'clock in the morning and and if if it was an easy day it ended at eight o'clock at night um so and then obviously then coming home to two children that have lost their mom you don't you don't really have the time to to think about that kind of stuff for wow do the normal grieving process right yeah so it so it was it was quite different for us yeah and i think that's partly why it was easy to let my parents grieve however they wanted to because whether how they were doing it was great or not like we were so um so so that was kind of for us it was our priority for the kids yeah you know so every day step in and um it was interesting with isabelle because she was five so she really had a lot of memories of her mom and um there were times where she started calling you know she called us auntie and uncle but then she started calling us we said if you want to call us mom whatever you want to call us you know because our kids would call us mom and dad and she started kind of both um and then samuel 18 months so he was a baby's baby you know so it was it was challenging and special and sweet and wonderful yeah it was a precious time but yeah well i think i think part of the complication for you guys was that you you i mean you you lot ryan you lost your sister and dez you lost one of your best one of your best friends but at the same time you're handed a responsibility that you can't just you can't just leave the responsibility somewhere to take care of all of your feelings so you had you had to process with every with the kids and or process just through feelings later yeah yeah i mean you know when you have you know samuel was so young he was a baby so it was a little different but isabel you know more understood what was going on yeah so you couldn't be a mess yeah and be a help to a kid that you know sure a lot of times you had to hold yeah yeah so you know you just you just get through those times and you just hold them and let them cry but that at the end of the day you can't be a mess yeah yeah right you know you got to be able to to raise them and and you know our kid it's needed parents so so it was it was really it was obviously like dad said it was difficult but it really was a special time for us and god did some amazing things like like really we or at least myself really didn't grieve much at all but i had some really significant encounters um at night when i was asleep that um that helped me my physical body grieve when i was asleep and then i'd wake up and be able to keep going on with my day and and deal with the kids and then and then you know there's always that natural great grieving part that i think everybody has to go through so it wasn't so and that happened for me after the kids went back to live with their dad once he got out of the military and got things ready for him so we had him for about a year and a half so after they left about a year and a half later then i kind of went through more of a what you would say normal you know grieving process yeah like i was so faithful and good during that time that through those encounters i grieved at night when i was asleep and so it it kept it kept me going yeah i think i think just that concept right there is amazing it's so interesting you know that that in the in your sleep and in your dreams and in your encounters at night when you would least expect any anything like that i think this is the first time for me i'm just listening to this that's i think this is the first time i've ever heard this i think that is it is so uniquely profound of holy spirit to find the times and the ways to minister to us so that we can receive it but it's not it doesn't just dominate our whole life well it's so individual it's so strategic to a person yes it shows that god knows what we're going through and in the in the context in which we're going through it so true and touches us at that level that most effective yeah well he he's he's so um kind and um amazing at speaking into our own spirit like in for ryan it was during the night you know for me sometimes it was i'm on the floor in the kitchen and he's just like you're gonna live you're gonna live you know and yeah i i thought i might share this a situation that we have that happened with samuel and i think it shows the ability to god to to minister to someone's spirit even when they're a baby and don't even understand what's going on um the the day after amy passed away um you know the children are at our house and um samuel even though he's only 18 months he knew his mama was gone and like she had been on trips and stuff where she'd be gone a day or two and he was completely content happy and um but somehow he knew that day that mama was gone and she wasn't coming back and he was inconsolable like i was holding him he's just throwing himself back and he was such a happy little boy and it broke our heart it was like the second worst day of our life when he just wouldn't stop crying and he just kept calling for amy and his mama and um i'm like i'm not going to live through this this this is what's going to take me down you know right um point green a good friend of ours carol du um called to see how we were doing and dave says well deb we're really struggling because samuel's just he's losing it we get and he's only 18 months old so how do we even reason with him to you know help him understand he's going to be okay and oh it was horrible and carol she was really wonderful she said she told dave she goes tell deb she knows what to do he's helped people before when they've had loss and they're going through a horrible time and she knows what to do just tell her she knows what to do and for her to speak to samuel spirit like i've seen her over and over you know minister to people so that night when i was putting him to bed um i was holding i'm giving him a bottle and um i just said it i said samuel grandma's going to talk to you and the most amazing thing happened he went completely limp in my arms the bottle fell out of his mouth and he just kind of went into a zone i don't even know how to explain it but he just went limp in my arms and i just started speaking truth into his spirit i said samuel you're going to be loved every day of your life you're never going to be alone you have family that are going to take care of you you you never have to you know worry about being alone and left alone and your mom is in heaven she's going to be fighting for you every day of your life and i just i don't even know all the things i said but it wasn't long it was just a few minutes and i said okay okay boy you're gonna be fine you're loved you're loved and and then all this and i just yeah spoke grace over him and all and then he kind of perked up and then i and jumped in his bed and that was the last day that he fell apart in that way wow i i think we've we've hit on two things here that i think are our real keys and uh way more than just two but two things stand out to me one is speak to the spirit yeah because we because you know behind the scenes our our minds our wills and our emotions are going nuts even for a 15 month old that has no idea what's happening but when when carol said speak to his spirit then she's speaking to that grown-up person that's inside of him which is the spirit of god yeah she's speaking to that and she's telling you that you know what to do with that and i think just her relaying that information deb you know what to do this is what you do i've seen you do it kind of woke you up a little bit yeah yeah i was much at a loss of i don't know what to do to help this child and yeah um and so she was it was just wonderful to have a friend that just spoke truth and life into me um in that moment yeah can can you can you just take a minute and just release that grace we've had so many comments i don't know whether you guys can see the comments here but we've had look at so many comments about people that have gone through their their some are just listing what their own their own things are you know that they've they're grieving over and they've had uh you know impact their lives and and i think that right there speaking to the spirit whether you speak to your own spirit right yeah or you speak to the spirit of someone else i think that's just a real key a key point mm-hmm yeah okay i yeah let's let's just do that so father we thank you that you are all kind and gracious and your wisdom that you give us through the holy spirit is so overwhelmingly precious and timely and i just pray right now for every person listening watching that they have a witness right now to their spirit from the spirit of god that it is well with their soul and other that you would teach them that they can speak life to their own spirit and through that that they can learn to speak life to others so we pray the grace of god right now to fall in each room each home each place that this is being listened to and watched that we would feel and experience the peace and the grace of god on their hearts in the spirit man that you will live you will not die you will thrive and you will find the joy that only comes in the time of mourning and grief that is powerful and sustaining in jesus name amen amen and i like to piggyback on that you know ryan when you were sharing about how holy spirit ministered to you while you were asleep you know and uh i know many people actually have the opposite where they're they can't go to sleep because of of grieving and whatever's going on every circumstance is different than this uh young woman said i would love to experience that because when i rest i feel awake like i can't ever shut my heart down and it's just such a gift that holy spirit lets you rest but yet ministered to you refreshing you and strengthening you and making you ready for the next day and um i just i would just love for you to pray and impart you know just the openness for that holy spirit to be able to come in and and let people be able to rest refresh and then get be able to face that next day yeah you know it i i so value sleep because i've never had a problem sleeping so i can't imagine having a problem sleeping that i don't that would just i couldn't handle that so i have a health you know high value for sleep so i can't imagine when people can't sleep out how torture that is and just a couple quick testimonies and then i'll pray we had a teenage girl we were praying for that i just kind of made a simple call hey i just felt like god was wanting to hit on night terrors so i said if you have night terrors you know god wants to you know set you free from that so we just did a simple uh prayed over real quick and that was it and a couple weeks later i saw her again and and i was almost a little afraid to ask her how it was going because i wasn't you know hopefully something was happening and so i kind of asked her i said how how how often you know in a couple weeks period do you have a night terror and she goes oh i have them every night and i was like oh crap do i actually ask the next question of how's it going now i said well how many have you had since you know we prayed for you and she goes oh i haven't had one since then and so you know god just he loves the night and he wants to take back the night we're in the philippines and i just shared that story and there was a girl there that had an intruder come in i think two nights before that obviously scared her to death and was having night terrors we just prayed for him god just freed her from that she was able to sleep so you know god just wants the night back he wants to minister to you so god just right now if you if you have night terrors or you have trouble sleeping just receive god's grace and mercy so god right now i just pray for those that are dealing with night terrors or can't sleep at night or having a tough time shutting down their heart their broken heart right now we just ask for the peace of your spirit to rest on them at night that they that you will give them back their night if they will rest that tonight would be a night of peace and rest for the first time right now in jesus name yes that the night will be taken back amen that's a good one and that is that is a huge um i hear that one all the time that my kids have night terrors or i can't sleep and have night terrors and you're so right i love how you say it's like take the night back because the night was created for rest you know to refresh our bodies our minds and our spirits and all of that and so when the enemy tries to come in and take the night yeah you know we don't we're we're not functioning in our full capacity our actually our full identity and destiny um and so taking back the night i think is of so very powerful thank you ryan yeah one of the strategies that he gave us for people was what are you watching what are you listening to right before you go to bed i know it sounds really simple or sounds kind of ridiculous but no it's very important yeah what what you listen to what you watch before you if you have night terror or have problems sleeping i i would suggest changing what you're listening to what you're watching before you go to bed simply just say hey worship for a few minutes before you go to bed you know it just changes the atmosphere it sets an atmosphere um we fought for this with our daughter and that's how we broke that was just worshipped over for a few minutes before she went to bed and um and you know god just showed up and and took care of it that's i um i really do commend you you know there's there's so many times where we go through these situations that we don't know what to do you know and if we just are like if we're just paying attention holy spirit always in the background seems to have a plan for us yeah if we just start paying attention he does i want to just that kathy kathy phillips is part of the mission church as well and i just i just want to read this i think this is a great testimony she says uh when we were in a trauma situation with my husband in a coma i could only sleep one or two hours per night one night i had a dream that was so funny i woke i woke up laughing so hard i couldn't even stop the whole next day he awakened a joy in the midst of the trauma that was unimaginable wow wow so i would call that miraculous so father right now in jesus name we release that same testimony over all of this broadcast father that joy would would hit in the midst of trauma that it would be unimaginable and uncontrollable it doesn't minimize the trauma or minimize the situation it just gives us a heavenly perspective to help us just uh war our way through this and we thank you for that father thank you for that testimony in jesus name yeah yeah well the joy of joy is critical yeah it's absolutely critical um the bible says that joy will come in the morning referring to the coming up of the sun but we have learned we've all learned everybody on this right now i've learned how to joy in the morning m-o-u-r yeah yeah in the time of morning you can actually have joy and those things don't oppose themselves they don't affect each other they don't fight against each other we learned this really strongly with amy that we could be happy people we could be joyful for the joy of the lord while we mourn right and being joyful does not does not say we we me we don't miss amy anymore it doesn't say amy's not important anymore it doesn't say that at all it actually elevates the value we have for who she was because we live in the joy of the lord and uh and we don't have to mourn to prove anything yeah that's the thing we don't have to prove anything in this process we just get to enjoy the joy of the lord and then we get to to mourn the way we need to mourn right yeah i remember when uh mark one of the situations that we were in when mark's uh mom passed away you know we were that was sad it was hard and and i remember being in the back of the um suv that we were in driving from the cemetery to um uh to the to the church for lunch and i had such an encounter in the in the back of this suv it was it was such a tangible indescribable joy and peace that came over me and what was funny though what was funny the enemy was saying you know telling me lies like what's wrong with you why are you doing that this is you know this is a grievous time and and and he kept trying to interject his thoughts because it's like oh no she cannot be having joy and peace with this and so i was you know for a short minute i i was kind of doing that battle and then i realized then i hear the holy spirit say hey this is me this is my joy this is my it is supernatural you know it didn't mean i didn't love her didn't miss her and then i wouldn't be grieving other days too you know what i'm saying but when it hits you and the way it hits you go with it and enjoy it and listen to what he's saying and what he's doing and just live in that is so powerful yeah we really learned joy is a substance and a there's a power to it it's not just an emotion it will sometimes express itself as an emotion but i know the morning after amy died the kids you know here you know her two kids are upstairs sleepy and i'm walking downstairs like how do we get through this day and i literally i turned down the hallway and i thought dave had come out of the restroom that's right there and i bumped into him and i i i stopped and i'm like and then i saw down the hallway dave was in the living room and like there's nobody else there and so i turned around and kind of walked down it again and hit it again and i just stood there and i said and i didn't feel happy let me tell you i didn't feel happy and uh and i knew but i knew this holy spirit and i said what is this he goes this is joy this is the substance of joy that you'll you will now live your life in it's a sustaining and power that gives you strength it's not i always just thought you either feel joy or you don't you know it's more right um said no it's actually substance for you to actually live and breathe um from now on yeah wow that's so good that joy is a substance you know joy is tangible yeah and and we can choose that joy we can live in that joy i think this is uh this is really cool this is a really cool concept for all of us all of you that are watching and for those of us that are here part of this is that we have certain times in our lives we feel like we have things figured out pretty well and then we turn a corner and walk into joy and and and joy becomes something tangible that we just thought it was a was conceptual before yes and and i think that for so many of the of our experiences the the holy spirit holy spirit is bringing to us a tangible representation of these concepts that we've had and man that's a shakeup mindset shift for sure yeah yeah heather heather here said i felt so disloyal to my dad if i wasn't drowning in sorrow really amazing to hear a godly perspective and i think we're really hitting on this is such an important piece that so many people i've talked to to experience that you know when god comes in and holy spirit comes in and begins to really release the peace and the joy that there's this guilt or that they're being dishonoring and unfaithful to a loved one and or a friend and so father we just thank you for uncovering this tonight for even revealing it up that we could talk about it we just pray for every person that's listening out and listening later god we thank you that you will just spark that revelation deep within their spirit deep within their heart deep within their mind that they would be totally set free from that lie and that deception that you would break that off of them father and just begin to pour in the peace of god that passes all understanding that it would reign and rule in their hearts and minds and that joy would just flood their very being and they would experience a shift and a change in the whole way they perceive a death of a loved one or a friend just thank you for that important experience man you know uh loss is loss we've been talking about a real monumental kind of loss a life-changing dramatic painful extremely painful loss of loss of a loved one yeah but loss is lost whether you've lost your job or you've lost a relationship come on yeah that's all loss and it's finding joy in the midst of those losses that really do sustain you and and choosing hope to hope for for the future uh when you're in the midst of those things but loss is loss and you know oh good people watching this right now that say well i've never lost a loved one i've never lost a daughter or a sister or you know those kind of things but people who have lost you know through miscarriage people have lost in a variety of ways and a variety of things uh they're all important they all impact us and how we how we process through that determines a lot of our future it does i think right now there was a loss of a lot of things through covet you know just a lot of a lot a lot of loss of people's dreams of what life was supposed to be of their expectations that got just sideways and twisted yeah and uh there's there's such a trouble embrace the joy of the lord and to choose to live in hope when everything's just gotten turned upside down amen yeah lost you know lost income all of those things are important so i just like to pray over that i just like to pray into people's lives just lord whoever's lost anything in their life right now that's had an impact on their soul that's saddened their soul that's caused their soul to to be drawn down god we just speak life into that right now in jesus name life into their soul that their soul would be refreshed your word says psalms 23 that you restore our soul so i'm asking for a restoration of soul through the joy of the lord and the peace of the lord and that hope would invade every part of the lord your word says that that hope will not disappoint is because the holy spirit is shed abroad the love of god into our hearts so i just declare that into those with any kind of loss right now in jesus name wow amen amen um i just wanted to uh uh we want we're just so excited about what we could talk about tonight because this is real stuff this is real life stuff and this this is hard stuff and a lot of people we just don't know how to process through even as christians were like i don't know how to process through this and so we were just really wanted to talk out of some of our own life experiences especially you guys talking about a real life experience and just how holy spirit was just right there for each and every one of you in your way and in how you process how you feel how you go through it to bring you to a place of joy and peace and so we're just declaring that over every person listening here now and later that holy spirit is on the scene he never leaves he's right there and just begin to bring him into the process of your grieving and he will lead you and guide you he will teach you he will help you and strengthen you every moment of every day to live your best life free with him by your side so we just excited that we could be with all of you here tonight we want to do a couple of announcements we're going to be having tomorrow night um for those of you who are local or even if you're just in the region uh our youth a group called cultivate which will meet in the hangar hangar tomorrow night at 7. uh we'll be having krista smith she's a powerful real awesome woman of god who is going to come to speak to the youth and if you know any youth in the area we just want you to invite them it's a free event just come out and enjoy the worship enjoy enjoy connecting with people and hear what she has to say and i know i'm sneaking in she's awesome mark and i are sneaking in there for sure yeah okay we just want to enjoy uh invite you out to enjoy that and then this sunday we want to invite invite all of you out for uh bethany hicks will be uh ministering on sunday morning at 10 a.m at the mission and we'd love to have you all out for that another dynamic powerful woman of god and she has a great message to share with you so join us at the mission this sunday if you can join us at the mission wednesday tomorrow if you can we'd love to have you dave take a minute uh we're going to get some final thoughts but dave take a minute and just tell everybody about deeper reimagined and what that actually what that actually is deeper is our kingdom life experience it's a it's a time of training that we have uh it's it's every sunday night and then tues two wednesday nights a month uh and it's just one of those awesome opportunities to to really go after three things that we really believe is really essential for becoming uh that supernatural person that god designed us to be and one is to really understand who god is so it's god our god view the other is who are we how does god see us and becoming the true person that god created us to be and then the third is that how do we then fit in his story how do we how do we operate in our life with this new understanding of who god is and who we are then what do we do in our world and how can we how can we be effective and it's uh it's just an awesome thing we've reimagined it we've restructured it it's it's far more punchy and powerful and engaging and you can register on our website you can look at it there and get more information and register on our website immission shirts dot com well if you need any information on any of the things we've talked about here tonight any of the functions so we'd love for you to just check out the website and there'll be more information for you there you know sarah kamez is our junior high pastor and she said youth group is ages six uh sixth grade through twelfth grade um so just letting you know about that but just bring bring your kids out they'll love it it's gonna be a powerful powerful night so ryan dez you have any final thoughts for us tonight uh i mean just go for it whatever you're doing go for it um thank you mark and tam you guys have created such a great place for people to come on and be blessed and just hear about the goodness of god um just you know whatever you're going through god is really that good he really is that good and he'll he'll he'll give you those special moments those encounters that you'll need to get through whatever you're going through so just lean into his goodness and he'll get you through it i sure appreciate that that's some great wisdom right there so great to have you guys on your you're amazing and we love you so much so dave and deb you got any final thoughts for us [Laughter] no for being part of our lives and family and we love you yeah we just have one final thought from one of our friends in texas so uh that's good hey listen everybody it's been it's been a a joy and a privilege to be on with all of you tonight and to really just share some of these not not just experiences life experiences but some of this deep insight into the world of uh of processing life with holy spirit yeah you know tonight we we've learned we've just talked about how we've processed some grieving and some loss with holy spirit but you know in every arena of our life holy spirit is with us he is in us and he's with us he's not far away he is he is inside of us and he in his desire is to process every aspect of your life with you amen yeah amen and we just want to encourage you to this the rest of this week into next week um if you've received prayer tonight if you've received encouragement if you've received a revelation and a freedom in some of these areas remember to share prayer prayer is for sharing so if you know of someone you're thinking of someone as we if as we've been doing this broadcast tonight share the prayer reach out to them call them see them at work whatever and reach out to them and just pray over them to be encouraged and be set free in a new level so thank you for joining us we're really looking forward to seeing you next week thank you for joining us we love you and signing off bye everyone
Channel: The Mission Vacaville
Views: 63
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5_gl6K25590
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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