Eagle's Nest Online Prayer Gathering

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[Music] [Music] hi welcome everyone to the eagles nest online prayer gathering hi everybody good to have you here tonight hey this is a place where we connect with heaven and we just i want to thank all of you for being with us we have some amazing guests that have been experiencing some real unique move of moves of god in their in their churches in their church but also when they travel their whole area and uh so we're going to have them on to kind of share some of their testimonies some of their stories because those are the things that uh that we all want to like learn from and glean from and and that's that testimony there is something that we can hang on to and we can go after in our own lives and you know this this broadcast is uh brought to you by stream yard and so if you want to participate in the comment section which we encourage all of you to do then make sure you give stream yard permission right to post on to your fate post all of your facebook information on through their uh through their uh website so we just want to encourage you to do that we really enjoy having you participate be involved with the comments and uh yeah just be part of the conversation yeah we just want to encourage all of you this is we just kind of consider this a family chat if you will and uh we like everybody telling us what's going on telling us telling us where you're from uh if you have any prayer requests please put those on there and as we're moving along in tonight if we get a chance then we will pray for those uh online pray for you uh but we promise that even afterwards uh we will take all prayer requests and make sure that they are prayed over so just just be encouraged to participate in any way talk to us let us know what's going on let us know if what they're what we're talking about is encouraging you or agreeing within prayer or if you get a prophetic word or something about someone who's actually online with us uh you know send that prophetic word so that they can read it it's just it's really fun yeah it's awesome hey regina hi regina duncan it's good to see you oh we have jules from australia hi jules welcome from australia it's awesome to have you yeah hi rich good to have you here tonight too so listen let's just go ahead and bring our guests on because we just want to give them an opportunity to share what god's doing in and through their lives these guys are amazing they're part of our mission family and uh boy we just have enjoyed all the times we've been able to get together with them live and in person but uh man it's such a privilege to have them come on and be part of our show let's let's bring them on this is shannon and nancy schreier and they are from ogden utah hey guys everybody it's good to be with you guys good to see you good to have you guys good to have you guys so we're not going to tell anybody tonight on the broadcast that it's nancy's birthday okay and uh so if you want to just in the comment section let's say happy birthday ready happy birthday thank you hey look here's rachel kilgore happy birthday thank you my first online birthday there we go i i should have made you a cake and brought it on with a candle i did talk about it was too late but i thought oh i should have got uh party hats and those little you know horns to blow no no you're we're we're quite good we're good you know what would be fun to do is actually have like a hostess cupcake on this side and one on your end with the same candle in it we could eat it and we could just hand it right to the right there and you could there you go i could take it off that's true lack of planning i'm telling you i know we just weren't tricky enough yeah oh let me say hi real quick to darren hi darren and see that little picture in the corner that's their new little baby congratulations you guys amazing amazing you guys congratulations that's wonderful well listen why don't you guys just take a few minutes and share a little bit of about your life about yourselves um and kind of some of the stuff that's been going on yeah yeah well again thank you guys so much for having us on with what you guys are doing this is just phenomenal for us to be able to hang out with you we we do love you all we love the mission family it's been one of the greatest um additions in our lives honestly when we got connected with dave and deb at the mission and then to be able to meet your whole tribe and to start running together with you guys it's just been fantastic but amen we've been here in utah we we just celebrated 20 years at the church that we're currently pastoring and in june of this year and so it's been a really wonderful run honestly we we feel like utah's home we thought maybe we were possibly going to do something different for season and the lord kept coming right back to the same central point you know that we're not done here and it's been really wonderful um but uh we came as new church planters into utah in 1997 with the church downtown salt lake city wow and then um we were just ten blocks from temple square in salt lake city and saw just some incredible things happen in the first three and a half years that we were there and then we moved to ogden and became senior leaders of the church that we're currently pastoring them and uh have just really enjoyed a like i said a wonderful season we came um into utah believing that god um was a god who was full of of the power of the holy spirit you know bill johnson says that we owe the world around us an encounter with the lord jesus christ that's one of the phrases that we got yeah many years ago and and that's really what we feel like needed to happen here in utah is that if we didn't come with what paul said was a clear demonstration of the presence and power of jesus christ that we were only giving people just a very limited view of what the kingdom was about and so from the very beginning we we believed god for um anything that he could do had to be uh substantiated with with signs wonders and miracles amen so that's been our heartbeat that's been what we've been pouring out what we've been training and teaching and releasing now for for 20 years here in utah and then now literally we've been around the world um doing the same thing for a lot of years and it's been been a great great season as well so a lot of fun we've seen some of the craziest testimonies miraculous healings you would ever imagine i'll give you one of them right now honestly okay years ago uh because when we started releasing people into the miraculous you know it was it it couldn't be that just power would flow through the two of us it had to be something that was transferable and and catch fire with our body yep it didn't take long at all we started going on trips with randy clark and we take as many people as we could on these trips and once we did um they would come back just literally on fire and they you know they knew then that god was not just going to do miraculous things in brazil or the ukraine or wherever we were at but we do them right in utah and um but one of our our our groups of women were hosting a group for recovery um for a bunch of the folks that are coming through our recovery program back then and one of the ladies came in years ago that had um asked the ladies he said hey would you guys pray for me and um they said yeah i said what he wants to pray about she said well my elbow has been all messed up [Music] yeah now that was later oh no she's right yeah she said okay it's a two-fold miracle and i just had it backwards but but she said she said my husband and i have not been reconciled for so many years when we got back together and we're our marriage is doing great but she said i'd like to have a baby we haven't been able to have a baby you think you could pray for us and the women said of course so they prayed for you know weren't thinking too much about it and and weeks later she comes back and she's just super excited she says you i can't believe it she said i'm pregnant and and they said that is so wonderful but she said she says no you don't understand she said i didn't have a uterus i've had a full hysterectomy sometimes too many details will get in the way of our faith too much information so they pray for little details but so she's saying that everybody's just crazy but she said but my elbow she said has been messed up as well and she said you know i i i'm thrilled but i don't even think i can't even hold the child you know when this child comes you think you can pray for my elbow and so she's the women again they're super excited they pray nothing really happens during the meeting but she goes home that night and about one o'clock in the morning she wakes up and she's in excruciating pain in her right elbow and she's just rocking back and forth just saying jesus help me jesus please help me and she she was that way for honestly until about four or five in the morning when she finally dozed off and was able to get some sleep she slept for a few hours and woke up with zero pain but she also she also felt something different here's what was going on but that she didn't tell once again too much information uh details during during just years of ex just extreme meth addiction and drug addiction she ended up with premature arthritis and they had it attached itself to her elbow they had cut her elbow completely out and put in a titanium joint whoa then somewhere in the course of that healing it got infected and they couldn't do anything with it so they said we're just going to have to remove that titanium because your body is rejecting it and so they cut that joint out and then they had her in a sling and that's when she came in and said could you pray for my elbow she's in a sling there's no elbow there's just tendon and skin holding her warm together oh my gosh so they pray they pray for her again and that's when she you know was just an excruciating pain she she wakes up with no pain but she reaches down and feels something that's there that wasn't and it's a brand new elbow oh 100 brand new creative miracles in this woman a uterus completely reformed and then a brand new elbow she came to church to tell me the story right after she'd gone back to the doctor and she went into to the doctor they went and sent her in for x-rays he they they brought the x-rays out to the doctor and he was mad this is not her they sent her back into x-rays again and then um he did that three times before he finally went in with her she's trying to tell the whole time you don't understand god healed my elbow but he's not hearing any part of it and he throws her elbow up on the x-ray machine himself x-rays he said i can't believe it i can't believe it i can't wait wow yeah he's he's a he was a mormon doctor as just mormon as the day is long and it just wrecked him and then she came straight from there and showed me all three sets of x-rays the x-rays of the of the uh the the original elbow that was in just torn up with arthritis then a titanium elbow no elbow and then the god got it there's actually four x-rays and it was it was uh it was absolutely stunning wow that is absolutely amazing miraculous and she better keep all of those x-rays that testimony wouldn't that be awesome to put those up for people to actually see yeah what god has done and then and then now you know having a uterus and just being able to having a little girl yeah she had a little little baby girl and wow it was just a complete complete wonderful wonderful testimony of god's god's goodness and love over her but well you know i'm going to jump right in here because as you're talking about this for her there's there's something that comes up a lot in in women who are wanting to have children but are having a hard time being able to get pregnant and that kind of thing and it's just a really um a hard situation for you know the husband and the wife and the family a lot of pain that goes with that and uh god does so many miracles in that arena and i know you guys i think nancy you have prayed for many haven't you with yeah it's one of my favorite things to pray that's what i remember and so i was just thinking you know what let's just pray for those out there who either are wanting to get pregnant or know of someone that they're close to that wants to get pregnant let's just do that tonight i'll give you one more testimony before we do that yes some of our elders on our board they've been married been trying to have children they tried for 13 years to have a child and then one day she wakes up and she goes out and a fruit tree that has never bloomed the whole time they've lived at this house blossoms and um and began to bear fruit that year and the lord said this is your year and within a few few weeks they they showed up at at our doorstep declaring that they were pregnant and uh and they've got a beautiful little girl now to prove it and so wow and so you know the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy so we'll prophesy it out to those who are amen and belonging and hungering for a new new life i want to just i would just what as you're doing this i want to encourage people that are are watching if you know of somebody or if this is you yeah then let us know in the comments section what's going on yeah uh who were you know if you have a name of somebody that we're that we're actually praying for then go ahead and put those things up for us all right and they could share the replay you know this one yes yeah yes absolutely two months from now let us know yeah yeah let us know let us know the testimony of the miracle that god is this is awesome doing tonight so good yeah so god we just bless yeah we do wombs we bless the women who long for what you have declared is an inheritance from you children are an inheritance from the lord they are a gift and they are they are alright from you i i don't want to say that wrongly i know you do things all differently god but they're an inheritance there's something you give us and and you you are all about family jesus died for family he he died to because he wanted family you didn't even need family but you created it yeah yeah and you and you desired it even though you needed nothing and so we bless families yeah women and their health we bless the men god we through you you've given us the ability in that sense to create to to show your goodness to show your creativity to partner with you and so we bless them we speak over over women's wombs who who are have been declared barren those women who've been told they'll never be able to have children and we curse that diagnosis yeah we declare the goodness of god yeah we declare the blessing of god we declare fruitfulness in your life we declare health over the men who have been told there's no way they could ever father children and we just declare health and vitality and we we i curse shame we just remove [Music] off of people who feel like oh there's just something wrong with me and i'm so ashamed that i can't do this i should be able to do this we just curse that thought and that lie we speak life and encouragement and joy into your spirit you were created for this yes and i'm i don't want to discourage people that whatever i know god does things all different ways yeah but i know that that this is god's creation and his design amen we bless those who we bless those who adopt because there are those who have been given this ability and they for whatever reason can't or don't want to mother and father and so we bless those who have taken those children in yeah i do because he he's all about adoption yeah he he brings the lonely into the into a family and he's right father to the fatherless and and so we bless that we're we bless that whole all of it but we do declare health and life yeah fruitfulness we break off lives that that you yeah we can believe lies to the point that we actually inhibit our own bodies yeah that's true so yeah we break that off yeah and we the first thing we put in your womb is hope amen and and and hope is the evidence i think is the evidence of things hoped for so we we speak that hope would be planted first amen yeah and that followed by the blessing of children amen a birthing of hope in jesus name so rich for your friend who uh was wanting to get pregnant we just thank you lord that this applies to rich's friend this applies to regina duncan who says i'll take it a miracle baby and to aj harris who uh uh she has hopes uh in the future and she wonders if she's uh too old um you know not married right now but has it has a dream to have children and so we just say no it's not too late for you aj and for god to give you the desires of your heart and um so everyone listening and you know as i'm listening to i would like to pray for those uh women out there who have had miscarriages and uh how traumatic and how hard that that is and then there's because of the miscarriages there's the fear to get pregnant again and then when you do get pregnant again just that you know just the peace that you're wanting in your heart that everything's going to be yeah it's good okay and so lord we pray for the the women out there that have had miscarriages lord we're just praying for healing of the trauma and just the pain and the deep deep pain that these women feel and the fear sometimes that comes or what's wrong with me and why can't i have babies and and then there's a fear to get pregnant again to go through it so we're just praying the fear lord take the fear from them and just increase their hope and their faith and their trust in you lord that you are touching their bodies you are healing their bodies and you're preparing their bodies to be able to get pregnant and to carry a baby full term in health and in wholeness so we just declare that over you tonight we pray for healing of of um of just the the the thoughts in your mind the feelings and the emotions and not just over the mother but the father too the whole family lord that you would just cause them to be able to rise up tonight in hope trusting and believing you lord for new life for healthy life and for for full term healthy pregnancy in jesus name that's good in jesus name and darren here says it's kind of along the lines they just had a brand new baby uh but can you pray for my wife ina we had our baby in july and it ended up being a c-section which we did not want but it needed to be done and she she has been in a lot of pain so um i just would like to pray over you right now ina father we pray over ina and we just thank you father for this precious new life this precious new baby that you have brought into the world and we're just praying for for ana's body to be restored to recuperate to to br to come into full healing that all the pain uh would be able to leave her body lord and that you would heal her uh completely and totally and quickly and that she would just be astounded in this next week father how quickly things are moving forward and so we praise you again for this new life and healing in this family in jesus name yeah it's good in jesus name amen that's good it's always a tender area isn't it oh man it is it is and there's so many so many lies that satan loves to just sneak in there and bring shame and bring disappointment and breathe yes yes and fear you know fear yeah none of that's from god exactly when we we have melody right here we were just talking about what we just prayed for and it says my niece has had two miscarriages and is pregnant and now spotting she has two children and i have been praying daily for the life and destiny of this little one so could you guys pray for melody's niece yeah yeah lord i i do i just pray for her niece that you would just come in supernaturally you're the one that creates life you're the one sustains it so god would pray that you just wrap her in your love to begin with and then just pull angelic help around her to to let her carry this baby to full term yeah and uh we do we pray for her lord that this would be um just a complete turnaround we pray that the enemy would get his hands off of this this amen of god woman of faith we just pray that you would just protect her and just watch over her yes bless her and we bless you yeah thank you lord yeah we agree with heaven's destiny for this baby yeah and nothing else yeah amen only only what god says for this child nothing else amen wow yeah wow good i'm glad we went that direction because somebody's listening right here in that in that in that arena so we're just thanking you lord for new life yeah new life in jesus name let's uh take a minute here and say hi to a couple of friends we have joy festy from texas checking in hey joy and kelly hi guys nice to have you guys jumping in and rich i was thinking rob spur come on from australia we have two australians on tonight you guys must yeah i don't know what time it is in australia but thanks for being here yeah yeah good to have you guys good to have you yeah that's really good and we know mark uh mark crawford from australia uh you guys know mark very well so some time with him yeah yeah so you know what honey i'm just like seriously i was just thinking i i think we're supposed to pray over australia well they're they're they're going through a lot right now because they're kind of redoing some of their covet protocols and okay and they're having some issues there but they're trying to get some things uh kind of redone they've they had taken as far as i can understand they had taken a stance of total isolation as being the way that they would uh block out covid and they've realized that that's not working so they're kind of revamping some of that so yeah i think it's a good time to pray for australia it's 12 30 p.m here now hey rob uh type in a couple of of things that we can pray over australia we're going to go ahead and start in and pray for australia but you can let us know specifically rob is an intercessor there and he also works with our prophetic finders team here uh in vacaville at the mission so um why don't you just go ahead and pray for australia tonight yeah and rob is uh rob is a um he is he loves holy spirit let's just put it that way hey um father we thank you for what you're doing in australia father for that entire the entire continent of oceana father it's australia it's fiji it's uh it's tonga vanuatu and and on and on and on father in all of that that island territory father what you're doing there father for your presence in those lands father you know fiji talks about being the first nation because they are right on the international timeline and so when day breaks on a new day breaks it breaks first yeah in fiji and yeah and father we thank you for newness of life flowing through these lands we thank you thank you father for your presence father specifically right now in australia on tanzania father where you're in new zealand where you're where they're redoing all of their thought processes toward this viral infection that's been sweeping the world father we pray for your wisdom yeah father we pray for uh for understanding father we just say it's time for the nations to awaken come on and so father we say that awaken nations awaken in jesus name and uh and we thank you for that thank you thank you yeah yeah we just bless australia we just speak life and blessing god your identity and destiny for australia we just speak that over you here from uh california and from utah we just speak god's destiny and identity for you to arise and to awaken awaken and to come to the forefront in jesus name we speak blessing to you australia tonight we call an awakening to the financial recovery for australia from what covet has done to this nation and then just huge numbers of businessmen that and women who have lost um just untold fortunes honestly because of this and we we call it all back that the lord would um just bring a huge revitalization of everything economic in that land so yeah in jesus name yeah yeah we speak for an awakening of truth because truth sets people free yes and so we speak for it for truth to be known and truth to be understood yeah um we take off we break off um spiritual and intellectual cataracts so to speak that hide the truth and blur the truth and we just we speak truth and freedom over australia and over that whole area and just that that that awakening would come and that freedom would come and and and they would live by truth amen amen father we thank you that in those nations father we thank you for the voice of the prophet beginning to just come alive father for that for that prophetic voice father that declares that decrees and declares the plans and purposes that you have for their lands father for those voices to begin to awaken and begin to proclaim what you're saying about their nations and we thank you for that father we thank you that all wisdom comes from you we're grateful and thankful for political leaders but father we thank you that you are wisdom father wisdom it doesn't just come from you it's not something that you just dole out but father you are wisdom yeah and father as you just begin to be released over these lands father his holy spirit as you begin to sweep through these lands we thank you for the revealing and the awakening of wisdom in the land and in every province in jesus name so how to come out how to uh be awake how to turn the economy around we thank you father that that's the wisdom coming from heaven that will be the that will be the uh the difference in australia new zealand tanzania and in the island nations we thank you for that in jesus name amen and rob says uh pray for covet lockdowns they need to lift people are locked in their homes and not allowed out church to arise and to break off fear and so god we're just this is firsthand from the people in australia yeah and we thank you for that the information that we can pray partnering with the hearts of the people in australia and and with heaven and so we do pray for the people to be encouraged and sparked with hope that they would just begin to arise to a place of hope father even though they're in this lockdown and it feels like my life has changed forever will life ever change for me now i'm stuck here father we just pray over mindsets lord we pray that the mindsets would shift from fear and from anger and confusion and anxiety father that you would begin to shift mindsets and begin to just pour in abundant hope and deliverance and freedom and joy father god that people will begin to have strategies and ideas uh from heaven and that lord you would move upon the government you would move upon the people who are making the decisions uh uh for that whole area lord and you would just begin to touch their hearts and begin to show them what the best thing is for a country and not it's not fear so we just pray the faith of god the peace of god that passes all understanding to reign and rule in the hearts and the minds of all governmental officials and all the people that are living there we just say father be glorified let your glory cloud begin to cover all of australia let the presence of god the power of the holy spirit the wisdom and the and the understanding father of the intimacy and the relationship with you that can transform a nation and we just speak that over australia tonight and praise you that you're moving that our prayers are alive and that they're powerful and they accomplish what we send them to do yeah and we send them forward to australia tonight and they are moving like missiles and rockets and arrows and they're going forward forward and they're beginning to demolish the strongholds of the enemy and demolish the the all of the lies and the confusion and the chaos that's there and father in its places are bombs of hope and bombs of promise and truth in revelation to just literally take over that nation in jesus name in jesus name so good yeah i was thinking about our prayers you know in australia's uh on the other side of the world you know it's like a 12 12-hour trip here from you know art from the bay area from the coast to get there but i was thinking about you know the speed of light but i was also thinking about the speed of the spirit and when we pray we're not restricted by the speed of light our prayer you know the spirit is not restricted by that so you know when we pray our prayers move faster than it is humanly conceivable to actually understand yeah and father i just thank you for that father that there is no space and no time difference in the spirit father when we pray here it's instantaneously reactive in australia in new zealand uh father tanzania and all those island nations father so we thank you for that in jesus name and father i pray for signs and wonders and miracles to take place inside of homes so if people are locked down father i pray for in for encounters i pray for visitations in jesus name father that there's no restriction to what you can do and what you are doing in australia right now in jesus name that's so good amen you know guys last week we um our broadcast it was so powerful um we had different people on who were praying for uh afghanistan and our troops we were praying over the fires and we're praying over covet and and haiti um just to pick some of the things are happening around our world that are so in crisis mode and uh just needing the the power of god to come in and bring miracles and um so that was it was really really powerful and we were thinking this week we wanted uh uh shannon and nancy to come on and and really share to spark hope in us about the power of god that is moving uh in he's moving everywhere the power of god is always moving and moving everywhere it's just some manifestations of the presence of god and the power of god moving in in utah right now uh just to to spark hope in people um and so can you share with us what what does it feel like and since what god is doing there yeah well honestly we we've been in a a real season where we're just really experiencing a lot that the holy spirit's doing we just came out of a a major conference this summer with apostle guillermo maldonado and bobby connor who came into our region and began to bring some things together i i do believe that that we were as much as is going on in the nations of the earth right now we were we were fortunate enough you and i to be born in this time and and um we have an unparalleled opportunity to see the kingdom of god break out and break forth on the earth like i believe we've never ever seen yeah part of the conditions of the earth but part of it is just the timing of the lord that he's releasing an anointing right now for a huge huge harvest of souls that's what i believe and when when we saw a convergence of the apostolic and prophetic coming together here in utah it was it was it was catalytic honestly we have we've been here for for over 24 years now and it something fresh blue and that we have never felt honestly into our region and it was this convergence of what god is doing um for us um what we believe is happening here is that god is lifting off the lid of restrictions and limitations over our region that's what the prophetic word was over us and that the the prophetic word is that he's he's blowing away the chaff and he's blowing out the trash and the the chaff is all of those useless things in the believer's life that create um distance and that create mixture in our life that we just don't need and um so he's he's cleaning us up and then he's um clearing out things in the spirit realm in the region honestly for us um with regard to all of the isms and all of the cultic religions and everything else you can think about you know because god's bringing about revival for the nations but come on but it's just not unique to to utah it's it's what he's doing around the nations of the earth because i believe that we're sitting in the in a place for the greatest awakening that we've ever seen in our lives and um but i also believe that before awakening can come that revival must come to the church and that the church that has you know been compromised the church that's gone through all the issues of just you know going through the motions going through the routine it's it is a revival time for the church and and for for us that is um paramount we have we have sensed uh god's bringing about the a real anointing for the the presence and awe of the lord for the all the lord to come back to the church the fear of the lord if you want to use that amen and it's not like this fearful that god's gonna whack us it's it's that we understand that he's god and we're not and um you know that we get into a place where we understand that he is immensely large and and you know he comes with power and authority and all of that you know and so that's what we've been encountering and experiencing we've been crying out for honestly just a few weeks ago when we were in la barge wyoming and and ryan was there that's what blew into the room and it was incredibly powerful and um wrecked us all honestly because but it's been our hearts cry because um you know what one of our friends we've mentioned him a lot bobby connor he says we've become far too familiar with the god we barely know and wow and the whole familiarity factor i think is you know we like to say we can come both into the very throne of grace which we can but boldness does not mean presumptive and it doesn't mean arrogance you know it is still coming in underneath in a place of submission of heart and and knowing that he's he's still the one in charge yeah we really have felt that and what do you think baby yeah no i think it's good i think i think that when we when we live in familiarity we don't really live with the focus and the purpose and even the empowerment that he created us to live with because it's so easy to be distracted when you don't have a right appreciation of who's in the room with you and i think that god is is pulling us back into i know that we'll never grasp fully we can't fully comprehend him but you know sometimes when what happens in in not just religion but in christianity is we we have it's like it's like our our thought system is a pendulum yeah sometimes we we need some correction but we swing way over here yes so we we you know we we were we didn't see god as anything but a task master and god wanted to say no i love you i adore you and so we said that's awesome but we swung it clear over here where all of a sudden he's our buddy and i think god is now saying hey i'm not just the task master but i'm also not your buddy so let's come into right alignment and understand it's just such a paradox and such a but just an oxymoron that we have this literally awesome i use that word far too much we've got literally this awesome yeah incomprehensible god who adores us yeah that is yeah and if we can actually somehow walk into that revelation and quit letting the pendulum go from one side to the other but actually walk right down the middle in truth i think it brings a whole focus to our lives and it brings a whole new focus to what it looks like to establish the kingdom what is important and what is on god's heart actually becomes what's on our heart yes instead of just the things that were caught up in or distracted by and that's it's a whole different way to live and i mean for us it's been very convicting for us um you know because we live in this world yes we have things to do you know i i my laundry didn't clean itself when i gave my heart to the lord all of a sudden i i so wish that it had but it didn't you know there's still stuff to do but yeah when i when i put my focus on him and i understand how big his purposes are and that he's partnering with me to help establish those it changes my it changes my priorities and so that's so good that understanding doesn't doesn't take away one bit from the from the joy of god the love of god the purposes of god in fact it brings more balance you know it's it's two sides of the same coin you know one of the things we mentioned that last time we were here that you know how we originally got touched through revival in brownsville and all of that stuff but at the very same time that brownsville was going on which is a deep deep work of conviction and repentance at the very same time you've got the other side of the coin at the toronto airport christian fellowship which is all about love and joy and holy ghost you know party laughter and both of them were yes yes and and and so what yeah it feels like what god is doing is he's marrying the two sides of the coin together so that we can live in in both at the same time where there is this incredible joy this incredible life-giving spirit of jesus that that that creates so much joy we can't and and we understand how loved we are but we also understand the significance of how large he is in the middle of all that and that because of that our response of living a lifestyle of repentance that's open you know there's there's a lot going on right now a lot of folks are even saying you repent one time you don't need to ever do that again because jesus forgave us one time for all i believe you forgive us one time for all but i don't understand that i need to live responsibly with him so that i take care of me because i know that i know what i'm capable of and so me needs adjusted quite a bit yeah and so that that happens through me um you know coming in and having my my heart my life elevated to to live in right stead and right fashion with him and so i really do feel like that's what this move of god is is going to look like it's going to look like all of the love and power of of the attraction you know it's his kindness that draws us to repentance yes but there's still repentance exactly and so it isn't just that we can live any old way because he he died and paid much too high of a price for us to do that you know amen and we're not our own we've been bought with the precious irritable love of jesus christ you know that just right we've changed this forever so that's kind of where we're living the space we're in and it's so good you know we had staff devotions today there at the mission and um it was so good and and and someone was sharing they had staff devotions and at the end of it what kept coming to me and i shared is that um just a a a reintroduction if you will of of learning how to embrace conviction yeah and we we've all for this long period of not we all a lot of people for a long period of time now it's like you know that's kind of a negative word and you know like well i don't need to feel that and that's you know god god took care of all of this and that i don't need to have conviction and oh my gosh it used to just really rip my heart out because uh my take on conviction is i love conviction conviction is is holy spirit working in my life not as a giant hammer knocking me around but just as a gentle reminder you know hey tammy there's a better way we can do this it keeps me on the right path and i've learned over the years to just embrace and actually love conviction because that's the very thing that keeps me um you know focused on the face of god focused on the right things the word of god truth um and so that i'm not you know kind of going to the left and going to the right that i'm staying focused single-eyed yeah right yeah it proves that we're legitimate children yeah you know because that's good he will only discipline those that he that are that are his own that he loves and so it proves that we're loved when we feel that in our lives and and yeah it's one of the very best friends of the believer in my opinion i i totally agree 100 i just i just had this uh this thought that you know even in our marriages when we when we begin to just go through life just like you just go through life you know all the spark leaves all the freshness leaves all these things hey all of the ex all of that stuff you know we just when we begin to just not be aware not be conscientious not be tuned in to our spouse to what's happening in the room and i'm just that's just me i i get like that super easily but that's what sometimes we go through as a church yeah we just we you know we have revival moments we have renewal moments and then three years later we are just we're singing those all those same songs and we're going through the same motions as if it's a fresh thing but it's just kind of what we know it's just kind of what we've done and yeah and what we're i think what we're all crying out for is god what do we need to do to be fresh to stay fresh to be revitalized inside so that i'm fresh coming after you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well so tell us tell us some of the wild things some of the the fun stuff that happened up in uh in montana in the wyoming march yeah yeah well there was there was just a wonderful present nancy wasn't able to go this trip because she was working to provide me wonderful benefits and all kinds of stuff but such a good woman yeah there we go yeah so but but uh you know we were able to bring in mark crawford with um the whole deal with with zoom call of duty and that was wonderful and yeah was able to come as well through a resume and but uh it was it was absolutely stunning what god was doing there and pouring out lots um honestly um for me because this has been kind of the heartbeat of what has been important through me it's it's been my singular passion for the last several months and so no no surprise that that's the kind of stuff that i was teaching on and really did bring in a tremendous amount of transformation in our lives we're not asking for just god to just come and touch us honestly we're asking for for him to change us yeah and yeah and for for so many years we've we've created a culture um and i'm not saying this bad all of the kingdom culture stuff we've been in the last 10 years has absolutely been 100 essential for us to assimilate that into our belief system so that we get rewired to know who we are and our identity and understand who we are with all of that but but there has to be a deeper purpose than than just the knowledge of who god is we have to be able to start walking this thing out intangible to transform culture and transform the people around us yeah and and so it has to be sustainable first in us is what i'm saying you know the whole you know we've i say we've created kind of a revival culture um junkie you know yes where people move from one pond to the next you know and get get whacked by holy spirit it's been wonderful you know i'm in you know i'm the guy just put me in the front of the line and whack me i i want to see something that that is producing fruit at the end of the day and and that's what i think god is calling us to is that we get to do all of the wonderful things and get to be participants of of all of that but it better be transformative in the nature of what it's producing in fruit daughter was given her her our oldest daughter was given her testimony um speaking at their church in michigan the other the other day and uh one of the things she said that i hadn't really thought of was you know she grew up in that revival culture that she went through a period of just really messed up rebellion and um but she was just living a double life and and so she was no problem at home but she was just living a double life and one of the things she said was that she would come in to that thick presence of god and because she could feel him she assumed she was okay ah and i think for a lot of us i'm sorry i know you're looking for miracles on but for i think that's part of this journey too is that for many of us we get the holy spirit bumps and we just assume we're oh we're good that's true i feel like i feel good and he didn't kill me and we're good and you know that's where god is saying no that's my that's my grace yeah and it's his goodness that's the thing that says drugs houston see taste and see you know so sorry go ahead no it's no no we had but we did we had a phenomenal time there was a lot of miracles of healing and a lot of transformative things were happening in people's lives a lot of deep-rooted healing of one of the things that god was doing which i want to speak into this this crowd is that god was breaking off um ungodly sorrow where where sorrow came upon a person's life that was legitimate and it was supposed to be a season but then hijacked it and kicked in and and caused them to be locked down into a place of sorrow that has gone on way too long and um there was a ton of people who got really really set free from from holding on to a hurt a wound a disappointment whatever it's been right and i really feel like that's a word for people who are with us tonight and people who are awesome yes really does want to set them free from things that that were legitimate you know weeping indoors for a night but joy comes in the morning and um i would just declare to them that that it's it's daylight you know the sunlight has is beginning to rise over them too so good see that healed and lifted off their lives yeah well let's go after that you guys i mean you're walking in that anointing and actually experiencing that there and i i can guarantee you that probably most people listening have some of those areas of their lives of those where where they haven't been able to really get set free of a wound or a pain or a fee you know those kinds of things so let's i think there's an aspect let me just go ahead it's out there i think there's an aspect of everything you're talking about that actually begins to transform a person's identity and once that begins to happen then they view themselves as all of the way that they feel is normal this is who i am and then they begin to own that identity as but but the whole identity that they're owning is a false sense of identity it is not god's identity for our lives it's an identity built around the hurt and and all of those issues and yeah i think their people just need to get rocked and and be set free in that and i think of the the first places in starting that is is um to get through the disappointment that we have yeah with ourselves but also the disappointment that we have with god absolutely many times we'll go through a season like that and we'll we'll aim our disappointment at the wrong target amen yeah and it was the enemy who hijacked that thing and made it something that it was not totally true but then we'll we'll aim it and say god is withholding or god has kept me here or whatever it is and i for for me through seasons like that i've just had to come clean and say jesus forgive me for for for holding you responsible for amen not your your doing because your plans have always been only to bless me and to prosper me and to give me hope and give me a future and so um i i declare that over some folks just to be able to let things let the disappointment go and and let let the um let the pain of that disappointment go and and to be able to reconcile back in into faith and hope and then um where there's been disappointment where there's been failure where there's whatever it's been wherever the enemy's been able to keep you bound in in a sorrow yeah that is ungodly or unhealthy we just break that off in the name of jesus christ and we that it's a new day and the that jesus has risen over the top of this he's given you hope he's given you a future he's i saw him like just turning the page like you've been stuck in a chapter that's lasted way too long and he's just turning the page into a brand new chapter of life and you get to walk into a brand new space of freedom and health and wholeness and so that's what we declare in your life those that are watching are those that that you you may know some people who need to hear this and you can communicate that those are you watching listening to them yeah um i'd like to speak to two points too with uh with those who are who are just stuck in grief and one is this will sound harsh at first but i promise you it's true um there's nothing there's nothing noble about grieving there's nothing what noble okay got it it's it's a human it's a human process it's something we go through but i think for many people and maybe only because i'm a woman i think this but i think many times for women because we are nurturers sometimes we get caught in the idea that it is noble for us just to continue to grieve and grieve and grieve whatever our children our spouses our family members disappointments we're we're so good at um empathizing that sometimes we get caught up in an ungodly empathy and and there's nothing noble about grieving and staying in that and there's nothing noble about worrying worrying is a sin so sometimes we we actually have to repent yeah things that we thought were noble yeah and we got what marcus talked about we got our identity caught up in this noble caring person and really we were actually partnering with a lie and we were actually becoming part of the problem because we stayed in that yeah and and the other part of that is so one sometimes we need to repent and we can't move on until we do repent because we've got to get away from that lie that it's what we're doing is noble and then the second thing is i think about all the times in the in the bible where where god where jesus did a miracle and there was always there was partnership even with lazarus he raised him from the dead but then he called and said lazarus come forth hmm and lazarus had to get up off his rear and walk out of the tomb he he didn't just lie there and save it's been such a hard four days can you come get me you know he had to get up and get out the man the man you know what it was at the gates beautiful right he didn't get up the you know the man who had been waiting all those years for the water to be stirred jesus never said here let me get that map for you bless your heart here i'll just carry you for a little bit he didn't say that he said i'm bringing life now you get up and he was waiting for them to agree with what he just did in their lives yeah it's a big deal so so i'm not trying to be harsh i feel like so yeah i feel like my job is to be the general on the field that keeps you alive you don't want to lie put your head down you know and you it seems so mean but it's what you need at the time so yeah you know for some of us you're so hurt and it's been so hard and it's i call it the bootstrap anointing there we go oh yeah just yeah just pull them up and get going right but sometimes you need that because if you don't have somebody telling you that you just stay in the grave exactly he's he's declaring life over you yeah he's declaring an end to the grave but he is saying come forth amen you know nancy you're sharing that and i'm thinking i just i just have this visual picture uh dear friend of ours just had uh open heart surgery you know triple bypass surgery and you know that's a that's a big surgery and that's a major thing that's happening that's like painful and your body is is tired and is trying to recoup but the thing that they want the most almost immediately is get up and walk yeah it's like you know you can't say oh the last thing you want to do i know you know lay in that bed and rest no get up and walk and that's the last thing you feel like doing you feel like you have no strength you have no stamina no desire you're in agony and the generals coming in and going okay in order for you to get healthy and whole and be able to be healed and partner with the surgery you have to do your part now you've got to stand up you've got to walk and to get well and that it's such an analogy with what you're saying yeah yeah and it it seems cruel when you've hurt and we're not saying we're not saying you don't hurt right i feel like there's probably some people watching right now who are actually offended at this conversation because they feel like well you don't get it and you didn't go through it and you don't well you know i'm not trying to be a smart mouth but you don't know what we've been through right but i can tell you i've had this kind of love from god where he said nancy pull your head out and get up yeah yeah and it's what i needed yes i wanted sympathy but it's what i needed right and so and what did it bring what did it bring for you nancy when he said that it brought me freedom it finally brought feeling transformation yeah i wasn't gonna get healed feeling sorry for myself exactly and it pulled you out of that funk you know that you were stuck in yeah one of our spiritual moms told us to throw a party in the middle of our pain yeah the worst season of our life she said she she was so sweet to call and encourage me and and but she said she said no i have to do it in a southern drawl because that's how she talks you said now nancy don't you let this get to you like i did when my kids were growing up she said now listen you know the end of the story so don't you sit there and let this consume your life she said you get up and you throw a party in the middle of your pain and literally that's what we did we didn't have much money but we went out and i bought the very best steaks i could buy i bought a cake that looked like a birthday cake and we brought it home and we set the kids around the table and we had a party and we had fun good for you we're in the worst part of the mess and the cloud of shame and the cloud of heaviness it all lifted yeah and you know what celebrating is you know it's a party you're coming in the opposite spirit and you're actually celebrating the answer uh of the freedom the deliverance the heal whatever it is you're actually celebrating the promise of god right you're celebrating the truth and breaking off the lie exactly so that's called partnership right well there's a lot that can be talked about here because this is this is all about camping on the wrong side of the river this is all about stopping right here and let's just make a pile of rocks right here and make this an altar because life is just too hard right i can see lazarus you know coming out of the get you know coming waking up and then going whoa i've been here for four days i still i can't i've have to have a shower before i go out and meet jesus nope he didn't have a shower no just come out come up out of that green like that song i know don't you love that song i love that song yeah that's such a good good point and so powerful uh and sometimes honestly we need to hear those things there's sometimes it comes in a different way a different fashion in shape with what's going on but sometimes i know for me too that conviction of holy spirit of going hey you know let's buck it up here and and let's move along it's just what i needed it's like okay grab a hold and let's go forward so um nancy just impart that pray that for those who are listening yeah so we we're not taking away the time degree because ecclesiastes is clear that there's a time to mourn but there's a time to dance and there's absolutely so we're not taking away the process but when you are stuck in the process i'm speaking to them who are stuck in the process so first off we break off the lies yeah that you can't get out we break off the lie that somehow what you're doing is noble and it's this is what love looks like it's not what love looks like it's not it's not because love is full of hope love casts out fear and so we just speak truth over your spirit we tell you now whatever it was that happened did not have the power to take your life with it unless you give it to it so we just declare that your your destiny is ordained by god not your circumstances your children's destiny is ordained by god and not their circumstances come on you just declare that you would we declare life to you we declare the truth of what god says to you and we just implore you to get up yes get up shake it off can these bones live yes so the breath of god breathes into you come on to declare get up get up and walk never walk you're not going to be an army till you get up move so it's it's the life is already there the promise is already there the freedom is already there and you have to appropriate it you have to believe you have to decide to take it yeah and when satan tries to bring the lie and the grief back on you again you have to it's a decision to say no i'm shaking that off yay i don't love them i love them desperately but i'm shaking it off yes yes and i if i'm still breathing i'm not done there it is that's right so i don't even do what god has for me to do and i'm not going to be disobedient and sit in the grave when god has called me out of the grave to keep doing what he's called me to do amen not to be harsh but to sit in the grave when he's called you out is sin i'm just i'm not trying to be harsh i'm being honest because sometimes we need permission to get out of the grave yeah permission is that it's actually sin for you to stay there so get up get out yes open up get about the father's business that's right and we just call you up out of that grave right now in jesus name you know he's just extending his hand to you he's extending his promises to you to help grab a hold of you and pull you up out of that grave and so we just bless all of you this has been amazing there's been a lot of um there's been a lot of prayer and revelation uh over people's lives tonight i really believe people's lives were touched individually and prophetically and and that your lives are being transformed uh tonight and into the next couple of weeks as this starts to become more and more alive and real to you so just thank you everybody for joining us one more announcement uh this weekend this is this uh satur no friday and saturday at the mission church in vacaville california we're having a conference with chris valatin and brian orm who wants spiritual intelligence and it's going to be mind-blowing boggling and so we would love to have all of you join us come out it's going to be amazing just go to imissionchurch.com and it'll give you all the information of how to register the price and all of that kind of thing we'd love to have you come and come out and meet us uh it's going to be great so shannon and nancy thank you for being on with us even on your birthday night thank you for being here we will we will mention for those who are in the region or those who want to dave david crone are going to be with us september 11th and 12th in in august utah yeah awesome so yeah anybody wants to make the trek out here we'd love to have you come come on man that'd be fun we're talking about a field trip to utah to to go out and be a part of what's happening and just be able to be in it that'd be wonderful we would love that we would love it we would too and we'd love to see caleb give him a hug for us that's their son we love caleb um thank you australia for joining us tonight we really feel that was super cool god had you on his heart and we're so privileged to pray for you so so everybody we want to say good night rob hey wow thank you this is from rob thanking us for what we've uh prayed really powerful oh we have somebody from india here did you just see that i just did yeah so let's just let's hit this one real fast we can go late it's okay nobody nobody cares go ahead so this one says urgent prayer request from india my sister is very severe throat pain body pain and fever strong prayer needed for her her name is uh randy ranny ronnie uh please pray that all of her throat fever and body aches and pains would vanish please pray amen okay so you guys are seeing miracles and signs and wonders so would you hit that one yeah i will i just i just pray for for this um for randy i think that the lord himself would just come and minister healing supernaturally to every part of her body we pray that all of the pain would leave in the name of jesus we declare health wholeness and healing over her in the name of jesus just do it an absolute wonderful outpouring of love passion on her and break off anything that would cause any affliction in her life in her body right now we break off any attack of the enemy we declare affliction to be broken in the name of jesus and we declare peace and love to roll over her that leaves her well and so we bless her in the name of jesus yeah we thank you lord thank you father thank you so much amen so what thank you guys for being here with us and thank you all for being a part of this uh have your friends tune in this would be one of those kinds of broadcasts that you that your friends you need to tell your friends about to come and watch this because i believe that this is a faith stirring moment and so let hope arise let your faith arise and let's uh just go after god in a new way let's just be repentant in our hearts be soft in our nature and just go after god and say father pour out your spirit and let's see uh let's see what we can do yeah thank you for that hey thanks guys bless you guys we'll see you in a bit see you next week everybody thanks for tuning in bye bye
Channel: The Mission Vacaville
Views: 39
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xKRAmVlcOAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 46sec (4186 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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