Eagle's Nest Online Prayer Gathering

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[Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey welcome everyone to uh eagles nest uh online prayer house and we're so glad that you're with us tonight you know this has been a great a great week that we've just been through uh you know we went last last tuesday night we had some great uh amazing friends on with us where we prophesied over as many people as we could in uh one night and you know we just felt like we wanted to do that again so we have we actually tammy and i actually have more amazing friends that are that are prophets and prophetic and and we wanted them to come on with us tonight to kind of share some of their journey they've got an amazing story you guys and and we want them to share some of their story but also then we want to just prophesy over as many of you as possible so we invite you to come on call your friends let everybody know what's happening tonight and let's just jump on and have a really good time we you know uh we we're part of the mission church in vacaville california and tammy and i lead prayer there in many different aspects and just having online prayer meetings is just one of those one of those things yeah one of our favorites we really like being with you guys we believe that when we pray we're actually joining in with the prayer meeting that's going on in heaven already you know where the father son and holy spirit are interceding for us and we believe that coming together like we do online is joining in with that prayer meeting in fact when you think about it that prayer meeting in heaven was the first 24 7 prayer meeting yep and and we're just joining in with still going on still going on today longest first and longest first and longest yes it established the breakthrough groundwork for all of us yeah we just want to encourage all of you that are listening now and later um you know to join in join in on the comments um give us your prayer requests uh pray over other people prophesy over one another say hello to one another just make this a family affair where we're just getting together we're connecting we're doing life together and and we're just talking about the one we love the most and that's the our lord jesus and we're praying and interceding together and it's going to be a fun night so just go ahead and in the comments and give us a thumbs up give us a smile no thumbs down only happy faces and we're looking forward tonight to joining our dear dear friends of many many years so you know listen uh for you guys to get involved in the comment section you need to follow the directions that i put up on the screen right here you need to let stream yard know through facebook that you actually that they have permission to publish your name and your uh picture yeah and when you do that then that really spans over all of the stream yard broadcasts that we do so you shouldn't have to do that again but it is necessary so that your comments show up and and appear for us and not right and you need to open it and that's really really powerful there's like 26 comments that we haven't seen we want to say hello to some people going on here hey hi paris it's good to see you and uh go on scroll on down back to the the top there so we can see from the beginning oh there's heather heather's always the first on and heather's from connecticut it's good to see you tonight heather ella from alabama welcome and then we have merry christmas we could have greg or uh marilyn ojeda on on that one right here um tell them about that let's just put this up for just a second this is amazing it says good evening mark and tammy wow that prophetic word for us uh last week wow for us last week wow i've had such a peace in a calm because of that you know it's awesome marilyn and uh and her husband greg pastor of church in fairfield and they are amazing such an amazing couple but their church is called i am church you know one of the things they have done during covid is that they were meeting in their parking lot like you would a drive-in theater everybody drove up in their cars they kind of cracked their windows a little bit and then the music was playing outside the speakers were outside so everybody could see him and and uh and be a part of that what an amazing idea that was yeah very i love the creativity that really has come out of uh this season where people are just uh deciding we're meeting somehow or get we're gathering together and just doing it go back down to the beginning i wanna say hi to uh esther and uh mata hi mata she says hi y'all met you tammy at the easter egg hunt in town and mark in the lobby i'm new to the mission in the area i remember you i remember meeting you and your family and we're so glad you're on here tonight good to have you hi mary elizabeth robin from arizona i know that the ferriss is have family in arizona glad to see you hi paris and uh let's see jennifer hi jennifer good to have you so welcome everyone we're glad you're on with us hi justin and um hi susan good to have you guys so good hey let's just uh jump in here and bring on our uh our special guests tonight uh we call them the fab ferris family because there are there are 14 of them and so when we have them on we're never quite sure if they're going to be uh 1 2 or 14 so we just call them the fab ferris family they're amazing to us so they've been a part of our lives for a long time yeah so let's bring them on hi aj i wanted to say hi to aj too and i say aj thank you for uh playing the guitar at the uh shine conference this last week and i know that you came in specifically for that and we just appreciate you girls good to see you hey lana nice to see you too yeah hey whoa craig and shannon and bethany in the middle hi bethany hi we couldn't get all 14 in the same shot i remember you guys trying that one time that was quite comical because we had upside down heads and sideway heads and yeah it didn't work out that was really funny trying to create 14 people in that spot in that shot hey we want to welcome you guys such dear friends who we've known you guys for how many years 20 30. uh it's got to be pushing 30. yeah yeah i'd say 30 years we've been friends with these guys and have done life and uh all kinds of great things and we just miss them so much because they just recently have moved from the mission to texas and uh it's just this last weekend i was feeling it pretty heavy and pretty strong because we've done so many events together like all the kids and craig and shannon and especially the girls we we just have had a special bond uh and we just understand each other we get each other we don't even have to communicate we just kind of lift an eyebrow and they know what you're talking about and poof everything and then it's put away it's like so i i was missing you for more than just that just having your presence there but i sure was missing that fun we used to have yeah so we're glad you guys are here uh with us tonight we're gonna have some fun aren't we yeah yes yes absolutely because if it's not fun we're going home that's it that's a great avenue one of our core values is fun it's not fun it's not worth doing here's ella saying hi the to the ferris gang from alabama hey alabama yes uh-huh and and autumn schaefer is saying hello and allison kearns same hillary you guys these are all friends yeah hey you know what we were right away so we were talking a little bit ago you know you guys moved you you heard you heard from god you heard his voice and he said pack it up and move and you've done that so we kind of talked about that on one of our last times that we had you guys on but since you've been in texas since you've been in texas what has god been saying to you and what have you guys been doing because just before we came on we were just chatting a little bit and what you guys were sharing with us is mind-boggling yeah and i just want you to take some time yeah and kind of share some of that part of your story with everyone super exciting yeah um so i'll start you know what one of the things that i just jumped on my memory i know we've talked about before but everybody else may not know is part of even ending up in texas was some of what you guys planted in us uh tammy taught the very first prophetic class at the mission tammy who you tammy [Laughter] very first the very first person uh you and bill holland as a tag team did a wednesday night series on how to hear the voice of god i remember that and i remember both of you being kind enough to invite me and make sure that i was coming to the class uh and even then you guys were reminding me saying hey you can hear god this is part of who you are definitely so us ending up in texas just that short piece was was huge so everything that we're doing now um has come from uh our interactions so many seeds that you guys have planted and so many people over the years have worked very diligently in what they've heard from god to help us understand yeah there was a lot of that for me smoother transition and i did budding along the way but yeah that there's there's two keys to that was the prophetic class and then uh you guys teaching me on sunday mornings that it wasn't just about hearing god on a sunday morning i remember the process if you came in on a sunday morning you felt like you had a word from god you gave it and you guys were the people and i learned the value of listening to god all the time because you looked at me and just was like like i would come to you and i would give you a word and you're like great and then because i and ultimately the process ended with me going you guys said hey we're gonna sit down and have a meeting and i'm like i'm going to give you guys what for because you're missing you're missing it i'm telling you what the word is and you guys have had me writing it down all this good stuff and i remember mark you looked at me and said does god only speak on sunday mornings this is not how i envisioned this thing i'm in so much trouble right now a sunday morning god only right and so i i just i in thinking about what we're doing right now started and has been part of what we've been doing for 30 years wow huh yeah yeah i mean honestly a lot of the stuff even birth in the revelation has come from uh i mean you guys were doing prophetic community before there were words for it we didn't have those words for it either but you guys were you guys were taking time with us and reminding us yeah so um thank you you're welcome and thank you for for that encouragement guys so i mean i'm i'm jacked every time i see uh eagle's nest i'm like this let's do this yeah um like so anyway so what are we doing and you know these guys have far surpassed us and then bethany back there the next generation and she's just off the hook the way it's supposed to be it is and she's learning from you guys like still it's a it's an amazing way that god has connected us and to continue to to work together and see sorry i want a tangent there i i kind of saw a squirrel so i ran with it so i like that squirrel trail that was a nice trail wow you guys thanks greg thank you thank you absolutely thank you guys so what are we doing we're doing what you guys taught us to do we're expanding the kingdom you want to tell them some more since i talked so much a little more detail about those classes that are coming up or some of them you've already done yeah and then other things i don't want to divulge what all of it so uh well the first class just started um is it two weeks ago yep yep samuels road um if you'd like to sign up you still can you can still get the replays from the last two weeks um it's an eight week long course uh after that he's actually has a few more courses in the works um craig actually just finished his first book on finishing up all the edits and all that good stuff to have it released here pretty soon amazing that's exciting as well um what else do we have going on so basically what we've done is we've taken everything that we've been taught and we're trying to put it in a form that we can do what you guys did for us we're looking to find ways the same way you did the prophetic class the same way you did some one-on-one stuff we're looking for vehicles to create so that we can do the same thing for other people so the samuels road is eight weeks on prophetic accuracy so you guys taught me how to prophesy taught me how to hear the voice of god worked me over so that i learned the value of character as much as i did the value of a gift amen yes yes you guys were never as concerned about my gift as you were about me as a person and the character that i walked in oh wow because of that i learned accuracy that's where i learned it was in the in the character and the integrity and the intimacy finding the place come on hidden that if i had a relationship with him that was more important when no one saw me yes if people did see me then it produced something that they even think or imagined fire right there we're looking for ways so that's why samuel's road so important to us is because we understand the value of doing things outside versus being seen um and so that's what we'll do eight weeks on is just really trying to provide people a glimpse into hey we've been told for 20 years how to hear god now how do we do that in a way that awes people that come from a place that no one sees and produces stuff that's in the scene realm so you really learn how to interact with the unseen realm bring it into the scene realm and then people are awed and inspired not by just a gift but by the person who knows someone that they don't know right so there is a big difference between that between me activating a gift and introducing you to someone that i know that you haven't been introduced to before wow and so that's kind of what we're trying to build off of with uh each of the the steps that we're doing we're doing samuels road and then uh soon they'll be we'll do like a couple announcements in the next few weeks about what comes next we'll do another class and then the book will be released and then we'll have another training that'll go another eight weeks um and so you know we're just we're trying to we're trying to give back everything that's been handed to us and we understand that by doing that by engaging people as people yes amen and not just trying to release uh products but we're trying to release tools to people then we expand the kingdom um so good so good so i'm sorry i get excited right now well i mean really i i we want we want you guys to talk about this because we want all of our listeners that are listening now and later to be able to have access to this and they're not going to know unless it's shared with them and so this is a good platform to share that we believe in the messages that you guys have and what you're putting out there and we want others to benefit from it for from how many years have you been learning about how to hear the voice of god like 30 i don't know you tell me a long like a lot of years of training and making mistakes and doing it right and just keeping keep going after it and you're also going to be doing elijah's journey about the double portion somewhere somewhere in there yeah between the between the classes and the activations and the book and all that's going to be available we just want to encourage you how do people get a hold of you guys to get more information well apparently you find this on eagle's nest you don't want to camp out anywhere [Laughter] yeah do you have a yeah go ahead yeah you can go to our website it's legacydreamers.org legacy dreamers dot org o-r-g yep okay everybody got that we'll try to type it in here and that that's really exciting and and uh just want to encourage you guys to tap into that uh it's it'd be well worth your time so um we just want to we would just want to step into some of this um i want to just say something before we get before we start winding it up yeah one of the things you said just a minute ago craig that really stuck out to me is that you want to introduce people to someone that they don't know and i think sometimes that becomes a can that can be a stumbling block for people that say well i know jesus you know and and that's not what you mean what you mean is i think what we're saying here is that we're trying to introduce people into a part of the character of god that they may not be familiar with so people that know god sometimes have this stumbling block in them where they think that the way they know god is the only way to know them the way they hear the way they perceive and all of that is the only way that it is and you know as prophetic people sometimes we can get stuck in that ourselves yeah but one of the things that we've learned in our journeying is that he is so multifaceted that he is continually revealing to us how we can interact with him whether it's in the hearing the seeing that all of all of those different attributes and so i think that's a powerful statement that you made you know that we're introducing god we're introducing people to a god that they haven't known right well if if you think about even the way you guys have trained as prophetic company how many times have you trained people to prophesy from a name yeah right you opened up the uniqueness of who god is from the individuality of the person you're attaching their name and the prophetic to their name every person carries a unique piece of the of god that i can't find anywhere else so when i engage with mark there's a piece that let me let me tell you specifically mark has shown me pieces of the passionate father that i couldn't have seen that anywhere else i did i've not seen it anywhere else when i when i engage with mark i not only see part of the father but i see the passionate side how passionate he is for me to become everything that i am yes when i've dealt with tammy the same thing she's painted a picture of his desire to be intimate with me and honestly if you guys think about it as father son and holy spirit tammy really has introduced holy spirit like nobody else you've ever encountered at all the way she engages and moves with holy spirit it's like the stories i've read about kathryn kuhlman the way she honored and moved the is a real life version for me has been tammy and she's shown me how holy spirit has said in every facet of your life i will be engaged and involved because i love you not because of control or manipulation but very specifically in how much we're loved by holy spirit and wanting to be a part of that so it is it really is coming in contact with someone we've never met because i've never seen that until i met youtube so why are you making me cry here [Laughter] you said we were doing for credit stuff i want to meet that person you're talking about thank you guys that's so great thank you i'm just wrecked right now so you guys just carry on okay right along here's our plan guys we don't have a plan exactly tonight before the broadcast we were on before with each other and we said well guys the plan tonight is we don't have a plan we're just going for it hey i want to say hi you guys uh brian odom was on here and i don't know if you're still on bryant but man it's good to see you buddy i haven't heard from you in a really long time and carolyn bader i think carolyn is in arizona now and she used to go to the mission church and so good to see you on here carolyn we miss miss miss you oh somebody just said also i love how mark and tammy are matching coordinating [Laughter] that's funny oh hi grace kim good to have you on here too grace from south korea so good to have you tune in again yeah i there was a comment too i wanted to address and i love it they said they love the authenticity and vulnerability of all of us that we're sharing and i just want to say it's in most cases it's in that authenticity and vulnerability where i feel like we can all connect in a whole different way in a more intimate way it's like we can relate to one another um some of these things become more tangible people think oh okay i go through that too we you know i can achieve that i can go there i can learn to hear the voice of god they make mistakes um then we make a lot of mistakes but you know i mean it's just in that authenticity and that vulnerability where we can connect i truly believe in such a deeper deeper level and our hearts are so for you um to to really have a revelation deeper revelation uh some of you i'm sure have a deeper revelation than than me but we're all wanting to have a deeper revelation uh and intimacy with the father and just all that he has for us and for the body of christ and for people all over the world so let's just keep going after in that authenticity and that vulnerability together i've had so much dust in my eyes tonight i just he's crying over here hey aj harris says hi missing you ferris family oh we miss you too aj hi grace kim she's saying hello well listen we just uh let's just jump in are you ready to jump in i'm ready let's go let's just start uh jumping in here and i think bethany already has already a couple words so we're going to start with her are we right about that bouncing here on the spot there yes i do actually i knew it i could feel it so she was on at the beginning i'm not sure if she's still on but it was mary i think her last name started with a g marilyn oheda no mary griggs oh right here okay here we go mary i hope you're still on here girl so mary when i saw your name i instantly heard the word rest and uh it was opened up into this picture and i saw you walking in in these woods and you were working barefoot and as you're walking through these beautiful trees you come to a river and you just lay down you lay your head on this rock and you're just flowing your hands through the river and as you're doing that handsomely there's an upgraded breast coming to this next i'll take that one too thank you okay was there somebody else there bethany not at the moment okay all right all right all right craig and shannon you guys paris geordo you're super highlighted so i just speak to the changes that are taking place in your life uh there's about to be a wave of calm and a wave of peace crash over you uh it's gonna begin to re-prioritize the things uh in your life the way these things are changing uh it's almost like there's five or six things that you're reaching for uh and i see them beginning to actually be numbered and sequenced in your mind and in your heart wow i also see a breaking forth in the new places of intimacy where your prophetic is going to go to new places where you begin to be way deeper and much further than you have up to this point uh it's going to be uh almost a shocking shift into the realms that your imagination barely would allow you to get to so uh embrace the change allow things to be restructured the way uh the way he's restructuring them don't fight it it's gonna be okay everything's lining up the way it should so there you go fight with that that's beautiful on paris works in the office at the mission and she's uh amazing beyond amazing she just had a brand new baby her and and adam just had a brand new baby so take that paris that's a good one that's a good word shannon do you have anything right now yeah there was ella yes yeah when i looked at your name i actually thought it said wave at first i had to get a little closer and then i said okay well what is it about a wave then why am i seeing that and i feel like i just said there's a wave of his presence and a wave of holy spirit that's going to come over you but it's not going to be like a normal wave that kind of comes in and then leaves it's going to come in and stay and there's a new a new level and a deepening level of his presence that you're going to learn how to not only carry but help bring other people into encounter with wow okay ella and you know these prophetic words that are coming coming out for you guys oh there's skyler haven't heard from him in a long time you know uh they're just um let us know if these are resonating with you or you know you can give us any a little bit of background or something and just give testimony you know of what god is saying hi christine from kentucky good to have you here girl and skyler wow buddy we haven't seen you for a long time he used to cut mark's hair he did good to see you hey skyler okay are you ready now beth yes okay so um for paris you were actually highlighted for me too and um i heard him say there's an upgrade and a shifting coming for your voice so i know you lead worship and i do believe that's part of it but i also believe it's part of um your passion to release to women and so i just heard him contest i just kept hearing it and i could feel it stirring and i i just keep hearing over and over again there's an upgrade and a shifting in your voice because you have an authority and you have a passion for this so i just declare over you right now breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough that keys are being released to you right now and how to strategically reach the people you're meant to reach in the name of jesus wow um grace kim when i saw your name i heard the word awakening and immediately i heard him say that not only will your dreams in the night begin to awaken you there's going to be a shifting in your dreams in the night but even in your dream life uh there's going to be an awakening there's going to be a stirring in you that your dreams and your dream life are going to begin to shift and they're going to begin to line up with words that you've heard in the past and i just declare over you that awakening and that that stirring and your spirit that you're going to begin and begin to align with heaven and with the words that have been spoken over you wow that's cool that's amazing well that's awesome yeah anybody else after that are you kidding no uh i know i saw christian torres on here oh really yeah i didn't see him his name flashed through there christian christian so one thank you bro for all the stuff that you've been putting into our lives loves you yes um yeah but i speak over you your days are not done uh i speak the days of fulfillment are about to hit you um that that the dreaming in the night is gonna awaken again that no longer will you go to sleep and just find places of tossing and turning but you will find rest but uh revelation is gonna increase incredibly in your dreams uh there's also about to be and i'm i'm just gonna go out here uh over the next 18 months there's gonna begin to be words that were prophesied over you about 15 years ago begin to come to pass things that you thought weren't going to be there are going to begin to arrive uh you're also going to see fulfillment and something or prophesied over you in your children uh there's going to be an outbreak of his presence on your kids uh that they begin to see and hear on levels that they had not expected they're going to begin to have encounters outside of the home that are unexplainable because they're going to be angelic encounters that are going to cause them to begin to see the path that's laid before them in who you prophesied over them as they slept and they're going to begin to see them make choices uh over the next 18 and 24 months based on things that you prophesied over them while they slept as you step into the moment they'll do the same that's awesome oh there he is i see him on there um let's just inc let's put ella up there for shannon want to show shannon ella that you prophesied or she says i've been having visions of waves coming from all directions so wow you prophesied over her about a wave that is super super cool i think ella got lit up here just a minute okay let's take it back to christian i wanted to kind of piggyback on craig there um you know christian as craig was speaking i was just sensing you know that i if when you were 17 years old um so kind of take that back in your memory because i don't have any idea but i feel like there was uh a passion of your heart at 17. uh there was a passion uh a concept kind of a revelation that god had given you to to go after and you know it you've often questioned here and there like you know where did that go how did that not come to pass you know was that really real and i feel like in this next season like craig was saying that that's going to become alive in you again it's never died but it's going to become invigorated i guess or you know it's just going to be shifted into a new dimension for you and i feel like god is calling that back up to the forefront and is going to breathe new life on that and um so whatever that is or what things those are just begin to revisit them in your in your mind and in your prayer time and in your worship time begin to kind of look at them and and pray about them and and continue to give them to god and ask god to cause that fire to burn again uh in that passionate way and in this revelation because i think in the next season it's going to be a key uh in in how you're going to move um how you're going to see how you're going to hear how you're going to comprehend and how god is going to thrust you forward um i almost see you like a um what are they the the the jumpers over the high the high jumpers you know you they've got those long long hole yeah and i just see you with one of those because you're running and that thing is going to go into the ground this passion and this revelation is going you're going to put your stake in the ground and it's going to catapult you whoo you know way way higher and forward and it's just going to take you to new heights and new places in the lord and and even for people than you've ever experienced before and just watch out because you know you're going to get so addicted to that and actually people and i see a lot of men um you know because you have like an anointing or a draw that men are going to be drawn to you and and and begin to share their stories and uh i just see this the spirit of wisdom coming on you a spirit of counsel and revelation and i feel like you're going to prophesy over them in ways that is doesn't see definitely not churchy or they they don't even know they're being prophesied over all they know is that their hearts on fire their body is on fire and they're just feeling like wow he's just hitting me in the in the depths of my heart and i just see many many giving their hearts to the lord coming back to the lord getting healed and you're you're you've got the whole package they're going to get deliverance they're going to get physical healings emotional healings and the joy of the lord is going to be restored to them in such a powerful way like that's going to be one of the signs you're going to see a lot is that the joy that some of them have um fallen out of is just going to return and they're just going to become so joyful and so full of laughter and it's just going to be a connection so man watch out go for it uh and i see you're you and sandra you know walking in this together uh but you're it's it's gonna start with you so just just watch out have fun with that have fun with that yeah i just wanted to say to elizabeth joy i when i saw your name scroll through i i heard the word uh mystical and i feel like that there's a season in your life where you've had or you're moving into this season of having some real mystical experiences with the with the lord and uh and that can be dreams it can be uh any kind of just any of these encounters but you're going to begin to have them so i just want to prepare you now that it is god he is opening up a whole different realm of his presence and his glory for you to visit uh for you to visit and to enjoy that's awesome hey there's matt gonzalez there saying hi to us michio the hawkins and the ferris fam together i like how everybody's jumped on the bandwagon where we say the fabulous ferris fam oh yeah the ferris fan that's going to be your new name people are going to hurt you okay so we link that together with bam bam so we say bam bam ferris fam it's a bam bam ferrous fan well a lot of people are connecting to the mystics word and the mystical word so that's uh really cool and just continue to let us know uh those that were prophesying over yeah and you know what we can pick out like i just uh prophesied over christian and so craig but it could have it could apply to you you know uh and so let us know if these words are applying to you too well craig smiling yeah okay guys who's next uh esther was highlighted to me and i feel like it's just a time for you to go into the secret place and you know how to do that really well and as you do that intentionally there's going to be a release of revelation and of just a greater understanding of scriptures and of some of the hidden things and then there's going to be a um a time frame i don't have the exact time but that you're going to just have a download of revelation you're also going to have the vocabulary that when it's time he's going to allow you to release that to people and you're going to have the right words to say and the right way to say it that people are going to understand wow super super super good hey i saw pat vandenberg was on here too hi we always love when you hop on pat it's good to good to have you on here i just was visiting with your daughter today yeah she's amazing okay next hey can i say something about the mystical just for a second yeah of course hey one of the things i want to encourage people to understand is um we do amazing as as humans in breaking things into categories and trying to make them understandable but when we're talking about the mystical there are people that move within certain realms that that's just part of their personality they're showing us pieces that we don't normally understand but mystical really is our life everything about our relationship with jesus is mystical and i'm not trying to make this trivial i'm not trying to take away from the amazing things we see uh but what i'm trying to say is that the same way the prophetic seemed mystical when we began to listen to god and people heard him uh we're trying to break down walls that are barriers for people accessing pieces of the kingdom and so say that mystical let's make sure we're saying that in a way that it's an invitation let's not leave that hanging out there as if there's just a certain group of people that's mystical the walls are broken down the veil was torn we have access to the fullness of who he is and everything we engage with should be mystical to those who haven't met him so prophetic words words of knowledge signs wonders miraculous those all seem mystical so to then say there's an angelic visitation or the cloud of witnesses have begun to interact with the world around around us we shouldn't be surprised by those things or think that it's only separate for certain people this is who we are we are a mystical people uh walking into places in a scene realm introducing them to the unseen realm yeah becomes part of their scene realm right now that stays separate and and disconnected so i just just want to break that down real quick so people don't just start going well those guys are over here and we're over here no it's who we are we can't say that we believe in raising the dead if we don't believe that we're mystical people right i mean hello just that alone right well that's kind of a games game changer so then i'll go ahead and prophesy uh pat actually i'll process over pat if that's okay uh you bet hey pat i when when she said your name i saw you break wide open and i saw the seeds that had been planted deep it was as if the the field was about right at the top of your chest but the seeds have been planted in the lower part of your belly and this is the time when they're beginning to sprout forth there's an incredible ability on you to not only father well but to love well uh and you know how to love well in the street or in the white house and i feel like god's beginning to break open the doors that had been it seemed like they were welded shut to make the connections necessary to move beyond the realms that you've been almost encapsulated in and i feel like the city that you're in is going to begin to blow wide open for you but you're going to see also things within your state that there's going to be invitations to speak with incredible words of knowledge with signs and wonders and there's going to be the ability to counsel well with strategies and solutions uh there's going to be some government officials uh it'll probably be about 14 months from now that you doors open into government officials offices where they're asking you for strategies and how to take the uh the young men in the street and bring them into places where they can become men and i feel like your ability to love well is going to begin to shine over the next like 10 months so that that's going to be an incredible key strategy for you is being able to articulate love in such a way that it becomes a strategy and is able to take young men out of the street and into places where they become men and fathers that is powerful and you know pat too as he was prophesying over to you um do you know your mayor in your city in your town let me i'm going to keep talking but let me know kind of type in there if you know your mayor uh in your city um i just feel like that uh if you know your mayor um if you if you don't know your mayor i i just feel like there's gonna be a uh an encounter to meet your mayor and if you already do know your marriage just feel like a greater uh favor coming like uh almost a a friendship a friendship uh some sort of connection where you know you're going to be you're going to you you don't you do yes she attended oh well so yeah that's awesome so i just really sense that there's just going to be a greater favor there more of a a relationship to kind of almost be a consultant or a you know to pray to be a friend to be a friend and to be able to give strategies and ideas in a very non-threatening way but yet very powerful way where she can receive them and she can implement them like you will we'll get the strategy you'll get the ideas you'll get the strategy you'll get the plan and um that her heart will be open and and that you will you'll be able to connect and and you and trisha together um i mean i can see you guys having lunch together and um hanging out and just being able to minister to her sometimes where she feels like she's got nowhere to go nobody to talk to i mean not that she'd reveal up secrets she she's not supposed to but uh being able to share just on a very personal level and i can see that you guys can be not only good friends first but you know just impartation uh of godly wisdom counsel revelation and strategy so i just bless all of that in jesus name so pat answers back and says we're already friends she attends their church periodically and then he sent this back shoe she texts she texts him to pray when she needs wisdom and breakthrough love it i just want to release this not just for pat but for all of you that are on this broadcast and and we'll watch this in the future that one of the roles of believers in this season that we're in right now is moving us into places of influence with people that are decision makers whether it's uh in a business or or in a political sense but in some of these areas where we're just normal everyday people that have relationship with god that hear god that that know god's heart toward others where they begin to move in these places yeah through open doors and you know we're not there necessarily to preach we're not there to like bring heaven down we're there to be wisdom we're there to be breakthrough we're there to have creative ideas and just really to build relationships because it is out of relationships that everything in the kingdom really does uh move yeah and uh you know i like the stories that jesus relays in the bible that he spent three years actually demonstrating the power of god but he did that with men that he had relationship with and and sometimes we miss the the the importance of a relation of building a relationship first yeah it's built on just on friendship and becoming friends and so yeah i want to just release that father we thank you right now father for the release of relationships uh over everyone that's part of this broadcast tonight father increase relationships in every arena of their life in their families with their friends where they work uh in gov with government with business father that the levels of influence will increase as their ability to create wholesome and healthy relationships increases and we thank you for that father in jesus name wow amen yeah amen pat that's just going to grow and grow and grow and be a powerful thing this is really this is a great topic right here we're kind of tracking on this but trust is huge when dealing with political leaders and trust is the ability to hear something without needing to tell everybody what you're hearing or that you even have a connection to hear it and that's what trust is and so yes great great word pat that's powerful you know with that i just want to tag on the another piece of trust is understanding that they have somewhere safe amen i don't i'm not there to gain anything right and so when when we're dealing with people of influence yeah we're not there just to become influencers of influencers yes we have to know what time it is and jesus did an amazing job of recognizing how long to spend with people how how to guard i mean uh wasn't it nicodemus that came at night he understood that nicodemus could not be associated with him so we have to understand that trust is understanding where somebody is and their heart is to be where we're at but their position prevents that so we have to honor that respect that and so they have to have somewhere safe they do just about being friends so that we can go to lunch together yes without being friends in a way it's the expansion of what they're doing so it benefits the people yeah that's really the only influence we're supposed to have is not just it's not just about influencing political decisions we're influencing an individual to know the king so that they can turn around and help the people and the kingdom that way so we've been a little messed up trying to be become influencers influencers but not creating safe spaces and that goes back to what we talked about at the beginning when i said you guys pounded into me character and integrity um the ability to become a safe place means that i am safe working out of woundedness and brokenness and my own frustrations but it's out of that character and integrity that we're able to engage and and create that safe space so that is so so good you know i just it's interesting how the lord is highlighting this whole governmental piece right now and and you know we're just that we didn't have an agenda so you know we're kind of going with the the wave and the flow but one of the things i wanted to to say to our viewers it's so so important because you know you you are a prayer warrior for your city too just as you drive around and you do your business in your city this is your city and one of the things we train are our cpr people in that city prayer revolution and that's a team of people that once a month go out into their cities and pray for their cities and when they go to city hall or go to the place of government in their cities when we started training our people to begin to pray for government leaders as people um not necessarily the mayor or the police chief or the city planner although we totally um honor and respect those positions and we pray for those positions that's not what i'm saying but when we first pray for them with a heart as as a mom or a dad or a son or a daughter or or a grandfather a grandmother or as a person a person with a heart a person with a spirit a mind that feels that has family that has sickness might have sickness in their body that has hobbies likes dislikes all of the whole thing whether they're a believer or not they're a human being they're they're god's creation they're his sons and daughters they were created by him and when we we could paint that picture for the people praying in their cities to pray for them as people first it literally shifted the way people prayed for their government leaders because they realized they're praying for people just like them you know moms and dads and and and that have stuff in their lives too that they deal with and it just gave a greater compassion it gave a greater connection a greater authority i believe because it came more from a a place of love than you know necessarily the mayor and i disagree with what they're doing kind of a thing uh it just it really shifted things so i want to encourage you when you pray for your city leaders and your state leaders and the government leaders pray for them as people first and intercede for them hey can you give us an example what that looks like no wow that'll wipe us out right there i i i do that jokingly but you know we really do pray for our city leaders in our city in the spirit a lot you know one of the one of the things we did years ago was that we brought into one of our prayer meetings the names of the president all of his cabinet members and the names of their wives if we could find them we brought in the names of all of the senators and their wives we brought in the names of all of the members of or husbands or husbands yes their spouses we brought in the names of all of the members of the house of representatives and we literally went through that list and prayed by name for every person on the list and so back in that time period you know obama was our president and so when you begin to pray for someone by their name you know he has two daughters he has a wife he loves his wife and he loves his two daughters and when you're going to begin to pray for him as a as a man but as a husband and then as a father your prayers shift and change yeah because just like he has a heart for his kids our heavenly father has a heart for us and if we begin to engage in the father's heart for others as they they are engaged with the best that they know how to do as him as a father for his two girls we begin to see that whole exchange of the father's love being poured into him as he's loving his children and it shifts your prayers it shifted everything it shifts your attitude it shifts your heart it really does it shifted everything uh it's very very powerful way to pray and you know so we'll do that often and um or you know we hear things in the in the paper or or on the news and we hear that let's ju i'm making this totally up right now but it's just an example it's like you know maybe our mayor is experiencing some heart issues and they're not doing well or someone in their family in our city government is is is going through something or one of their children and we take that upon ourselves to treat them like well they're our family their sister and and brother you know and so we pray for them because this is our city and we want our city to to prosper and so we want our leaders to prosper because if if we prosper then our city prospers you know and so if our city prospers we prosper i guess that's the way it goes and so it just connected us in a whole different way yeah i does that kind of answer a little bit there's way more we have way more but you know yeah it makes a difference between praying for uh barack obama versus praying for pharaoh it does it's a different connection point in understanding there's a there's barack and michelle that need uh need me to pray from a place of love versus the president the first lady who yes i have different connotations for so when you guys pray that you do have the distinction though when we pray versus when we encounter so when we encounter them that's when they are the president of first lady yes yeah of course absolutely supposed to go with that but when we pray we have to get beyond the protocols and beyond the titles yeah and you know we pray for them as men and women first but then we also do pray in the position you know because we they are in a position they are the governor they are the mayor they are the police chief they are the whatever position and so because we honor that and respect that and that needs prayer covering too we definitely go into that and pray over those positions and that they serve in in the community i wanted to put something up here with christian he says uh agreeing with us you gain a better understanding when you pray for the individual and come to a greater understanding of god's authority in setting that position so good that's so true because it beg again it shifts your mindset it shifts your heart set it shifts maybe the way you're looking at them um and praying from a place of of negativity um instead of just where god said to to pray for your leaders so it's very very true it just shifts everything it does yeah so and you know i wanted to let you know that i don't know if you saw dave crone's comment on there uh dave crone is a senior leader at the mission and um he put on their uh uh when are you going to come home we miss you over here i'm seeing if i can do if i can find real fast but um anyway he was just trying to say hello to you guys we were so engaged in conversation i couldn't stop and say anything didn't see it go by huh anyway he's on here somewhere hi jay you guys have anything for anybody else we've got about uh two minutes left oh um yes so christian torres i believe was his name when you guys were prophesying over him earlier yes and this one's actually not for him he commented and said sandra i believe was the name he said so when i saw her name come up in the comments i saw a picture of her walking on the beach um as the sun is setting and there it was just beautiful and she's just walking in the sand and i heard him say there's a new piece that's coming to her and a new um upgrading her intimacy with him and then as she's walking she comes across this door um almost like if you've ever been to convergence that mark and tammy put on they've got this door that you can walk through and it was a door very similar to that it's just standing in the middle of the beach and it opens for her and she walks through and i heard him say um i wrote down doors will come from like unexpected places doors will open and unexpected places so i just encourage you sandra to be looking for those doors that will be opening in places that you wouldn't have even thought of or even imagined and i just encourage you as well that that intimacy and that peace is coming to you i want to just bethany if you would that's so for us as we're kind of wrapping things up you've hit uh in a couple of your prophetic words you've been you've through what you've said people have been been pulled into a place of intimacy i'm hearing the father through what you're saying pulling people into a place of intimacy and i think that i i would like for you to just pray that over over this broadcast over all of us that you know just just release that what you're carrying i feel like you're carrying that in a really big way yeah of course and okay so father i just declare over everyone that's listening now and even later i just declare a piece to wash over them and arrest like never before and i thank you for your for your secret place father that each one of us has our own secret place with you and i just blessed those places and i just declare upgrade upgrade upgrade i see right now there are keys being released to some of you and he's saying there's upgrade coming it's coming it's coming it's coming so father i just bless each keys that are going to these men and women and i just declare there's a wind coming from the north the south the east and the west that is being released to all of you tonight that there is an upgrade coming in your intimacy and i just bless the name of jesus wow i received that that hit me wow me too wow thank you bethany i wanted to also let you guys know here michelle and alex say hello and thank you guys guys dearly so you guys are greatly missed and greatly loved always and uh this has been so fun tonight and as usual it feels like about 30 minutes as opposed to an hour oh nothing like the eagles nest whoa that's right because we're going to soar like the eagles we are snoring like the eagles right thank you for taking the time to come on with us and to bless everybody we just want everybody to know that uh the ferris the fabulous ferris fam is gonna be uh pretty regular on here every three months or so every couple months whatever it ends up being but they're gonna they're part of our family and their kids call us grandma and grandpa and we adore them all and uh so they're gonna be on here regular with us right guys absolutely [Laughter] this has been absolutely uh absolutely just a blast wow i'm just i'm just kind of just i'm kind of blown away right now almost speechless which is tough for me that is yes wow so everybody listening now and later listen have a fabulous fabulous week we just declare over you that this week is going to get better and better and better and like bethany said those doors are going to be open you're going to have keys to doors that have been locked for a long time the swing wide the heavenly gates they're just going to start swinging wide open and you're going to have revelation you're going to have answers to prayers that you've been praying and just pray for the favor of god to rest on you the goodness of god the kindness of god to just overtake you i just pray that the joy of the lord is restored to you and that you'll just break out laughing where you haven't laughed in a long time and that's just going to be a contagious thing it's just going to break wide open and the joy of the lord is truly going to be the the joy of the lord truly is your strength but it's going to be your strength in a greater way this week and i want to encourage you if you've listened and you've received a prophetic word you've you've received prayer prayer is praying is for sharing prayer share the prayer because we don't want to hold it all in if you've received prayer this week share it this week and just let the joy just burst out i want to just end by by saying to svetlana i believe that you're going to be visited by the love of god like never before you have posted so many hearts in this i think you're prophesying over yourself yeah and i think that that is going to happen to you you're going to get just overwhelmed with the heart of the father toward you and that will result in you being filled with a fresh fire amen and jonah we just love having you on here you say you appreciate us and we appreciate you we appreciate that you absolutely were intentional about taking time to come on here tonight and spend an hour of your time with us as a as a company of people and just entering into prayer so we appreciate you and and i just want to encourage you that this in the next in the next four weeks uh some new things opening up for you you've been you've been trying your hand at some new things and wondering you know can i really do this can i really really get involved in this and i just feel like god just is is kind of pushing you on and pushing you towards those things and wants to encourage you that he's so proud of you for stepping out of your box he's so proud of you for exploring and expanding your vision and your horizon and he's already met you where you are and i just see a narrow place in your life becoming a wide wide open space and as you continue to go through that narrow space that that the wide open space is just going to go on forever and ever and ever and i just sense that as a new freedom a new freedom that you're going to walk in and actually you're going to become in a good way you're going to just be become more wild i think some some of you have been subdued here and there and you're like you're like that wild stallion that once you come out of that narrow place and you're in that field you're just going to take off like a rocket and i just see that the mane of the horse just blowing and you just feel free wow we're just going to town here the farmer's coming so bless you we bless you all fabulous ferris fam bam bam ferris fam you guys have a great week we'll see you next tuesday okay bye everybody bye
Channel: The Mission Vacaville
Views: 41
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iAGsy0p0xTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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